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Posts tagged ‘planet’

This is How Dairy Affects Your Hormones. Get Ready to Ditch It Today!

By now, it’s common knowledge that non-organic cow’s milk is one of the worst choices you can buy at the store due to the excess hormones, antibiotics, steroids, pesticides and who knows what else it all contains. The food industry has tried to mislead us into believing that organic cow’s milk (and its products) comes with pure innocence and is made from cows that graze gracefully and happily in fields all day with the cleanest of air, water, fresh grass and more. Regardless that most none of this is true, cow’s milk is still one of the worst health food choices you can make for many reasons, no matter what kind of cows it comes from. The main reason is for how it affects your hormones.

All cows that produce milk are pregnant, organically raised, fed, etc. or not. It makes no difference that their milk doesn’t have added hormones considering that alone, cow’s milk contain over 60 different hormones without anything being added to it. Now, while all of us have different hormone situations going on, there is no logical research that says we need to take in added hormones from another mammal.

Why Ditching Dairy is Important for Your Hormones:

Cows are pregnant nearly 300 days of the year and Harvard Health shares that the more times a cows has been pregnant during that year, the more hormones she produces through her milk every time. Cows were not made to stay pregnant 300 days of the year and they develop infections due to this high demand for production, not to mention may be subject to further disease and bacteria when antibiotics aren’t used (such as in organic farming practices).

So, what about a cow’s hormones so detrimental to our own health?

Here are some things to consider:

  1. Insulin Issues

One of the primary reasons dairy is linked to acne is that it raises insulin in the body. All dairy contains IG1, or insulin-growth factor. It raises our levels of insulin, which causes blood sugar swings that lead to acne. Acne is strongly influenced by hormonal changes, which is one reason so many teenagers struggle during puberty. Why would we put ourselves through that anymore than necessary? No matter what kind of dairy you choose, you’re taking in excess insulin growth like factor. Sadly, it’s promoted as a healthy option for body builders looking to bulk up, but over time, it’s not a healthy choice and will likely cause insulin problems that lead to overeating, sugar cravings, and poor blood sugar control.

  1. Mood Swings

Dairy also contains hormones that can lead to mood swings. Estrogen and testosterone are our sex hormones, and when they get out of balance according to our bodies’ needs, we suffer mood swings as a result. Dairy milk promotes excess estrogen in the body due to it containing estrogen from female cows. At the same time, milk naturally contains androgenic properties, so it raises testosterone in the body and can cause bulking quickly. It’s absolutely chock-full of all these hormones we don’t need scurrying through out bodies. Think about it this way: the dairy you consume contains hormones from the female cow and the male cow that were used during impregnation. That doesn’t sound so healthy or appetizing, now, does it?

Dairy milk accounts for about 80 percent of estrogen consumed through the human diet, along with the fact that milk from pregnant cows (which is how all milk products are produced) contains about 33 times as much estrogen as milk from non-pregnant cows.

Mood swings inarguably happen due to swift hormone fluctuations and women aren’t the only ones to suffer. Men can too, which is one reason dairy isn’t a healthy choice for anyone looking to have a healthier, happy and more stable mood. How about some tastier, much healthier mood foods instead, all hormone-free?

  1. Cancer Causing

The jury is in: milk causes cancer in any form, organic or not. Check this out: Harvard Health studies show that dairy milk and cheese products led to testicular cancer in men ages 20-39 and have been found to affect breast, colon, and prostate cancer heavily as well. And then there’s the casein protein found in milk that has also been linked to cancer. Even without hormones or even lactose, casein is a detrimental protein to our health and should be avoided however possible.

Help Your Hormones: Ditch Dairy

Sadly, the food industry would have you believe you need to consume milk to be healthy, but we know that’s not the case. Quit believing the lies around cow’s milk and have some other calcium-rich options instead, all free of these scary hormones.

