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Posts tagged ‘Vietnamese Lesson’

For Little Angels – Lesson 26

By master Duy Tue
Originally in Vietnamese

Lesson 26 – Recognize and stay away from bad guys

Outside your house, there are bad people. You have to watch out. You are too young to really know what a bad guy is like.

How can you identify them?

Bad people often do two bad things, threatening and luring. They do these things because they want something from you.

They can trick you in different ways. They may say something that attracts to lead you into wrong or foolish actions. This is called luring. Remember my words and be careful when somebody sounds like luring or says something to fascinate you.

Not everyone who gives you a present is bad people. The problem is that you are a child and you don’t know when a person is bad. So think carefully before you take something from somebody. Don’t take a present just because you want it so much.

Why do fish get hooked in a fishing line? Because it likes the bait.

You shouldn’t accept a present easily when you don’t know the reason why it is given to you. If a stranger gives you some candy, you should thank him but don’t take it.

When evil people can’t trick you, they may threaten you. Tricking and threatening are the behaviors of bad people. You have to be aware and stay away from them.

For Little Angels – Lesson 25

By master Duy Tue
Originally in Vietnamese

Lesson 25 – Good thoughts, good actions

Your grandparents, your uncles, or your cousins may live far away from you. Don’t put them out of your mind. Write to them or give them a call sometimes. You do this to maintain a blood relationship with them.

You may still think about your beloved family members when they are far away but if you don’t try to get in touch with them, your good thoughts for them, after a while, will be good for nothing. You have to turn the good thoughts in your head to good actions. Otherwise, your good thoughts would not help anyone or make anyone happy. If you just keep the good thoughts in your head, after many days they will turn into trash.

You are thankful to and concerned for people around you. Those are good thoughts. And remember to turn them into actions. Practice doing this at a young age and you will grow up living by the rule “Good Thoughts, Good Actions.”

Why actions are important? Because if you just think and don’t act, your brain won’t develop properly and you can’t see and understand things broadly without neglecting details.

For Little Angels – Lesson 24

By Master Duy Tue
Originally in Vietnamese

Lesson 24 – Giving Presents


Give presents and flowers to your parents, your friends, and your teachers.

By giving presents, you show your gratitude to and your love for those who love you. You give presents not because you want them to love you. Giving presents is the easiest thing you can do to show your gratefulness.

Some people say they love their parents but they don’t do anything for their parents to show their love. You shouldn’t be like that.

Let somebody see your love through what you do for them. Being grateful is how you show your respect and love to people around you.

For Little Angels: Lesson 23

By Master Duy Tue
Originally in Vietnamese

Lesson 23 – Learn to save money at a young age

When you help your parents out, say, helping your father mow the lawn, he may give you some money in return. You should save it for later use.

Your parents may have a lot of money but you when you grow up, you have to work to earn your own money. You can work for your parents to get paid or find a job outside. Save the money you earn and use it pursue the big goal in your life.

Learn to work and earn money for yourself. Don’t be picky about jobs. You can do little things like mowing the lawn or washing the car for your parents. When you work to earn your own money, you will understand the value of your hard work and also appreciate it when other people work hard.

For Little Angels – Lesson 22

By Master Duy Tue
Originally in Vietnamese

Lesson 22 – Learn to express what you see

Learn the habit of expressing what you see everyday. What color is the shirt that the teacher is wearing today? How do her shoes look? How do your school friends look? Is anyone tall? Is anyone short?

Looking and listening without judgments are two life skills that you need to be able to live a safe, productive, and pleasant life.

Practice looking and listening everyday, and your mind will be clear and bright.

For Little Angels – Lesson 21

By master Duy Tue
Originally in Vietnamese

Lesson 21 – Be Grateful

You have to know the right way to be grateful. You should be thankful to your parents or anyone who has brought you up and loved you. Be thankful for everything that you possess.

Parents pay so that you can go to school. Your teachers help you learn in school. Your friends support you. So you have to show your gratitude for your parents, your teachers and your friends.

When your neighbor gives you some corn, you have to say thank you to your neighbor, and to the corn itself because it is something you can eat when you are hungry.

When you have a new pair of shoes, be grateful to the shoemaker who has made something you need for your feet to walk safely, and be grateful to the shoes themselves for supporting your feet.

 You should know that being grateful is a proper manner in Vietnamese culture.


For Little Angels – Lesson 20

By Master Duy Tue
Originally in Vietnamese

Lesson 20 – Being Kind and Honest

A kind person loves and helps other people, and never tells lies.

When you hear elders talk about God or great men, they are probably talking about someone who loves everyone with an enormous love and never lies.

 If you love and help other people, you will be loved and helped.

