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Posts tagged ‘blessing’

Miracles on the Path – The Energy from Master’s Picture

Originally in Spanish

A blind man is restored to sight. The deceased is raised to life. Mortals see Heaven before their very eyes. The holy scriptures are full of miracles experienced and witnessed by those in the presence of great enlightened Masters. Do unexplainable events we call miracles still happen?

Through Supreme Master Ching Hai’s loving guidance in the Quan Yin practice of meditation, members of our Association worldwide have encountered their own extraordinary incidents in their daily lives. Such privileged moments are a true Master’s grace manifested. Supreme Master Ching Hai has often accredited her students’ miracles to their own reawakened greatness, reminding that such wonders are natural outcomes of daily contact with the Divine.

“Every time you pray miracles will happen all the time because you are in the direction of benevolence and miracles. We are also the miracles. If we know how to tap into this miraculous power within ourselves, then we are in full power, empowered with all miracles and all the mighty power that we can imagine.”

We now invite you to this presentation about our Association members’ modern day miracles on the path.

This story is from our Costa Rican Association member. A mother of two healthy and happy vegan children, Sara leads a joyful, fulfilling family life. Seeing her shining face, we may not easily believe that at the start of her motherhood, Sara was going through a difficult time. What brought her out of that challenging period was something unexpected and incredibly uplifting.


I was pregnant with my first child, and I was going through some difficulties in pregnancy. I was feeling sick, and also lonely, and to tell you the truth – a bit frightened of becoming a mom, of bringing a baby into the world. I was scared of the whole idea of what that represented. I had a family, a husband who was there to comfort me, but even so I wasn’t feeling ready. I got to the point of being really tired, and on one of those most difficult days I felt truly stressed out after spending the whole day at work.

Sara worked as a teacher for blind students. She spent the day teaching her students how to go about downtown in crowded and noisy streets. Though she did her best, it was a long and stressful day. But that night, everything was about to change for Sara.

So that day I arrived home very late. I sat down on my bed, and started to meditate for a while, since meditation soothed me, and then I lay down and fell asleep. As I was sleeping, something very special happened to me. I felt a very pleasant energy come towards me, awakening me little by little. It was an energy surrounding me physically, wrapping around my body and my soul; it was making me feel so good, so happy in my entire being.

All of a sudden, while I was enjoying the nice energy, I realized this energy was coming from Master. So I woke up completely and noticed a small picture of Master beside my bed, and I saw the energy coming from the picture towards me like a wave of love coming to me from Master’s picture. It was like a stream of light forming a path, being placed all on me. I could clearly see with my very own physical eyes the energy coming right towards me from Master’s picture, and it was as if it caressed me… like a mother would caress her baby with all her love.

It made me feel really comfortable, and I stayed in that state of grace for the rest of the night. And for many more days I enjoyed that blessing. For a lot of days it made me feel really good. At that moment, I realized that Master loved me so much, more than anyone else in this world could ever love me. I also realized that Master was not only blessing me but also my unborn baby.

The next day, I went to work feeling very different – very relaxed and happy. I worked with my students again, taking them to the park in order to work out, and we had such a wonderful time. They were really happy too, and my co-workers also noticed my enthusiastic and happy disposition.

After the experience, I acquired a lot more confidence in my life in general, and started to leave behind the fears of being a first-time mom. I felt a lot more self-confident, and a lot of peace in my heart.

With Heaven’s blessings, Sara safely delivered her first child.

Finally, the day my baby came into this world, I had a blessing from God by having my family with me, and a great doctor so loving and compassionate who helped me. I had a wonderful experience, I truly felt no fear, I was happy, and everything went very well thanks to Master’s love. All in all, becoming a mom came to be one of the most wonderful experiences in my life.

A second child came after a few years, and this time I felt no worries but fine all along. I feel really grateful to God, because my children are a blessing in my life. They are compassionate, they are loving, they make me feel happy. They are two angels in my life.

Since that special night resting by Supreme Master Ching Hai’s picture, the joy in her life has continued to expand till today.

This experience was a miracle to me because it was not only a big change in my life but I also got to recognize that the love of a Master, which is above every worldly love, is unique and real. I’m grateful to Master forever. May God fill your life with love, happiness, and peace.

Our respectful gratitude goes to Supreme Master Ching Hai for her constant love and care in so many lives, and in myriad ways both visible and invisible. May the joy in hearts that have been touched bring further hope to our world. We also thank our Association members who have shared their real stories, so that we may be reminded that miracles happen where there is Divine connection and the Master’s grace.

May God’s ever-present light comfort your soul.



