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Posts tagged ‘universe’

The True Essence of Our Being

Spoken by master Ching Hai


According to spiritual experience, we are not only this physical being, but a multifold being. We are great – greater than we could ever imagine ourselves to be. The deeper we go into the mysterious universal atmosphere, the more we can find out about ourselves – that we exist on many different levels of consciousness at the same time, as we exist here now on this physical planet.

It is wonderful to know that we are manifold beings and that we can see the highest aspect of ourselves anytime we want to, with just a little practice. And when we ascend into our highest level of Self, we can see God as well. Because we are also part of the Most High. And when we go to the highest level, of course we see the essence of our true Self, which is God. Because at that time we do not have the human ego anymore.

Jesus said, In the house of my Father there are many mansions. This is a way of explaining the different human levels of existence. If we now and again go up into a higher level of intelligence, when we come back to this physical world, we are abler, wiser, and happier. Therefore, we become a different being. We can feel as if we are living in Heaven while discharging our duty on this physical planet. Most of our suffering and burden comes from our lack of understanding about the higher parts of our Self, the parts that are in direct contact with God.

There are different departments in our absolute being, which house many wonders. Each level is different than another, and each level consists of different things, which we can make use of even for this physical life. All of these levels of being of our Self exist at the same time. It’s just that we do not have the connection with them. We have forgotten altogether how to reconnect with our Self. And that’s why we only have knowledge of physical existence.

No wonder we have no knowledge of other planets, no wonder we have no knowledge about Heaven; no wonder we do not easily find peace with each other no wonder we have to resort to war sometimes.

Our True Self Exists in Every Particle of the Universe

The more people know God, the more people contact God directly and become happier, the more peaceful the world will be, the less war there will be, and the more we can bring Heaven onto Earth. There is no reason to do this, except that I have the knowledge that you are myself; you are a part of me. I am a part of the whole of humankind. And if the whole is happy, then of course I am happy, too.

And if any part of this whole is sick or unhappy, then it will affect any of us, including myself. We will see the interdependence among all beings, including animals and plants, after we become enlightened, after we know God intimately. In the end, we will see nothing but ourselves existing everywhere: in each and every being and in each and every particle of the universe.

And that’s how we can come to love our neighbors as ourselves, because we know they are us. Otherwise, no amount of talk or persuasion can bring us into this voluntary state of love or automatic way of kindness. It is just like someone who lacks sight and cannot see his feet or other parts of his body because he cannot see clearly, but can only feel them. And because of the lack of seeing these parts of himself, he might sometimes hurt himself without knowing it and without intention. He might hit himself against the wall, or he might bump his legs or his feet into some hard object and hurt some part of his body.

But if his sight is restored, he will know where to walk correctly; he will know how to protect his body, every part of it. After being enlightened, we know that we are part of every being on this planet, including the younger brothers and sisters, the animals and plants so it is impossible for us to hurt any part of our Self. And we will not have to talk about peace; peace will be automatically restored. We do not have to say, “We must love our brothers, our neighbors, because we will automatically love our neighbors.

Vegetarian Wisdom


Q: Is Vegetarianism Important?

ShantiMayi: Well, important for what or whom? Are you asking, is vegetarianism important for spiritual awakening? Actually there are many spiritual people who are not vegetarians. I have been vegetarian for most of my life. For me, it has been easier to not eat meat. We have a garden in our ashrams (except India), however I have never killed an animal in my life. In our ashrams we eat vegetarian food. It is lighter (satvic) in the body to eat vegetarian. It will make a difference to your entire physical system to omit meat from your diet. But is it important?

This you have to answer for yourself. For the world, it takes more energy and cost to raise cattle than it does to raise vegetables or grain. There are many good reasons for eating a vegetarian diet. Spiritually, it makes sense to eat good foods and organic (biological) food as much as possible. If you are healthy, it supports good health. If you are unhealthy, it supports wellness. A good, healthy body is advantageous for everyone. For spiritual people is it best to care for the wellness of the body, when it is unwell, it becomes a preoccupation. This is not to say the unhealthy people cannot excel in understanding and realization. Good health is simply a hurdle dissolved.

Nothing will benefit health or increase chances of survival of life on Earth as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
– Albert Einstein (1879-1955), German-born American physicist, Nobel Prize recipient

The fact is that there is enough food in the world for everyone. But tragically, much of the worlds food and land resources are tied up in producing beef and other livestock-food for the well-off, while millions of children and adults suffer from malnutrition and starvations.
– Dr. Walden Bello, executive director of Food First, Institute for Food and Development Policy

I think of veganism humbly and holistically. It’s about taking personal responsibility in a world so full of needless suffering. It’s challenging one’s self to open one’s eyes and question society’s assumptions and habits. It’s about critical thinking and compassion and how we would like to see the world evolve.
– Michael Gregor, M.D., American lecturer & author

All the arguments to prove human superiority cannot shatter this hard fact: in suffering, the animals are our equals.
– Peter Singer Australian philosopher & author of Animal Liberation

To avoid causing terror to living beings, let the disciple refrain from eating meat.
– the Buddha (circa 563-483 B.C.), Indian avatar

The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for humans any more than black people were made for whites or women for men.
– Alice Walker, African-American writer & storyteller

Cows constitute the stay of all creatures. Cows are the refuge of all creatures. Cows are the embodiment of merit. Cows are sacred and blessed and are sanctifiers of all. One should never, in even one’s heart, do an injury to cows. One should, indeed, always confer happiness on them.
– Mahabharata, the great religious epic of India

Within the city of Brahman, which is the body, there is the heart, and within the heart there is a little house. The house has the shape of a lotus, and within it dwells that which is to be sought after, inquired about and realized. What, then, is that which dwells within this house, this lotus of the heart? Even so large as the universe outside is the universe within the heart. Within it are heaven and earth, the sun, the moon, the lightning, and all the stars. Whatever is in the macrocosm is in this microcosm.
– Chhandogya Upanishads, ancient Hindu scripture

The World Is A Stage For Our Play

Spoken By Master Ching Hai, Hsihu Center, Formosa October 25th, 1994
(Originally in Chinese)

In the very beginning, we were with God; we were one with the essence of the highest Buddha. At that time, there was nothing to do in the universe. It was empty like an ocean of love, so pure and tranquil, without any movement, or anything interesting. Therefore, when God or the Creator suggested that we have some activities and add some excitement to the universe, we all agreed with joy. Thereafter, we shared in part of God’s creative work. Each one of us has to do something and has to play a role. We each cast our own character. That is why there are so many different colors of skin, different temperaments and even different shortcomings. Thus, we created the universe. We created different planets, different nations and different people.

When we came down, we brought some tools or toys along with us, such as our characters and the roles. Since we created them, we also need to destroy them in order to rest and then to create new ones. Suppose you had created a bad character, perhaps a hot tempered or murderous one, even though it was your role, it was not meant to be played forever, because the roles in the play still have limitations. You may play it for a hundred years at most, or you may murder a few people, so as to carry out the drama, thus making the universe have activities, have the virtuous, the evil and transmigration. But you cannot continue to kill people like this or be so hot tempered. At the end, you still need to eliminate this character.

The character you created is only for you to come down and play with for fun. After the play is over, this tool or this malevolent character has to be eliminated. How do you eliminate it? You have to try your best to overcome this character. It was created for you to play with, but because it is defective you have to destroy it. This has to be done by no one but yourself. You will have to destroy and dissolve this character completely by yourself in order to reclaim your original quality, which has no discrimination of good or bad. Do you understand what I mean? Otherwise, you carry this character with you as you transmigrate through the universe, contaminating yourself and others as well. Unless it is cleansed off, you cannot recover your original self that existed before the creation, and before the drama was set on the stage.

In case you have not eliminated the qualities before you die, then you cannot return to where you came from. Because before we came down here, we did not have these toys, such characters and temperaments. At that time, we were in an ocean of love and purity; we were just as loving, as perfect and as almighty as God. In order to have some fun, to carry out the drama, and to make the universe more interesting and diversified, we played our roles as different characters, like the performers in a drama.

Originally, we were the children of God and we were with God. Later, we wanted to have some fun so we signed a contract with God. We all supported His plan of creation and agreed to follow it. Subsequently, according to the plan, we created Africa, Europe and the Americas to be this way, and Formosa, Cambodia, Thailand… to be that way; each one being unique and beautiful in its own way. But the trouble is, sometimes we overplayed our roles; we forgot to wash off our stage makeup or to remove our masks, and we continued on with the play. We forgot the will of God and couldn’t stop playing. That is why this worldly game is no longer fun and it gets worse as we go along.

Now, those who are tired of playing and wish to rest must eliminate all those characters borrowed from the second realm, for such characters do not exist above the second realm, not even our brain, the computer within us exists. These tools are not needed up there; without karma, there is no need of temperament, no need to have good or bad. It was originally quite uneventful! Now, if we want to go home, we must dissolve all these tools and characters; we must destroy all these qualities that we have borrowed, before we can become our original self again. Do you understand what I mean? You continue to play because you have been here for so long that you have forgotten.

If you want to go back now, you must follow the Master and listen to the Master’s instructions. You must eliminate all those borrowed and defective tools. There must be no more greed, anger and obsessions, no more alcohol, no more meat… no more malevolent qualities. If you still cannot let go of these, then you have to stay here. Why is that? Because these tools and qualities belong down here, and if we are still attached to these, then we have to stay here with our tools. We can go up only after we have let go of them.

It is like if we were to visit the president at the presidential palace, we have to leave our luggage or guns at the gate. If you don’t want to leave your weapons, your baggage and other junk with the security guard, then you will not be allowed to go inside to see the president. Similarly if we still indulge in greed, hatred, obsession, fame, gain and other vicious qualities that are unfitting up there, then we will not be allowed to see the King of the universe.

When we came down here to have fun together, some people chose the roles that had the worse qualities, while some others chose those that had higher positions. In fact, only in this world we have the good and the bad, we see others as virtuous or evil, superior or inferior. When we picked our roles before we came down, no one intentionally chose anything. It was like God put out a big pile of different qualities, the good, the bad, the greedy, the angry, the obsessed, the irritable, the benign, etc. for us to pick one to wear, just like costumes. No one complained that his position was not what he wanted, that he wanted to be the king and not the policeman…, etc. At that time, no one had such ideas at all.

When we were up there, all things were equal. We were not impressed by fame or gain, we did not care about being poor or unfortunate, or worse yet, having a poor figure. We and God agreed to create a universe in which there should be a variety of different people, animals, flowers, trees…, etc. Besides, we were all willing to come down here to each play a role, choose a character in the creative plan. But after the role was over, the character was supposed to be eliminated and not left to roam around the universe. For the universe can only be an ocean of love, nothing but simplicity and purity.

At the end, if we were still unable to learn our lessons, or unable to fight, conquer, and destroy the character, then we had to keep it in our bag; just like when you keep leftover money in your pocket. If we come down again another time, we will have to choose another tool or another character before we can come here.

No one was born into this world exactly perfect. From birth until a certain stage at least, we have to be imperfect, which means that we must have a lot of junky qualities. So the last time, if you did not eliminate that character, now this time you have to come down with another lousy character, that becomes two to make things more difficult for you. And if you do not eliminate both characters this time, then next time around, you’ll have three. Your qualities will become worse and worse, with more and more shortcomings. If all three are not eliminated, later you’ll have four, or five, or six, or seven, or eight… and you’ll end up in a mess indeed! (Master and everyone laugh.) Therefore, we say that some people are really bad and have a lot of shortcomings, because life after life, they did not practice and learn their lessons well; instead of eliminating their rotten qualities, they accumulate more bad qualities each time they came down. In addition to that, they even contaminated themselves further by imitating their neighbors.

Therefore, the faster we advance in our self-cultivation the better off we are! You must persevere and try to eliminate any undesirable qualities that you may have; otherwise, there is no guarantee that it’ll be any better the next time!  The baggage might be too heavy to carry! When we came down the first time, we jumped down with empty bags. Now we try to go back up, wow! We have so many tools, habits and burdens, and all are unnecessary baggage. We have become used to working with them, that is why we hang onto them so dearly. We have developed a serious attachment to them and that is troublesome.

The negative qualities we have are also a type of obsession; we are immediately liberated if we can let them go. Therefore, it is said, “Let go of the butcher knife, be a Buddha instantly.” Aside from the butcher knife, the same applies to anything that binds us in this world. So if you want to go “home”, then practice diligently.

Learn To Balance Yourself In Life

Spoken by Master Ching Hai

Q. How do we know to liberate ourselves from suffering, painful emotions, at the right time when we want so bad to let go of the lives, the circumstances around us? But it’s so hard to see through because of the people we are attached to, and know that there is more to life itself than just ourselves and love of someone else we couldn’t let go?
M. Just forgive yourself and try again. Sometimes in some circumstances we are able to control ourselves, but with some great effort, and some other times we don’t want to control ourselves or we can’t control ourselves. In either way you just do what is good for you at that moment. Don’t worry much about the emotion. It is only the waves on the surface of the ocean. It is not the ocean’s fault. It is the wind. It is the rotation of the earth that makes the waves. So the ocean cannot blame itself all the time, and says that he makes waves, he makes troubles for the boats and he makes trouble for the people, etc. He cannot help himself. The ocean cannot help herself or himself.

Q. Dear Master, I always make the same mistake that I don’t want to make. I feel there are two of me inside, one good and one bad, how can I stop this?

M.Well, maybe that’s the balance proportion in your life that you need to learn. Actually we can’t be too good all the time. You will break! You see the man in the circus, when he walks the rope, he has to walk this side, that side. You know what I mean? One time he dips in this side, the other time he is siding to this side. Otherwise, if he walks just like this, he will fall down. This life has two sides anyhow; one is positive, and the other is negative; one is happiness, and the other one is misery. Sometimes we can’t help ourselves to dip from one side to another. Forgive yourself then move on.

You can try to do other things in contradiction to that, to counter attack this habit if you think it’s bad. For example, if you are normally very stingy; don’t want to give to people, now force yourself to give. Every time you want to take, you give instead! So next time you dare not want to take any more, because every time you want you take, you lose the business! (Laughter) For example, if you want to take one dollar, then force yourself to give two dollars. So next time you dare not to want any more! Or if you normally like to look at other woman besides your wife, so every time you want to do like that, just go home and look at your wife. So next time you are fed up, and you don’t want any more. Maybe you try it. (Laugh and applause.)

Q. Earlier You said that if when you open your mind to the Universe, then you can gain the wisdom, knowledge and will be able to understand any book. My question to You is, “What if you were born with not so bright a mind? How can you be able to learn the knowledge from the Universe once you open your mind?” Learning new knowledge would take time and hard work. For me, in the past I had tried to learn to become a professional person. I failed because I am dumb. Can You show me the way?

M. Not being able to learn in school doesn’t mean you are dumb. Maybe you lack courage, maybe you lack good teacher, good friends or good circumstances, or maybe you lack patient. Some people learn quicker; some people learn it a little bit slower. But that doesn’t mean you are dumb. Not to know your own great wisdom is the true stupidity. So I invite you to come for the initiation and get to know your greatness, then you will understand many things. It is because everything I say is just a big mouth, talk too much. Anything without experience is just advertising. It doesn’t matter how much I tell you the orange juice in my cup is very good and is very nutritious and good for you and a lot of vitamin C, and you drink it, it quenches your thirst. But if you don’t ever come and drink it, it doesn’t matter how much I say, it is all big mouth. Do you know what I mean? So the best thing is just to drink it.

Q.I feel lost. I have searched and searched but have not found Home, that is what I am supposed to be and what I am supposed to do. How does one find Home here on Earth?

M. Home is very near. It is next to you. It is nearer than your skin. But if you don’t have the light, you can’t see it. You can’t see things in the dark; it doesn’t matter how near. You might have a feeling about what it is, but you don’t see it; you have to have the light. The light of God will shine on everything you want to search for, including Home. But this is all abstract speaking, really you have to have experience, and that comes only with diligent practice after initiation. You know how to practice and you do it and then you realize day by day.

Q. Why is it that after so many years of religious teachings and past masters that the world has not gotten better but much worse?

M. It is because the past masters cannot teach you. You have to look for a present master, who can answer your question, help you when you are in doubt and take you by the hand back to the Kingdom of God. We need a person to person contact, not the past lives. Just like it doesn’t matter how great the beauties of the past; you cannot marry her! She cannot give you any children; cannot produce the love feeling that you have with a living wife.

Q – My husband has a terrible skin disease, for eight years already. I love him very much and I have tried many ways, doctors, medicines, religion, meditation and hope to cure his disease. But it’s getting worse and worse every day. Now every time I look at him, my tears fall. And even worse, I began to dream about other man when I am so sad. Am I bad and disloyal? How can I cure my mind and my sadness?

M. No! You are not bad. Just the situation is bad. Now, everyone when we have sickness, we should try to first accept it; secondly, try to find a way to cure it. There must be some way to cure things. Above all, we have to pray to the God’s power to help us. We pray, but pray deeply. Sometimes the diseases are caused by past karma, past reaction, past retribution, that we have done something wrong or harmed somebody else  appearance, therefore now we have to reap this result. But after sometimes, if the karma wears off, then it begins to get better. There are many ways to cure skin disease. I have seen many people with a lot of very bad looking skin, but they still have a cure for it. So maybe you didn’t search enough. You have to ask for many more ways to do it, or tell your husband to pray himself, or meditate.

I cannot guarantee you that initiation will cure your disease, or your husband’s disease, because I don’t want to attract people to come to our group just because of the physical condition. That is not enough to liberate you, because we are still clinging to the material instead of wanting God, the giver of all things. Once we truly want God, He will give. If we only want things, you know what I mean? Sometimes He gives, sometimes He doesn’t. That’s the trouble.

In India there was a story about a king who liked to give all his things to his people. So he arrayed all his treasure around and told everyone to come and take whatever they like. And people took diamond, took gold or took treasure, took antique cups and all that, and then everybody was happy and went home. One girl only, she wanted nothing. She just walked straight up to the king and she said, “Are you also a gift? (Laughter) I only want this gift.” So, of course, the king was very surprised and happy that somebody wanted him for his sake, not the things that he gave. Of course, the king married her and then everything belonged to her. So want God only then everything will come to you.