Retired US Army Commander Bob Dean Confirms Interaction with Extraterrestrials – part 1

Expert UFOlogist and former US Army Command Sergeant Major Bob Dean shares his knowledge and experience of interacting with human-like beings from other planets.

p-planetspace“We’ve been to the moon. We’ve been to Mars. And apparently some of our people have been to other star systems, because 40 years ago we developed not only zero point energy, but we developed anti-gravity, and we developed the ability to fly faster than the speed of light.”
Robert Orel Dean (Retired US Army Command Sergeant Major, Expert Ufologist, USA)

One of the simple pleasures in life is gazing in the sky on the clear night to see the beautiful stars—some brighter, some dimmer, some closer, and some farther away. After admiring the firmament and this endless array of potential suns, can anyone truly believe that our Earth could be the only planet populated with intelligent life?

As most of us have never met anyone from other worlds or seen UFOs, it might be hard to believe that human-like beings live on other planets as well. However, some people are lucky to have actually interacted with beings from other planets. One such person is expert UFOlogist Robert Orel Dean of Arizona, USA, also known as Bob Dean. Mr. Dean, who was trained as an intelligence analyst and became a command sergeant major when he served in the US Army, has completed extensive studies in the fields of archaeology, theology, psychology and philosophy, and holds the equivalent of a master’s degree in emergency management. He has also headed a regional chapter of the Mutual UFO Network as well as having been a member of the Center for UFO Studies and a Board member of the Ancient Astronauts Society. Mr. Dean has been honored with three lifetime achievement awards for his contributions to the field of UFOlogy.

In an interview with Supreme Master Television, Bob Dean shared his knowledge and experience about beings from other planets and what he has learned from interacting with them. His experiences confirm that indeed we are not alone in the vast universe, but intelligent life exists on other planets as well. Below are excerpts parts from the interview.

Interviewer: When was your first opening to the whole realm of UFO’s?

Bob Dean UFO inside

Mr. Dean: I was a professional soldier for most of my life. But, I didn’t get exposed to this reality of the so-called extraterrestrial presence until 1963. I applied for and received an assignment in 1963 to Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers in Europe; a place called SHAPE. And it was one of those choice plum assignments. And I arrived at Paris (France) in the summer of 1963 and immediately my top secret clearance was upgraded to a level called “Cosmic Top Secret,” the highest level of security classification in NATO. And immediately with my top secret upgrade to Cosmic I was assigned to a place called SHOC, the Supreme Headquarters Operation Center, which is the war room. And when I worked in the war room, I learned of a study that was under way. It involved UFO’s.

The reason was that a large number of metallic circular disc shaped objects flew from the Soviet Warsaw Pact sector from the East toward the West. And these objects were circular, metallic, disc shaped objects in formation, very obviously under intelligent control. And they flew across Europe, they flew across Germany, France, the southern coast of England and they turned north over the English Channel and they disappeared off NATO radar over the Norwegian Sea, on the morning of the 2nd of February in 1961. And it was all over within about 20 minutes. The Soviets thought those objects belonged to us. We thought they belonged to the Soviets. We were to find later that they didn’t belong to anybody. And the study was initiated immediately after that event.

Mr. Dean also shared how reading a top secret document called “The Assessment: An Evaluation of a Possible Military Threat to NATO Forces in Europe” launched his journey as a UFOlogist. This report, completed in 1964, assessed the potential danger posed by extraterrestrials.

Mr. Dean: That was a spark that kindled my fire in 1964. I couldn’t leave it; I couldn’t walk away from it. The conclusion of the study was quite simple. Apparently there is no threat. Apparently the human race on the planet has been under observation and survey by several advanced extraterrestrial intelligences from the beginning of human history. That was one of the conclusions. They concluded that apparently there was no threat involved because the repeated manifestation of incredibly advanced technology indicated that if they had been malevolent or hostile, it would have been over a long time ago. And that began my journey and I haven’t turned back since.

