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Posts tagged ‘immune system’

Dr. Steve Blake: Promoting A Natural Way of Life – part 2

Now some herbs like echinacea are very helpful in energizing our own immune systems. They should be taken only occasionally when we need them in order to boost our immune defenses, say if we’re coming down with a cold.

There are so many herbs throughout the world, and for 27 years, I have been putting information on these herbs into this database, the “Herb Doctors,” I now have 54 countries represented. I just added the medicinal plants of South Korea, and the medicinal plants of Vietnam, to my database. I have drawn from hundreds of books and my goal is to see where these great herb doctors agree.

I have currently 1,311 natural remedies listed in the “Herb Doctors.” It has 168,000 footnoted facts from around the world, comparing these herbs and how they’re used, how their dosage is applied and all of the other facts, their actions.

For instance, if a problem is insomnia, one of the most agreed upon remedies is passionflower, passiflora incarnata. There are perhaps 300 different herbs used all over the world for insomnia, but it’s interesting to see which ones most of the doctors agree upon in different cultures, in different continents, because this means it’s more likely to help us.

One of the popular members of the onion family is ginger. Besides being used in many cuisines to enhance the flavor of dishes, it also has many different medicinal applications.

Some of the other herbs that are widely used are ginger, which is used in Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine. It’s used throughout the West as a culinary spice, and it’s certainly a very powerful heating and anti-nausea plant. The root of zingiber officinale (ginger) is used throughout the world and is a wonderful, for instance, cold remedy.

If a person has congestion in their chest, and they chop the fresh ginger root and slowly simmer it for half an hour, you get a very powerful liquid that will warm and break up congestion in the chest; just try it and see.

Chamomile is a member of the daisy family and grows in Europe, North Africa and Asia. Many are familiar with the famous beverage chamomile tea, but may not be aware of how the herb can benefit our health.

Now, I know that there are many people who say that herbs don’t work or aren’t powerful, but I think they’re just not using them right. For instance, chamomile. Yes, if you put one bag of very old chamomile tea into a cup of water, it’s not going to have much effect.

But if you take the fresh dried flowers, and put a quarter cup of those flowers in a cup of boiling water and steep it for a few minutes, you get a very powerful tonic for the stomach that will relax your stomach and relax your nerves, and there’s nothing magic about it, it’s a very lovely, peaceful feeling that you get from drinking this tea.

Using nature as our “pharmacy” is a concept that is unfamiliar to some. We asked Dr. Blake to explain the difference between using herbs and conventional medications for medical conditions.

Well, one of the big differences between herbs and modern medicines is the cost. For instance, you can get a tranquilizing pill, or a bottle of them, and this will cost you a certain amount of money. But that chamomile tea, if prepared properly, costs very little money at all, so that’s one thing.

Another thing is the side effects. The side effects of modern drugs are well known, well studied, and cause millions of deaths every year, and more millions of terrible side effects. This may be necessary when the drugs are necessary and applied properly. But many of these side effects are not necessary, and many of the uses of modern drugs may not be needed, and herbs could substitute.

For instance, in convalescence, many times a person has a long period of convalescence, where herbal medicines will help them mend a little bit better than drugs will. Also in chronic conditions such as arthritis, it might be smarter to substitute using herbs for arthritis than powerful pain medications, because the herbs have a chance of helping the body heal the arthritis and stop the process of damage, whereas the drugs will generally only hide the pain, while the damage to the joints continues on.

Another interesting thing about herbs versus drugs is that people like herbs. When people take an herb and it helps them with their condition, they become grateful to the herb, they become happy with it, and learn all about it and recommend it to their friends. People rarely get attached to drugs, especially if they have nasty side effects.

Now, I know that our goal in the West usually is the “pill effect.” In other words, if people have, say high blood cholesterol, they would prefer to take a pill whether it’s red rice yeast or it’s a Statin drug, which both have similar effects. They still would rather to take the pill than change their diet. A whole food vegan diet will cure high blood cholesterol in almost every case and quickly too. But people prefer to eat the food they’re used to, and take the pill.