Retired US Army Commander Bob Dean Confirms Interaction with Extraterrestrials – part 1

Expert UFOlogist and former US Army Command Sergeant Major Bob Dean shares his knowledge and experience of interacting with human-like beings from other planets.

p-planetspace“We’ve been to the moon. We’ve been to Mars. And apparently some of our people have been to other star systems, because 40 years ago we developed not only zero point energy, but we developed anti-gravity, and we developed the ability to fly faster than the speed of light.”
Robert Orel Dean (Retired US Army Command Sergeant Major, Expert Ufologist, USA)

One of the simple pleasures in life is gazing in the sky on the clear night to see the beautiful stars—some brighter, some dimmer, some closer, and some farther away. After admiring the firmament and this endless array of potential suns, can anyone truly believe that our Earth could be the only planet populated with intelligent life?

As most of us have never met anyone from other worlds or seen UFOs, it might be hard to believe that human-like beings live on other planets as well. However, some people are lucky to have actually interacted with beings from other planets. One such person is expert UFOlogist Robert Orel Dean of Arizona, USA, also known as Bob Dean. Mr. Dean, who was trained as an intelligence analyst and became a command sergeant major when he served in the US Army, has completed extensive studies in the fields of archaeology, theology, psychology and philosophy, and holds the equivalent of a master’s degree in emergency management. He has also headed a regional chapter of the Mutual UFO Network as well as having been a member of the Center for UFO Studies and a Board member of the Ancient Astronauts Society. Mr. Dean has been honored with three lifetime achievement awards for his contributions to the field of UFOlogy.

In an interview with Supreme Master Television, Bob Dean shared his knowledge and experience about beings from other planets and what he has learned from interacting with them. His experiences confirm that indeed we are not alone in the vast universe, but intelligent life exists on other planets as well. Below are excerpts parts from the interview.

Interviewer: When was your first opening to the whole realm of UFO’s?

Bob Dean UFO inside

Mr. Dean: I was a professional soldier for most of my life. But, I didn’t get exposed to this reality of the so-called extraterrestrial presence until 1963. I applied for and received an assignment in 1963 to Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers in Europe; a place called SHAPE. And it was one of those choice plum assignments. And I arrived at Paris (France) in the summer of 1963 and immediately my top secret clearance was upgraded to a level called “Cosmic Top Secret,” the highest level of security classification in NATO. And immediately with my top secret upgrade to Cosmic I was assigned to a place called SHOC, the Supreme Headquarters Operation Center, which is the war room. And when I worked in the war room, I learned of a study that was under way. It involved UFO’s.

The reason was that a large number of metallic circular disc shaped objects flew from the Soviet Warsaw Pact sector from the East toward the West. And these objects were circular, metallic, disc shaped objects in formation, very obviously under intelligent control. And they flew across Europe, they flew across Germany, France, the southern coast of England and they turned north over the English Channel and they disappeared off NATO radar over the Norwegian Sea, on the morning of the 2nd of February in 1961. And it was all over within about 20 minutes. The Soviets thought those objects belonged to us. We thought they belonged to the Soviets. We were to find later that they didn’t belong to anybody. And the study was initiated immediately after that event.

Mr. Dean also shared how reading a top secret document called “The Assessment: An Evaluation of a Possible Military Threat to NATO Forces in Europe” launched his journey as a UFOlogist. This report, completed in 1964, assessed the potential danger posed by extraterrestrials.

Mr. Dean: That was a spark that kindled my fire in 1964. I couldn’t leave it; I couldn’t walk away from it. The conclusion of the study was quite simple. Apparently there is no threat. Apparently the human race on the planet has been under observation and survey by several advanced extraterrestrial intelligences from the beginning of human history. That was one of the conclusions. They concluded that apparently there was no threat involved because the repeated manifestation of incredibly advanced technology indicated that if they had been malevolent or hostile, it would have been over a long time ago. And that began my journey and I haven’t turned back since.

Based on that study, that assessment, I was interested in them. Who are they? Where are they from? Why are they here? What’s this all about? Why are they interested in us? I began to find out over the years that it wasn’t about them at all, it’s about us. It really is all about us. Who are we? What are we? How did we come to be here? Why are we here? And is there a purpose? Is there a meaning in our lives? And where are we going? What’s the future?  Where do we go from here? And that’s where I have been for the last 20 years. And I have been speaking out, openly, bluntly, candidly, loudly, about this subject. Over the years I have developed the ability, and I have been fortunate enough to have face-to-face meetings with some of them. I have been aboard their ships. I was even taken to one of their home planets. Apparently I have had an intimate interrelationship with non-human intelligence since I was two years old. My whole life has been involved with them to some degree. It took me many, many years before I began to become aware of my personal involvement. And it took me a long time for me to discard my old world paradigm. And I’ve learned there is a purpose. There is a meaning.

Interviewer: It is very important to share. You have had face-to-face contact with them. What are they like? What was it like to be on their ship? How did you get there? What’s their planet like? Why are we here?

Mr. Dean: The SHAPE military study concluded that we were dealing with four different groups that have been coming and going. They were all humanoid, not all human. But out of those four different groups, one group was totally human, like us. They could sit next to you in a theater or restaurant, or an airplane, or a bus — it doesn’t matter. They could be in your midst and you’d never know. Good God, they could be everywhere. Well, we were to find over the years that they are pretty much everywhere. They are in our midst. When I retired in 1976, we learned that there were at least a dozen more from different places.

And we learned back then, as early as 1976, that yes, some of them were interplanetary. Yes, some of them were interstellar. Yes, some of them are intergalactic. And by God, the thing that really upset the few that knew the story in those days, was [that] some of them apparently were multi-dimensional. They were popping in and out of portals from other dimensions. Now we are having a relationship with interplanetary visitors, interstellar, intergalactic. But the more advanced ones, the more spiritually advanced, apparently are intergalactic. That was a difficult lesson to learn, not only for our military and our intelligence authorities, but for our scientists. You see, we are looking at science that is a thousand… ten thousand years beyond our own! I think Arthur Clarke said it one time that advanced scientific intelligence would appear to us to be magic. Well, it does appear to many others to be magic. But it’s not magic to them. It’s technology to them.

They are not visitors. They are not here as tourists, dropping in for a weekend or something like that. The planet is under quarantine. And the only ones who come and go regularly are the professionals, the anthropologists, the historians, the scientists, from their groups. They come regularly. They are here most of the time. It’s one of the reasons why there is not about to be a disclosure anytime soon, because the story is simply too big.

Among the things we have seen, and the things I have learned first-hand is that, this beautiful, wonderful planet that our ancestors called Gaia; they looked upon her as a goddess and that the planet was alive. I have learned that that’s true. This beautiful little blue-green planet is alive. But this planet apparently is one of the richest and ripest zoological gardens in this quadrant of the galaxy. The life forms, the flora and fauna on this planet are practically infinite. That’s why Earth is such a valuable commodity. There are probably thousands of intelligent species out there, looking upon this little tiny planet, this zoological garden, as an incredibly valuable commodity. And I point out to people, “You know, you’re part of the fauna. It might be difficult for your ego to deal with, you are simply an occupant in this zoological garden.” But now we’re dealing with the custodians. They’re not visitors. They’re not owners. The word that I’ve got from them, they’re custodians. They’re protecting and looking after the life on this planet. And the human race is part of that fauna.

The human race, the whole species is undergoing a transcendent transformation, literally from one level of species, one race, into another. The human race is undergoing a form of what I call “a late adolescence.” And I point out to people that, “If you remember your own adolescence, and you remember how painful it was and how difficult it was, the whole species is undergoing a transition from adolescence into adulthood.” And we’ve got some good friends in high places out there, fortunately, some very good friends, who want to see us make it.

They don’t own us. We are not property, as Charles Fort said one time. But we are not quite finished yet as a race. We are a work in progress. We are an unfinished product. And we’ve got some good friends in high places that are trying to assist us, to help us get through this transition. And it’s an awkward period. But, I believe in the human race. It has a future. We are having some rough and difficult times, but we’re going to make it. And the reason I decided to come with you this afternoon and give you this interview, was hopefully to be able to say to your audience, to the viewers, that people really should not be afraid.

They have nothing to fear. We’re going to make it through and we are going to reach a form of adulthood. And we are in time going out there and taking our rightful place in this infinite universe filled with intelligent life. And I say to people, “Your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren are going to the stars. And they’re going out there, and they’re going to take their rightful place.” Humans have a right to sit at those great conferences, those great tables filled with all the infinite intelligent life forms out there.

Living the Four Agreements: A life Changing Journey


In the bestselling book The Four Agreements don Miguel Ruiz gives four principles to practice in order to create love and happiness in your life. Adopting and committing to these agreements is simple. Actually living and keeping these Four Agreements can  be one of the hardest things  you will ever do. It can also be one of the most life changing things you will ever do.

As you practice living these four practices your life will dramatically change. In the beginning these new habits will be challenging and you will lapse countless times. With practice these agreements become integrated into your being and every area of your life and become easy habits to keep.

The Four Agreements are:

1. Be Impeccable with your Word: Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the Word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your Word in the direction of truth and love.

2. Don’t Take Anything Personally
Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.

3. Don’t Make Assumptions
Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.

4. Always Do Your Best
Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret.


Q & A After Lecture

Excerpt from Master Ching Hai’s lecture

Q: Some people say that it is import ant to be a good-hearted person, but it is not necessary to be a vegan. Does this make sense?

M: If one is truly a good-hearted person, then why does he still eat another being’s flesh? Seeing them suffer, he should not be able to bear to eat them! Flesh eating is unmerciful, so how can this be done by a good-hearted person?

Master Lien Chih once said, “Kill its body, and eat its meat. In this world there is no one more cruel, malevolent, atrocious and evil than this person.” How can he ever claim that he himself has a good heart?

Mencius also said, “If you see it alive, you can’t bear to see it die, and if you hear it groaning you cannot bear to eat its meat; so the real gentlemen keep far from the kitchen.”

Human intelligence is higher than  animals, and we can use weapons to make them unable to resist us, so they die with hatred. The kind of person who does this, bullying small and weak creatures, has no right to be called a gentleman. When animals are killed, they are terribly stricken with agony, fear and resentment. This causes the production of toxins that stay in their meat to harm those who eat it. Since the frequency of the vibration of animals is lower than that of humankind, they will influence our vibration, and affect the development of our wisdom.

Q: Some meat-lovers say that they buy meat from the butcher, so it’s not killed by themselves, therefore it is all right to eat it. Do you think this is right?

M: This is a disastrous mistake. You must know that butchers kill living beings because people want to eat. In the Lankavatara Sutra, Buddha said, if there was no one eating meat then, no killing would happen. So eating meat and killing living beings are of the same sin. Because of the killing of too many living beings, we have natural disasters and human-made calamities. Wars are also caused by too much killing.

Q: A long time ago, I heard another Master say, “Buddha ate a pig’s foot and then got diarrhea and died.” Is this true?

M: Absolutely not. It was because of eating a kind of mushroom that Buddha died. If we translate directly from the language of the Brahmans, this kind of mushroom is called the “pig’s foot”. It’s just like when we call a kind of fruit “longan” (in Chinese this literally means the “dragon’s eye”). There are many things that by name are not vegetables but actually are vegetarian foods, such things as the “dragon’s eye.” This mushroom in Brahmanic language is called “pig’s foot” or “pig’s joy.” Both have a connection with pigs. This kind of mushroom was not easy to find in ancient India and was rare delicacy, so people offered it to Buddha in worship. This mushroom cannot be found above the ground. It grows under the ground. If people want to find it they must search with the help of an old pig which likes very much to eat this kind of mushroom. Pigs detect it by their smell, and when they discover one, they use their feet to dig in the mud to find and eat it. That was why this kind of mushroom is called the “pig’s joy” or “pig’s foot.” Actually these two names refer to the same mushroom. Because it was translated carelessly and because people did not truly understand the derivation, the following generations have been caused to misunderstand and mistake Buddha for a flesh devouring man. This is really a regrettable thing.


The King was thinking with his throat center; his Adam’s apple kept coming up and down, and the God saw it. (Master and everyone laugh) When he saw his throat center activated, then he knew. He kept looking with his wisdom eye into the throat center, and he saw the black market going on there, (Master and everyone laugh) Mafia organization going on there, ah, all kinds of criminal records written there. So, God knew what was going on in this King’s mind, but pretended not to know anything. He didn’t say anything. He tried to be even more pleasant, friendlier, and offered more things.

After that, God was just in the front mountain and tried to tell the King, “Okay, I am busy. I have initiation going on in the back mountain, five hundred foreign disciples in the meditation hall, and five or six sites of construction going on. So, would you please excuse me?” (Master and everyone laugh) And “Sayonara.”

The king was very desirous to stay in the Kingdom of God. But then the God made sure that the king knew that he must go. When he tried to stay there longer, many of the guards, god’s guardian angels, with the eyes as big as the sun, shining like atom bombs, stared at him, and said nothing. (Laughter) The God said to him, “Either you go voluntarily and soon, or you go involuntarily and soon.” (Master and everyone laugh) The king saw that he had only a handful of generals, soldiers, and a small chariot; and with all these guardian angels with very big umbrellas, powerful eyes and arms; he had better move. So he had to move. He went back to Earth again.

Since that day, God didn’t favor him anymore. So he began to be ill, suffered a lot, and then started to die. Before he died, he called his ministers and other officers to his deathbed and said that he was very sorry now. Very sorry because he knew why he was dying. He knew God was punishing him. God withdrew eternal happiness or the eternal life-force from him, and now granted him a big favor which was the death sentence. He was very sorry and very repentant. He also said, “After I die, if anyone asks you why I died, you tell them it was because of greed.” And that was it. He closed his eyes and meditated forever in the grave. Good-bye. Finished! (Applause)

See, we could be materialistic practitioners as well. This story serves to remind us that even though we follow a so-called spiritual practicing path, we must check ourselves all the time. We must be sure that we don’t follow materialistic spiritualism. Yes it is called that. Because we follow a path in order to gain more power, then we can control others or we can take things from the universe, from other people without ever knowing. Sometimes you don’t know it, but you do follow materialistic spiritualism. For example, you come here or you go to a Master anywhere expecting that she or he will heal you of your sickness because you don’t want to go see a doctor. You think you have the right to demand such things. You come here with a very grave illness and throw yourself, throw the responsibility onto the ashram, wanting to be healed overnight; or you want to be richer, more powerful in some way and then you expect the Master to fulfill your wish in such a way. This is no good.

Even if you practice the Quan Yin Method, you follow the spiritual discipline and meditate, if your mind is not pure of material need, then it’s no good. Of course, when you are in trouble, you are bound to ask for help. Like I don’t have a job now and I need to pay the rent and all that. Master can you help me to find a job. That is different. When you really need, you may ask.

Also if the people come to initiation, expecting that after that, she will have this and that material gain or more position in the society, etc. This is disgusting. We should not come to any Master expecting such things, because we are bound to feel very disappointed. Or even if we are not disappointed, the Master might grant us our wish. But then, the more we want, the less we are satisfied and then we keep wanting, wanting to no end. And then our attention, our energy is always focused on these material aims and we forget the Almighty Power inside.

After we attain the Almighty Power, anything will come to us when necessary without asking. But we don’t come for that, we don’t come for material fulfillment, or any other magical power. These are astral desires. Also material in other senses, not only that you wish for money, then it materializes, but if you wish for magical power or any kind of control over other people, the weather, or the surroundings, these are also material wishes. These are even worse. Like business people, we go to do business and we want to gain money and all these kinds of things. We should practice for the sake of wisdom alone, for the sake of knowing ourselves, for the sake of knowing the origin of our Home and to be free, loving and happy. That’s all there is. And everything else comes or does not come; it is just by the way.

Everything I told you, don’t forget. But sometimes you know but your practice is different.  So we have to always check up. We are bound to make mistakes, but we have to check and correct it.


Doesn’t matter how many thousand years you live, still one day you must end, and there’s nothing here you can take with you. And nothing physical will ever, ever satisfy you forever, every day of your life. Satisfaction comes only from inside. If you seek anything else except satisfaction from inside, you will always end up frustrated and miserable. Every time you try, every time like you knock the wall, you have to return and reshape your actions again. Even love, children, husband, wife, anything that you think that will bring you the most beautiful feelings of human life, still it never lasts. Today it is good. Tomorrow it brings you heartache, problems, consequences, and all kinds of sorrow and worries.

It takes a lot of effort to keep someone you love. And it takes a lot of effort to keep someone who loves you. Any little so-called wrong or insensitive move may break the relationship immediately, and sometimes it’s irreparable. So every effort we spend in this world to repair our friendships, to build up the kingdom on Earth, everything always brings us trouble, even though we are successful in the end, or sometimes in between. Still it takes us all energy, time, youth, and attention in order to keep that alive. It doesn’t matter what kind of relationship, or what kind of treasure that it is.  Have you experienced that? If you have not, you may try. Go and fall in love somewhere and then tell me what happens.

All right, so let’s go back to India, to our greedy king. So now he was bored after running around the world. The king was bored after four thousand years of invading the four corners of the Earth. Now, he was bored to death because he had nothing to play with anymore. All the things, all the countries that he had conquered, he knew by name. All the games in the country, all the beautiful women, he had seen everything he knew. Now, he was bored with the Earth – nothing to do. One day he sat there. He couldn’t meditate on money either because he was fed up. He had enough. He couldn’t meditate on anything else because everything in the world belonged to him. So he sat there. He thought of God and meditated on God.

Ah, finally, my God. Can you believe that? He actually did meditate on God. Then, he was thinking: “Oh, I wish I could see God. How I long to see God. If I could just see God, it would be good, beautiful. Oh, God! How can I see God?” (Laughter) As he wished, his dream came true. God, moved by his sincere desire, perhaps materialistic desire, invited him to the Kingdom Perhaps, the god of the Astral world, Vishnu god or Shiva god, we don’t know what kind of god that was.

Well, by the way he was thinking, perhaps he ended up in the Astral kingdom, because he was so materialistic. Not that he wanted to see God for reverence or longing in his heart, but he wanted to see God because he desired to see the Kingdom of God. He wanted to see whether the Kingdom of God had any differences from his kingdom, and anything else he could learn, he could look at, he could play with etc. It was just pure materialistic curiosity.

God was very generous and loving. Anyone who meditated on him attained his attention. So, that was God. He was compassionate, loving, even though he was only an Astral God. An Astral God is also the representative of the highest God. He has some qualities of the Almighty.