Wake Up from Your Dream – part 5

Q: The Buddha reached enlightenment, being Buddha, after many lives of good living. How can the ordinary people, use the “shortcut” to achieve enlightenment or heaven in this life?

M: No, it isn’t. How do you know you have not been good in many lifetimes? Can you prove it to me that you have been very bad? Can you prove it to me that Buddha has been good in many lifetimes? He only told you and you are only using hearsay. You don’t know if it’s true, and you don’t know if you have been good or bad. So why should we be so negative? We must believe our worth, because God said that everyone is made after the image of God and we are exactly like God. So why should we feel that we are inferior?

The Buddha, whether He was very good and noble in many lifetimes, that I don’t know. But I know He didn’t do anything during His lifetime, except after enlightenment. He was born in a palace and He was looked after so exceedingly well. Then He was married and He had five hundred wives apart from the main one. He had many beautiful girls, and dancers who looked after Him and who danced for Him every day, every night. And He had four palaces for four seasons. He spent all the taxpayers’ money in His country for thirty years. Now you tell me what kind of good things He did that He was entitled to enlightenment. It was already said that enlightenment is a gift from God. It’s not achieved through virtues or charitable deeds.

We can all get enlightenment. We can all become Buddha, or at least become liberated. Otherwise, why would God send Jesus, Buddha or Mohammed to us if we are so hopeless?

If only the virtuous people can achieve enlightenment then I don’t really know who is virtuous because there is a saying that, every Saint has a past, every sinner has a future.  We are not that sinful as we think. Sin is also an illusion. After you understand this – no sin, no virtue. But you have to work hard to understand this and then you are free. The Quan Yin Method offers you this free way to understand your Self immediately – that you are originally noble. After that, maybe you’ll be able to see into your past lives and you can tell me whether you have been doing good or bad.

Q: You were just saying the enlightened one can only act from the divine Will. How can the enlightened one be held responsible for his or her behavior or can he/she act in whatever way he is guided? How can we know who is enlightened? Can we trust them?

M: You can’t. You don’t. You don’t know who is enlightened. You can’t trust anyone, except yourself. If you cannot trust people, then pray and look into yourself. See if your motive is sincere, if you are pure. If you truly want enlightenment then you will meet a right Master. All depends on you, not on the whatever Master, if you are pure. Like attracts like.

If anyone who happens to stumble onto a lousy “Master” or bad “Master”, that’s their own fault. They should check their own behavior, their own motives, their own purity, their own sincerity. Then pray again. God will guide them to another Master. There’s always the law of supply and demand. Ask and it shall be given. Knock and it shall be opened.

Q: Why do we not remember the precious lives and deaths?

M: Because it’s too much for us to cope with, too much burden. We have enough to deal with today, with taxes, with wars, with children and with our own immediate problems and karma. Should you know that you have been such and such or very bad, very good or very noble in the last life, you would be more confused, and you could not focus on the task at hand in this life. Therefore God, or the natural law, draws a curtain. You’ll know it when it’s necessary. You’ll know it in time. In meditation, sometimes you know it too, if it should be necessary for your progress. You won’t know also, if it is not necessary.

Jesus also said: Do not worry about tomorrow, it’s enough that we take care of today. If we don’t want to know about tomorrow, which affects us, which is important to us; how much less should we know about the past which is already gone.

Q: What is the form of Buddha’s wisdom? Is it revealed in logic, intuition or something beyond these?

M: Beyond all these things. Whatever we can think of is not yet Buddha’s wisdom. Buddha’s wisdom we can only know it when we reach it. We cannot express it, but we know so definitely like black and white when the situation arrives. I mean you don’t go around all day and carry your Buddha’s wisdom with you. You just live in it, live with it, and you are just it.

Q: Can we reduce our karma by praying?

M: Yes, we can if we are sincere enough, because a very sincere and deep prayer is a kind of meditation. We are in a meditative mood. Therefore, it reaches the deepest recesses of our grace store, our merit, our blessing store; and it affects, it cleanses. Only if we are truly sincere and deeply, longing for forgiveness, then it helps.


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The Supra-Worldly Sound – part 1

Spoken by Master Ching Hai
April 24, 1987 Penghu, Taiwai
(Originally in Chinese)


There are two kinds of sounds: the worldly sound and the super-worldly Sound. The worldly sound is very important to our sensual and mental comfort, but the super-worldly Sound draws us back to God or the Buddha Land.

First we shall discuss the worldly sound and its importance.

