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Posts tagged ‘spirituality and science’

Dr. Joe Dispenza – Make the Mind Yours


Today we will be interviewing Dr. Joe Dispenza, an American expert on the role and function of the human brain.

Dr. Dispenza’s training and education are in the fields of neurology, neuroscience, cellular biology, memory formation, aging and longevity. He also has a Doctor of Chiropractic degree and is an honorary member of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners in the United States.

Over the last decade, Dr. Dispenza has traveled all over the world informing people of the power of the mind. Dr. Dispenza says we can re-program and re-wire our brain in order to end bad habits, change our lifestyles, and promote healing of the body. He has authored the book “Evolve your Brain” and produced several DVDs and CDs featuring his past seminars. He is well known for having appeared in the critically acclaimed 2004 American documentary “What the Bleep Do We Know!?”

Dr. Dispenza is a living example of the practice of his philosophy. Years ago, an accident left him with several broken bones in his back. The grim prognosis by doctors was that he would never be able to walk again. The story of how Dr. Dispenza was able to heal his body without conventional medicine is fascinating. Let us now join our talk with this amazing gentleman and learn more about his ideas.

We’re here with Dr. Joe Dispenza and he is going to be talking to us about the evolution of the brain and what our potential is. So welcome to the show today!

Happy to be with you. I’d like to start with how did you first get interested in this field?

Well, I’ve always been interested in human potential. I am interested in what makes human beings tick, but I got run over by a truck in a triathlon back in 1986 and broke six bones in my back and the diagnosis was that I would probably never walk again. I had multiple compression fractures of my thoracic spine and I had bone fragments on my spinal cord.

So the recommendation at the time was radical surgery from four different surgeons in southern California. Anyway, I decided not to have the surgery and my belief at the time and still is, is that the power that made the body, heals the body.

I decided that if I could take some time and begin to connect or develop a relationship with that power, that intelligence, if I could begin to give it some instructions, give it some orders, to give it a template and then create an idea or a picture what I wanted and then surrender this condition to this mind and ask it to begin to do the healing for me that maybe it might work. So I decided to not let any thought go by unchecked, a thought that would be connected to the possibility of never walking again or any other fears or anxieties that people typically have.

So every day, two hours a day, twice a day, I would reconstruct my spine. From start to finish, and if my mind wandered to an extraneous thought or I began to worry or get afraid, I would stop and start all over again. From the very beginning. What I didn’t know at the time was that I was developing a good amount of focus and a good amount of concentration. I wanted it to be the exact thing I wanted in the end.

Because I didn’t have a surgery they told me that it would take six months to a year to walk again and I’d have to wear this big body cast. I was back on my feet in nine and a half weeks and back to training in around 11 weeks and back in my office in 12 weeks so.

At what point did you realize that you were seeing results? And that must have given you more interest in continuing on with that program?

I was in extreme pain, a terrible pain and I had some neurological changes in my body and so when my body started to respond in ways and pain levels were going back, and feeling was coming back, and movement was coming back I was pretty excited That was a feedback I needed because the brain learns by feedback. In other words, when we see some observable change, we can correlate what we did inside to produce that effect.

The doctors must have been shocked!

Yeah, they were, they were actually shocked. The third doctor that I saw was the director of Scripps Hospital at the time in San Diego. He was adamant that I have the surgery. When I decided to forgo the surgery, he wanted me to see the psychiatrist, because he thought I had post-traumatic stress. But when I got on my feet, I called him up and we had a great conversation and he was pretty happy that that I was able to make it happen.

One of the key areas of Dr. Dispenza’s research is in the area of spontaneous remission. This is the study of sudden reversals of an illness without a medical explanation. In the following conversation, Dr Dispenza discusses two of the four main commonalities he has observed from studying people who have experienced spontaneous remissions from serious medical conditions.

Now, you’ve done a lot of study on spontaneous remission.

When I was spending those long nights laying down and couldn’t sleep, I just made myself a deal. I just said if I’m ever able to walk again that I’d spend the rest of my life studying the mind-body connection.

So I started my investigation into spirituality and my investigation into health and attitude. I traveled to 17 different countries over the last 11 years now and studied people that were diagnosed with serious health conditions and then they changed their mind and they got better. So it was so exciting to me. I went back to school and got a degree in neuroscience because I wanted to understand what it was that they were doing that was producing those effects and so it kind of catapulted me to the next level.