Statin drugs are used to lower cholesterol levels with the goal of lessening the chances of a heart attack. For the past decade they have been the top-selling drug in the United States. Dr. Blake believes that people should consider the downsides of these medicines and the alternatives available to reduce cholesterol levels.

Well, recent evidence has shown that statin drugs, that they damage the muscles very severely in a small number of people. Well, they decided to take a look at everyone taking statins in a test, not just the people with the strong side effects, and look at their muscles to see if their muscles are being damaged in all of the people taking statins. Unfortunately they did find that that is true, that there is some muscle damage from statin drugs in just about all people.

Remember: people who are taking statins generally are 50, 60, 70 years old. And falling is a major issue at these ages, especially with the prevalence of osteoporosis. So that if a person gets a weak muscle and falls, they could break their hip, and that could be very much the end of their life, or at least the end of a pleasant life where they can get around. So this is to be avoided and statin drugs only need to be taken by people who refuse to change their diets.

If people are willing to change their diet and exercise, then statin drugs are needed in only a very, very small number of cases. I would encourage people to take this advice and rather than take the statins, go ahead and change your lifestyle. Now statins interrupt the ability of our bodies to create cholesterol. Most of our cholesterol is made inside our bodies, not taken from food, so that if we take statin drugs, we make less cholesterol.

We also make less of a very important internal antioxidant called Coenzyme Q10. This is the only internally made fat soluble antioxidant. It’s very, very important. It’s found in all the cells and if our bodies cannot make this properly, this has terrible consequences for our health. This is one of the reasons why statin drugs are dangerous. It’s because they stop the production of both cholesterol and a very desirable internally made antioxidant called Coenzyme Q10 or Co-Q10.

Chronic diseases like heart disease, obesity, and diabetes afflict millions around the world. On the whole Dr. Blake feels that herbs are not necessarily the answer to these types of conditions.

Using herbs for chronic conditions is a little bit of a pill approach, a little bit more of a pill approach than I would recommend. All of these conditions, especially something like diabetes, it’s proven that by changing the diet and getting more exercise, type 2 diabetes can be reversed in most cases. So also, high cholesterol and the danger of heart disease can be reversed by lifestyle changes.

The lifestyle change generally is to eat a whole vegan diet. If this is done, then herbs may not be necessary. I look at herbs as a small balancing force where lifestyle cannot make all of the changes needed or as a temporary help in helping people with disease problems until their lifestyle changes can catch up with them and make them vibrantly healthy and alive, activating their own immune system so they can do it.

Here are some final thought from Dr. Blake on health and healing.

The best way to boost your health and to fight disease is to change your lifestyle so that we get more exercise, we eat better, cleaner, more whole, more raw foods, and that is really the path to health, and drugs rarely are healing medicine.

Try and comprise at least half of your diet in fresh whole foods that are raw, such as fruits, fresh fruits. I’m talking about apples, not apple pie here, and vegetables, some raw, some cooked but as much raw as possible so that you get the vital nutrients that you need and that energy and vitality and young good looks that we all strive for.

Many thanks Dr. Blake for your introduction to the therapeutic properties of herbs and explaining how to fuel our bodies for a lifetime of wellness and happiness. We salute you for promoting the vegan diet which is truly the foundation of good health.

For more details on Dr. Steve Blake, please visit
Books and software by Dr. Blake are available at the same website

Ten Superfoods for Super Health

What are the most beneficial and nutritious foods on Earth for enhancing energy, health and happiness, the so-called superfoods? Interestingly, it’s not necessary to go to a mountaintop, jungle or secret cave to obtain these foods. They’re actually quite common, widely available and often overlooked by consumers.  We’ll look at the top 10 superfoods and see why experts suggest including them in our diet. Please remember God has blessed us with many superfoods and this list is just one possibility!

Superfood #1: Walnuts

Walnuts & Sugar: The Evils Lurking in Your Pantry | VizFact Dot Com

Among the elements needed to maintain good mental health are omega-3 fatty acids. Studies show that a lack of these vital nutrients may lead to depression, learning disabilities, behavioral problems, and even sleep disorders. So how can we make sure we get enough omega-3 fatty acids in our diet?