Now, very lovingly, cautiously, hospitably, he invited the king to come to the Kingdom of God. Then his UFO, airplane, or whatever, chariot, took him into the sky and up to the Kingdom of God, to the throne of the deity. Then, the God, whatever kingdom that may have been, Astral, intellectual, or akashic Buddhi God, I don’t know, invited him to sit next to him. He had a very long sofa made of gold, studded with diamonds and precious stones glittering like the sun in the morning. So he invited him to sit next to him even – very cautious God. Very politely, very hospitably, he offered him all kinds of biscuits, candies, grapes, apples. Anything that was available in the Kingdom of God, was offered to him, as well as to his accompanying horses, elephants, queen, chariots, managers, soldiers, generals, ministers and everything that he brought up. Then God talked, chatted to him in a very friendly way.

The king, the one who was never satisfied, sat there talking to God, but at the same time looked around. Wow! The lamp is made of diamonds (Laughter) Wow! And that lamp is made of rubies, and the other one is make of pearls. And everything here is more precious and beautiful than anything we have on Earth. Even the diamonds are different; gold is different, silver is different. It seemed to be a thousand times more beautiful, more real, more precious, more pleasing to the eyes and, of course, to the heart of the king.

Now he sat there and thought. When he was looking, he thought with the sole. Later, he thought with the knees, then he tried to think with the solar plexus, and then he tried to reason with the heart. (laughters)That didn’t work either. And then he tried to reason with the throat. But that was all he could come up with. It didn’t work either, because he wanted to swallow everything. So the most concentrated chakra for him was the throat center. He wanted to eat anything that he saw. He wanted to swallow, possess everything that he ever laid eyes on.

He was thinking, when it comes up to the throat, he wants to swallow the Kingdom of God. Now, he said, “Wow! This is very beautiful. What if I get rid of this old man (Master and everyone laugh) and then become the king.” Ah, hah! So he was sitting there and thinking like that with his throat.

Forgive Yourself part 4

So we all come from God, whether Masters or not Masters. The Master is the one who knows God, and the “non-Master” is the one who doesn’t know God yet.

I told you about the story of the cup, the ocean water in the cup. So at the time of initiation, you know already, the “button” is pushed open so that we can get in touch, somewhat, to God, at least for some moments. Then we continue to do that every day, until we completely realize that we are one with God; there is no separation.

There are many things that the initiated persons understand and know, but it’s difficult to put them into words.   If no one demands anything from me, I would not even think of God. Do you know what I mean? He is just kind of always standing around or He is just inside me. So I don’t even think of Him. I don’t talk about Him. I don’t miss Him. I don’t seek Him anymore. Just for other people’s sake I talk about God. I talk about these things. Sometimes it’s difficult for me to talk about God. Maybe that’s the reason why I don’t desire to go for lectures or anything like that, because I am just satisfied wherever I am and whatever I do.

The initiated people are mostly like that. Many of them have this satisfaction right away at the time of initiation and continue forever. Some of them have to wait sometime to realize that they have found the treasure. Why is it so? Some people’s “curtains” are thicker than the others, because we are obstructed by intellectual understanding and by much of the knowledge that we have accumulated during our lifetime, and we are proud of it and cling to that. That’s why we have forgotten that we are greater than this knowledge, greater than the PH.D. certificate greater than the name that we are proud to have, like Doctor so-and-so, or such and such position. We are greater than this, greater than any king on this Earth.

Sometimes we don’t even realize that we have this ego and that we are trapped into this ego – the Maya net. We don’t even realize it until we practice more and more. And the more we practice, the more we realize that we are obstructed by our own habits, by our own collections of garbage, of a lot of nonsense thinking.

Similarly, every day we are busy with our daily work and we busy with our worldly knowledge and we think we know that much, this much, and then we forgot that we are the greatest ones. We know more than that. We know above all these things, including these things. Now, the greatest Power, the greatest wisdom, is so big like that, for example; so great, so pervasive, and then we use that great wisdom just to understand a little bit of that worldly knowledge, for example, the medical knowledge or the lawyer knowledge or anything, and then we cling to that. The whole wisdom we use just to pay attention to this corner of the knowledge.

Therefore we forget the whole. Do you understand what I mean? That’s it. And we thought that we are very great already, we are this doctor and that PH.D. I don’t mean to talk about you. I said “we” meaning including myself. Sorry!

So now we think we know that much. We are beautiful. We have this and this certificate, and that. In fact, we’ve lost the whole 99.999 percent of our great wisdom just to pay for that much worldly knowledge. In the end we have nothing because this is ephemeral; this knowledge will change. We know many medical definitions or many medicines have been proved outdated and then replaced by another. Or scientific facts have always been changed, removed and replaced by another idea, and then it would be replaced again and again, as humankind progresses into a higher consciousness.

Therefore, it doesn’t matter how much knowledge we gain from this world or from the brain power of research; we will never have the whole thing, just one little point in the universe. Just like the water in the cup is proud that he is so big and he doesn’t know that he is the whole ocean. When he is connected with the whole ocean, he becomes the ocean. I guess you understand what I say.

Forgive Yourself – part 3

We are here to search for this forgotten treasure and we never give up until we find it. That’s why our lives are never satisfactory because we always know there is something else, something greater than what we have right now. We always somehow know that we are not this container – the flesh, because after we so-called die, the body is still there but we cannot move; we cannot do anything; we cannot love any person; we cannot open our mouths; we cannot do anything at all! That means we are not the body. Something in the body is there to make the body move and work while we are living. Something in the body left when we die, so we cannot move any of our bodily instruments. So somehow we know; very deep in our hearts we know. Well, I know! I don’t know if you know. Do you know? You must know.

That’s why sometimes when you have time, when you are in trouble especially, you sit down and you don’t want to be with anyone; just want to be alone. Then you think, and then you feel better and better, because you know there is something there, something that sometimes comforts us in silence. I used to be like that before I knew the Quan Yin Method. I used to pray a lot. I prayed to Budddha and I prayed to Jesus. I was afraid that one of Them could not hear, so I prayed to anyone I knew. Sometimes I prayed to Krishna – the Hindu God.

There is no Hindu God; there is only God, actually. Just sometimes God assumes an Indian form or a Chinese form, so we call this Hindu God or Chinese God – actually there is no such thing.

So sometimes when I was in deep sorrow, before I knew the Quan Yin Method, I prayed very deeply, just to be alone; not to pray very loud, but to truly lament inside. Then I felt like something lifted me up, and I felt so soothed and so smooth, and I felt that there was nothing to worry about. That is the time when we realize that something is greater than life; something is always there to listen to us.

Most people pray, and they say they don’t have any response. It’s because they don’t pray deeply enough. That is why we have more response when we are in deep sorrow because we are truly sincere at that time. We pierce through all the layers of pretense, of hypocrisy and we pierce through our false self and we get the response. But I suggest that we don’t have to wait until we are in deep sorrow to do this. That would be too traumatic. We have a better way to do it. We practice it even when we are not in sorrow; that would be better. We practice before we die; that would be better. So when we die, it is just like walking from one room to the next. No problem! And we can walk out forever. We can break the whole cup and be united with the whole ocean, or we can keep it; we can seek another cup in order to satisfy someone else’s longing or to help someone else.

It’s like the Master, sometimes the Master reincarnates again and again, into different bodies, in order to help humankind. Some Masters just like to enjoy heaven, enjoy Nirvana and never want to go back again. Some Masters never, never ever incarnated on this Earth, with no intention to do so. Some Masters incarnate again and again in order to help the children who are suffering, who have the great treasure but don’t know how to use it; therefore, being very poor and miserable.

In India, people appreciate the Masters very much. They worship the Master even more than God because of this reason. They say, “Oh, if both the Master and God appear right now, I would only worship the Master. I don’t care about God.” It’s just a kind of adoration and gratefulness to the Master. Actually, they worship the Master because of God; they worship God because of the Master. Without the Master, they don’t know that true God exists or not. Yes. Without God Power, the Master is also nothing.

Forgive Yourself – part 1


Spoken by Master Ching Hai
November 25, 1993
Fremont Hindu Temple, CA, USA

 Thank you that we have the opportunity to see each other and also to have a devotional day to God, in whatever form and name we may call this Supreme God. I have to thank you and all of the people who have made the effort to push me here, because otherwise I wouldn’t do anything. So every time I have a chance to give a lecture or to be in a gathering. I will be again thankful and thankful, because then I feel that I am doing something right. If no one demands or requests or pushes me into this kind of work, then I won’t do anything. Yes. And I also don’t feel anything about it. I mean I don’t feel regret or I don’t feel remorseful that I don’t do the job.

I don’t know why such a beautiful job I never desire to do. I don’t know why.  Every time I do it, I feel it’s good  that I should do it, but then I never desire to do it again. Then someone pushes me out to give a lecture, then I am grateful again that I will do it. Do you know what that is? Must be laziness, I think (Laughter) I really don’t understand myself. People just say that, “When you are enlightened; you are Master, you are supposedly to know yourself.” But I must confess that I don’t know! I can just equally be happy stay home and sleep.  So I really don’t know. But when I am here, I am very happy and grateful that I am here. When I am in bed and sleeping, I am happy and grateful that I sleep. But I truly am grateful that you have pushed me to come here and you know, I feel just good, very good, that probably I become a little bit useful.

Also a temple is useful, that we can gather together and have a nice devotional day to the Supreme God. Or did you just come for lunch? (Laughter) No? You came for God, right? (Audience: Yes.)

Surely if we don’t have spiritual food, it doesn’t matter  what we eat; it will never satisfy us, mentally and physically. Therefore, we keep getting hungrier and hungrier, again and again, and even we eat a lot of nice food and vitamins we still get sick and sometimes distressed and indigestion.

In the Bhagavad Gita, it is mentioned that the food which was prepared for offering to God first and then we eat it, should be very nutritious and full of blessings for us. If, however, we prepare the food just for personal satisfaction then we truly make mistake. And that will give us a lot of dissatisfaction, and sometimes trouble – indigestion and all that. Actually, in the Bhagavad Gita it says stronger than this, very strongly, like: You eat in sin if you don’t offer first to God. So it’s not me who spoke like that; it’s Krishna.

Now, everything is the same; it’s not only food. All of you know the Bhagavad Gita or not? That is the book of wisdom of ancient India. It is about five thousand years old. It was spoken by the Supreme Master of that time, Krishna, the beloved black beauty. His complexion was dark, like many Indian people, but He was so beautiful and handsome that people called Him “heart-breaker.” It’s also because He breaks everyone’s heart when He leaves. And wherever He goes, people love Him, adore Him and make offerings to Him, just following Him madly.

I hear that He had about sixteen thousand wives. Well, the Indian people, sometimes they exaggerate things, but He must have a lot of followers. It’s not really wives, you know, disciples. Probably mostly were women, because probably He was very handsome – I hear! I wasn’t there. Maybe I was there but I forgot.

So the Bhagavad Gita is the record of the teachings of the Master, Krishna. You can find much wisdom and guidance in this book. I still look at it from time to time, because it is very beautiful, concentrated and wise. Sometimes you get solace and calmness by reading that book. If you truly understand and digest it, it is a wonderful masterpiece of wisdom.

Many of the Masters of the past have connection with the Indian law, therefore we could not, not to mention India and the Bhagacad Gita. Even Milarepa, do you know? the great yogi of Tibet. Even that great yogi of Tibet, his possessions consisted of a pot and the Bhagacad Gita.

Now, in that book it is mentioned that not only the food that we should first prepare in the spirit of offering to God before we take it, but also everything else we do in life must be an offering, must be a sacrifice, to the Supreme Spirit. In that case we will never reap any bad or any good results out of that, because bad results or good results bind us to this material world.

Even if sometimes we cannot help ourselves, we lose our temper, we get angry, and we know we shouldn’t. And then sometimes we feel very, very sorry for a long time, after our anger has already subsided. But, I tell you, forgive yourself. Forgive yourself anytime. Whatever you do, just make offering to God and let it be – whatever the outcome, because we are not the body anyhow. we are not the action. we are not the doers of anything in this world. Even if we are – suppose we are the doers – we still have to forgive ourselves. Forgive ourselves when we make mistakes or when we cannot help with our habits, like anger or sometimes greed and sometimes lustful thoughts, because these things also arise from circumstances. It’s not truly the Self; it’s not truly the soul that desires all these things.

So we always have to try again and again, and forgive ourselves after all – I mean, above all. Because the inside is God, the Supreme Wisdom, we can’t scold it; we can’t abuse it; we can’t be rude to it. So if we are angry with ourselves, we should be angry only with our habits, our accumulated habits. Or we should blame the situation also, not to blame the Supreme Wisdom, the real Self, because the real Self never errs, never make any mistakes.

Suppose we are even the doers and we are in society like this, sometimes we get angry. It’s not always our fault. Most of the time it is not. Sometimes everything can make us angry. For example, you work in a company and you work with the wrong person. Whatever you tell him, he just doesn’t understand. Or he understands but he does the other way around. He just makes you angrier and angrier. Even you forgive him again and again, he repeatedly does that. A very small thing, even a small thing irritates our minds and makes us feel miserable. So it is good that we know that there is something else above the mind and above the body.

The body is composed of only material substances, like earth, water, iron. Well, our iron inside is much enough to make a few nails. Do you know? And water, earth and maybe fire, the vital fire, so that the body would be warm and all that.

The mind is consisting of what? It’s just a collection of all kinds of information – bad and good. It is just like a computer – whatever you program it, and when you push the button, it comes out the same. One of our fellow practitioners, he has an electric organ, and he programs it into different musical rhythms, and he can play it again from the cassette. So the same thing with our brains. It would be empty; it would be absolutely blank, just like a brand new computer, until we start to record things and information, and sometimes good, sometimes bad. If we happened to record the good information and when we want to make use of it, then the good information comes out. If we happened to record the bad information, then of course the bad information comes out.

The One Who Realize God and the Messiah of God – part 3

If we have already found a path that we think is suitable to our spiritual development, then it is fine, it good, and we should continue. We should try all our best to follow that chosen path. How do we know if that is the right path for us?

How do we know if we have chosen a good Master, or a good method? There has to be two conditions. First, we must be good disciples; second, the Master must be good. It cannot be one way. So, if we are very good disciples, if we have been very faithful, if we have done everything that a disciple is requested to do, and if that path or the Master’s teaching gives us satisfaction, gives us more love, wisdom and peace, that is the right path. Understand? But we must do our best. We cannot get something for nothing. Otherwise no need for a Master even.

If after you have tried so hard and have tried your best on many paths and you could not find complete satisfaction, we invite you to come to this path, because we know this path is very fast, quick and simple. In our times we don’t have so much energy and time to follow a very complicated, long and difficult path. Also, there is another reason why, our life is very unpredictable. We do not know if we will live until tomorrow. So whatever we can get today is the best.

Before I left home to find God-realization, I had only one prayer; “God, if You exist, please help me or through me open the eyes of people, because people cannot open them themselves. How can You demand them to keep Your commandments, to love You, and to worship You when they don’t know You? You must open their eyes for them to see You first.”That was my prayer. Probably the sincerity touched God’s compassion, so I was granted what I wished.

After studying many people’s character and human psychology by my daily contact with different people, I have come to realize that sincerity is difficult to have. This is the only reason why we cannot realize God, who is very close and very near to us in our hearts. It is because most of us are so attached to the physical appearance of this world. On one hand we say we want to know God, but on the other hand we cannot forsake what we have, even if God wants us to do it. That is the only reason why we cannot reach God. Otherwise we could do it just like this.

That is what I have come to understand and I would like to share it with you, because God is not so difficult to reach; it is difficult for us to forsake the material world. It is our deep attachment that prevents us from going near God. This sound very simple, but it is the very original reason. That is why in the Bible it is stated that you cannot worship both God and mammon.

Therefore God has thought of some special method to help us, the attached souls, the encaged spirits. This method is not known to a lot of people, just to some groups. Only in this modern time has the message been spread all over the world. But because of that, whoever brings the message has to suffer a great deal, more than at the time of Buddha and Jesus. In order to bring the message to humankind, there must be someone who will do it. I think you understand what I mean.

Even when the message is spread all over the world, not all people will take it. Therefore you can imagine how difficult it was when Jesus or Buddha were alive, when means of communications were more restricted. Then even fewer people followed them. In the ancient times, people complained that the freedom of religion was restricted; and the people who believed in Jesus or different Masters in those times were very frightened of being persecuted, chased, questioned, jailed, and punished. Even then, people’s faith under such circumstances was very strong, and they appreciated what they received perhaps more than in modern times.

In modern times when we get the message so easily, we probably do not believe the value of the message. When it is more open and more easily available, it is more open to criticism and therefore also has disadvantages. So we cannot do anything. No solution! If it is difficult, then it is difficult to get, to practice, to meet the Master. It is difficult to get together and understand, difficult to get the information from the Master, and difficult to progress and to improve the spiritual movement of the Master.  But when it is easy to access, we will think, ”Oh, how can it be so easy? I think it is no good. I have to think about it, or maybe next time.“ So, there’s no solution.

Still, God always loves humankind, so God always tries and the Masters always try their best to bring the holy message, the best solution, the best method to offer to the brothers and sisters of this Earth.

We always have our fantasy. We imagine the Master must be like this, like that and the God-realization method must be like this, like that, must be very difficult to attain, or must be so-and-so. So many of these preconceived ideas and the outside circumstances sometimes prevent us from knowing the Truth. It is not entirely our fault. It is because the material existence is too difficult for us; it has brainwashed each one of us into such a condition, into a way of thinking in which we could hardly escape. That is what makes the job of the Masters difficult and that is what makes our God-realization difficult.

But even then, it is worthwhile to try. If something is so easy to realize, I guess it is also not very interesting. So we should struggle in our own way to understand what God is or at least to know who we are, why we are here, and where we will go after a few years in this world. Where will we go? Why are we here for only a few years or a few decades? We have fed ourselves with so much beef, pork and vegetables of this world to grow that big, so at least we must know why. If we do not have answers to these questions, we will never be happy. This is the only simple reason why we must realize ourselves, we must realize God for our own satisfaction. We can never be happy, no matter in which position we are placed or how many material possessions we are given, until we realize this very basic fundamental question.