What is it that they were doing that produces those effects?

There were four common things that I noticed that got my attention. And the first thing was that they all believed and accepted that there was some spiritual aspect that lived within them. That there is something that gives us this life and there’s nothing mystical about spirituality. It’s the consciousness; it’s an intelligence that keeps your heart beating. Two gallons of blood per minute, a hundred gallons of blood in an hour, a hundred-thousand times in one day through sixty thousand miles of blood vessels.

That we lose 10 million cells every second and we make another 10 million cells. Something’s giving us life. There is a mind that is so much greater than our mind that has a will so much greater than our will. And has love for life that’s so much greater than our love for life, our personality-self. And when our will matches its will, when our mind matches its mind and when our love for life matches its love for us or for life, that’s when it begins to respond.

So they began to develop a relationship with this invisible force just like you develop a relationship with your husband or your wife or your mother or father or your kids or your dog or your pets. They took time out of the day to begin to put their attention on, begin to interact with it, and they wanted to surrender again that condition to this giver of life. They gave it some pretty strong instructions and they asked for help.

This consciousness loves us so much that it allows us our free will. So if we insist on suffering, it gives life to reinforce our suffering. If we insist on joy, it organizes our bodies and our life in ways that match who we are being. So that’s the first thing they had in common. The second thing they had in common is that they all understood that it was their own mismanagement of their thoughts and reactions that created their disease.

We live in two states of mind: we live in survival or creation. When we live in those states of anger or aggression or hatred or judgment or fear, anxiety or insecurity or pain or suffering or depression, it’s those chemicals that are created from the chemicals of stress or survival that activate those states of mind. It’s the redundancy of those chemicals or the chemicals that push the genetic buttons that begin to cause disease.

You see, every time we have a thought we make a chemical. So if we have a great thought or , if we have an unlimited thought, we make chemicals that make us feel great or feel unlimited. If we have negative thoughts or self- depreciating thoughts, we make chemicals that make us feel negative or unworthy. So this immaterial thing called thought fires a set of circuits in the brain that produces a chemical to signal the body for us to feel exactly the way we’re just thinking.

The moment we feel the way we think, we begin to think the way we feel, which produces more chemicals for us to think (This creates a big loop.) the way we feel. And this loop, the cycle of thinking and feeling, and feeling and thinking creates what I call a state of being and it’s the cycle of thinking and feeling, and feeling and thinking over time that begins to condition the body to memorize that emotional state better than the conscious mind.

The third thing they had in common is that they said that they had to re-invent themselves. They had to become somebody else. They couldn’t be the same person any longer. They began to change their brain just by thinking differently. We can do that when the neuroscience behind it says that, “We can change our brain whenever we learn new things, but more importantly we can begin to rehearse mentally.”

Mentally rehearse who we want to be and as we do that, we force the brain to fire new sequences, new patterns and new combinations. Whenever we make the brain work differently, we just made a new mind. The last thing they had in common which I found so unique was that they had long moments where they lost track of time and space, where they were sitting down and they were creating this new ideal that when they open their eyes they expected it to be an hour later.

Yes, they open their eyes. well, They thought it was 20 minutes and it was an hour and a half later. In other words, they became so involved in their rehearsal that time and space disappeared. And they moved from that state of survival to the state of creation. In the state of creation, we become selfless. We forget about ourselves. On functional imagery, if you look at nuns and reverie of prayer,

Buddhist monks and meditation, a part of the brain that turns on is called the “frontal lobe” and that is like the volume control of the brain. When the frontal lobe begins to work properly, it quiets down all the other circuits and the brain so nothing else is being processed, but a single-minded thought.

All of a sudden they started to experience altruistic states of compassion and joy and inspiration and goodwill. What they didn’t know is that the moment they were doing that, they were re-conditioning the body to a new mind. They were beginning to change the gene and activate a new genetic expression as a result of it .

And heal.  As the result?

As a result, yes.

Scientists found very unique phenomena while conducting research regarding the meditation practice of Buddhist monks.

In the experimentations that were done on the Buddhist monks, they produced a brain wave pattern called gamma waves. And gamma waves are when you’re in the zone, when you’re totally connected, when you’re in the flow.

The interesting thing is that when the brain is in synchrony, when the circuits in the brain are producing the same frequency, we could say that the brain now is working more in a holistic sense. In other words, more parts are talking to other parts. The brain is in psychic union.