It’s actually quite simple. Grab a handful of walnuts! Walnuts have often been referred to as “brain food” because their high concentration of essential fatty acids helps keep our brain cells functioning properly. Walnuts also contain a natural form of melatonin, a hormone that relaxes the mind and helps us sleep better. It’s interesting to note that a walnut even looks like a tiny brain!

Superfood #2: Broccoli

The elixir broccoli of life « The Reality-Based Community

Another widely recognized superfood is broccoli. This humble, little vegetable, available around the world, is a powerhouse of nutrients. It’s rich in calcium and vitamin K, which help maintain healthy bones and prevent osteoporosis, and it also contains abundant potassium and magnesium. Have you ever wondered what to do for sunburn? Well, help yourself to some broccoli!

Rich in glucoraphanin, broccoli helps repair the skin. Glucoraphanin is also an anti-cancer agent. In fact, the American Cancer Society recommends eating broccoli regularly, as it contains phytochemicals that help prevent cancer. And the good news doesn’t stop there. Broccoli contains beta-carotene, as well as the trace minerals, zinc and selenium, all of which strengthen the immune system.

Superfood #3: Avocados

Yogi Recipe: Avocado Garlic Spread « Palm Yoga Blog
And speaking of enjoyment, how about the taste of a rich, creamy avocado? What’s even better is the fact that this beautiful, green fruit is bursting with valuable nutrients. An excellent source of folic acid and vitamins C, K, E, and B6, avocados also contain calcium, copper, iron, phosphorus and magnesium, and 60% more potassium than bananas.

But doesn’t an avocado contain a lot of fat? It does, but it’s “heart-friendly,” monounsaturated fat. In fact, avocados can actually improve one’s cholesterol profile, as it helps reduce LDL or “bad” cholesterol, while increasing HDL (good cholesterol). Recent studies show that the monounsaturated fats in avocados help protect against breast cancer and slow the growth of prostate cancer.

Having problems with your eyes? Get some avocados. Like broccoli they contain the carotenoid lutein, which helps protect against macular degeneration and cataracts. In fact, avocados contain more lutein than any other common fruit. So put a few slices on your salad, or make one into a “green smoothie” and see the difference in your vision!

Superfood #4: Nutritional Yeast

Nutritional Yeast, a.k.a. "Nooch"
One of the common concerns about switching to the vegan diet is obtaining enough Vitamin B12. But if we add a small amount superfood #4, the issue is solved. What is superfood #4? It’s simply good tasting, nutty, nutritional yeast, which may be used as a delicious, healthful condiment. Besides being a great source of B vitamins, nutritional yeast is high in protein.

When buying this food, check the label to see if it’s been fortified with vitamin B12, because this vitamin does not occur naturally in nutritional yeast. It’s a bacteria that is produced separately and then added later. Secondly, B12 is light sensitive, so make sure the yeast you buy is not being stored in clear plastic, but rather in a canister that blocks the sun. Nutritional yeast can be sprinkled on steamed veggies, and will add a delicious, cheesy flavor to lightly salted popcorn, pasta, or scrambled tofu.

Superfood #5: Dark Leafy Greens

Despite differences in opinion about which fruits, grains and vegetables are superfoods, almost every expert agrees on the next candidate: dark leafy greens, possibly the most concentrated source of nutrition of any food. A rich source of minerals such as iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium, greens should definitely be included in our daily diet. They also contain vitamins K, C, E and many of the B-vitamins, and are a powerful source of phytonutrients such as beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, which keep our cells healthy.

Concerned about osteoporosis? Then dig into the dark green veggies! Collards, kale and many others are excellent sources of easily absorbed calcium, which helps build healthy bones. Arugula, whose peppery flavor enhances any salad, is an excellent source of vitamins A, C and calcium. Also, the spicy taste of mustard greens livens up any sandwich or salad, and these greens are packed with vitamins A and K, folate and iron. So bring out the salad bowl, or add a handful to your favorite smoothie, and just feel the burst of energy they bring!