We all know that an infant cries for many reasons, but most of the time not for food or for a change of diaper. If we then give it a little hug or speak to it or sing a song, it will stop crying. If we let it hear the ringing of bells or other melodious sounds, it will laugh instantly and start kicking in the air with joy and happiness.

Why is it that children love these sounds so much? It is because when they were in the mother’s wombs, they have already heard these melodies; the only difference is that these Melodies in the womb were that of transcendental nature. While in the mothers’ wombs, they were connected with this Super-Sound or the Source of All Love, Bliss and Power, which is simply described by many as God, Tao or Buddha Nature. This inner wondrous Sound we shall discuss later.

The fetus, while in the mother’s womb, eats nothing. Inside there is no air, no sunlight, and the body hangs upside down in the watery space, but it does not matter to it at all. The fetus grows at an incredible rate under such conditions, that if it continued to do so it would be as tall as the sky after being born.

When it is in the mother’s womb, it is in constant contact with the inner Sound, which nourishes and comforts it. But after it is born, it is disconnected from the Sound; then it begins to feel lonely and unhappy, and cry at the first contact with the outer world! No child has ever been born laughing. It feels a great loss as the sound is severed from it. Moreover, as its delicate skin is exposed to the rough air and polluted environment of our world, it feels an almost unbearable pain at birth; but the child cannot speak for itself, so we cannot understand its pains.

So, when the baby hears some melodious sounds it will stop crying for a while, feeling somehow comforted, mistaking those for the blissful Sounds it used to hear while still in its mother’s womb.

There are people with weakened nervous systems who have to rest in some hospitals which are specialized in this field. The physicians there would recommend their listening to some soothing and sweet music, which helps them to some remarkable extent to rebuild their mental equilibrium. Sometimes, after a day’s hard work, we come home and listen to some peaceful music, and then we also feel a sense of calmness and peace. We feel relaxed and comforted a great deal.  Even the laborers in the field or in the factory work better with music to accompany them. So, obviously, music is very necessary to our mental and physical well-being. Since time immemorial, music has been a must to humankind in this world. Even animals feel attracted to music. Plants are supposed to grow faster with it.

If the outer melody is so important to all beings, the inner celestial, wondrous Sound must be even more enchanting and full of Grace and Blessing. It vibrates within all lives and sustains the whole universe.

Even if there is lots of worldly music at home, even when we all have the TV, radio and tape recorder to entertain us, we still feel sometimes unsatisfied, as if something were missing, but we know now what. So we go out to find some peace and comfort in the country side, in the mountains, at the riverside…, listening to natural sounds of the wind blowing through the leaves, to the birds singing, and to the rushing sounds of the river. Then there are people who keep dogs, cats, birds or other pets and who grow vegetables and house plants, not because they cannot bear the city’s atmosphere but because of the need to surround themselves with natural substitutes, which are much closer to our inner Nature and thus bring some comfort to our souls. Many nations forbid the destroying of the natural environment or the hunting of wild beasts. It is also because of the necessity to balance human inner peace and security.

Even as the sounds of the outer world affect human existence to such an extent, we should know that there is the super-worldly Sound, known as the inner Melody, which has far more incredible Power; the contact with which brings all solace to our restless hearts and solves all the mysteries of life! This inner Melody can heal all wounds, fulfill all desires, and quench all worldly thirst. It is all-powerful and all love. It is because we are made of this Sound, that the contact with it brings peace and contentment to our hearts. This is what the Bible means by In the beginning was the ‘Word’ (Sound), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God: everything was made by this, and nothing that was made was not made by this. The Buddhist sutras or Buddha’s spoken words also mentioned the inner Sound, the supra-worldly sound, such as the sound similar to sea waves, to the beating of drums, to the blowing of trumpets, to the sound of thunder, of heavenly beings, of bells, of the conch, of seashells, etc… The Surangama Sutra says that all Buddhas rely on this Sound Stream to save sentient beings, and the Bodhisattvas (Saints) and other beings rely on this Sound Stream to go back to their original Source. There are also the mention of the position of the liberated Saints, known as the Stream Enterers; others as the Sound Hearers, or ‘Shen Wuan’ in Chinese term.

The ‘Word’ the Inner Vibration

Excerpt from Master Ching Hai Lectures

Since immemorial times, music has been a must to mankind. Even animals feel attracted to music and plants are supposed to grow faster with it. Thus, if the outer melody is so important to all lives, the inner celestial, wondrous Sound is even more enchanting, and full of grace and blessing.