As a result of that, that gamma wave is when those coherent signals cause circuits to begin to form and maintain new circuitry and new connections. And when the monks came out of the meditation and they tested them hours later, they were still maintaining that gamma pattern even though they were no longer in meditation. Not only were they in bliss, but they were in a functional state of unity in which their internal order was greater than their external environment.

That’s my definition of mastery; when we’ve maintained an internal chemical, neurological and emotional state so well that nothing in our external world can move us from it.

When we produce synchronized coherent patterns, the immune system gets very strong. These monks they didn’t get sick because their system was so integrated and so orderly that disease couldn’t live in their body. The signal that’s travelling down the central nervous system is creating amazing order that allows the body to begin to function in wonderful ways. And the mind can’t change the brain because the mind is the product of the brain. The mind is the brain in action.

So who’s changing the brain and the mind? That’s called “consciousness.” It’s the immaterial aspect, the spiritual aspect of us that uses a brain and a body to produce different levels of mind and only when we’re truly conscious and only when we’re truly self-aware. Only when we notice can we begin to make measurable changes in our life.

When our mind changes, our lives change as well.

When I was talking about creating my day in the movie, “What the Bleep Do We Know!?” what I was saying most importantly was that, if I’m going to sit down and take the time to emulate the Creator, if I’m going to be like God, if I’m going to emulate the quantum field which gives life to all things, if I am going to express divinity and I’m going to be a Creator, I want to know that my thoughts count and I want to know that I some way made contact with this mind.

So I need a sign to let me know, great mind, cosmic mind, that I’ve been heard by you. I want you to bring a signal or a sign to me in my life in a way that I could least expect. Because if I could expect it, it’s not new right? I want it to be unknown and I want it to be surprising. I want it to surprise me so that it leaves no doubt that my efforts today were heard and noticed by you so that I have such joy from the experience that it inspires me to want to do it again.

Now we’re no longer living as victims to the environment. We’re no longer allowing whatever it is out there to produce this internal chemical change and we associate that event or reacting to how we feel. Instead we’ve done something internally that’s produced an effect externally, and we’re going to pay attention to what we did in here that did that there. Now our environment is no longer controlling our thinking, our thinking is now controlling our environment.

Dr. Dispenza has noted that celebrated inventors and scientists throughout history, have had similar characteristics in terms of the functioning of their brains.

Now great inventors in history here, great visionaries that had genius ideas, they had the ability to function neuroplastically. They had the ability to have a neuroplastic brain, which means in the brain the sum of the parts is greater than the whole. So, they could learn something and begin to speculate and ask questions and begin to think about those answers.

For example, Einstein, when he was 12 years old, he asked himself this question, “If I ride my bicycle at the speed of light, and I turn my head lights on, will they go on?” Now he thought about that question every single day of his life. Now 10 years later, he’s working as a clerk in a Swiss patent office, and he’s watching a man fix a roof. He’s just looking out the window, and he kind of pauses and he stares.

The moment he goes blank, he understands relativity in one second. The vision was so clear that he had to go back to school to learn the mathematics to explain the vision that he saw. It was outside of his understanding intellectually. When he published his papers on relativity, there were no footnotes. So where did that information come from?

It came from a greater level of consciousness, not the consciousness that makes up the free will of you and I, the journeyman, the journeywoman on the progress of life, but the universal consciousness.

So as he began to create the mind of the understanding of relativity, his brain became a receiver of information from the quantum field, and he tuned into that mind and then the brain began to download the information because the quantum field is an information field. His brain became completely rewired to understand exactly what it was.

I think our purpose in life is to express God. It’s naturally within us, and when we begin to unlearn those emotional states that drive us to our lowest denominator and we begin to reinvent a new self and recondition a new self, we go from being selfish to being selfless.

We are thankful that we had the opportunity to speak with Dr. Joe Dispenza about his remarkable research and about his extraordinary life story. We wish him much success in his further study of the role and function of the brain and the innate potential in humans for greatness.

May we all discover the infinite Divine within.

Peter Canova: Unraveling the Mysteries of Creation and the Sacred Feminine – part 1

Peter Canova  is the American author and Gnostic Gospels expert.  After an extraordinary career as an international businessman and luxury hotel developer, Mr. Canova began studying ancient mystical teachings, quantum physics and psychology. Today he’ll discuss his perspective on the mysteries of creation and the meaning of the Gnostic Gospels as well as other spiritual insights he’s gained from his research.