Superfood #6: Blueberries

Organic blueberries grown in and shipped from North Carolina

One fruit that is on almost everyone’s superfood list is the delightful blueberry. This small fruit is a veritable powerhouse of nutrients, such as lutein, important for healthy vision. Low in calories and high in fiber, blueberries are an excellent source of fiber and vitamin C. In a study by the United States Department of Agriculture Human Nutrition Center which sought to find the best source of antioxidants among 40 fresh fruits and vegetables, blueberries ranked #1 as they help neutralize the free radicals that lead to cancer and other age-related diseases.

This humble, little fruit helps promote a healthy urinary tract and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke by preventing the buildup of “bad” cholesterol. Moreover, blueberries are delicious and can be eaten plain or made into smoothies – guaranteed to put a blueberry “smile” on your lips.

Superfood #7: Quinoa

black bean banana quinoa 1 4 cup quinoa rinsed 1 2 cup water 1 2 cup ...

Most lists of superfoods contain at least one grain, and among the most frequently recommended is quinoa, regarded as a sacred food by the Incas. Quinoa provides 22 grams of protein per 250 milliliters of uncooked grain, more than almost any other cereal grain. It also contains all eight of the essential amino acids required for tissue development, and is thus considered to be a complete protein.

In addition, quinoa contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, manganese and zinc, in higher concentrations than wheat, barley or corn. It’s also low in fat, gluten-free, and thus ideal for those who are gluten intolerant. With its unique, delectable taste, quinoa can be lightly seasoned and made into a wide variety of delicious dishes and is an excellent substitute for rice in many recipes.

Superfood #8: Beans and Lentils

Ingredients. Beans, Peas, Lentils. Royalty Free Stock Photo, Pictures ...

Did you know that by incorporating certain foods into your diet, you can slow the aging process? According to world- renowned dermatologist and bestselling author Dr. Nicholas Perricone, a healthy diet is the most effective way to increase your energy, improve your well-being, and look younger! On his list of superfoods he recommends beans and lentils.

Dr. Perricone says that these legumes are unusually high in phytochemicals, protein and vitamins, all of which are essential to prevent aging. They are also low in fat and calories, thus helping to maintain ideal weight, and contain essential fatty acids, especially omega-6. Beans help prevent diabetes and manage blood-sugar disorders. Being low on the glycemic scale, they prevent spikes in blood-sugar levels, unlike refined grains and baked goods.

Beans and lentils have been part of the human diet for thousands of years, and are still among the most nutritious foods on Earth. Their varieties include kidney, black, navy and pinto beans, chickpeas (garbanzo beans) soybeans and dried peas, as well as several different types of lentils.

Superfood #9: Sesame Seeds and Tahini

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Besides being a pleasant condiment, sesame seeds are chock full of nutrition, making them a worthy candidate for our superfood list. They contain phytosterol, which lowers cholesterol, as well as vitamin E, an antioxidant that makes the hair soft, shiny and healthy. Sesame seeds are also loaded with calcium for strong bones and teeth, and high in vitamin A and essential fatty acids as well as the B vitamins. Being very nutritious, they are 20% protein and among the best sources of methionine, an essential amino acid. Sesame seeds also contain lecithin, which reduces fat levels in the blood and helps protect the body from environmental toxins.

In addition, they’re rich in minerals, containing copper, magnesium, potassium, iron and phosphorus, which help keep joints, muscles and blood vessels healthy. Sesame seeds can be used in many ways, such as sprinkled over rice, salads or vegetables.

They can also be made into tahini, ground sesame-seed butter, and thus used as a spread, dip or dressing. Moreover, oil may be pressed from the seeds for use in seasoning salads, grains, or fresh veggies. In Japan, sesame is ground and mixed with salt to make gomashio, a delicious dry condiment.

Superfood #10: Sunshine!!

The last superfood on our list isn’t really a food at all, but is essential to the life of almost every plant on Earth. It’s sunshine! It is the easiest, most reliable and most delightful way to get vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential to good health because it helps absorb calcium and build strong bones. A vitamin D deficiency can result in osteoporosis or rickets. Recent research reveals that about one person in seven is deficient in vitamin D, indicating that we should spend more time in the sunshine.