The fetus, while in the mother’s womb eats nothing. Inside there is no air, no sunlight and he doesn’t seem to mind at all. He is in contact with the inner wondrous Sound, the source of all love, bliss and power. The fetus grows at an incredible pace under such conditions, and if it were to continue, he would be as tall as the sky after he is born. But after his birth, he is disconnected from this vibration, and he cries at the first contact with the outer world. No child has ever been born laughing. It is because he feels a great loss as the sound is severed from him.

There are two kinds of sound: the worldly sound, and the supra-worldly sound. The worldly sound is very important to our sensual and mental comfort, but the supra-worldly sound draws us back to God.

The Heavenly Music spoken of in all Holy scriptures of different religions such as the ‘Word’ in Christianity, the ‘Shabd’in Hinduism, the ‘heavenly music’ in Chuang Tse, the ‘Tao’ in the Tao Te Ching, etc. are the only real teachings direct from the Kingdom of God. They are the language of universal love, and great intelligence. All teachings come from the Silent Sound, all languages come from this universal language. That’s why high level initiates on this path speak all languages within the soul sphere. That is the level of the Master, the one who has mastered the language of the Kingdom of God. We all possess this wisdom, the wisdom to understand all things above this shadowy world, to be omnipresent and to function as the most perfect being in the universe, if only we desire to remember again what we truly are.

This Word or divine vibration is mentioned in all religions. We call it Yin, others call it celestial music, Logos, Tao etc. It vibrates within all life and sustains the whole universe. This inner melody can heal all wounds, fulfill all desires and quench all worldly thirst. It is all-powerful and all-love. It is because we are made of this Sound that the contact with it brings peace and contentment to our heart. After listening to this Sound, our whole being changes, our entire outlook on life is greatly altered for the best. The wondrous vibration will cleanse off all undesirable traces of ‘original sin’ or what others call ‘karma’. It is like a mighty river carrying along with its current all ugly garbage.

This inner Sound is the great creative force of the cosmos. It sustains and nourishes all things. Its manifestation in the outer world can be heard in the natural melodies of the wind, the water, birds, etc., which are the lower manifestations. There are however more subtle and higher sounds which are inaudible to our physical ears, because they vibrate at a higher rate than our material world. The way to these higher dimensions lies in the Sound itself, which we follow back to its original source. To hear higher sounds and see higher worlds, we must open and develop our higher senses. And to do this, we need a guide, a Master of the Way, who is like a travel guide who knows what lies ahead. Religious scriptures only describe these worlds, just like a land map. To really know the land, we have to get there in person. When we have a guide, then it is quicker and safer for us.

In the Buddhist scriptures it is mentioned that the Buddha speaks only with one language, but every being can perceive it according to his own understanding. Now this language is not the ordinary verbal language, it is a kind of sound, of inner vibration, that everyone can use to communicate with each other, and the Buddha can use it to communicate with sentient beings. If we think it is the language of our world, then it is impossible. Because no matter how intelligent the Buddha is, He can only speak one language at a time. And it is impossible for all beings to listen to all languages at the same time, including animals and lower beings that also understand it. So this must mean the Word in the Bible. Also in Taoism, in the Tao Te Ching, Lao-tzu mentioned that this name we cannot name, the Tao cannot be explained, we can hear it without our ears, we can see it without our eyes, we can perceive it without our sense organs. Now this Word, sound or vibration, is the creative force of the universe. All the scriptures, if you read carefully, mention this Sound, and this so-called inner music.

So now, if we somehow can get in touch with this Word or sound stream, then we can know God’s whereabouts, or we can be in contact with God. But what is the proof that we are in contact with this Word? After we are in contact with this inner vibration, our life changes for the better. We know many things we never knew before. We understand many things we never thought before. We can do, accomplish many things we never dreamed of before. We are getting mightier, and mightier, until we become almighty. Our being becomes more capable and more enlarged until we are everywhere, until we become omnipresent, and then we know that we became one with God.

No one who comes into contact with this Sound or Word will not experience a great change in his or her life. This is what we call an enlightened person. The more we are in contact with this Sound, the wiser we become, the more saint-like we become, and the less vexation, attachment, anger, hatred, and lust we will have. We will have more freedom, more love and peace, more wisdom, and everything we wish to have, including a more comfortable life. We won’t only develop spiritually, but also materially, and in all aspects. We will feel much different than before.

With our poor worldly language, every time I would like to speak about this great treasure within us, I feel so ashamed of doing such a poor job. But I have somehow to try to convey a part of this great wisdom so that you may feel interested, and find it out for yourself, and then you will know it for yourself without any language.

