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Posts tagged ‘killing’

Q&A After Lectures (11-15)

Excerpt from Master Ching Hai Lectures

Q11: Could you please explain your precepts against killing. Specifically against abortion.

M: Wa! You get me into trouble.  ‘Thou shalt not kill’ is the precept of all religious scriptures, not only Christians. It’s even in Jainism, Hinduism and other religions also. If they truly take this ‘thou shalt not kill’ in a true sense of the precept, abortion, of course, should be avoided. And the doctor should be very precise in determining what is the special situation that people should undertake this. Because maybe sometimes it’s dangerous for the mother, or dangerous for both. So, the doctor should be fair in determining that situation. Otherwise I think we should save life in any way we can. Whatever special circumstance with you, that you have to answer, your self- conscience, and the doctor has to determine that. Okay? I am not here to condemn anyone, because I know life is very hard, and very difficult to say which is right and which is wrong. Because we are also all under the sway of karma, of the law of cause and retribution, and sometimes it is very difficult for a person to go above that, to be saintly, and to be decisive about anything in life. But, bear in mind that if you have faith in God, and in all our wisdom and if we are enlightened, no circumstance is difficult, no situation is hard to handle. So, I just propose enlightenment, and no condemnation for anything.

Q12: Is it okay to receive initiation from more than one master?

M:Yeah, it’s okay. But why is it necessary? For example, if your master has already taught you the light and sound within you, and you are satisfied and you’re making progress with that path, then you don’t have to be initiated by another master who will teach the same method. But nevertheless, if you are not completely satisfied and you would like to have more, I mean you are more convinced in some other master, of course you may do so.

Q13: Jesus ate fish, why do you not?

M: You always put fish in Jesus’ mouth. (Laughter.) Alright, suppose he ate fish, he is Christ, he can do many other things that you cannot do. Why you look at the piece of fish only and not at his qualities and his holiness? As soon as you become holy as he is, and powerful as he is, you can eat human beings also, okay?! (Laughter & applause.) If you are that desperate for meat… Oh God! We always compare the things that other people do to suit our taste. But we do not respect their qualities and their talents. We have to know what we have and other people have, and then we can say what we can do or not. The president he can stay in the white house, he has a lot of bodyguards, he has power over the whole nation. So, something he can do, we cannot. Okay?

Q14: Are pain and illness always the result of present karma? If so, how do we clean them out?

M:We clean it out by enduring it. Because it’s already too late now to reverse the wheel of karma. But we could minimize it, we could lubricate it by being enlightened, by meditation on the perfection of the Father every day through the guidance of a teacher, through initiation. Then, we minimize a lot of things.

Q15: Do you have homosexual disciples?

M: Yes. Do I have to report to you their private business?

You see, homosexuality is just a misconception about their awareness. They misunderstand their body’s function. And when they become enlightened, this will be less and less, because they will identify themselves less with the body, but more with the spirit. Therefore there’s nothing wrong with that.

When the children are very young, they play with plastic models and they cling to their teddy bears, but when they grow up, they will leave them. So do not worry about your miss-identification with your body or with your birth appearance. It’s alright, just get enlightenment, and everything will fix itself in due course.

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Understanding Meat-eating, Killing and Karma.

Excerpt from Master Ching Hai Lectures

Meat is the cause of all wars and suffering in this world, as well as in your personal self.  To refrain from meat is to contribute peace to this planet.  If we terminated the cause of killing, we will not reap the result of being killed or being wounded.

We respect all lives in the creative Plan of God.  We can see by ourselves that all lives resist suffering and resist death.  Therefore, when we kill or see animals being killed, they are suffering and they try to run away.  That means God empowered them with the instinct of wanting life.  If we interfere and force their lives away, we interfere with God’s will.  We should treat every being in the same way as we ourselves like to be treated.  Then our lives will be blessed with grace, with longevity and with wisdom. “As you sow, so shall you reap.”

Refraining oneself from killing also means not eating animal flesh because although we do not kill it ourselves, other have to kill so we can eat it.  This is indirect killing.  Whenever we eat meat, it is unavoidable that some of the hatred, anger and frustration in the animal’s heart caused when it departed, will be imprinted upon our consciousness, and then we will feel uneasy inside.  Therefore, when we sleep at night we have nightmares, when animals see us they are frightened of us and run away.  And when we are sick, it is difficult to heal ourselves because of all this hatred, this angry atmosphere which hangs around the meat that we eat.

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Excerpt from Master Ching Hai Lectures

Q- Master, I was thinking about how you said not to kill sentient beings.  Does that include pests, bugs, termites, and mosquitoes?

M.  Well, we have to do what we need to do for environmental care, but then, we will have to pay for that.  But they are small bugs; they are not a bigger form of life, so when we meditate for them, they will be all right.  The important thing is not the act of killing.  The most important thing is the violence in your heart that must be terminated.  Some people don’t actually kill with their hands but they kill with their thoughts. That is even more important than the act of killing.  So, what we try to minimize is the violence in our hearts, the tendency to want to destroy other beings.

But if we have to do it for environmental hygiene, we must do it.  And pray for them in our meditation.  But it is best when we can avoid it – like we keep our place very clean so that ants and other insects won’t come around.  And if you spray around so that they will leave, they will not die.  There are some ways to avoid killing.  You have to take care of that.  The less killing, the better, even the small insects, but sometimes they are too harmful for the children and babies, and then the mother has to do it, because after all, human life is more precious.  We don’t do it because we are bad or malicious, it’s just the situation.

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