How much exposure to the sun will give us enough vitamin D? Elderly people need to spend 30+ minutes twice a week, while younger people need less, perhaps only 10 to 20 minutes. Avoid wearing sunscreen as it blocks the absorption of vitamin D. Those with darker skin need more time in the sun to absorb the same amount of vitamin D as a lighter skinned person.

And sunlight has other benefits, too. It increases cell function, which, in turn, increases our body’s ability to purify itself. Sunlight stimulates the pineal gland to produce more of the powerful antioxidant melatonin. And best of all, sunshine is widely abundant and free of charge. Supreme Master Ching Hai often speaks about the benefits of spending time in the sunshine, as in the videoconference with Supreme Master Television staff in October 2010.

‘The sun has a lot of benefits: the sun cures many diseases. For example, in the old time, they did not have tuberculosis medicine yet, they would put the patient in a sunny room, or sunny area, and open a window, let the sun come in to cure the TB.

The sun cures your aches and pain, it eliminates toxins through sweat – when it’s hot, you sweat – and also it cures some of the diseases or other ailments. The sun gives also people happiness, carefree feeling. The sun is necessary for all on Earth’.

Please try some of the delicious, vegan superfoods we’ve covered today. We are sure you will love them all!  May all enjoy health, happiness and sunshine in a peaceful, vegan world.

For more information, please visit

Tai Chi: In Harmony With Science

Today, we’ll examine the ancient Chinese martial arts form known as Tai Chi and the modern scientific research that reveals its numerous health benefits. In ancient times, many systems of movement influenced by philosophy and spirituality were practiced in China to enhance health and increase longevity.

The roots of Tai Chi may be traced back more than 5,000 years to these ancient systems and the profound philosophies of the sages who assisted in their evolution. Taoist and Confucian ideas played a major role in the development of Tai Chi, with the basic Taoist concept being that behind all material phenomena and change lies a single, unifying principle, known as the Tao. The founding father of Taoism was the great Master Lao Tzu, author of the mystical text the Tao Te Ching. This classic book has many stanzas that form the basic philosophy of Tai Chi.

Tai Chi, which may be considered a physical expression of these verses, can raise vital energy or “chi” and expand consciousness. Moreover, the symbolism of Tai Chi borrows much from that of Taoism, such as the honored yin-yang symbol and represents the dual forces of nature unified into a single absolute. But being more than just an image, the yin-yang symbol in Tai Chi provides certain lessons to practitioners of the art such as, “Everything is part of a whole. Everything contains yin, yang and chi. The only constant is change. Let things occur naturally without force. Yin and yang are constantly changing. Gentleness develops strength.”

In fact, the Taoist principles of softness, yielding and humility can even be seen in the names of Tai Chi forms such as “wind rolls the lotus leaves” or “push the boat with the current.” In addition, the legendary Yellow Emperor Huang Ti, known as the father of Traditional Chinese Medicine is said to have developed exercises similar to Tai Chi movements and breathing techniques to improve the health and well-being of practitioners. Other great influences on the formation of Tai Chi include the Taoist sage and philosopher Chuang-Tze and Bodhidharma, the 6th-century Indian monk who brought Buddhism to China.

Upon arriving at the Shaolin Temple in Henan province, Bodhidharma taught the monks natural movements that formed the basis of modern Kung Fu and greatly influenced the growth of Tai Chi. However, the current form of Tai Chi is believed to have been developed by the monk Chang San Feng, who was born in 1247 and studied at the Shaolin Temple. Chang travelled through the mountains learning secret Taoist techniques including breathing exercises that may have allowed him to reach the age of 200.

Through observing nature, Chang learned how the soft can overcome the hard and also recognized the value of circular movement. Indeed, Tai Chi incorporates gentle, circular movements that transition smoothly from one to the next. Thus Tai Chi was born. Since then the practice has spread around the world as a form of exercise to enhance mind, body and spirit. Due to its immense popularity and health benefits, many scientific studies have been conducted on how Tai Chi enhances human health.