If you don’t lie, you will meet good people. If you lie, you will meet bad people.Don’t have bad thoughts about anyone and few people will think badly about you.Don’t think about how to get someone into trouble and nobody will ever do that to you.

Don’t take away anything which is not yours. Don’t steal from others.

For Little Angels – Lesson 18

By Master Duy Tue
Originally in Vietnamese

Lesson 18 – A man of the future

Now that you are a boy, what do you need to know?

You need to do physical exercise. Don’t be like girls because girls are different from boys in nature. Don’t dress like girls, don’t whine, don’t paint your nails, don’t wear make-up, don’t play with dolls, don’t grow your hair long, and don’t trim your eyebrows.

You shouldn’t date a girl until you are 18 years old. Don’t try by all means to have what others have just to show off.

When in streets, or at school, don’t be afraid of strange people, even when you are threatened. Don’t fight, either.

Don’t feel sad, don’t feel hurt, and don’t feel sorry for yourself.

In brief, you have to make your body healthy and fit by doing exercise and playing sports and expand your understanding by observing and asking questions .



For Little Angels – Lesson 17

By master Duy Tue
Originally in Vietnamese

Lesson 17 – Be disciplined or Responsibility

When your parents are busy with their work outside the home, you should take care of your little brothers or sisters. While waiting for them to come home, don’t play with the computer and don’t leave home. There are things that your parents tell you not to do, and you have to obey them. That is responsibility or self-discipline.

Your parents might tell you to get up early in the morning to do your homework, not to play games too much, or to stick to your timetable. If you don’t do those things, you are not responsible.

Your parents are hard on you because they know what is good for you. So you have to listen so that you can change in a good way.

Discipline also involves good manners. You have to be respectful to your older brothers and sisters, your teachers, and elders. You have to say hello and goodbye to visitors to your house in a polite way. Remember to wish everyone in your family a good day everyday when you get up and wish them a good night sleep before you go to bed.

Learn to do the right thing, even when no one is watching. Don’t just be responsible because you are asked to. Don’t just satisfy your feelings and have little concern for other people. That way of living is dangerous for you.

For Little Angels – Lesson 16

By Master Duy Tue
Originally in Vietnamese

Lesson 16 – Don’t Believe in Your Assumptions

When you guess something, you have to know what you guess is not the truth.

There is somebody in your class you don’t like very much. He sits next to you. One day you can’t find your pen and you think that he has taken it.  Your assumption starts like this:  This guy is not nice. Nobody in the class wants to play with him. He is sitting next to you. So he must be the one who has taken your pen. You believe he has stolen your pen although you cannot prove it.

Your guess might be true but it is unfair to suspect him when you do not have any evidence.

You can’t conclude anything about your friend until you have enough evidence, for example, you see your pen in his bag.

Don’t suspect other people without evidence.

For Little Angels – Lesson 8


By Master Duy Tue
Originally in Vietnamese

Lesson 8 – Helping

For example: In your class there is someone really fat. Everyone in class always makes fun of him. That guy also has one thing that you don’t like. He often breaks in a conversation earlier than expected or starts talking before the other person finishes his or her words. What do you do so that he will not interrupt when somebody talks and everyone will not make fun of him.

If you want to help him, you have to choose your words carefully so as not to make anyone upset. With those who like making fun of your fat friend, tell them gently that if they make him seem silly by saying that he is fat, they themselves will get fat sooner or later, or even fatter. Tell them that is why you don’t dare to make fun of the fat friend.

When you see him interrupt somebody, rather than tell him it is not a good thing to do, tell him a story you make up about yourself like this: I once had the habit of interrupting, then my grandfather said, “Now that you jump into somebody’s mouth, when you grow up, you will have no good food to eat”. Since then, I haven’t interrupted anyone again in fear of having nothing delicious to eat.

Those are the ways for you to help your friend. Talk to him softly so that he won’t get hurt and he will listen. When you know the right way to help him get rid of his bad habits, he will not get upset.

For Little Angels – Lesson 7


By Master Duy Tue
Originally in Vietnamese

Lesson 7 – The Magic of having a dream

 Having a dream is different from wanting something like money, fame, or power. In which way are they different?

Your wants that come with being greedy, lazy, and playing tricks will not make you happy.

A good dream is a desire that is possible to be fulfilled. In that dream, you desire to do something that helps your community and people in other parts of the world.

Some examples of a good dream are a dream of writing a lot of interesting books, of having inventions or initiatives that benefit the society, or of becoming a professor at a well-known university in the world. Dreams of doing good for your people and the mankind are the dreams that let your love grow.

When you dream like that, your head will get clearer and brighter. Then you will have whatever you need to be able to help other people. You don’t have to worry about money or housing. Those things will take care of themselves. Therefore, having a dream is a magic that few people know.

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