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Archive for the ‘Remedies’ Category

Ingenious 3-Ingredient Solution for Removing Hard Water Stains


Here’s how you make it:

  1. Fill about half a spray bottle with distilled white vinegar.
  2. Add in 1/4 cup of lemon juice.
  3. Fill the majority of the remaining space in your spray bottle with the dish soap of your choice.
  4. Shake the bottle to mix together ingredients.
  5. Use your solution on hard water stains! Spray it on liberally and let it sit for 30 minutes. Then scrub away the grime. Rinse, dry, and marvel at the glorious results.

Baking Soda & Maple Syrup Cancer Remedy


by Stephanie Relfe, B.Sc. (Sydney)

I had always wondered, since most people’s health problems are partly owing to being too acidic, if it would be a good idea to take baking soda, since it is so alkaline. Well, it turns out that there is a story to that, whereby simple baking soda and maple syrup cooked gently together were said to stop and even heal cancer.

“There is not a tumor on God’s green earth that cannot be licked with a little baking soda and maple syrup.” That is the astonishing claim of controversial folk healer Jim Kelmun who says that this simple home remedy can stop and reverse the deadly growth of cancers. His loyal patients swear by the man they fondly call Dr. Jim and say he is a miracle worker. “Dr. Jim cured me of lung cancer,” said farmer Ian Roadhouse. “Those other doctors told me that I was a goner and had less than six months to live. But the doc put me on his mixture and in a couple of months the cancer was gone. It did not even show up on the x-rays.”

Dr. Jim discovered this treatment accidentally somewhere in the middle of the last century when he was treating a family plagued by breast cancer. There were five sisters in the family and four of them had died of breast cancer. He asked the remaining sister if there was anything different in her diet and she told him that she was partial to sipping maple syrup and baking soda.

Since then, reported by a newspaper in Ashville, North Carolina, Dr. Jim dispensed this remedy to over 200 people diagnosed with terminal cancer and amazingly he claims of that number 185 lived at least 15 more years and nearly half enjoyed a complete remission of their disease. When combined with other safe and effective treatments like transdermal magnesium therapy, iodine, vitamin C, probiotics and other items like plenty of good sun exposure, pure water and clay treatments we should expect even higher remission rates.

It is important not to use baking soda which has had aluminum added to it. The Cancer Tutor site reports that Arm and Hammer does have aluminum but the company insists that is not true. One can buy a product which specifically states it does not include aluminum or other chemicals. (e.g. Bob’s Red Mill, Aluminum-Free, Baking Soda). Sodium bicarbonate is safe and extremely inexpensive.
Some people believe that this works because the cancer cells love sugar and gobble up the maple syrup, and in the process give a free ride for the baking soda right into the cancer cell. The baking soda is like cyanide to cancer cells, for it hits the cancer cells with a shock wave of alkalinity, which allows much more oxygen into the cancer cells than they can tolerate. Cancer cells cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen.

My husband and I take a teaspoon of this daily, every now and again. The key to heating it is to put it on a super, super low temperature. Once the maple syrup is burned, it tastes TERRIBLE. But if you keep it just warm enough to fizz and mix for five minutes, so the two substances get combined, then it tastes quite pleasant. This sure can’t hurt. 100% pure maple syrup is also very good for you
The nice thing about this remedy, is that you can do it at the same time as anything else you are doing.


Mix 3 parts organic maple syrup with 1 part Aluminum free baking soda ( Red Mill Brand) stir with low heat (not over 120 degrees) for 5-10 minutes and take 3 tsp per day for 1 to 2 months. If it tastes terrible, you burned it, which is easy to do. Change diet to no meat, no milk, no sugar and no white flour!

Morning Liver Tonic

Turmeric_main_0127by Aylin Erman

When you wake up in the morning, you’re body is in a very special place. The reason we are usually instructed to take supplements in the morning is because our stomachs are empty and there is little to interfere with said supplements’ potency. This morning tea pulls you out on the right side of the bed, giving a morning cleansing body flush. The lemon juice is highly alkaline and turmeric is known for its detoxifying properties.

Turmeric dates back 2,500 years in India, where it is commonly used in Ayurvedic and Unani medicine. Turmeric packs a lot of health benefits, but for our purposes it should be regarded as a liver cleanser, antiseptic and antibacterial agent. But it doesn’t hurt that the spice lowers the risk of cancer, is anti-inflammatory and helps to lose weight. Turmeric additionally treats Alzheimer’s, depression and arthritis.

You can sweeten with honey to balance the earthiness of the tea.

The Formula:

  • 8 ounces hot water
  • 1/8 teaspoon turmeric
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon

Roasted Brown Rice Tea


There are many ways to help your bones and joints stay strong like doing exercise,  eating more greens, drinking soy milk (or eating tofu), eating nuts and seeds, bathing  under morning sunlight 15 minutes daily ect…And today, I’d like to introduce to you one more easy way to help your bones and joints is drinking roasted brown rice tea.

Many people told me that this tea helps their weak painful joints.