Let’s now look at some of this research. The symptoms of osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease that causes pain and discomfort in sufferers, include stiffness, tenderness and the locking of joints. If the pain in a joint becomes too severe, a patient may be given an artificial replacement. The elderly, especially women, are most susceptible to this condition. In one study conducted at the Health Sciences Center of Texas Tech University, USA, 41 elderly individuals suffering from osteoarthritis of the knee were taught Tai Chi for six weeks, three times a week followed by another six weeks of home-based Tai Chi training.

The researchers noted that after 12 weeks of practicing Tai Chi, the group experienced decreased knee pain and stiffness and increased knee functioning, and that these benefits disappeared once the Tai Chi was stopped. Also, in a review of 33 studies conducted to determine if Tai Chi reduces pain in those with lower limb osteoarthritis, it was found that Tai Chi was significantly better at reducing pain in patients than other exercise programs. The elderly also tend to suffer from falls, and due to weakened bones may experience fractures that severely reduce quality of life and may cause death.

Many studies have shown that regular exercise can improve balance and reduce the risk of falls. Of these exercises Tai Chi is particularly effective. In a study conducted at Chang Gung University in Formosa (Taiwan), the balance and hand-eye coordination of 32 participants who had practiced Tai Chi for at least three years was compared to a group of swimmers and a control group.

The results showed that the balance and hand-eye coordination of the Tai Chi group was significantly better than that of the other two groups. In another study, researchers at the University of Oregon, USA found that Tai Chi improves balance and also that the underlying neural mechanism that leads to the improvement is a neuromuscular response controlling the ankle.

Other studies conducted in Hong Kong have shown that the elderly have better balance and increased confidence after practicing Tai Chi. Moreover, researchers at the Washington School of Medicine, USA found that patients suffering from the neurodegenerative condition Parkinson’s disease had improved balance after practicing Tai Chi for 10 to 13 weeks and also reported increased overall well-being. A healthy immune system is important in maintaining health and resisting diseases caused by pathogens and viruses. Studies have shown that even moderate amounts of Tai Chi positively affect immune-system functioning.

In a study conducted at the Chang Gung Institute of Technology in Formosa (Taiwan), 37 volunteers who undertook a 12-week Tai Chi training course had enhanced T-cell functioning. T-cells are a type of white blood cell that play an essential role in the immune system. Other studies performed at the University of California – Irvine, USA and the University of Illinois, USA showed that practicing Tai Chi enhances the immune system’s response to certain vaccines including one for shingles.

Furthermore, research at the Richard Stockton College of New Jersey showed that AIDS patients who did Tai Chi twice a week showed improvements in physiological outcomes and quality of life. Besides benefitting the body, the practice of Tai Chi also enhances the mind and makes one more emotionally balanced by reducing stress and improving one’s mood and sense of happiness.

A review of 40 studies involving 3,817 subjects by the Tufts University School of Medicine, USA confirmed what the ancients knew long ago; that is, Tai Chi improves psychological well-being by reducing anxiety and depression and increasing self-esteem. People who suffer from brain injuries during an accident often have serious after-effects including depressed mood, confusion and frustration.

A study conducted at New Zealand’s Massey University found that after a six-week Tai Chi course, 18 individuals with brain injuries showed significant decreases in sadness, confusion, anger, tension and fear as well as increases in energy and happiness. A similar study at Nottingham University in the UK supported these findings and showed that brain-injury patients had improved mood after studying Tai Chi for eight weeks. Supreme Master Ching Hai has spoken on occasion about the power of Tai Chi and its spiritual meaning as in this lecture given in Hsihu, Formosa (Taiwan) in August 1991.

‘Take the example of a martial arts (tai chi) expert, a brother initiate. He doesn’t have to lift his finger, yet anyone who touches him falls down. This is only when people touch him; he doesn’t touch them! Anyone who touches him accidentally falls down by himself. Some people have practiced martial arts to such a superior level that they don’t have to move their hands.

They’re different than those who use a lot of force, kick fiercely and look rather brutal. When such people encounter someone more powerful, they’re brought down. For martial arts experts who use very little force, an opponent cannot bring them down. This is the theory of “softness subduing sheer strength.” In the universe, softness always subdues sheer strength. Anything that has lesser strength but is more intangible, more formless and more pliable is more powerful.