Therefore you will never find a truly happy person in this world, even if he is a king. But Jesus’ disciples were happy and the disciples of our path are happy. They truly have the inner happiness. Not that I give them money, praise them, or do anything to make them happy externally. Why is that? It’s because they have found the answer. They are doing what they are supposed to do as a human duty. They are fulfilling the purpose of human life.

Each one of us is given human life only for the purpose of realizing God. If we forsake this duty, we will never be happy in this life or I any other lives. To tell you the truth, this is the only reason for human suffering, and nothing else. If we realized how we struggled in our mothers’ wombs, how we repented our past lives’ mistakes, and how we promised God to utilize this present life in a very meaningful manner to serve Him, before we were born, then we would never waste one second to think of anything else but to try our best in all our leisure time to realize God!

But as soon as we are born into this world we forget everything, because it is the law of the material world to let people forget. Therefore it is necessary that a Master come and remind us again and again and again, until we remember what we had promised to God inside the wombs of our mothers. We might not remember with our physical brains, but our souls, the ability of our wisdom will remember. Then it could happen that we’ll follow the Master’s teaching, that we’ll go back to the path of God. Then that will be our luckiest day. I wish all of you this lucky day.

Thank you for your attentive, loving attention. Amen!

One Can Attain Enlightenment Anywhere – part 5

Now, when we practice this so-called Quan Yin Method, we will understand many things of the universe, many things of this world that we never dream of understanding before. There are things we can express to our neighbors, but there are many things, numerous things, that we can never talk about, because the world of the Buddha is extraordinary and exceptional. There is nothing in this world we can compare it to or make an example of.

Much of our wisdom remains unused. But after we become enlightened and become more and more enlightened, a portion of it will be incorporated into our daily life to make us more loving, more intelligent, more selfless and more able to serve the world. And whatever we do, will be better quality. Of course, we have a long way to go to become a Buddha, but compared to before enlightenment, we have much, much greater intelligence and capability. Therefore enlightenment is not only for monks, not only for the renunciate in the Himalayas or the people in the mountain caves, it is for everyone of this world.

Why do I say much of our wisdom remains unused? It is because some of our knowledge is for preparation for the Buddha Land, and only some of it can be used in this world. The limitations of this world, lack of material, lack of different information  make us unable to use most of the wisdom. For example, when we achieve a little bit higher level of practice, we are able to see the land of the Buddha. That is not the highest level. To be able to see the Buddha Land, to see the Buddha is not the highest level. It is high but not the highest. Now, I just cited an example, you are able to see inside of the Buddha Land, or the Buddha. I think you can say, it is at the middle level of practice.

When you see the Buddha Land you are in the middle level. We can say approximately like that. There is much more to go, but when we can see the Buddha Land we are already much wiser. We would have learned a great deal during our meditation, during our daily practice, during our sleep.

After the initiation, even when we are asleep, we go to the higher land and learn many things. Otherwise two and half hours of practice every day is not enough. We use any rest period to learn also. Any activities become in-built with Buddha’s wisdom. Then when we see the Buddha Land, we learn many things and we know how to build houses in a different manner. We know how to build many things, for example, UFO’s. We know that houses in the Buddha Land are build in crystals, with diamonds, with gold instead of brick and cement, because we have been there and have seen that. We have seen many other extraordinary machines being built. This is just an example. It is a true example.

And then when you come back to this world, out of your meditation, out of the trip to the Buddha Land, and you, for example, want to construct such a house, such machinery in order to help human beings, you cannot find such beautiful crystals in this world. You cannot find such a wonderful method in this world to build this kind of house, to build this kind of machinery. Therefore, your wisdom, your knowledge remains unused. That is why I said much of our wisdom remains unused in this world, except when all human beings are enlightened.

We hope that day will come, then we will all enjoy Nirvana here. The atmosphere will change and all the disasters will disappear. All the sicknesses and sorrow will be no more. Then there is no need even for UFO. But until that day, we have to practice ourselves, and be satisfied with this world.

After leaving this world a practitioner of the Quan Yin Method will not have to be reborn again in this world, unless that person wants to come back as Buddha, a Bodhisattva to help the suffering of humankind, because there are many more beautiful, extraordinary, magnificent worlds for the practitioners of the Quan Yin Method to go. He has no need of this suffering world. His wisdom, his vibration, after practicing the Quan Yin Method has risen to the level of sainthood and enables him to be fit to live in the glory of Kingdom of God or Nirvana. Otherwise to the ordinary person, the Light, the glory of Heaven is terrible, is unbearable for them. They will not be able to bear it. This is just like the beggar not used to the palace of the king. He will feel very uncomfortable and humiliated. In which case, even the servant, the lowest kind of servant will look better and more confident than him.

Therefore we have to be prepared for the Buddha Land or for Heaven. We have to change our internal wisdom, we have to change our vibration, the frequency of our internal being. I just wanted to give you an example to understand. Even in this world, we have people with different frequencies.

That is the reason when we see someone we feel very comfortable or when we see someone else we feel very disturbed and we do not understand why. That is the reason why many people like to come to see the monks, to see the religious leaders, to see the yogis, or to see the practitioners of some kind. That is the reason why people loved to see the Buddha or Jesus Christ when they were alive, which caused a lot of envy and jealousy amongst the contemporary so-called practitioners. It is because when people see such persons, their vibration, their holy frequency, their very enlightened, comfortable, healing energy will make people around feel so comfortable, so blissful and so enlightened. Therefore now you remember and understand that the different vibrations, the different frequencies truly do exist.

So after we practice Quan Yin Method for some time, we will feel ourselves, the different vibrations between different people, we will be able to sense it, and we will be able to know ourselves. We will be able to know what kind of level we are in. When we reach the level of “non-level,” the “non-discriminating level,” then we can say that is Buddha hood.

Of course, you are all welcome and are invited to join this circle, free of charge, no string attached, free of any condition. Of course, you ask me where do I get all this money from. You can be sure that it is not forced from you, from your pocket. God gives me all the money I need, and much more that I ever needed so that I can donate to the poor and the needy of this world. God also gives me the spiritual wealth, more than I ever need, so that I can share it with all the people of the world. The money does not rain from the Heaven. God gives me many talents so I am able to earn money through these. Now if you have any questions and issues that are not clear to you, I am honored to answer.

Thank you for your attention.

One Can Attain Enlightenment Anywhere – part 4

The ultimate way to reach the Buddha hood is mentioned in the Surangama Sutra, and in many other scriptures of the world religions. After practicing the Quan Yin Method you will understand exactly what I said, without anyone having to teach you so. In the Surangama Sutra, it is said that the ultimate way, the last road is the Quan Yin Method. Quan Yin Method is to listen to your own inner Nature.

There is a kind of Energy, a kind of vibration that can be heard without the ears. These silent Words of God, of Buddha are the source of all wisdom. If whatever I said appeals to you and seems a little wise to you, it is due to the Quan Yin Method that I have practiced, that I have learned directly from the source of all creation. Of course, these are the things that I can express by words. There are many more things that only I can understand and cannot be explained in human languages. But there are some things that you could know without explanation.

For example, at the time of initiation, at the time that you want to learn the method which is called Quan Yin in Surangama Sutra, you will immediately attain what we call enlightenment and have many kinds, or some kinds, or one kind of experience, which is stated in the above mentioned scriptures of the world religions. And you will continue to have this enlightenment, you will develop the enlightenment, and the enlightenment will even get greater, because we are in direct contact with our Buddha Nature or the Kingdom of God. My disciples can testify to my words.

You are always welcomed to write and ask any of them. You can write to American disciples. You can write to English disciples. You can write to European disciples. You can write to Chinese disciples, Vietnamese disciples, disciples in Philippines, disciples in Singapore, disciples in Thailand. Just pick any name and ask them whether what I have said is true. That is how we know whether the Quan Yin Method is truly in accordance with the great religions of the world. At least I mean the five great religions.

Now religion is not merely recitation of the words of the past Masters, like Buddha, like Jesus Christ…but it is the incorporation of their wisdom into our daily lives. It is the sincere upkeep of their precepts, their commandments. And it is the polishing of wisdom daily within a very wise method. If all of this is combined together, we can call it a religion.

A true Buddhist must be able to contact the Buddha inside, knowing what the Buddha is. A true Christian should be able to contact Christ or God, otherwise how do we know if God exists. If Buddha is real, a true Buddhist should be able, at least to have a glimpse of something from the Buddha Land, or some glimpse of the great Light of the Buddha, or be able to hear  Buddha’s teaching directly. This is what Quan Yin Method enables you to do.

The Buddha does not teach with the ordinary English or with ordinary Korean language. But the Buddha’s teaching is with a quiet voice, in the universal language, which is very much like a beautiful melody. That is why in the Buddhist scriptures, it is stated that the Buddha speaks only in one kind of language, but all beings are able to understand in their own languages. It is the true scripture, the true teaching of the Buddha. That is why the more we listen to this inner Sound the wiser we become. The more we see the inner Light of God, of Buddha, the wiser we will be. This is how we become the true followers of Buddha or of Christ.

This is not expressed in the Bible or in the Buddhist Scriptures. It only mentions the Quan Yin Method. It only mentions the experiences of the practitioners of the Quan Yin Method. It does not mention how to practice it. Even it does mention, but without the Power of a realized Master, it is not real.  Because the way of the Buddha cannot be taught by language, or by action. It can only be transmitted from inner wisdom to our own wisdom. It is our wisdom that receives the initiation, the awakening, not our brain or our mind. Therefore, there is a necessity of a so-called “initiation,” to bring down the Buddha’s Power from Nirvana to awaken our own Buddha’s Power.

When I say Nirvana you should also understand it means the Kingdom of God in Christianity. I am also like the Korean people,  I do not discriminate amongst any religion. I think we have the same kind of understanding. That is why I feel so good in Korea, even at the first meeting with the Korean people.

So it is not explained in the Scriptures how to do it, because it has to be transmitted internally. But, because there were so many experiences, the results of the practice have been written in the Scriptures. Therefore, if we now have the same kinds of experiences, we know that we practicing the right method.

Actually, the method is not as important as the transmission of the Power of the wisdom. It is just because in our society we have to offer some kind of a concrete project, otherwise people do not accept. Therefore, we have to say I have a method for you. Therefore, you will understand, yes there is something to learn, something to know, something to develop. Otherwise, even if there is such a method, or even if it is written down in black and white, you have no benefit when reading it, because the Master’s power, the transmission lineage is missing.

Therefore, from ancient times you do not find such a method was written down. That is why most people understood the practicing of the Buddha hood to be a kind of mystery, very difficult to understand, very difficult to obtain. Yes, it is, but no, it is not. Yes, if we do not find someone who knows it, but if we find someone who has already known it, it’s very easy. And we can get immediate enlightenment, provided that we are sincere and the master accepts us.

That is how I learned. So that is how you can learn also. Even though there is nothing material to obtain, but there is something that we will know very well, when we are enlightened.

Are you tired already? (Applause) Should I continue? (Loud applause) Thank you. I appreciate your sincerity. That is what makes Korea become a great country, because of the spirituality that Korean people are after. Even though they are very capable of building a nation.

One Can Attain Enlightenment Anywhere – part 3

There were many other Saints, who were sent down from time to time to help to enlighten the people of this world. But then the Buddha had forgotten for almost thirty years, until he saw with his own eyes the suffering of the people of India at that time.

Therefore we do not know whether we are also Buddha, until we get enlightened, by chance or by the grace of any enlightened Master. Of course, you are invited to know yourself, to know whether you are a Buddha or not a Buddha.  Then you will know what the Buddha said is true Everyone is a Buddha. Everyone has the Buddha Nature inside waiting to be discovered.

But of course the ability to discover ourselves varies from one person to another. Therefore the levels of enlightenment are different. But if two persons have the same level of consciousness, their experiences are much the same. That is why the way of practice is called the “Tao,” which means the Path, the Road. Since it is a “road,” each one who travels this “road” will see practically the same things. The things which they see difference only by the length of the road that they have discovered. But if two persons have discovered the same distance, they should have experienced the same scenery.

If the Tao is different, how come all the Buddhas reached the same Buddha hood and did not reach anything else. If there are many roads, then the experiences of the people must be different from each other. But according to the Buddhist Sutras and other Holy books of different religions, the experiences of different people, who practice the Holy way are the same, or more or less the same.

There are of course, many, many wonderful experiences, when you become realized inside. But I’ll just cite some practical examples. Such as, in all kinds of religions, it mentioned the great Light of God, the great Light of the Buddha or scenes from the Buddha Land. I have studied various Scriptures of different religions, and whatever is mentioned is very similar to other scriptures. It is difficult to discern this matter before enlightenment, but after enlightenment, or even with a small degree of enlightenment, we will be able to see this very clearly. That is why I have mentioned earlier that the great people of Korea are very elevated, very high level of consciousness.

It is the same people of India, because they have understood the basic similarities of many religions. Some people think that the people of India worship many Gods. It is not that a multitude of hierarchies of Gods exists in India. It is just that they symbolically respect all the leaders, all the masters of different religions past and present.

In Korea we have many temples, so many churches and so many other practicing centers. It is much similar in spirit. But I think the Korean people are blessed with the more practical aspect of life. Therefore they understand both, the spirit and they take care of their material comfort. I have stated that it is very rare.

Now let us come back to what I just have said before. We do not have to lose all this attainment in the material world in order to gain enlightenment. We can sit in our house, enjoy all the comforts, fulfill our duties, and become great enlightened Saints at the same time. Provided that, we sincerely want enlightenment in order to understand more about life, death and the universe, about any other matters that we could not understand previously in order to serve the world in a better way, in a wiser way and to be of use to ourselves and the whole universe.

We have to think like the Buddha. We have to live the way of the Buddha. We do not just worship the Buddha. The Buddha said that we are the future Buddhas. He said it two thousand six hundred  years ago. We are in that future now, so there is no more time to wait. We could become a Buddha now; at least we learn the way of the Buddha or how to become a Buddha.

The way of the Buddha is laid out in all the Scriptures, but how to become a Buddha is not explained. Therefore, we have worshipped the Buddha for many thousands of years but we have not dreamed of becoming a Buddha. Because how to become a Buddha is not to be done by spoken languages. It is the Power that is inherent inside us, and we have to do it, to discover it ourselves. If you could do it alone, it is fine and good. If we could not reveal our own greatness, then we have to seek someone to show us how to do it.

Similarly, if we could not speak English and we could not learn it ourselves, then we must find a very good English teacher. It is very simple and similar to any kind of science. As I have said the way is the same. There may be many sideways before the highway, but ultimately there is only one way.

How to Make Peace on Earth – part 3

December 16, 1989 Argentina

At the moment, we are abusing the natural resources. For example, hydrogen is for us to breathe, also to make the universe stable. If we draw hydrogen into a block and make a bomb out of it, which we call a hydrogen bomb, then our air will become thinner, there will be less hydrogen in it, and the whole universe might be disturbed. Just like when we use bricks and visible materials to build houses, the universe has invisible materials to build the universe. If we disturb this structure in any place, then the universe might not be stable. Similarly when we destroy part of this house, or break one wall, the whole house is affected.

Therefore recently we have seen many UFO’s, or space ships. Someone asked me about extra-terrestrials yesterday, “If they exist why didn’t they come before?” They didn’t have to. “Why do they come now?” Because we are too threatening to them and to ourselves. We are too ignorant  playing with dangerous things.

Do not think I come to preach Buddhism or want your sympathy or any of your properties. I want nothing. I only want the world to have peace so everyone can have time and a chance to develop their own talent, or their own capabilities. Humans should live together as humans, not as beasts. Up to now, most of the things we do are just similar to that animals do, nothing for humans to be proud of. Animals eat, make children, and love each other. We do the same. If we do not know God or the Buddha Nature within us, we are not much different. Is that not so? Please don’t be angry with me, someone must tell the truth sometimes. Otherwise, we all sleep, dream our dream, and feel proud of ourselves. Proud of what? What can we be proud of? All these atomic bombs? All these hydrogen bombs? All the poverty in this world? All these miseries? Hatred? Violence? Over-population? Hungry kids? What have we made out of this Heaven?

You were told that this world was Heaven before. What have we done to make it become like this? A handful of people are worrying about this beautiful planet. Other people sleep, eat, make love, and make money. Even when they go to church, I don’t know if they pray. Even if they go to the temples, I don’t know what they pray to the Buddha. Yes, they do pray! They pray for their own welfare, for their own business and for their own sons and daughters. How about the neighbors? Should we pray for them also? Praying is not a very active thing. We should also do something, but it is very difficult for most people to realize it.

Therefore, you see, when someone goes to a lecture like this, a few hundred, a few thousand people come to listen. But, when you go to the football game, theater or to hear pop singers, you see many tens of thousands watching a ball, watching people fighting over a ball. Isn’t that amazing?! It isn’t even the people on the outside who play, it is the people on the inside who play. If all the people would play, then I can say, “OK. They are exercising; it is good. Everyone is excited, because they are competing in a game.” But no, only a group of people are playing and forty thousand of fifty thousand people outside are excited. I am always amazed to watch the illusion games of this world. I cannot understand it either.

But I do understand why we do not have peace. It’s because everyone just does not care. We can watch football, it is no sin. We can get to the theater; it is good sometimes, to pass time, and to make a change in our life. But, we should also remember who we are and where we will go after this life. We must also give time to prepare for this departure. We prepare for everything – for birth, for death, for old age, but we don’t prepare for the next life. And even if we don’t care for the next life, we should care for this life. We should work together to make our world more beautiful, more peaceful.

How to Make Peace on Earth – part 2

Now, I will explain to you what the Three Worlds are. The Three Worlds are very well known in Buddhism, but in the Bible, it is hardly mentioned. Have you heard of the Third Heaven? In the Bible, someone was brought up to the Third Heaven when the Holy Spirit had lifted him. The Third Heaven is the highest of the Three Worlds. It is the end of the so-called spiritual world. Our world is called the Earth world or material world. Besides our world there are another Three Worlds which are invisible, but visible to the heavenly eye. If we practice some kinds of meditation, sometimes our heavenly eye will be opened and we may be able to see higher invisible worlds. These worlds are sometimes similar to ours.