How to make:

1- Spread brown rice into a medium sized pan. The thin layer will ensure even toasting of the rice grains.

2- Place the pan onto a  burner and turn the heat to a low medium setting. Toast the rice until it takes on a dark brown color. Do not leave the rice unattended because it can burn quickly.

3-Let the rice cool, then place them in the  container for storage.

4- Place 2-3 tablespoons  brown rice into the pot with 2 cup of water then bring water to boil.

5- Turn off the heat, and cover the pot with a lid for 10 minutes.

Enjoy your tea, and you can eat the rice too!

Rice Bran – The Wonderful Food


Today is Vietnamese New Year.  In my country, it is also the birthday for everybody! Talking about birthday I’m talking about we’re getting older.  Our skin looks dull and less radiant.

Today I’d like to share with you how to help your skin stay young longer. All you need is just a bag of good rice bran.  Mix rice bran with water then apply to wet skin.  Massage gently to remove dead skin cells and let it sit until dry (about 10 minutes). Wash off with warm water.

Try to do it once or twice a week then you’ll see how different your skin will look.  If you want to do just for your face, then mix  about 2 table spoons rice bran with 3 table spoons water should be enough. This mask can be messy, so it’s good to do it before you take shower.

Rice bran is not just for making mask.  This food is a very good source of Fiber, natural source of Magnesium, vitamin B6 and Iron. So, don’t forget to add some to your flour when you bake next time.

Happy Vegan New Year!

Dr. Joean Oon: Greening the Earth with the Garbage Enzyme – part 2

Making ECO Enzyme


  Kg Kg Kg
(brown sugar, molasses sugar or jaggery)
: 1 1 Kg 300 g 10 kg
fruits and vegetable dregs : 3 3 Kg 900 g 30 kg
Water : 10 10 Kg 3 Kg 100 kg


CONTAINER: Air-tight plastic container.

 INGREDIENTS: Water, fruits and vegetable dregs, sugar (brown sugar, molasses sugar or jaggery).

 1. Prepare an air-tight plastic container.

 2. Dilute sugar in water, follow by adding fruit and vegetable dregs (does not contain of paper, plastic, metal and glass. Avoid  oily cooked food, fish or meat)

 3. Leave some air space for fermentation.

 4. Make sure the container is air-tight.

 5. During the first month, gases will be released during fermentation process. Release the pressure built up in the container to avoid rupturing.

 6. Push the floating dregs downward every once in a while.

 7. Place at cool, dry and well ventilated area. Avoid direct sunlight. Let ferment for at least 3 months before use. Filter and it is ready to use.

8. After 3 months, extract out the water and leave only  the sediment. The sediment can be dried to become fertilizer or may leave it for next fermentation.

 9. The ideal color of eco enzyme is dark brown. If the color turn to black add same amount of brown sugar to re-ferment it.

10.  It may have white, black or brown layer on top of the eco enzyme, ignore it. If you encounter worms in the container, leave it for a while can close the cover tightly.

 11. If you have not gather enough kitchen waste, you may fill up the container gradually. The 3 months fermentation period start from the last day you add in the kitchen waste.

 1st Day

1st Month

2nd Month

3rd Month

1. After 3 months, extract out the enzyme water.

2. Filter

3. Fill in the bottle.

4. The sediment can be dried to become fertilizer or may leave it for next fermentation.



 By Dr Lai Chiu-Nan

It has worked for many. If it works for you please pass on the good news.

Your reward is when someone, through your word of mouth, benefits from the regime. Gallstones may not be everyone’s concern.

But they should be because we all have them. Moreover, gallstones may lead to cancer. “Cancer is never the first illness,” Chiu Nan points out. “Usually, there are a lot of other problems leading to cancer. In my research in China, I came across some materials which say that people with cancer usually have stones. We all have gallstones. It’s a matter of big or small, many or few. One of the symptoms of gallstones is a feeling of bloatedness after a heavy meal. You feel like you can’t digest the food. If it gets more serious, you feel pain in the liver area.” So if you think you have gallstones, Chiu Nan offers the following method to remove them naturally.

The treatment is also good for those with a weak liver, because the liver and gallbladder are closely linked.


1. For the first five days, take four glasses of apple juice every day. Or eat four or five apples, whichever you prefer. Apple juice softens the gallstones. During the five days, eat normally.

2.On the sixth day, take no dinner.

3. At 6 PM, take a teaspoon of Epsom salt (magnesium sulphate) with a glass of warm water.

4. At 8 PM, repeat the same. Magnesium sulphate opens the gallbladder ducts.

5. At 10 PM, take half cup olive oil (or sesame oil) with half cup fresh lemon juice. Mix it well and drink it. The oil lubricates the stones to ease their passage.

The next morning, you will find green stones in your stools. “Usually they float,” Chiu Nan notes. “You might want to count them. I have had people who passes 40, 50 or up to 100 stones. Very many.”

“Even if you don’t have any symptoms of gallstones, you still might have some. It’s always good to give your gall bladder a clean-up now and then.”

Good luck.

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