You see, air is vital to us, and dripping water can penetrate rocks. The longer the water drips, the deeper it penetrates. “Chi” – the vital life force – can sustain the body and even the whole universe. This invisible vital force – the vibration of Sound meditation — is even more inconceivable. Nothing is better because It is the Mother of the universe and gives birth to all forms of creation. When we get hold of It, we’ll have all the secrets of the universe in our hands. Getting hold of the mother means getting hold of the children, and we’ll know where the whole family is. This is simple logic.’

In summary Tai Chi offers practitioners many physical, mental and spiritual benefits, is suitable for all ages and body types and has been scientifically demonstrated to optimize health and happiness. Renowned all over the world today, truly Tai Chi can be counted as one of China’s many great gifts to the world.
For more information, please visit

Meditation Promotes Endorphin Release and Physical Well-being

By Jolly Chiou, San Jose, California, USA

The human brain is a high-speed communications network with more than 100,000 chemical reactions occurring within it each second, and also a potent radio transmitter, sending out measurable electrical wave signals for as long as thirty-seven hours after death. Besides possessing these remarkable traits, the brain also produces more than fifty identified active organic compounds including substances known as endorphins, which have powerful, diverse characteristics such as the ability to relieve pain and stress and postpone aging.

First discovered in 1975 by John Hughes and Hans Kosterlitz of Scotland, three types of endorphins are known to exist: alpha, beta and gamma, of which beta endorphins appear to be most strongly associated with pain relief. Scientists have also found that beta endorphins not only help the immune system resist disease, but also provide an unfavorable environment for cancer cells.

Endorphin release takes place in the brain and is governed by a number of factors, one of which may be the intake of certain spices such as chili peppers; the spicier the pepper, the higher the level of endorphin release. Another popular food that causes endorphin production is chocolate, known to the ancient Aztecs of Mexico as “the food of the Gods.”

Physical workouts also promote the release of endorphins; hence the so-called “runner’s high.” Research has also shown that other activities such as video game playing, stroking pets, receiving ultraviolet light rays and inserting acupuncture needles into specific body points may stimulate the release of endorphins. Finally, a scientific study has linked the placebo effect to endorphins. When a placebo was given to a group of experimental subjects, the belief that it was analgesic medicine caused endorphin production that helped ease their pain.

Moreover, scientists have found that besides calming the nerves and reducing blood pressure, meditation stimulates endorphin release, thus inducing a sense of well-being. And in one of Her lectures Master supports this finding as follows:

“After enlightenment, many of our illnesses just disappear. It’s not a miracle. It’s because our super-power Self awakens and regulates some misconstructed parts in our bodies and destroys them. Many people have found themselves with no more cancer.”

In another lecture, Master also mentions the protection against potential disease provided by practicing the Quan Yin Method:

“If we want to sense the invasion of illnesses, we must keep an absolutely clear consciousness and let our bodies stay in a highly alert state. Once we feel the invasion of an illness, we should immediately meditate, recite the Holy Names and firmly tell ourselves, ‘I don’t want the illness. Illness isn’t the Truth. I don’t want anything that’s forced upon me. I only want the Truth.’ Then the illness will run away.”

“In fact, our bodies naturally have a resistance to illness and can heal themselves. Many doctors tell their patients, ‘These medicines are for you. But you should mainly rely on yourself to cure the illness.’ It’s because we’re great beings, and there’s nothing we can’t do. However, the amount that you can do depends on how much you believe it. In other words, this latent, limitless power can appear differently based on the extent that each person applies it.”

From the studies discussed above we can see that endorphins play a key role in relieving pain and enhancing well-being. The research also indicates that meditation is an important source of endorphin release. In particular, practicing the Quan Yin Method awakens what Master calls “the super power Self” and turns the mind naturally toward mercy and love for our fellow creatures. It also allows us to share Master’s blessings, which always enhances our own and others’ sense of well being, and might even help us to heal ourselves and be less prone to physical discomfort.


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