Mr. Canova is author of the “First Souls” novel trilogy. Book one is called “Pope Annalisa” and has won seven national book awards in the US including the prestigious Nautilus Gold Medal Award and the Independent Publishers Award.
My name is Peter Canova. I’m from the United States and I’m an author. I had a series of, I guess what you call psychic experiences when I was younger. And it put me on the quest to understand the whole basis of how these types of phenomena happen to us. I sensed that we must all be connected in some sort of matrix or energy field. So just trying to really understand and answer those questions set the course of my later life.

I think what has been missing in organized religions for a long time is a flexibility that allows a person to determine their own spiritual experiences, their own images, their own dreams and things like that without being channeled into what is accepted by the particular religious group. When you have a spiritual perspective, but you don’t lock it into any particular type of creed, your ability to experience that spirit is a lot broader.

The modern world is rediscovering the mysteries of the East and the significance of yin, the female energy, and yang, the male energy, for spiritual advancement. Psychologist Carl Jung, known for his adept studies of Gnosticism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism and other traditions, believed that the unification of the yin and yang polarities within the individual is an important step in achieving spiritual wholeness, or merging with the higher Self.

All of us are born with both male and female qualities within us. Now Carl Jung, the famous psychologist, would call it the anima and the animus, which is the male part in the female and the female in the male. And one’s ability to use those faculties simultaneously is what makes an outstanding human being. When we bring those faculties into balance, we have a person who can be both feeling and intuitive, a person who can be both logical and analytical. And I think that that is certainly a gateway to opening up to higher spiritual experience.

The sacred feminine was always the recognition that there are two faces of God, that God in this world expresses itself in terms of male and female qualities. The sacred feminine, in particular, was the belief of the ancients that it was the divine feminine faculty that led directly to the creation of the material world and the creation of material experience. And therefore in very early societies, you had a lot of worship of the goddess as opposed to the god, the male god image. And along with that worship of the goddess went a respect for these feminine faculties. People took a more intuitive approach and a heartfelt feeling approach towards their spirituality

When consciousness first came into physical form, the world must have been a very magical and intuitive place back then. The human being was closer to the source of the consciousness that had descended into the physical body. I think what happened was all of a sudden, the spirit in the human being woke up to the shock that it was in a physical body, and now it had survival issues.

They had to develop a more male type of analytical strategy to understand the things in the world and survive. And I think that worked but it went overboard. Now we’ve gone almost to an extreme on the male side, and I think the reason why real spirituality has become so obscured is because we have lost the ability to believe in our own imaginations and listen to our own intuition, and listen to the heart rather than just the head

You can follow any of those charts you see on the left brain and right brain faculties. Generally speaking, the male or the left brain faculties are logic, analysis, linear thinking, tend to be very verbal in orientation, and tend to want to classify things. The male orientation wants to break the whole into parts to understand it. Now the female, on the other hand, is more feeling and intuitive, and it looks at the whole rather than the parts. Now we all have each of them, but in most cases one side is more pronounced than the other. So, it’s important to bring those two into balance.

We asked Mr. Canova to speak about his award-winning book and its message.

I’ve written a novel called “Pope Annalisa” about an African nun who becomes the first female pope, but in the book it deals with a lot of scientific, spiritual, and metaphysical themes. And it’s really about the origin, the destiny and the purpose of human beings here on Earth.

It’s about spirit transcending religion, quantum science transcending tradition, material science and consciousness transcending matter.

We haven’t seen a female priest before; we certainly haven’t seen a female Pope before. And so I started thinking what would it be like. What would a woman be like who would be able to become a Pope when that’s been an exclusively male occupation for 2,000 years, and what kind of a world would accept that? What kind of a world would allow that to happen?

So from those questions, I started to build the whole platform of the world that Pope Annalisa might live in. So I just kind of built on from that and then that vehicle just became an outpouring of my own spiritual expression of what I wanted to convey to people. I felt that the experiences I had were so vivid, I wanted a way to convey the knowledge that I’ve brought back from those experiences to other people in hopes that would help them in their own particular spiritual journey.