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The Three Ways to Obtain Spiritual Liberation

Excerpt from Master Ching Hai Lectures

We have three ways to become liberated. I have talked about the devotional way, which is the easiest. You just believe in a saint and pray to Him or Her for blessings and deliverance, and when you leave this world you will be liberated.

The second is, you get initiation from a Master and become a Master yourself. This is of course more ideal, because then you can also save your family and other beings, not only yourself. It is more noble, and is what God wants or the Master wants from us. When a person becomes a Master, he can save numerous beings from heaven to hell; he can save any beings, and walk on any kind of plane.

The third way to be saved is by being a relative or a friend of an initiated person, even if you are already dead. If you were dead, already in hell, and suppose your great grand-daughter is initiated by a great Master, then you would immediately be free and go to heaven. If we are a friend of and initiated person, then we will also get help from the Master.

These are the three ways to liberation. Of course I emphasize the way of self-discipline toward self-realization, then our many, many generations (past, present and future) will also get liberation. It is because these generations and relatives have been connected to us by the “Law of Karma”, which means give and take, cause and effect, which carries on for many lives and many generations.

Q. Once the soul is awakened, does it stay actively awake?

M. Yes, always. The body will sleep, the mind will get sometimes entangled in other purposes, but the soul never does it again. Once awakened, it is always awakened. But even then, we need a cooperative mind, body and emotions in order to work best, to benefit the world more, with the soul’s directing power. Therefore, after initiation, even when we have a taste of enlightenment, and know ourselves, we still continue with our training, in order to make the mind used to the enlightened way of the soul, and not to sink down again in the physical level, and the worn out conceptions and habit forming ways of doing things.


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Immediate Enlightenment – part 1

Excerpt from Master Ching Hai Lectures

Immediate enlightenment means to be enlightened right away. At that moment, one begins to sit down to face the Supreme Master inside oneself. This is the true self. This self truly belongs to you, and you had it before you were born, before you were absorbed in greed, hatred or lust. This self is truly your Supreme Master. When you descend here you should open your mind and listen to what He teaches you, then you will be enlightened immediately. Therefore, there is no need for it to be written down, nor for instruction.

It is not easy to bring home these abstract ideas with simple and ordinary words, but when we understand that it is deep inside us, and part of ourselves, then we feel very easy and very elated. But this is one of the intellectual enlightenment only. In Zen meditation, sometimes they call it Sudden Enlightenment or Immediate Enlightenment, because one word from the teacher sets you free in some parts, or maybe sets you free a great deal, or completely.

But then again, why do we have to meditate after enlightenment, or after we already understood what the Master or the teacher wanted to say? It is because we have too many habits, too much knowledge, because one time is not enough to convince us that we are enlightened. We probably will forget it the next day. So we should repeat these experiences of enlightenment until our mind accepts it. It is not enough for the Self to recognize itself, because the Self has always known the Self anyhow. But because we are in this world, we have to do everything with the instrument that is the mind, the computer. That is the tool that we have to use to work in this world, to bring the blessing and power of love into the chaotic environment, in order to make a better world for our children to come.

Q. The initiation periods in ancient Egypt, for instance, were at least 7 years. Usually initiation is regarded as rather long process by which one earns enlightenment. It seems to suit our modern life to say “You can now be enlightened!” I wonder how is this so?

M. In ancient times, it was not easy to find a Master even. And if you had found one he would test you for long years, very long, like Milarepa of Tibet. He was tested for 4 years with a lot of scolding and beating sometimes. But today, if you do that, the Master will be put in jail! (laughter) It is not allowed anymore, and besides with our world’s very fast and advanced way of life, we can’t just cling onto this kind of method of testing disciples. Today we have to tune in with the modern pace of society. Of course, it makes more troubles for the teacher, because he doesn’t have time to round the disciple, to make him earn what is very precious. But what do you think, if a Master does that? How much longer before he will be enlightened? It takes a long time. You see, the enlightenment is very fast, but the process of seven years is to test the disciple, and to ground him into moral discipline. This is very good also, but because of that, in ancient times, not many people were enlightened. Because of ignorance, they crucified Jesus, because not many people knew what enlightenment was, and what meditation practice was, it was so new and so strange. Therefore, today many Masters make it open to the public as a sacrifice of the Master’s time, expense and a lot of efforts to bring their disciples into a fast moral standard, and a very high level of enlightenment. It is a different time, and enlightenment. It is a different time, and enlightenment doesn’t mean that you are completely enlightened. You have a taste of enlightenment so you are encouraged to go further with it. In the old times, the Masters didn’t do this. They would let you work first and really suffer for it and you would appreciate it more.
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