For example, in the Astral world, which is the nearest to our world, the scenery, the structure of the houses and the wishes of the people there are very similar to ours. Most people after they die will stay in the astral world. The astral  world also has heavens and hells. Heavens are the places for the virtuous people, hells are so-called “hospitals” for the sick. If our bodies have cancer in some places, then the doctor will operate on those places and remove the cancer to make our bodies well. If the whole body is sick due to hatred, greed, lust, etc., then all the cells are sick. Therefore, they have to be put in a so-called hell, and there they use a kind of laser beam to operate on all the cells and remove all these traits. This is why we say that hell burn people with fire. It is actually a kind of treatment to remove all our mental sickness. If we are unloving to ourselves, and unloving to other people, that means we are in some kind of mental sickness. If we continue to do so during our life or for many lives, then every cell in our bodies will be afflicted by these unloving actions, thoughts or habits.

Therefore, the Astral so-called doctors have to cure our astral bodies, putting all the cells back in order by using very high frequency beams of Light, and it is very painful. They keep doing so until we are cleansed of all traits of greed, hatred, lust, etc. This is a kind of treatment actually, but we call that hell because it is very painful and full of suffering. It is just like when we are in a hospital; there is also a lot of suffering due to the treatment given by the doctor.

Now, the Astral world is one of the Three Worlds. Above the Astral world there is another world, which is the so-called Mental world. Above the Mental world, there is another world called the Third Heaven, or the world of Brahma. The higher the world, the more beautiful, the more light and the more power there is. Therefore, if someone is the king of the Three Worlds, he is so-called on top of the creation. Therefore, to be the king of the Three Worlds is a very great position.

The king of the Three Worlds is what we call the king of Maya. However great his position is, he is a king of illusion, and he has not enough wisdom and love. Everything in this physical world is made and created by this king, therefore it is not perfect. So we see roses with thorns, and people sometimes with ugly-looking faces; sometimes there are human beings who look like beasts or act like animals, with no dignity as human beings. This is the result of the Maya king’s work. Anyone who descends to one of the Three Worlds, including ours, has to wear this kind of imperfect apparel, although originally we are perfect. When we are above the Three Worlds, when we are back at our Home, then we are different.

Now, I’ll give you a very clear example. When you go swimming and diving into the sea, you have to wear very big eye-glasses, an oxygen mask, a big oxygen tank and a kind of frogman’s clothing. You look neither like a fish nor like a frog… even not like a human! But these are the things you need when you dive into the world of the sea. If you stay in the sea and wear these kinds of things long enough, you will become used to it and you can never take them off, as you need them in the deep of the sea. Every day if you look in the mirror, you will see yourself like that and you will think you are like that. Once you go back on land, you no longer need these, and you are beautiful again. So, that is the problem with us when we are in this world. We need many instruments.

For example, our mind is also an instrument, but the instrument sometimes becomes an obstacle, it is not natural. Just like when you wear the frogman’s clothes, your feet become so large like this (Master shows everyone) that they are hard to control, and your nose is bundled with the oxygen mask, which is very troublesome. Your movement is not really very natural due to the equipment on your back, on your face, on your hands and on your feet, etc.

Now we are in this world and the brain is a kind of computer which our souls need in order to gather information. But when we use it too long, we are kind of dependent on it; so dependent that sometimes even when the computer goes wrong, we still do not know that we are getting the wrong information. You know computers sometimes go wrong. For example, I heard of a computer which can translate many languages. A German person brought it to China to translate from German into Chinese, and there was one idiom in German which meant golden but it was translated to blond. That is how we get stuck in this world, because of wrong information.

Yesterday someone asked me, “If God decides everything, how come there are wars, disasters and miseries?” It is very simple.  For example, sometimes you wanted to do something. Inside, you have an intuition that you should do it this way, and then suddenly you say “No. My mama never did it like this, my teacher would not approve, or my girlfriend, my boyfriend, my whatever… “So, you start to do it the way you learned from the people in society, and then it went wrong. You knew you should have done it the other way, your original intuitive way, so you tried again, and you succeeded. Is that not so? You know many times that it is so.

That is the difference between wisdom and knowledge. Wisdom is intuitive, that is what we call the original Self and God wisdom. Knowledge is what we have from other people, from books, from tradition, from national customs; it is not necessarily correct. Sometimes it helps but mostly it doesn’t. Therefore, we have many conflicts and incorrect incidents in this world, because most people do not use the direct wisdom; we only use second-hand, third-hand or fourth-hand knowledge.

If we want to use the direct wisdom, then we must be in contact with that original wisdom. In order to do so, we must open some of our inner compartments, we must put some of the apparatus in use. We all know that our brain contains 95% unused capacity. These are places we must open if we want to have peace on Earth, if we want to know how to make peace on Earth. Everyone wants it but does not know how to go about to making it. Instead of using scientific research and inventions to serve humanity, we use it for destruction.

Questions & Answers After Lectures (32-35)

Q32 :What kind of light and sound can I hear when I reach the fifth level? I mean what symbol will let me know if I come to the fifth level of meditation?

M: That I tell you at the time of initiation. Because I cannot just tell you like that at random. I don’t know what kind of meditation you do. If you want to elaborate further, maybe it’s better. The fifth level is meant for the initiated people only, not for other disciples. They couldn’t even reach the first.

Q33: Dear  Master, I’m married, but I sometimes have dreams of being with other beautiful girls. How do I prevent these dreams? Am I creating heavy karma? Please tell me.

M:It’s alright! Just enjoy your dreams okay?! (Laughter.) Just don’t do it in the reality. Otherwise, your wife will not let you enjoy it. And keep it a secret. What can we do with dreams? Right? Forgive yourself. It’s okay!

Q34 :When does the soul enter the body? Is it before our birth or after our birth? How can it happen if we are born as a twin?

M: No, because you like to stick together, I guess, huh! You have affinity with each other. And you want to go out at the same time to have companion. No problem about twins, yeah. We are twins ourselves. We have both feminine and masculine aspects inside. And we, if we reunite that, we’re happy. Forget about the physical aspect.

Q 35:Dear Master, please let us know more about energy, the relationship between energy, peace and love. The only thing we know from science is that energy cannot be destroyed or created. Energy can be transformed from one kind to another kind. Some say God is energy, God is love. What do you think?

M:I think these are only sayings. Before you experience that, all sayings are empty. I do not like to be a living dictionary but an example of the true knowledge. When you are enlightened, you understand this energy and all the metaphysical questions.

Energy is many kinds, negative and positive. When we are enlightened, we balance both and make use of them for the purposes in life and in the right time, the right situation.

I told you already. If we are enlightened, the world will be at peace. No need to change anything. Of course, that is peaceful energy that we radiate after enlightenment.

To Love God Is To Keep His Commandments – part 3

So God, the Father, the Supreme, the most compassionate, the most loving, the Almighty, could not possibly have such a defying nature and would never make war against His children or sometimes kill His children in thousands just for some small mistakes. That cannot be the true God. These are only the imagination, the characteristics of human. We should go back to the true God. The true God is all loving, all wise and all forgiving. This is the God that Jesus wanted to present to His people, and this is the God that I also want to remind you of. The true God resides within us and there is no other God besides Him.

How to find this God? By reverting to the principles – that is, all loving, all forgiving, all compassion, and all wisdom – by repenting our previous misdeeds committed through ignorance, and by resolving not to commit them again. With such a true repentance the Light of God will sprout forth again, and all our past sins will be forgiven. That is the true baptism; not by water but by the Holy Spirit, by the Light of wisdom and logic. That’s why nowadays when we are baptized by water, we don’t see any Light from God and we do not feel free of our sins and suffering; because the principle is not imposed upon us, wisdom is not opened for us, and deep repentance is not evoked within our souls.

At the time of the true baptism, or what we call initiation, you will see the Light of God, you will hear the Word which was God, which is mentioned in the Bible: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. So the true baptism should bring us in contact with this Word or with God. That’s the difference between the true baptism and ordinary baptism. We may use water or we may not use water; it makes no difference. What is important is the impression that the baptism evokes within ourselves.

Therefore when John the Baptist baptized people and when Jesus preached, people derived more benefit than when all other priests did the same. It is because John the Baptist had inspiration, sincerity and devotion to God. And when Jesus preached His doctrine, it was inspired by His own deep conviction, His own enlightenment and His own love for God – a very pure love and pure wisdom, which was different from the ordinary priests of His time.

Jesus’ love and wisdom will not be contaminated by any worldly gain or any desire for worldly fame and power. His life was simple and true, true to every word that He preached. He did not preach because He wanted to be famous or He wanted people to respect Him, but He preached because of His love for God, His true love for humankind and the true desire that He wanted to bring the true Light to people in order to eliminate their suffering.

Once we understand why we suffer, we can change it. It is only when we do not understand, then we continue. Similarly when the doctor diagnoses the condition and knows where the sickness is, he can cure it; but the most important thing is that the patient himself should know how to live his life in order to stay healthy for a long time. In order to stay healthy in body, we should know some hygienic rules, we should know what food to eat and what exercises to do so that we can prevent most diseases. In order to stay healthy in spirit, we should know what the Law of God, the Low of Nature is, so that we can stay healthy in wisdom and become “God-like,” because God made human in His own image. The Bible tells us: Be you perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect.

If most people had followed this advice from the Bible, the world would have become Heaven long ago. But most people do not follow and do not respect the Law of God. Therefore we incur much suffering for ourselves within any nations. The most important and the first law of God is: Thou shalt not kill, and that we even misunderstand. We couldn’t even keep the first commandant. In the Bible it is written that the priests at Thanksgiving killed many lambs, sheep, goats and good ducks to make an offering to God, and that this was even done at the site of the holy temple, making God’s abode become a slaughterhouse! So God protested. He said: Who told you to dill all the sheep and goats to make an offering to me? You should wash yourself of this innocent blood, and don’t commit this sin again. You should repent of your sin!

Can you imagine a beautiful temple with great and magnificent pillars, with shining roof, with large rooms, spaces, coral yards and splendid structure? It should be a place for gathering for wisdom, and for worshiping the most High; but at that time, the temple became a slaughterhouse and all the priests smelt blood and smoke from roasted meat. I don’t think intelligent people would say that it’s very holy. Moses laid down the law, Thou shalt not kill that which is from God. But even then they broke it.

So we cannot blame God for the miseries that the world has to suffer from time to time. If God, who is worthy of our reverence and love, has to depend on roast beef, roast lamb and roast sheep for survival, if He has to live from our sweat labor and earnings, from some people who are too poor to even afford meat themselves, then we can imagine what kind of grace, what kind of blessing that He, as such a dependent God, could give us? Even ordinary people wouldn’t do that, so how would a God do that?

Many good-hearted people often help others from very pure, unconditional love and don’t expect anything in return. How can we imagine a God who always demands gold, silver and roast beef, and doesn’t even give anything in return? If He demanded beef before He  gave any favor, this must be the trickery which came from the priesthood, not from God.  Even if God truly wanted it so, after we gave Him all the beef, chickens and whatever,  He should have, but still didn’t return the favor. He could have said, “OK, it’s fair enough.” But He didn’t. He didn’t even return anything at all. Oh, that God! The proof that He didn’t return anything is that, those people who made offerings are still suffering from sickness, from misery, from sorrow and from everything else, like any other mortals. Even the priests in the temple also have to suffer like anyone else.

Therefore, some people made a fool of God. That’s unfair to Him. The question lays in our own misunderstanding; not that God has an unmerciful and greedy nature. God has laid down the Law that we have to obey, not for God’s sake, but for our own sake. In English we always say, “For God’s sake you have to do this, for God’s sake you have to do that.” But now I say, “For our sake we should do that, for your sake you should do this.” We should correct that saying. I don’t know if in your country you also say “For God’s sake,” You do this, too?! Oh, I am sorry, but I have to speak the truth.

Peter Canova: Unraveling the Mysteries of Creation and the Sacred Feminine – part 1

Peter Canova  is the American author and Gnostic Gospels expert.  After an extraordinary career as an international businessman and luxury hotel developer, Mr. Canova began studying ancient mystical teachings, quantum physics and psychology. Today he’ll discuss his perspective on the mysteries of creation and the meaning of the Gnostic Gospels as well as other spiritual insights he’s gained from his research.

Mr. Canova is author of the “First Souls” novel trilogy. Book one is called “Pope Annalisa” and has won seven national book awards in the US including the prestigious Nautilus Gold Medal Award and the Independent Publishers Award.
My name is Peter Canova. I’m from the United States and I’m an author. I had a series of, I guess what you call psychic experiences when I was younger. And it put me on the quest to understand the whole basis of how these types of phenomena happen to us. I sensed that we must all be connected in some sort of matrix or energy field. So just trying to really understand and answer those questions set the course of my later life.

I think what has been missing in organized religions for a long time is a flexibility that allows a person to determine their own spiritual experiences, their own images, their own dreams and things like that without being channeled into what is accepted by the particular religious group. When you have a spiritual perspective, but you don’t lock it into any particular type of creed, your ability to experience that spirit is a lot broader.

The modern world is rediscovering the mysteries of the East and the significance of yin, the female energy, and yang, the male energy, for spiritual advancement. Psychologist Carl Jung, known for his adept studies of Gnosticism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism and other traditions, believed that the unification of the yin and yang polarities within the individual is an important step in achieving spiritual wholeness, or merging with the higher Self.

All of us are born with both male and female qualities within us. Now Carl Jung, the famous psychologist, would call it the anima and the animus, which is the male part in the female and the female in the male. And one’s ability to use those faculties simultaneously is what makes an outstanding human being. When we bring those faculties into balance, we have a person who can be both feeling and intuitive, a person who can be both logical and analytical. And I think that that is certainly a gateway to opening up to higher spiritual experience.

The sacred feminine was always the recognition that there are two faces of God, that God in this world expresses itself in terms of male and female qualities. The sacred feminine, in particular, was the belief of the ancients that it was the divine feminine faculty that led directly to the creation of the material world and the creation of material experience. And therefore in very early societies, you had a lot of worship of the goddess as opposed to the god, the male god image. And along with that worship of the goddess went a respect for these feminine faculties. People took a more intuitive approach and a heartfelt feeling approach towards their spirituality

When consciousness first came into physical form, the world must have been a very magical and intuitive place back then. The human being was closer to the source of the consciousness that had descended into the physical body. I think what happened was all of a sudden, the spirit in the human being woke up to the shock that it was in a physical body, and now it had survival issues.

They had to develop a more male type of analytical strategy to understand the things in the world and survive. And I think that worked but it went overboard. Now we’ve gone almost to an extreme on the male side, and I think the reason why real spirituality has become so obscured is because we have lost the ability to believe in our own imaginations and listen to our own intuition, and listen to the heart rather than just the head

You can follow any of those charts you see on the left brain and right brain faculties. Generally speaking, the male or the left brain faculties are logic, analysis, linear thinking, tend to be very verbal in orientation, and tend to want to classify things. The male orientation wants to break the whole into parts to understand it. Now the female, on the other hand, is more feeling and intuitive, and it looks at the whole rather than the parts. Now we all have each of them, but in most cases one side is more pronounced than the other. So, it’s important to bring those two into balance.

We asked Mr. Canova to speak about his award-winning book and its message.

I’ve written a novel called “Pope Annalisa” about an African nun who becomes the first female pope, but in the book it deals with a lot of scientific, spiritual, and metaphysical themes. And it’s really about the origin, the destiny and the purpose of human beings here on Earth.

It’s about spirit transcending religion, quantum science transcending tradition, material science and consciousness transcending matter.

We haven’t seen a female priest before; we certainly haven’t seen a female Pope before. And so I started thinking what would it be like. What would a woman be like who would be able to become a Pope when that’s been an exclusively male occupation for 2,000 years, and what kind of a world would accept that? What kind of a world would allow that to happen?

So from those questions, I started to build the whole platform of the world that Pope Annalisa might live in. So I just kind of built on from that and then that vehicle just became an outpouring of my own spiritual expression of what I wanted to convey to people. I felt that the experiences I had were so vivid, I wanted a way to convey the knowledge that I’ve brought back from those experiences to other people in hopes that would help them in their own particular spiritual journey.

In 1945 some of the texts that are part of the Gnostic Gospels were discovered in Egypt, and their finding led to profound insights about the meaning of the spiritual teachings of past enlightened masters such as Jesus.

We see very clearly that Jesus was teaching two different things. He was teaching an inner mystery and he was teaching an outer set of guidelines and parables for the masses. Now in the book of Mark or Luke or Matthew, it’s very clear. He says to the disciples, “Unto you were given the mysteries in the Kingdom of Heaven, unto those without, these things were done in parables.” Christianity had two streams – one was an inner church of mystical teachings, and the other one was an outer church, which is pretty much what has evolved into the churches we know today. But through documents that have been unearthed in recent times, we begin to be able to construct the picture of what those teachings might have been.

What was the nature of these mystical teachings? Mr. Canova now explains his findings.

I’m going to try and simplify. The first thing would be that there was one and only one source for all existence, and that source they called the first consciousness. First consciousness was the ancient, first thought. I should say, first thought was the ancient word for consciousness, so the first precept of the mystical teachings was that there was one and only one consciousness that has created everything that we perceive and everything that we see.

The next important thing in that teaching would have been that this one consciousness divided itself up into numerous points of consciousness, so you could say Consciousness with a large ‘C’ broke itself up into consciousness with a small ‘c’ which would include human consciousness, and this happened through a process where the whole would limit knowledge of itself, almost like the whole would forget parts of itself that it was the whole and it was everything, because as it limited its own consciousness, that created the source of identity for individual consciousness, and the parts could only think of themselves as parts if they can’t recognize the whole.

A specific portion of the Gnostic texts says that the first of the spirit consciousness, you can call them angels in modern terminology, in the Gnostic texts they’re called aeons, but aeons and angels are really the same thing, when the first of these spiritual beings started to break away from the whole and started to think of the possibility of a separate existence, this was the original fall. The first was the fall from spirit into the thought of separation, and the thought of separation became soul or psyche or individual mind.

The second fall was the fall of psyche or soul into the physical body. And the second one would have been the one that we see in the Bible, Adam and Eve. When this first thought of separation started to congeal, it started to produce an effect, which led to the creation of matter. And it’s said that this matter could not vibrate at the same dimensional level as the spiritual vibration, and it was expelled in a great disturbance. Their word for Big Bang was “a great disturbance,” and it was expelled from the Heavenly realm. They called it the Pleroma, what we would call the heavenly or spiritual realm. This thought that led to matter was expelled in a great disturbance into another dimension.