In 1945 some of the texts that are part of the Gnostic Gospels were discovered in Egypt, and their finding led to profound insights about the meaning of the spiritual teachings of past enlightened masters such as Jesus.

We see very clearly that Jesus was teaching two different things. He was teaching an inner mystery and he was teaching an outer set of guidelines and parables for the masses. Now in the book of Mark or Luke or Matthew, it’s very clear. He says to the disciples, “Unto you were given the mysteries in the Kingdom of Heaven, unto those without, these things were done in parables.” Christianity had two streams – one was an inner church of mystical teachings, and the other one was an outer church, which is pretty much what has evolved into the churches we know today. But through documents that have been unearthed in recent times, we begin to be able to construct the picture of what those teachings might have been.

What was the nature of these mystical teachings? Mr. Canova now explains his findings.

I’m going to try and simplify. The first thing would be that there was one and only one source for all existence, and that source they called the first consciousness. First consciousness was the ancient, first thought. I should say, first thought was the ancient word for consciousness, so the first precept of the mystical teachings was that there was one and only one consciousness that has created everything that we perceive and everything that we see.

The next important thing in that teaching would have been that this one consciousness divided itself up into numerous points of consciousness, so you could say Consciousness with a large ‘C’ broke itself up into consciousness with a small ‘c’ which would include human consciousness, and this happened through a process where the whole would limit knowledge of itself, almost like the whole would forget parts of itself that it was the whole and it was everything, because as it limited its own consciousness, that created the source of identity for individual consciousness, and the parts could only think of themselves as parts if they can’t recognize the whole.

A specific portion of the Gnostic texts says that the first of the spirit consciousness, you can call them angels in modern terminology, in the Gnostic texts they’re called aeons, but aeons and angels are really the same thing, when the first of these spiritual beings started to break away from the whole and started to think of the possibility of a separate existence, this was the original fall. The first was the fall from spirit into the thought of separation, and the thought of separation became soul or psyche or individual mind.

The second fall was the fall of psyche or soul into the physical body. And the second one would have been the one that we see in the Bible, Adam and Eve. When this first thought of separation started to congeal, it started to produce an effect, which led to the creation of matter. And it’s said that this matter could not vibrate at the same dimensional level as the spiritual vibration, and it was expelled in a great disturbance. Their word for Big Bang was “a great disturbance,” and it was expelled from the Heavenly realm. They called it the Pleroma, what we would call the heavenly or spiritual realm. This thought that led to matter was expelled in a great disturbance into another dimension.

Stephen Bassett: Enhancing Awareness of Human-Extraterrestrial Relations

In recent decades, public interest in the existence of extraterrestrial life has grown dramatically, and many people are seeking disclosure about what governments know on the subject. One such individual is activist, lobbyist and commentator Stephen Bassett, Executive Director of the Paradigm Research Group and the Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee (X-PPAC), both of which are based in Bethesda, Maryland USA. Mr. Bassett is a leading advocate for increasing public awareness about the extraterrestrial presence engaging humankind and its potential benefits for our planet and civilization.

Supreme Master Television had the opportunity to speak with Stephen Bassett about his work at the October 2011 Conscious Life Visionary Expo in Los Angeles, California, USA. Today  we’d like to  present excerpts from the fascinating interview.

I am a political activist, and I have been since 1996. And the focus of my activism is the extraterrestrial issue and its resolution. Prior to that I did business consulting. I did get a degree in physics but my life really began when I entered this issue and I’ve been doing it exclusively since then. And the issue regarding ET phenomena had been with me my whole life.

One of the key books I read was John Mack’s “Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens.” Mack was a Harvard (University)-trained psychiatrist. And the fact that he had gotten into the issue, studying contactees, was a milestone for me and told me this thing is definitely moving forward. Then it was easy to conclude: “Well, if the extraterrestrial presence were to become known as an accepted reality, that would be the most profound event in human history.”

So I said, “I’ll engage it politically.” So the first thing I did was to register as a (federal government) lobbyist, thus the name Paradigm Research Group, which is the name of my organization. I was the first person to ever register as a lobbyist in Washington (DC) (USA) on this issue. Then I formed the first political-action committee. Then, of course, the field is getting crowded so we’re now a movement.

Mr. Bassett now discusses the substantial body of evidence for the existence of human-extraterrestrial interaction that has emerged in recent decades.