God Takes Care of Everything – part 2

Actually I don’t need anything. After all, I realize I need nothing. Finally, we have no desires anymore. If we meditate more and more, finally we know that we don’t need anything. But even if we don’t need anything, God will see to it that, every necessary thing we will have in life. I think as you meditate along, day by day, you have also noticed this miracle. Every day is a miracle for us, and we’re happier and more loving every day. That is the best gift from God.

If He gives us also financial blessings, it’s all right. If He gives us something like loving relationships as a blessing, it’s all right. If He gives us more houses, more cars, we accept. Everything God gives is all right. We don’t go on to say, “Oh God, I don’t want material things. This is not what I want.”  It’s okay. If He gives us anything, that’s all right. And we share with everyone else, and this is okay.

That’s how the world will become a paradise. Everyone shares with each other. Everyone becomes happier. Then no one will want to steal from the neighbor, to hurt the neighbor, or to do anything else; because everyone will be happy. That is the future vision of our planet. That’s what we should always try to strive to achieve.

One day it will be so. Let’s pray for that. If it is not so, at least the world of our own environment is peaceful, is happy, and is harmonious. Yes, our world with our husbands, wives, our neighbors, our children – this is our world, our planet. It’s always blissful, happy and harmonious, at least. That is a world that is important to us too, because our world is the most important foundation. Without our world, the big world, the big universe doesn’t exist. Without one brick of this world, the big world would not exist. The world exists by many bricks put together, so every brick is important.

Our small world – our small unit of family, of friends, of neighbors, is very important. That’s why if everyone of us takes care of our small world then the big world becomes peaceful alone. No need for anyone to go to Geneva and have a big meeting, drink a lot of champagne and coffee, and eat a lot of beef in order to talk about world peace. If every unit of the family takes care of its inner peace, if it gets in contact with God and gets this everlasting, unconditional love, then the world will have peace. There’s no need to talk. That is an ideal picture, ideal vision for our planet, and for every other planet in this universe.

That’s what is God’s will. That’s what God wants us to understand. It doesn’t matter what, doesn’t matter how long it takes us to understand, God will allow the time, the instruments, the information and the way. God will make the way. God will provide the way for us, as long as it’s necessary for us to understand these fundamental things about our lives and its connection with the universe.

We have an eternity to learn, but we can have it right now. That’s what we have through the method of the Light and the Sound. We have it immediately. Otherwise, we could wait and wait through mistakes, through miseries, through sorrows and through transient happiness until the day we learn.

That’s why God sends someone, some messenger, to remind us that we can have it quickly and immediately; as from ancient times it has always been so. It’s better if you don’t wait, you’ve already got it. But tell your friends, if they want to wait for eternity, it’s all right with God too. [Laughter] God has a lot of patience, far too much!

With this inner meditation and contact, we will soon discover that everything is arranged, everything is okay under the sun. God takes care of every minor detail of every being’s life. That’s why we’re happy. That’s why we are satisfied. That’s why all the sorrows and miseries in this world cannot affect us; because we know the Truth, the one and only Truth, the solid Truth, that God takes care of everything.

So, I think we have to thank God every time that God gives us the opportunity to learn the fastest way, to understand the Truth, which erases all of our miseries; because the Truth really will set us free. The only thing that sets us free is the Truth. If we don’t know that, we always worry. We always feel terrible: “Why is there misery? Why is there someone troubled? Why is there a disaster?” Then, because we don’t know, we worry all the time and we try to take care of every little thing.

But we can never take care enough, because everything goes with the universal plan, and we are just a small particle of the cosmos. We always worry like we are God. We try to arrange the world’s peace. We try to do everything in our lives in order to achieve what we think we must. Then we forget, only God’s will will be done, not ours: because we don’t know anything.

Only when we meditate on God – directly contact with God through the Light and the Sound, then we know. We know everything without even learning from anyone, without reading books, without reading newspapers. We understand deeply, profoundly and everlastingly. You know everything if you meditate regularly and diligently. There’s nothing I need to teach you, nothing anyone needs to teach you at all, because you are your own Master. Everyone has God inside and everyone knows that.

The more we come back into our own wisdom and Master Power, the more we know. It’s a very natural way of teaching. It’s not teaching by verbal language. It’s teaching from inside. It’s so simple. We feel sorry that the worldly people don’t know. It’s so simple like the air we breathe, like the water that we drink. The Truth and the way to the Truth are so simple; but the worldly people, they are so used to complications. They are used to expensive things and hard to get things. So, when anything is offered so simply, quickly and unconditionally, they don’t understand.

You see how the people work in the world. They work eight hours, ten hours, fifteen hours, eighteen hours, just for what? Just to have a roof over their heads, just to have two or three meals a day, a few clothes to wear, and maybe a vehicle to move around in order to work. They work so hard for these very basic, minimum necessities of life. People are used to hardship. That’s why people cannot believe in anything that is free, anything that is simple, anything that is so direct and unconditional.

That’s why it’s our duty, if we want to take this duty, to remind the people and to try our best with all the loving kindness that we receive from God to make people realize that the best things are always simple and always unconditional. We prove it by our living standard, by our moral quality, by our loving kindness which is visible to everyone. We must show God’s love through our way of living, through our own behavior, through our devotion and love to God, and through our devotion, love to all humankind,  not by verbal languages, but by examples.

For more information please visit

Stephen Bassett: Enhancing Awareness of Human-Extraterrestrial Relations

In recent decades, public interest in the existence of extraterrestrial life has grown dramatically, and many people are seeking disclosure about what governments know on the subject. One such individual is activist, lobbyist and commentator Stephen Bassett, Executive Director of the Paradigm Research Group and the Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee (X-PPAC), both of which are based in Bethesda, Maryland USA. Mr. Bassett is a leading advocate for increasing public awareness about the extraterrestrial presence engaging humankind and its potential benefits for our planet and civilization.

Supreme Master Television had the opportunity to speak with Stephen Bassett about his work at the October 2011 Conscious Life Visionary Expo in Los Angeles, California, USA. Today  we’d like to  present excerpts from the fascinating interview.

I am a political activist, and I have been since 1996. And the focus of my activism is the extraterrestrial issue and its resolution. Prior to that I did business consulting. I did get a degree in physics but my life really began when I entered this issue and I’ve been doing it exclusively since then. And the issue regarding ET phenomena had been with me my whole life.

One of the key books I read was John Mack’s “Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens.” Mack was a Harvard (University)-trained psychiatrist. And the fact that he had gotten into the issue, studying contactees, was a milestone for me and told me this thing is definitely moving forward. Then it was easy to conclude: “Well, if the extraterrestrial presence were to become known as an accepted reality, that would be the most profound event in human history.”

So I said, “I’ll engage it politically.” So the first thing I did was to register as a (federal government) lobbyist, thus the name Paradigm Research Group, which is the name of my organization. I was the first person to ever register as a lobbyist in Washington (DC) (USA) on this issue. Then I formed the first political-action committee. Then, of course, the field is getting crowded so we’re now a movement.

Mr. Bassett now discusses the substantial body of evidence for the existence of human-extraterrestrial interaction that has emerged in recent decades.

The evidence is massive and overwhelming. It’s been accumulated for 60 years, 5,000 books and pamphlets, millions of sightings, hundreds of thousands of reports, thousands of pilot sightings, discs (seen) off (of airplane) windows, cockpits, radar reports, and multiple sightings on the ground. Now, you have to go look at it. It’s years to study this evidence. But there is a massive amount of evidence to prove it.

One of the most profound pieces of evidence is in the last 20 years, many hundreds of thousands of people have reported contact with extraterrestrials. They’re reporting contacts which are pretty consistent, the same kind of beings, the same kind of procedures. So that’s incredibly powerful evidence. And then one other; that is, government witnesses coming forward, people like astronaut Edgar Mitchell, and astronaut Gordon Cooper. That’s very powerful. These are very accomplished people.

Mr. Bassett next elaborates on some of the types of extraterrestrials that have been described by contactees, and the need for increased public understanding of their existence and efforts to interact with humans.

There appear to be four or five types that are most commonly reported by contactees, and the most common is the “Greys,” which vary in size and in other ways. And this image of the “Grey” is now ubiquitous in the world, in advertising, on packaging, on television. It’s a very slight, four-foot being, spindly arms, four fingers, very small mouth, vestigial ears, vestigial nose and big, black, slanted eyes. And that wasn’t concocted in the imagination of some ad person. That is in fact the imagery that’s being reported.

“The Art of Close Encounters” is a new book that has a 150 contactee reports with about 200 pieces of art that show the range of this phenomena. There’s a group called the “Nordics” which look very human, almost identical, but beautiful, tall, blonde beings. Those are pretty well established. There are significant benefits that would come if the world’s people know that they are not alone, there’s other extraterrestrial civilizations. I think this opens up a broad range of doors that we could go through to start dealing with the problems we’re creating. There’s potential technological breakthroughs that come from ET technology.

So the benefits would far outweigh any justification that the world’s major governments could put forward to justify keeping this suppressed anymore. Letting them know it’s true, and also letting them know that things are moving forward, helps to acclimate people for this, so that there will be less disruption when it does happen. And also, as awareness raises about the likelihood of disclosure, the likelihood of disclosure goes up. So again, the idea is to get disclosure of the ET presence as soon as possible, so public awareness helps in both those areas.

When humans become more conscious and accepting of extraterrestrials, the door to advancing our planet and civilization in numerous ways will be opened.

We have a number of craft and we’ve been studying them for decades, we know how the craft perform, we know they’re anti-gravitic. So there may be a profound energy source there. There is a lot going on now in human physics that’s pointing towards accessing extraordinary energy sources. It’s called the ground field, zero-point field, quantum field. It turns out the amount of energy that is around us is actually quite extraordinary. If we could tap into that energy, it changes the equations on planet Earth profoundly, so we think there is more information there, we need to have that information out so that we can utilize potential energy sources.

It’s also clear from the contact reports, they’re (ETs) extremely skilled in life sciences, in genetics. So one of the great truths I think we will learn in the post-disclosure world is that DNA from life planets all throughout the galaxy has been swapping out for millions of years, space-bearing beings have been taking DNA and moving it around. And so our DNA, our life structures here are connected very likely to life structures all over the galaxy. This is incredibly profound.

And when you examine the contactee reports, it turns up everywhere, genetic work, DNA, hybrid beings, they are the masters of this, and probably a lot more, which also means that they’re probably more than capable, or have the technology that is capable of solving almost all the disease problems we have, which means that if we had full contact with the extraterrestrials, and if they were willing to provide us with some of this tech, we could cure virtually all of the major diseases that plague us, which would transform the planet. So disclosure is the door to open contact, and open contact may be the door to access that technology.

Mr. Bassett also believes that having a strong spiritual foundation can help us accept the changes brought about by increased contact with our fellow beings from other parts of the galaxy.

I think people who have a spiritual base probably are in a better position to deal with this transition than people who don’t have that kind of a base. Belief systems will shift, there’ll be some new information we’re going to learn about, our ancient history and perhaps some of our religious lore.

In conclusion, Mr. Bassett states that our extraterrestrial friends are here to guide us to a constructive future in a way that has been experienced for millennia by the inhabitants of many other planets around our galaxy.

They understand from previous experience that at this point we have to go from thinking we’re alone in the universe to knowing we are not. We have to go through the disclosure process. And we have a limited amount of time because the weapons that we have are getting more powerful. The environment’s getting more damaged, so we have to make this transition because once a planetary civilization gets to this point, if they don’t come to understand that they are not alone, if they can’t engage these sort of civilizations, they may not be able to get through this time. In other words, they perish. So they are shepherding us through a necessary transition that every sentient species has probably gone through on planets around the galaxy.

Supreme Master Ching Hai has spoken on occasion regarding extraterrestrial beings and their visits to our planet as in this October 2010 videoconference with Supreme Master Television staff in Los Angeles, California, USA.

… Master, have UFOs carried out any other activities on Earth that we don’t know about? What are those activities?

M-Yes. Too many to count, okay? But they’re all good intentions, good intentions. One of it is to help to promote peace, yes, promote peace and stop war. They also stop comets from hitting us, etc., etc. So, you see, many times we heard that the comet almost hit the Earth and then it veered to the other direction into space, harmless space, and so it didn’t harm the Earth.  They also help heal many sick people wherever they can, whenever they happen to have a chance to do that.

And they also soften war-like aggression and trying to induce people into a more peaceful state of mind. So, their activities are so many, so many. We have to thank them immensely. Thank God that they even exist, that God even sent them, that God even allowed them to come and help us, that we even have enough luck to be helped by such highly developed beings.

Thank you Mr. Stephen Bassett for your enlightening discussion on the interactions of extraterrestrials and humans and their potential benefits to our civilization. May the Paradigm Research Group soon succeed in encouraging governments worldwide to inform their respective citizens about our friendly galactic neighbors.

For more information on Stephen Bassett, please visit

May our planet soon elevate, thus enabling us to fully integrate with the universe.

Rely on Yourself – part 1

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Spoken by Master Ching Hai
September 6, 1994
Honolulu, Hawaii USA

We don’t learn for the other people to know. We learn so that we know and that we can bless the world silently by our inner glory and inner love. Just like every other science you know and study, you have to develop yourself. That’s why the Buddha said, Rely on yourself and no one else. Of course, He said, To see the Buddha is very rare, the greatest blessing, that in a hundred thousand eons you wouldn’t have one. Not once in a lifetime but once in many lifetimes you would see a Buddha. Probably the Buddha is in front of you, but you don’t see. That’s the difference. Many people stare, but they don’t see anything. They probably look but they don’t see. They hear but they don’t listen, they don’t understand.

Jesus also said, No one comes to the Father except through me. Nevertheless, He didn’t say that now you have seen me, you go home to sleep, and surely you’ll go to heaven. He tells you self-cultivation, love your Father, love my commandments, pray in a “closet,” love your neighbor. Wow, it’s a lot of work! It’s not that He said: “Okay, now that you have seen me, you’ll surely go to heaven.” No! He didn’t say that. A lot of work He told us to do.

Even to His relatives, you remember? He said, Who is my relative? Who is my mother? Who is my sister? Only the ones who do the will of the Father are my relatives, my mother, my sister. He said, Oh I have no relatives except you. You know. He meant those who do the will of the Father, who love the Father with all the heart, the soul and mind, etc. Remember?

Even Jesus, before He became the world spiritual leader, He had to go into the “closet,” and meditate and pray. He had to undergo the humility of baptism, even though if He knew He was the son of God He wouldn’t have to do that. He still had to go through everything like us, to show us that when we are a human being, we must work. He told His disciples to go out and spread the gospel. He said, Whatever I tell in secret, you go and preach on the house tops. But don’t give pearls to the swine. He also said that not everyone could accept His teachings.

Mostly at any period of time on our Earth, the people who truly love God are very rare. There are also different levels of God as well and different levels of our beings. As long as we are in this world and we do not learn to understand the issue of spirituality, then even then we go to heaven, because the love of the Father is immense. He will not discriminate. Really, you love him, fine – you don’t love Him, He loves you. But still, we go up there and we have not developed. We’re still the way we were before, a selfish, stupid angel. Not all the angels are good, that’s why they have to come here and don this physical raiment, in order to study, to learn how to love others, how to do service instead of just sitting there and enjoying the bliss of heaven all the time.

Now we are given the opportunity to study in this school of life. If we do not take this opportunity and learn well, then we will be very regretful in heaven. No one else will tell you anything. You, yourself, look back at your life. At that time, it will be very clear to you, like a mirror. Then you will feel very, very sorry that you were so weak, that you were so lazy, that you were so attached to the material things that the Father gave you only as tools so that you could progress.

Instead, you cling to these tools and forget the mission, forget what you are here for. That’s why many souls are wandering around in transmigration. They are Earth-bound because they are so much attached to this world. Even though the gate of heaven is always open, we don’t want to go back.

God is Powerful, Almighty. There is nothing that He cannot do. It’s just that we don’t have enough power of sincerity. That’s why many of our prayers are not answered and we think God is not there. Ah, that is the trouble. Poor God! He is blamed for everything. All these wars, disasters, hunger and all these things, we just blame it on God, or the hierarchy of heaven that doesn’t help us. Truly it’s our choice, the choice of the people who go against the will of heaven and the laws of the universe. These people will make wars and listen to the negative force in nature which we call Satan or devil. They are always there. That’s how the negative world, this world, stays in balance. In the heavenly world, there’s no need for this negative force to exist.

The Supra-Worldly Sound – part 1

Spoken by Master Ching Hai
April 24, 1987 Penghu, Taiwai
(Originally in Chinese)


There are two kinds of sounds: the worldly sound and the super-worldly Sound. The worldly sound is very important to our sensual and mental comfort, but the super-worldly Sound draws us back to God or the Buddha Land.

First we shall discuss the worldly sound and its importance.

We all know that an infant cries for many reasons, but most of the time not for food or for a change of diaper. If we then give it a little hug or speak to it or sing a song, it will stop crying. If we let it hear the ringing of bells or other melodious sounds, it will laugh instantly and start kicking in the air with joy and happiness.

Why is it that children love these sounds so much? It is because when they were in the mother’s wombs, they have already heard these melodies; the only difference is that these Melodies in the womb were that of transcendental nature. While in the mothers’ wombs, they were connected with this Super-Sound or the Source of All Love, Bliss and Power, which is simply described by many as God, Tao or Buddha Nature. This inner wondrous Sound we shall discuss later.

The fetus, while in the mother’s womb, eats nothing. Inside there is no air, no sunlight, and the body hangs upside down in the watery space, but it does not matter to it at all. The fetus grows at an incredible rate under such conditions, that if it continued to do so it would be as tall as the sky after being born.

When it is in the mother’s womb, it is in constant contact with the inner Sound, which nourishes and comforts it. But after it is born, it is disconnected from the Sound; then it begins to feel lonely and unhappy, and cry at the first contact with the outer world! No child has ever been born laughing. It feels a great loss as the sound is severed from it. Moreover, as its delicate skin is exposed to the rough air and polluted environment of our world, it feels an almost unbearable pain at birth; but the child cannot speak for itself, so we cannot understand its pains.

So, when the baby hears some melodious sounds it will stop crying for a while, feeling somehow comforted, mistaking those for the blissful Sounds it used to hear while still in its mother’s womb.

There are people with weakened nervous systems who have to rest in some hospitals which are specialized in this field. The physicians there would recommend their listening to some soothing and sweet music, which helps them to some remarkable extent to rebuild their mental equilibrium. Sometimes, after a day’s hard work, we come home and listen to some peaceful music, and then we also feel a sense of calmness and peace. We feel relaxed and comforted a great deal.  Even the laborers in the field or in the factory work better with music to accompany them. So, obviously, music is very necessary to our mental and physical well-being. Since time immemorial, music has been a must to humankind in this world. Even animals feel attracted to music. Plants are supposed to grow faster with it.

If the outer melody is so important to all beings, the inner celestial, wondrous Sound must be even more enchanting and full of Grace and Blessing. It vibrates within all lives and sustains the whole universe.

Even if there is lots of worldly music at home, even when we all have the TV, radio and tape recorder to entertain us, we still feel sometimes unsatisfied, as if something were missing, but we know now what. So we go out to find some peace and comfort in the country side, in the mountains, at the riverside…, listening to natural sounds of the wind blowing through the leaves, to the birds singing, and to the rushing sounds of the river. Then there are people who keep dogs, cats, birds or other pets and who grow vegetables and house plants, not because they cannot bear the city’s atmosphere but because of the need to surround themselves with natural substitutes, which are much closer to our inner Nature and thus bring some comfort to our souls. Many nations forbid the destroying of the natural environment or the hunting of wild beasts. It is also because of the necessity to balance human inner peace and security.

Even as the sounds of the outer world affect human existence to such an extent, we should know that there is the super-worldly Sound, known as the inner Melody, which has far more incredible Power; the contact with which brings all solace to our restless hearts and solves all the mysteries of life! This inner Melody can heal all wounds, fulfill all desires, and quench all worldly thirst. It is all-powerful and all love. It is because we are made of this Sound, that the contact with it brings peace and contentment to our hearts. This is what the Bible means by In the beginning was the ‘Word’ (Sound), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God: everything was made by this, and nothing that was made was not made by this. The Buddhist sutras or Buddha’s spoken words also mentioned the inner Sound, the supra-worldly sound, such as the sound similar to sea waves, to the beating of drums, to the blowing of trumpets, to the sound of thunder, of heavenly beings, of bells, of the conch, of seashells, etc… The Surangama Sutra says that all Buddhas rely on this Sound Stream to save sentient beings, and the Bodhisattvas (Saints) and other beings rely on this Sound Stream to go back to their original Source. There are also the mention of the position of the liberated Saints, known as the Stream Enterers; others as the Sound Hearers, or ‘Shen Wuan’ in Chinese term.

77-Year-Old Bodybuilder Jim Morris Proves Vegans Can Be Muscular & Healthy

by Shane Roberts


My first awareness of vegetarianism was 1969. Having won all of the contests on the east coast I moved from New York City to Los Angeles in July of that year and started training for the national contests under the coaching of three time Mr. Universe Bill Pearl at Bill Pearls gym in Pasadena. I had met Bill in New York at an exhibition he gave at the Brooklyn Academy of Music and was very impressed by him and his demeanor. Bill was a lacto – ovo vegetarian.

In 1972 at the age of 42 Bill began training for the Mr. Universe. Having followed the bodybuilding obsession with animal protein for my entire career I was amazed at Bill’s strength and gain in muscle. He won the Mr. Universe, for the fourth time.

Still afraid to mess with a winning formula (I had won Mr. Los Angeles in 1969, Mr. California in 1970, Mr. USA in 1972) I continued to eat meat until after the Mr. America in 1973, which I won. Between 1974 and 1985 I gradually eliminated all animal products except fish and cheese. Between 1985 and 1999 I weaned myself from both.


Prior to becoming vegan I suffered digestive problems all my life, mainly constipation. I started taking anti inflammatory medication in 1966 for my joints. At one point I was getting cortisone injections directly into both elbows every week. The arthritis kept me awake at night.

I would get 2-3 colds yearly and allergy attacks as often. Since becoming vegan all my health problems have completely disappeared.

Most miraculously, after wearing eyeglasses for 35 years my sight improved to where I only wear them on rare occasion for extremely small print. I no longer take any medication. I do take a weekly injection of Testosterone and vit B-12. My yearly checkups are perfect.


I believe every creature is born with the inalienable right of freedom. Freedom to live in its natural environment, with its own kind, making its own decisions.

I believe the law should prohibit the enslavement of all non human species for any purpose whatever.


I have not had the good fortune to experience the example or mentoring of black vegetarians or vegans, male or female … Although Bill Pearl is a full blooded Native American.

This is why I am so glad to have the opportunity to appear in your publication.

Questions & Answers after Lecture (19-21)

Excerpt from Master Ching Hai’s Lecture

Q19- Do you truly know that you have been blessed and sent by the true God to sincerely help and rescue the lost ones that are not of this earth and universe?

M. Yes!  Completely.  I would not tell you, otherwise I fear to go to hell if I tell a lie.  I fear God’s punishment.  I fear his judgment.

Q20- How do you explain the fact that in the 1940’s scientists proved that there is no ether.  What is it and how does it function?

M. It is maybe because the scientists call it by a different name.  Ether is what the Chinese called  “Chi” .  It functions invisibly and you can’t just use science to prove it.  I disagree with that.   The scientists have invented many things, have discovered many things, but there are many things they do not know, and they could not know, and they could not discover.   The simple reason is that everyone knows they use only a limited fraction of their minds, or a little part of it.  We use only one fifth or one tenth of our mind and we think we know everything.  Oh, impossible!

Q21.  Buddha wanted to liberate all the living beings and wished all the living beings  would become Buddha (fully enlightened) also.  However, Jesus Christ said that only those who believe in him can be saved.  Those who do not believe will go to hell.  You use the Bible and God’s teachings  to explain the Buddha’s Sutras.  Does that mean Buddha is better or greater than God?

M. No, they both speak the same thing.  It is like this.  The Buddha said that he wanted to liberate all sentient beings, but he could not, could he?  Not everybody is liberated.  Everyone who met the Buddha could have been liberated, but only when the Buddha was alive.  We have to find the living Buddha  (a fully enlightened being) in order to get liberated.  Jesus said the same thing, that whoever believes him will go to heaven.   That was true when he was alive, but after he is gone we have to find another Jesus.  So they both spoke the same thing.  Therefore both say they want to liberate all beings, and that, those who believe can go to heaven.  But many beings are still not in heaven.  After they left, other people came, and not many people always believe in Buddha or Jesus.  Every time a Buddha comes, only a few people, a handful of people believe him.  Therefore, only this handful of people can go to heaven.  Where the others are going depends on their karma.

Professor Dr. Ervin László: Global Ethics and Consciousness

Our guest today is a Hungarian scientist, humanitarian and inspirational philosopher.  Apart from being twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, Professor Dr. Ervin László is an expert on systems philosophy and currently serves as the editor of “World Futures: The Journal of General Evolution.”

If we look at the great scientists, they had very great spirituality. They worked with very great insight, very great intuition. Science has a spiritual part, and spirituality has a scientific part. After all, spirituality takes place and happens in this world, too. So we try to harmonize it, as in past societies. In past societies there wasn’t this separation, this dichotomy between rationality and intuition, between spirituality and science. This came into being in the 20th century, already in the 19th century as well, of course, but otherwise it got sharpened more strongly now.

In 1993, Dr. László formed the Club of Budapest, an international non-profit association dedicated to bringing about a planet-wide paradigm shift by fostering global cultural consciousness through such endeavors as building bridges between peoples. The Club and its esteemed members hold dialogues and discussions with the goal to develop effective strategies to promote world peace and an elevated planetary consciousness. Dr. László organizes group meditation for world peace as well.

We all know that meditation is a healthy thing for us. It also starts to turn out that meditation, it has an effect on other people too, and even on our environment. It tunes our own system, it makes us healthier. It harmonizes us with our environment, our society. It has an effect on the whole of humanity. We have to try, I think it is meaningful.

Combining his own theories of self-organizing systems, global consciousness and spirituality, Dr. László’s work is mapping the way for a new scientific age. In his book “WorldShift 2012,” Ervin László introduces profound insights on how a social shift towards global ethics and responsibility can help propel us towards better environmental sustainability and peace.

Dr. László recommends a systems theory approach to deal with the pressing issues the world faces today. He has stated: “We can’t solve our problems with the same kind of thinking that gave rise to them.”

An open system, it does not mean that anything can happen in it, but it means that it continually receives information, energy and material. A closed system is one which has its borders completely shut, so that no one goes either out, or in. But in an open system, a continuous exchange of material, information, and energy happens. This is absolutely necessary to understand today’s problems of energy and ecology, and social problems in general.

Dr. László also authored a timely handbook for everyone on the planet titled, “You Can Change the World: The Global Citizen’s Handbook for Living on Planet Earth: A Report of the Club of Budapest.” His books offer solutions to the challenges we have to overcome in order to transform the planet into a sustainable world for all living beings and nature. It is humanity’s moral responsibility to be good stewards of our Earth, make eco-conscious decisions and take actions to bring about constructive change.

We are at that interesting point, that so-called bifurcation point, where we cannot make foresights, predictions, prophesies, since the future has not been decided yet. What happens depends on us. In my view planetary ethics is the ethics that says we should feel responsibility to all, to the whole circle in which we are involved. We live in an interconnected world. We have to feel responsibility for the well-being of people (everywhere). And planetary ethics is the feeling of responsibility for this, and the acceptance of this responsibility.

The universe and its primary elements were formed with such precise and detailed perfection that it enabled material, energy and life to come into being. Dr. László explains that it is highly improbable that a universe such as ours – with galaxies filled with an unfathomable number of stars and life on Earth – arose by pure chance.

At the center of Dr. Ervin László’s hypothesis is the concept of connectedness, coherence, and oneness. He explains that this is the scientific theorem describing the fundamental nature of reality. He proposes that every entity which exists in the cosmos is interconnected and integrated in more ways than what we can comprehend within the physical realm. According to Dr. László, all “particles and galaxies have consciousness.”

In 2004 Dr. László released his highly acclaimed book “Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything.” In the book Dr. László applies modern science to illustrate the mysteries of the Akashic Field, a storehouse that records the constant and enduring memory of the universe. Spiritual teachers and sages of the all eras have spoken of the existence of an intelligent cosmic field that conserves and conveys past, present and future information, a field known as the Akashic record.

Bridging both science and spirituality, in the book Dr. László describes the existence of the Akashic Field as a conscious ocean of collective and individual memories, from which all things come into being – atoms, particles, stars, planets, and galaxies. He says that it can be regarded as the beginning or the origin of all things that exist in time and space. In his work on the theory of everything, Dr. László emphasizes our God-like nature and that we are one with all creation.

I wrote a few years ago about this universal information field, what is frequently called a Unified Field, or Akashic Field, and a lot of people asked me to explain the essence of this. About six months ago I sat down to try to formulate this, of what is the reality of such a field. How do we know about it? And this was with some physicist friends of mine, with four physicists among others, one of them Hungarian who also demonstrated the physical reality of this field on the basis of mathematical physics.

What I see is that nature is a creation of God. It is in everything. In each of us, in every atom, in every galaxy. And this is all one which I can formulate, as all of these work by information, and this information is in nature, in the cosmos; the basic information, by which matter comes into being, by which the material organs, systems develop, and by which, we could say, consciousness comes into being, self-consciousness comes into being, too. This is a spiritual universe. It cannot be a purely physical universe.

It has a spiritual basis, it is based on a cosmic spirituality, and it is this information that takes it further. I think science goes through big changes. The new quantum physics shows an entirely different world concept, and it shows what I mentioned before, earlier, the role of information. This information is in the universe somewhere, is stored, and the universe functions based on this. This is like software, as if the whole universe would be a huge computer which works using software. When the universe was born, there was information already.

We can also come into being, contribute to the accumulation of information in this universe. Because it is a very special universe, where life can also come into being. And where there is life, there is progress, there is consciousness. It is no accident. It is about a mass of information here, which is the software of this universe, and this is what I call the Akashic Field.

Dr. László believes life should be lived according to the Golden Rule, a precept that is recorded in the sacred texts of all the world’s religions. For example, in Judaism the Golden Rule is expressed in the Talmud as “Do to others as you would have them to you”; and in Islam, “Not one of you truly believes until you wish for others that which you wish for yourself”. To Dr. László, choosing a sustainable diet is part of living in accordance with the Golden Rule.

When I worked for the United Nations in the research institute at the end of the 1970s, I heard about a statistic that says that if everybody in the world would eat that much meat, then about twice as much arable land would be needed on the world as there is on this Earth. So two more planets would be needed, so that we can provide this to everybody. Why? It is not only the meat itself, but we have to produce the feed for the animal.

We have to add the water to it (the feed), a lot of arable land, right, a lot of energy that goes into it, so that we can use all of it, and we can produce it. We should eat in a way, try to exist in a way so that everybody else can live, too. So I tried to live in a way that can be shared by others, and it was then that I started to shift to a vegetarian lifestyle, and since then I feel even much better, actually.

We should wake up. It is very late. We can still change, but if we don’t change, then there will be trouble. However, if we wake up in time, here we have a great opportunity to create a new world.

Dr. Ervin László, we applaud your remarkable scientific works on systems thinking, cosmic consciousness, and oneness. We thank you for reminding us that the physical dimension and spiritual experience are two aspects of the same reality.

May Providence guide all beings on their life’s journey.

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The ‘Word’ the Inner Vibration

Excerpt from Master Ching Hai Lectures

Since immemorial times, music has been a must to mankind. Even animals feel attracted to music and plants are supposed to grow faster with it. Thus, if the outer melody is so important to all lives, the inner celestial, wondrous Sound is even more enchanting, and full of grace and blessing.

The fetus, while in the mother’s womb eats nothing. Inside there is no air, no sunlight and he doesn’t seem to mind at all. He is in contact with the inner wondrous Sound, the source of all love, bliss and power. The fetus grows at an incredible pace under such conditions, and if it were to continue, he would be as tall as the sky after he is born. But after his birth, he is disconnected from this vibration, and he cries at the first contact with the outer world. No child has ever been born laughing. It is because he feels a great loss as the sound is severed from him.

There are two kinds of sound: the worldly sound, and the supra-worldly sound. The worldly sound is very important to our sensual and mental comfort, but the supra-worldly sound draws us back to God.

The Heavenly Music spoken of in all Holy scriptures of different religions such as the ‘Word’ in Christianity, the ‘Shabd’in Hinduism, the ‘heavenly music’ in Chuang Tse, the ‘Tao’ in the Tao Te Ching, etc. are the only real teachings direct from the Kingdom of God. They are the language of universal love, and great intelligence. All teachings come from the Silent Sound, all languages come from this universal language. That’s why high level initiates on this path speak all languages within the soul sphere. That is the level of the Master, the one who has mastered the language of the Kingdom of God. We all possess this wisdom, the wisdom to understand all things above this shadowy world, to be omnipresent and to function as the most perfect being in the universe, if only we desire to remember again what we truly are.

This Word or divine vibration is mentioned in all religions. We call it Yin, others call it celestial music, Logos, Tao etc. It vibrates within all life and sustains the whole universe. This inner melody can heal all wounds, fulfill all desires and quench all worldly thirst. It is all-powerful and all-love. It is because we are made of this Sound that the contact with it brings peace and contentment to our heart. After listening to this Sound, our whole being changes, our entire outlook on life is greatly altered for the best. The wondrous vibration will cleanse off all undesirable traces of ‘original sin’ or what others call ‘karma’. It is like a mighty river carrying along with its current all ugly garbage.

This inner Sound is the great creative force of the cosmos. It sustains and nourishes all things. Its manifestation in the outer world can be heard in the natural melodies of the wind, the water, birds, etc., which are the lower manifestations. There are however more subtle and higher sounds which are inaudible to our physical ears, because they vibrate at a higher rate than our material world. The way to these higher dimensions lies in the Sound itself, which we follow back to its original source. To hear higher sounds and see higher worlds, we must open and develop our higher senses. And to do this, we need a guide, a Master of the Way, who is like a travel guide who knows what lies ahead. Religious scriptures only describe these worlds, just like a land map. To really know the land, we have to get there in person. When we have a guide, then it is quicker and safer for us.

In the Buddhist scriptures it is mentioned that the Buddha speaks only with one language, but every being can perceive it according to his own understanding. Now this language is not the ordinary verbal language, it is a kind of sound, of inner vibration, that everyone can use to communicate with each other, and the Buddha can use it to communicate with sentient beings. If we think it is the language of our world, then it is impossible. Because no matter how intelligent the Buddha is, He can only speak one language at a time. And it is impossible for all beings to listen to all languages at the same time, including animals and lower beings that also understand it. So this must mean the Word in the Bible. Also in Taoism, in the Tao Te Ching, Lao-tzu mentioned that this name we cannot name, the Tao cannot be explained, we can hear it without our ears, we can see it without our eyes, we can perceive it without our sense organs. Now this Word, sound or vibration, is the creative force of the universe. All the scriptures, if you read carefully, mention this Sound, and this so-called inner music.

So now, if we somehow can get in touch with this Word or sound stream, then we can know God’s whereabouts, or we can be in contact with God. But what is the proof that we are in contact with this Word? After we are in contact with this inner vibration, our life changes for the better. We know many things we never knew before. We understand many things we never thought before. We can do, accomplish many things we never dreamed of before. We are getting mightier, and mightier, until we become almighty. Our being becomes more capable and more enlarged until we are everywhere, until we become omnipresent, and then we know that we became one with God.

No one who comes into contact with this Sound or Word will not experience a great change in his or her life. This is what we call an enlightened person. The more we are in contact with this Sound, the wiser we become, the more saint-like we become, and the less vexation, attachment, anger, hatred, and lust we will have. We will have more freedom, more love and peace, more wisdom, and everything we wish to have, including a more comfortable life. We won’t only develop spiritually, but also materially, and in all aspects. We will feel much different than before.

With our poor worldly language, every time I would like to speak about this great treasure within us, I feel so ashamed of doing such a poor job. But I have somehow to try to convey a part of this great wisdom so that you may feel interested, and find it out for yourself, and then you will know it for yourself without any language.