The evidence is massive and overwhelming. It’s been accumulated for 60 years, 5,000 books and pamphlets, millions of sightings, hundreds of thousands of reports, thousands of pilot sightings, discs (seen) off (of airplane) windows, cockpits, radar reports, and multiple sightings on the ground. Now, you have to go look at it. It’s years to study this evidence. But there is a massive amount of evidence to prove it.

One of the most profound pieces of evidence is in the last 20 years, many hundreds of thousands of people have reported contact with extraterrestrials. They’re reporting contacts which are pretty consistent, the same kind of beings, the same kind of procedures. So that’s incredibly powerful evidence. And then one other; that is, government witnesses coming forward, people like astronaut Edgar Mitchell, and astronaut Gordon Cooper. That’s very powerful. These are very accomplished people.

Mr. Bassett next elaborates on some of the types of extraterrestrials that have been described by contactees, and the need for increased public understanding of their existence and efforts to interact with humans.

There appear to be four or five types that are most commonly reported by contactees, and the most common is the “Greys,” which vary in size and in other ways. And this image of the “Grey” is now ubiquitous in the world, in advertising, on packaging, on television. It’s a very slight, four-foot being, spindly arms, four fingers, very small mouth, vestigial ears, vestigial nose and big, black, slanted eyes. And that wasn’t concocted in the imagination of some ad person. That is in fact the imagery that’s being reported.

“The Art of Close Encounters” is a new book that has a 150 contactee reports with about 200 pieces of art that show the range of this phenomena. There’s a group called the “Nordics” which look very human, almost identical, but beautiful, tall, blonde beings. Those are pretty well established. There are significant benefits that would come if the world’s people know that they are not alone, there’s other extraterrestrial civilizations. I think this opens up a broad range of doors that we could go through to start dealing with the problems we’re creating. There’s potential technological breakthroughs that come from ET technology.

So the benefits would far outweigh any justification that the world’s major governments could put forward to justify keeping this suppressed anymore. Letting them know it’s true, and also letting them know that things are moving forward, helps to acclimate people for this, so that there will be less disruption when it does happen. And also, as awareness raises about the likelihood of disclosure, the likelihood of disclosure goes up. So again, the idea is to get disclosure of the ET presence as soon as possible, so public awareness helps in both those areas.

When humans become more conscious and accepting of extraterrestrials, the door to advancing our planet and civilization in numerous ways will be opened.

We have a number of craft and we’ve been studying them for decades, we know how the craft perform, we know they’re anti-gravitic. So there may be a profound energy source there. There is a lot going on now in human physics that’s pointing towards accessing extraordinary energy sources. It’s called the ground field, zero-point field, quantum field. It turns out the amount of energy that is around us is actually quite extraordinary. If we could tap into that energy, it changes the equations on planet Earth profoundly, so we think there is more information there, we need to have that information out so that we can utilize potential energy sources.

It’s also clear from the contact reports, they’re (ETs) extremely skilled in life sciences, in genetics. So one of the great truths I think we will learn in the post-disclosure world is that DNA from life planets all throughout the galaxy has been swapping out for millions of years, space-bearing beings have been taking DNA and moving it around. And so our DNA, our life structures here are connected very likely to life structures all over the galaxy. This is incredibly profound.

And when you examine the contactee reports, it turns up everywhere, genetic work, DNA, hybrid beings, they are the masters of this, and probably a lot more, which also means that they’re probably more than capable, or have the technology that is capable of solving almost all the disease problems we have, which means that if we had full contact with the extraterrestrials, and if they were willing to provide us with some of this tech, we could cure virtually all of the major diseases that plague us, which would transform the planet. So disclosure is the door to open contact, and open contact may be the door to access that technology.

Mr. Bassett also believes that having a strong spiritual foundation can help us accept the changes brought about by increased contact with our fellow beings from other parts of the galaxy.

I think people who have a spiritual base probably are in a better position to deal with this transition than people who don’t have that kind of a base. Belief systems will shift, there’ll be some new information we’re going to learn about, our ancient history and perhaps some of our religious lore.

In conclusion, Mr. Bassett states that our extraterrestrial friends are here to guide us to a constructive future in a way that has been experienced for millennia by the inhabitants of many other planets around our galaxy.