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The Quan Yin Method of Meditation

Excerpt from Master Ching Hai Lectures

I thought I could share with you a little secret technique that I have learned and mastered, and maybe it could help you use your own greatest power, to help yourself, your friends, relatives, your nation and greatest of all, the whole universe. Because I have seen with my awakened eyes that all beings in the universe are linked together. We are all the same essence, we are only one. I have not read it from books only. I have seen this. Therefore, if you think that you are still in misery, that your life is not smooth enough, that God has forsaken you, that you haven’t seen God with your own eyes, then please let us help you to find God.

Before I encountered this easy technique, I had tried many other techniques, like the Secret Doctrine of Tibetan Buddhism, or the Thai, or the Burmese etc. It was so complicated and boring for me. Maybe I am too small, maybe for you it isn’t too tiring. But it was very time consuming and you needed a lot of equipment and instruments in order to carry out this type of practice. But not with the Quan Yin Method. I found out that it was easier than anything else. You can sit in a train, in a bus, in a park, anywhere, and you can be in tune with God’s power. You feel the protection and you can see God face to face. You may be in contact with Jesus, Buddha or with whomever you love most in your heart. They will appear to you, they may teach you something, they may protect you, guide you, hold your hand so your life will never again be lonely. But this is not even the highest state. The highest state is that you become like Jesus, and then, you have all the power to save the world and to be safe from the misery and the round of birth and death. You become all-wise, all-knowing and omnipresent.

Our path isn’t a religion. I do not convert anyone to Catholicism or Buddhism or any other ‘ism’. I simply offer you a way to know yourself, to find out where you come from, to remember your mission here on earth, to discover the secret of the universe, to understand why there is so much misery and what awaits us after death. And every day you will see everything just like you see me now. I do not ask you to believe me, but to experience it every day for yourself.

The method is transmitted without words. If we use language to be enlightened, we are still in the intellectual realm and the mind will be wrestling and all this is very tiring. So I do not teach you a kind of mind wrestling method because I think that we are tired enough from working every day, struggling with our problems, so there is no need to go home, sit cross legged and wrestle again! You probably heard there were different methods leading to enlightenment, and indeed there are several. However, there is only one that can lead you to the highest enlightenment. You can take different paths at the beginning, but you will have to take this one to reach the top. This path must include contemplation of the inner light, and of the inner vibration that the Bible calls the Word.

‘Know ye not that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?’

So, we get in contact with this Spirit, which is a manifestation of divine light and vibration, and by doing so, we know God. In fact, it isn’t really a method. It is the power of the Master. If you have it, then you can transmit it. The method is a transcendental one that cannot be described by our language. Even if someone describes it to you, you will not receive the light and the vibration, the inner peace and wisdom. Everything is transmitted in silence, and you will see your old Masters like Jesus or Buddha. You will receive all that you need to follow their footsteps, and little by little you will become Christ-like, and you will become one with God.

After I give you the Quan Yin Method, then you meditate, you try to search within yourselves to find what kind of power you have, what kind of capability you have forgotten, how much intelligence you have used, who you are, and what kind of position you have in the universe. You search and search, and you will find it.

Q. Do the people who practice this method of meditation need to have a specific religious background or training? Do they have to belong to some particular form of religious belief?

M. No, not at all. They don’t even have to have a religious background. They will be brought into the knowledge of Self, of greater spirit, and that is when they become truly religious. Religions are just some remnants, the leftover teachings from the ancient Masters, the oral teachings, the theoretical way of teaching, which every Master would have. One is the oral teaching, tell people this and that, and the other is to teach in silence, and this is the most important part. But the two parts combined together make a living teaching. Otherwise, it is only half.

Q. What are the steps to enlightenment, and what level of enlightenment does this technique take you to?

M. It will take you to the source of all beings, where you came from, and where all beings will return. Between this earthly level and that absolute level, there are five levels of consciousness, or different planes of existence. And if we, through the practice of the heavenly light and sound and with the guidance of an experienced teacher, pass through these five levels, then we will arrive at the house of the Masters, where all Masters came from and return to after their mission, and where we also will come from in order to help other beings, should we desire to return to earth, or to any other earth planet in the universe. So the first step is to get initiation, and then, everything else will come.

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The Path of The Great Masters

Excerpt from Master Ching Hai Lectures

When Master comes to the earth, not only the disciples are uplifted and shown the wisdom, but the whole of mankind will also be purified and uplifted to a higher level of consciousness. Therefore, many Masters have graced our earth, and the world has become better, as it is today. But even then, it has not reached the level of the heavenly understanding. It has not reached the same consciousness like many others worlds in the universe.

If we want to reach the same heights as the ancient Masters, we have to follow the same path they took. It is so simple. It is just like if you want to become a doctor, you have to attend a university, and follow the curriculum. The graduated doctors will teach you how to become one. Similarly, to become Christ-like, we must practice their method, we have to contact the inner light and Word of God. And I can offer you this method, freely, without any conditions, without financial, physical or mental commitments. Only your devotion is needed. Your devotion to your own practice according to your own time schedule, and arrangement by your own free will. That is all that is needed.

Now, why is it that we could not keep the ancient disciplines left by the ancient Masters? It is not because we do not want to, or that we do not make any effort to do so. It is because we do not have enough power, we are tired, weary of existence. Sometimes we must work hard just to survive in this ever growing standard of civilization. And we also face even more ‘civilized’ temptations, so we must also adopt a more ‘civilized’ approach to guard ourselves if we want to regain our self-respect and wisdom. Because sometimes it looks like we are lost in the whirlpool of existence and pressure, and we seem to lose ourselves. Actually we do not lose our body or desires, but we lose our self-control. This is why it is said in the Bible, ‘What benefit is there for a man who gains the whole world and loses himself?.

But we do not really understand the meaning of losing our soul. We think, ‘What? On the contrary, I lose nothing. I gain more and more every day.’ If your employer gives you a promotion or if you decide to have another child, you only gain an additional small burden. Some burdens are bearable, others are adorable. And the more you engage in material activities, the more you lose yourself and the less you know yourself. And what should you know about yourself? Well, that we are the most powerful beings in the universe. All sacred scriptures talk about this. Buddhist texts state that human life is the most precious of all. Muslim scriptures say that we are guests on earth. This means then that our home is elsewhere, and that we are much more than our physical body.

But it isn’t enough to believe it. You must follow a kind of personal training, and use your critical capacities and your wisdom to discover the superior levels of existence, and to adopt a more elevated way of thinking and living, that will transform you. Your internal power will do anything that you wish to accomplish. You will then know God and will be able to say, ‘God acts through me,’ and repeat what Jesus said, “I and my Father are one”. Then we will no longer feel loneliness and hardship.

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Near Death Experiences: The Journey of the Soul

Near-death experiences (NDEs), which can illuminate the process of dying and the world beyond the physical and thus eliminate the fear of death. As Sufi poet and enlightened Master Rumi stated, “Die happily and look forward to taking up a new and better form. Like the sun, only when you set in the west can you rise in the east.” So what exactly is a near-death experience? Let’s hear some answers from radiation oncologist and author Dr. Jeffrey Long, co-founder of the US-based Near Death Experience Research Foundation and the author of the book “Evidence of the Afterlife.”

“A near-death experience may be defined as two components— being near-death, and having an experience. The near-death part means that the person is so physically compromised from some accident or illness that they’re generally unconscious and may even be clinically dead. They’re so physically compromised that if they don’t improve physically, they will suffer irreversible, permanent death. And yet at that time, when they’re unconscious and should have no possibility of a remembered conscious event during that period, they do have the experience part of a near-death experience. “

The testimonies given by those who have had NDEs reveal the existence of certain identifiable stages that are universally observed regardless of cultural or religious background.

“A basic scientific principle is that which is real is consistently observed. So you would expect if near-death experiences were real, you would consistently observe elements, not only among the over 1,300 I studied, but you would also expect that consistency of what goes on during near-death experiences from what all the other researchers are seeing in the thousands of other near-death experiences that have been reported.

From extensive review of the scholarly literature and looking over what other researchers are seeing and having studied near-death experiences as I have, what we’re observing in near-death experiences is consistently observed. And that consistency runs deep. We see the same consistency in the near-death experience among very small children. We see the same near-death experiences all around the world. It’s as if it doesn’t make any difference if you are a Hindu in India, a Muslim in Egypt, or a Christian in the United States, the similarity of the elements of near-death experience worldwide is striking.”

What are the consistent, comparable and identifiable stages of a near-death experience?

“A typical, detailed near-death experience would involve first what’s called the out-of-body experience. Consciousness separates from the body and goes above the body. They can often from that vantage point see below them their frantic resuscitation efforts.

They may then go through a tunnel. At the end of the tunnel, there’s very often a mystical, bright light. In that area, they may also encounter deceased loved ones, not as a haunting or frightening event but as a joyous reunion. They may have a life review where they see parts or all of their prior life. They may be in unearthly, beautiful realms sometimes called heavenly realms. They may encounter what’s called a barrier which means, like for example, a stream across the path they’re on or a bridge, or something which they can’t cross. And then usually at that point in time, they’re involved in a decision, and that being a decision about returning to their earthly body.

Some of the most dramatic near-death experiences that I read involve the point of consciousness leaving far away from the physical body. They may travel outside of the emergency room where they’ve suffered, for example, a heart attack and cardiac arrest. They’re actually able to see and hear ongoing events far from their physical body and far from any possible sensory awareness.

For example, we’ve had people have consciousness and during this out-of-body experience part of their near-death experience go to the nursing station where they were, even though they are in the operating room with their heart stopped. We’ve had people in an operating theater where they had their heart stop and then yet their consciousness was in the cafeteria of the hospital where they were seeing and hearing right at that point in time what their family was talking about and that is absolutely medically inexplicable.

After they have their out-of-body experience, even if they were in an incredibly painful situation that caused them to nearly die, immediately they’re feeling no pain at all. They may feel a profound sense of peace and connection. In fact the most common word, what they feel and what is described in near-death experience is “love.” They feel love intensely, compassionately. They feel a connection or unity of people that they see and all other people. Very dramatic, incredibly intense, positive emotions described in near-death experiences.”

As Dr. Long just stated, subjects often report that during their near-death experience they felt a profound, deep connection with everyone. A tenet that is common to all the world’s religions and spiritual traditions is that all beings are one. Scientific experiments in the field of quantum physics have demonstrated the fundamental unity of the universe.

In recent decades the medical community has shown great interest in near-death experiences, which has led to an increase in research on the phenomenon.  Do those who have undergone an NDE typically have an incomplete or vivid recollection of what happened while they were unconscious? Mr. Rene Jorgensen, an author and founder of the Canada-based non-profit organization NDE Light, studies the parallels between near-death experiences and the world of religion and spirituality.

“We all know when we pass out, when we come back we are very confused. We don’t remember the seconds just before we passed out, the brain is confused because it doesn’t have enough blood flow. When there is not enough blood flow, the brain is very confused. It can’t produce clear and coherent experiences. What you have with the near-death experience is it’s a very clear and coherent experience. Psychologists have analyzed the experience saying there are no signs of schizophrenia or hallucination. It’s a very clear and normal sane experience that people remember many years after. And you will have people who say, “I had my experience 30 years ago but it’s still to me as clear as day, as if it was yesterday”.

First we know from scientific experiments set up in hospitals that about one in five, 20% of people who have cardiac arrest are clinically dead and then brought back successfully, they report having a near-death experience. It’s something that we can predict scientifically. It does happen to people and it happens quite often. There have been some estimates that in the US alone, at least 8 million people have had this experience. So it’s a very common experience.

If we look at what happens when somebody is clinically dead and this goes to the theory of it being a hallucination, very few seconds after the heart stops beating after cardiac arrest, the blood flow to the brain stops completely; that means without blood flow to the brain, the brain can simply not function. The brain needs blood to produce conscious experience. The near-death experience is a very lucid and real and coherent experience so you need blood flow to be able to produce this experience. After eight to 10 seconds, there is no longer any blood flow. The mind cannot, when it’s inactive, produce a hallucination.

Everything is interconnected. That’s what we learn in religion and spirituality, that everything is one and we have the same principle in quantum mechanics. Particles, even though they are separate in space, are still interconnected.

There’s this science of quantum entanglement. It’s also called non-locality. The way that quantum entanglement works is that in experiments they take two particles apart and scientists said these particles communicate but they don’t communicate at the speed of light, these particles are actually communicating instantaneously, which means that they communicate beyond time and space. And there they’ve concluded that these particles are in fact interconnected. That’s why it’s called entanglement, that all particles in the universe are not separated. They might look like separate physical entities, but in reality, they’re still entangled, they’re still interconnected.”

For more information, please visit the following websites:
Dr. Jeffrey Long
Dr. Long’s book “Evidence of the Afterlife” is available at

Rene Jorgensen

Books by Mr. Jorgensen are available at the same website

Enlightenment or the Great Awakening

Excerpt from Master Ching Hai Lectures

Enlightenment is the process of knowing what is greater than life, what is greater than the things we can see with our physical eyes, or touch with our physical instruments. It is the moment when we begin to know something greater than that, the true governor of the whole universe, which is also within ourselves.

Enlightenment means inner awakening. You realize that you have a power that is much greater than what you use every day. Usually, we follow the directions of our ego, but after enlightenment, we follow God’s will. We are connected with Him and recognize our real value. But at the same time we become very humble. The more we know about ourselves the more humble we become. We know that there is a greater force in the universe, and it isn’t for our human understanding to discuss and to grasp. So we become humble and then very powerful, because we have a higher power within us, and use it every day for the benefit of others. As we tap within ourselves into the right source of positive power, which is called in Christian terminology, ‘the spirit that dwells within you,’ or God Almighty, we open that source that was closed before. So once that source is opened we become powerful like Christ, like Buddha. We can help many people with this inborn God power, and then we become more humble because we see within everyone the same power, so we respect everyone as living God.

Enlightenment is a gift from God, and not the result of virtuous or charitable deeds. We can all become enlightened or liberated. If not, why would God have sent Jesus or Buddha or Mohammed if we were so helpless, if only the virtuous souls could achieve it? And I do not know who is really virtuous because, ‘Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.’ We are not such sinners. It is an illusion and after you understand this, you will know that there isn’t any virtue or sin. We must however work a great deal to realize this. The Quan Yin Method offers you a method free of charge to rediscover your original purity and noble heritage.

When I experienced the great awakening, I saw that I was in every creature and enjoyed whatever it was in that particular situation, be it a butterfly, a bird or an angel. A rock or a tree, everything was as perfect as it is. It is hard to explain it in words, but ultimately all of us will reach that kind of understanding if we yearn for it. And then we will know for ourselves.  This is only way for us to end our illusion, our belief about this ephemeral existence. When we see through our human understanding, everything looks different, but when we are in a higher state of consciousness everything is more joyous, light-hearted and positive.

Only when we are truly enlightened can we enjoy anything. Whatever comes, we can enjoy. When good things come, we take them as a gift from God, wholeheartedly, without any guilt or reservation, without any obstacles whatsoever in our heart or in our thinking, because the nature of an enlightened person is very free, very carefree, very easy, just like a child. If you give him something good, he accepts it, he won’t think that you want to trick him, or whether he deserves it or not, he just accepts it. And, when the circumstances do not allow that we have comfort or richness in life, then we are also happy to carry on that way, we have no desire for material greatness. But this doesn’t mean that we don’t strive to work for the society, and that we don’t do our best to fulfill our obligations as a citizen of the world. We do, all the same, we do more effectively and with all willingness to contribute our part to the whole world. The difference is that we do without a desire for reward or praise. Should we fail or should people misunderstand our goodwill, we still can bear it, we will not have any suffering in our heart.


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Understanding God – part 2

Excerpt from Master Ching Hai Lectures

In the universe, all things are created by energies, and we call that the creative force, or we might call it the Creator. Because the energies have been scattered in all different directions in the universe, and have become different worlds and beings. And now, these beings have acquired an individual state of thinking, or level of consciousness, and according to the interaction between each other, they will generate another kind of energy. We will divide it into two categories. The first one, we can call positive energy or God nature, heavenly force or Buddha nature. The second category, we can call negative nature, evil or dark force, or the opposite of goodness.

Now the goodness and the positive energy are side by side with the negative energies. Whenever any being, be they angels or earth people, whenever they generate goodness, tolerance, love, compassion and cooperation with each other, then these energies will be categorized as good or God force, positive power. The more beings generate this kind of goodness, the more positive power we have in the atmosphere or in our world. And whenever we or any beings generate hatred, bad thoughts, or any kind of negative tendencies, actions or speech, we add more into the negative storehouse of the atmosphere. That we call evil. And this force will reap more hatred, more wars, more disharmony in our world, or any world that these people happen to reside in.

It is like electricity, there are two poles, one negative and the other positive, and when the plus and minus are put together it creates power. But actually electricity is neither positive nor negative, but without positivity and negativity, we have no electricity. So it is the same with all things. God is neither good nor bad. He is only an ocean of indifference and love. He knows no hatred, no dirtiness, no bad and no sin; He discriminates not between bad and good, beautiful and ugly. So we call Him the Ocean of Love and Mercy.

Q. When you describe God, you use the masculine word “He.” Is God masculine, feminine, both or neither?

M. Both. Neither. Okay, then I’ll use She! Because if I use She maybe you will also object. Since ancient times, we have always referred to God as He, and now who are you to say that God is a She! I just comply to your own customs and understanding about God. I dare not make too much revolution. I am afraid you may scold me for changing God’s sex!

Q. What is God? Does It have a form or look like paintings of God that we see?

M. Like Michelangelo’s God? No, this is his God, it is Michelangelo’s God. You want to see what God looks like? Who is it who asked this question? Please raise your hand. I will show you immediately. You? Look behind you, your neighbor in front, to your right and left, that is what God looks like. You are satisfied? God said, “God made man in His own image,” so if you want to find God, look at your neighbors. Each one of us houses God inside. So see through the physical wall and then you will find God in yourself and in each other. So treat each other as God, and then you will see how much different life is day after day.

Q. How can I express my God light?

M. You can only express it when you have it. So have God’s light first. After initiation, then you can express it. We can’t show our money when we do not know where the money is, right? Even if we have it, we do not know where the money is, right? Even if we have it, we must know where it is, in order to show it to people. So even if you have God’s light within you, you must know it first, contact it first, and then you can show it to people. I can show you the light because I have the light. I am in possession of the light. I know I have it. You have it, but you don’t know. That’s the difference between us.

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