They understand from previous experience that at this point we have to go from thinking we’re alone in the universe to knowing we are not. We have to go through the disclosure process. And we have a limited amount of time because the weapons that we have are getting more powerful. The environment’s getting more damaged, so we have to make this transition because once a planetary civilization gets to this point, if they don’t come to understand that they are not alone, if they can’t engage these sort of civilizations, they may not be able to get through this time. In other words, they perish. So they are shepherding us through a necessary transition that every sentient species has probably gone through on planets around the galaxy.

Supreme Master Ching Hai has spoken on occasion regarding extraterrestrial beings and their visits to our planet as in this October 2010 videoconference with Supreme Master Television staff in Los Angeles, California, USA.

… Master, have UFOs carried out any other activities on Earth that we don’t know about? What are those activities?

M-Yes. Too many to count, okay? But they’re all good intentions, good intentions. One of it is to help to promote peace, yes, promote peace and stop war. They also stop comets from hitting us, etc., etc. So, you see, many times we heard that the comet almost hit the Earth and then it veered to the other direction into space, harmless space, and so it didn’t harm the Earth.  They also help heal many sick people wherever they can, whenever they happen to have a chance to do that.

And they also soften war-like aggression and trying to induce people into a more peaceful state of mind. So, their activities are so many, so many. We have to thank them immensely. Thank God that they even exist, that God even sent them, that God even allowed them to come and help us, that we even have enough luck to be helped by such highly developed beings.

Thank you Mr. Stephen Bassett for your enlightening discussion on the interactions of extraterrestrials and humans and their potential benefits to our civilization. May the Paradigm Research Group soon succeed in encouraging governments worldwide to inform their respective citizens about our friendly galactic neighbors.

For more information on Stephen Bassett, please visit

May our planet soon elevate, thus enabling us to fully integrate with the universe.

Professor Dr. Ervin László: Global Ethics and Consciousness

Our guest today is a Hungarian scientist, humanitarian and inspirational philosopher.  Apart from being twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, Professor Dr. Ervin László is an expert on systems philosophy and currently serves as the editor of “World Futures: The Journal of General Evolution.”

If we look at the great scientists, they had very great spirituality. They worked with very great insight, very great intuition. Science has a spiritual part, and spirituality has a scientific part. After all, spirituality takes place and happens in this world, too. So we try to harmonize it, as in past societies. In past societies there wasn’t this separation, this dichotomy between rationality and intuition, between spirituality and science. This came into being in the 20th century, already in the 19th century as well, of course, but otherwise it got sharpened more strongly now.

In 1993, Dr. László formed the Club of Budapest, an international non-profit association dedicated to bringing about a planet-wide paradigm shift by fostering global cultural consciousness through such endeavors as building bridges between peoples. The Club and its esteemed members hold dialogues and discussions with the goal to develop effective strategies to promote world peace and an elevated planetary consciousness. Dr. László organizes group meditation for world peace as well.

We all know that meditation is a healthy thing for us. It also starts to turn out that meditation, it has an effect on other people too, and even on our environment. It tunes our own system, it makes us healthier. It harmonizes us with our environment, our society. It has an effect on the whole of humanity. We have to try, I think it is meaningful.

Combining his own theories of self-organizing systems, global consciousness and spirituality, Dr. László’s work is mapping the way for a new scientific age. In his book “WorldShift 2012,” Ervin László introduces profound insights on how a social shift towards global ethics and responsibility can help propel us towards better environmental sustainability and peace.

Dr. László recommends a systems theory approach to deal with the pressing issues the world faces today. He has stated: “We can’t solve our problems with the same kind of thinking that gave rise to them.”

An open system, it does not mean that anything can happen in it, but it means that it continually receives information, energy and material. A closed system is one which has its borders completely shut, so that no one goes either out, or in. But in an open system, a continuous exchange of material, information, and energy happens. This is absolutely necessary to understand today’s problems of energy and ecology, and social problems in general.

Dr. László also authored a timely handbook for everyone on the planet titled, “You Can Change the World: The Global Citizen’s Handbook for Living on Planet Earth: A Report of the Club of Budapest.” His books offer solutions to the challenges we have to overcome in order to transform the planet into a sustainable world for all living beings and nature. It is humanity’s moral responsibility to be good stewards of our Earth, make eco-conscious decisions and take actions to bring about constructive change.

We are at that interesting point, that so-called bifurcation point, where we cannot make foresights, predictions, prophesies, since the future has not been decided yet. What happens depends on us. In my view planetary ethics is the ethics that says we should feel responsibility to all, to the whole circle in which we are involved. We live in an interconnected world. We have to feel responsibility for the well-being of people (everywhere). And planetary ethics is the feeling of responsibility for this, and the acceptance of this responsibility.

The universe and its primary elements were formed with such precise and detailed perfection that it enabled material, energy and life to come into being. Dr. László explains that it is highly improbable that a universe such as ours – with galaxies filled with an unfathomable number of stars and life on Earth – arose by pure chance.

At the center of Dr. Ervin László’s hypothesis is the concept of connectedness, coherence, and oneness. He explains that this is the scientific theorem describing the fundamental nature of reality. He proposes that every entity which exists in the cosmos is interconnected and integrated in more ways than what we can comprehend within the physical realm. According to Dr. László, all “particles and galaxies have consciousness.”

In 2004 Dr. László released his highly acclaimed book “Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything.” In the book Dr. László applies modern science to illustrate the mysteries of the Akashic Field, a storehouse that records the constant and enduring memory of the universe. Spiritual teachers and sages of the all eras have spoken of the existence of an intelligent cosmic field that conserves and conveys past, present and future information, a field known as the Akashic record.

Bridging both science and spirituality, in the book Dr. László describes the existence of the Akashic Field as a conscious ocean of collective and individual memories, from which all things come into being – atoms, particles, stars, planets, and galaxies. He says that it can be regarded as the beginning or the origin of all things that exist in time and space. In his work on the theory of everything, Dr. László emphasizes our God-like nature and that we are one with all creation.

I wrote a few years ago about this universal information field, what is frequently called a Unified Field, or Akashic Field, and a lot of people asked me to explain the essence of this. About six months ago I sat down to try to formulate this, of what is the reality of such a field. How do we know about it? And this was with some physicist friends of mine, with four physicists among others, one of them Hungarian who also demonstrated the physical reality of this field on the basis of mathematical physics.

What I see is that nature is a creation of God. It is in everything. In each of us, in every atom, in every galaxy. And this is all one which I can formulate, as all of these work by information, and this information is in nature, in the cosmos; the basic information, by which matter comes into being, by which the material organs, systems develop, and by which, we could say, consciousness comes into being, self-consciousness comes into being, too. This is a spiritual universe. It cannot be a purely physical universe.

It has a spiritual basis, it is based on a cosmic spirituality, and it is this information that takes it further. I think science goes through big changes. The new quantum physics shows an entirely different world concept, and it shows what I mentioned before, earlier, the role of information. This information is in the universe somewhere, is stored, and the universe functions based on this. This is like software, as if the whole universe would be a huge computer which works using software. When the universe was born, there was information already.

We can also come into being, contribute to the accumulation of information in this universe. Because it is a very special universe, where life can also come into being. And where there is life, there is progress, there is consciousness. It is no accident. It is about a mass of information here, which is the software of this universe, and this is what I call the Akashic Field.

Dr. László believes life should be lived according to the Golden Rule, a precept that is recorded in the sacred texts of all the world’s religions. For example, in Judaism the Golden Rule is expressed in the Talmud as “Do to others as you would have them to you”; and in Islam, “Not one of you truly believes until you wish for others that which you wish for yourself”. To Dr. László, choosing a sustainable diet is part of living in accordance with the Golden Rule.

When I worked for the United Nations in the research institute at the end of the 1970s, I heard about a statistic that says that if everybody in the world would eat that much meat, then about twice as much arable land would be needed on the world as there is on this Earth. So two more planets would be needed, so that we can provide this to everybody. Why? It is not only the meat itself, but we have to produce the feed for the animal.

We have to add the water to it (the feed), a lot of arable land, right, a lot of energy that goes into it, so that we can use all of it, and we can produce it. We should eat in a way, try to exist in a way so that everybody else can live, too. So I tried to live in a way that can be shared by others, and it was then that I started to shift to a vegetarian lifestyle, and since then I feel even much better, actually.

We should wake up. It is very late. We can still change, but if we don’t change, then there will be trouble. However, if we wake up in time, here we have a great opportunity to create a new world.

Dr. Ervin László, we applaud your remarkable scientific works on systems thinking, cosmic consciousness, and oneness. We thank you for reminding us that the physical dimension and spiritual experience are two aspects of the same reality.

May Providence guide all beings on their life’s journey.

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