Based on that study, that assessment, I was interested in them. Who are they? Where are they from? Why are they here? What’s this all about? Why are they interested in us? I began to find out over the years that it wasn’t about them at all, it’s about us. It really is all about us. Who are we? What are we? How did we come to be here? Why are we here? And is there a purpose? Is there a meaning in our lives? And where are we going? What’s the future?  Where do we go from here? And that’s where I have been for the last 20 years. And I have been speaking out, openly, bluntly, candidly, loudly, about this subject. Over the years I have developed the ability, and I have been fortunate enough to have face-to-face meetings with some of them. I have been aboard their ships. I was even taken to one of their home planets. Apparently I have had an intimate interrelationship with non-human intelligence since I was two years old. My whole life has been involved with them to some degree. It took me many, many years before I began to become aware of my personal involvement. And it took me a long time for me to discard my old world paradigm. And I’ve learned there is a purpose. There is a meaning.

Interviewer: It is very important to share. You have had face-to-face contact with them. What are they like? What was it like to be on their ship? How did you get there? What’s their planet like? Why are we here?

Mr. Dean: The SHAPE military study concluded that we were dealing with four different groups that have been coming and going. They were all humanoid, not all human. But out of those four different groups, one group was totally human, like us. They could sit next to you in a theater or restaurant, or an airplane, or a bus — it doesn’t matter. They could be in your midst and you’d never know. Good God, they could be everywhere. Well, we were to find over the years that they are pretty much everywhere. They are in our midst. When I retired in 1976, we learned that there were at least a dozen more from different places.

And we learned back then, as early as 1976, that yes, some of them were interplanetary. Yes, some of them were interstellar. Yes, some of them are intergalactic. And by God, the thing that really upset the few that knew the story in those days, was [that] some of them apparently were multi-dimensional. They were popping in and out of portals from other dimensions. Now we are having a relationship with interplanetary visitors, interstellar, intergalactic. But the more advanced ones, the more spiritually advanced, apparently are intergalactic. That was a difficult lesson to learn, not only for our military and our intelligence authorities, but for our scientists. You see, we are looking at science that is a thousand… ten thousand years beyond our own! I think Arthur Clarke said it one time that advanced scientific intelligence would appear to us to be magic. Well, it does appear to many others to be magic. But it’s not magic to them. It’s technology to them.

They are not visitors. They are not here as tourists, dropping in for a weekend or something like that. The planet is under quarantine. And the only ones who come and go regularly are the professionals, the anthropologists, the historians, the scientists, from their groups. They come regularly. They are here most of the time. It’s one of the reasons why there is not about to be a disclosure anytime soon, because the story is simply too big.

Among the things we have seen, and the things I have learned first-hand is that, this beautiful, wonderful planet that our ancestors called Gaia; they looked upon her as a goddess and that the planet was alive. I have learned that that’s true. This beautiful little blue-green planet is alive. But this planet apparently is one of the richest and ripest zoological gardens in this quadrant of the galaxy. The life forms, the flora and fauna on this planet are practically infinite. That’s why Earth is such a valuable commodity. There are probably thousands of intelligent species out there, looking upon this little tiny planet, this zoological garden, as an incredibly valuable commodity. And I point out to people, “You know, you’re part of the fauna. It might be difficult for your ego to deal with, you are simply an occupant in this zoological garden.” But now we’re dealing with the custodians. They’re not visitors. They’re not owners. The word that I’ve got from them, they’re custodians. They’re protecting and looking after the life on this planet. And the human race is part of that fauna.

The human race, the whole species is undergoing a transcendent transformation, literally from one level of species, one race, into another. The human race is undergoing a form of what I call “a late adolescence.” And I point out to people that, “If you remember your own adolescence, and you remember how painful it was and how difficult it was, the whole species is undergoing a transition from adolescence into adulthood.” And we’ve got some good friends in high places out there, fortunately, some very good friends, who want to see us make it.

They don’t own us. We are not property, as Charles Fort said one time. But we are not quite finished yet as a race. We are a work in progress. We are an unfinished product. And we’ve got some good friends in high places that are trying to assist us, to help us get through this transition. And it’s an awkward period. But, I believe in the human race. It has a future. We are having some rough and difficult times, but we’re going to make it. And the reason I decided to come with you this afternoon and give you this interview, was hopefully to be able to say to your audience, to the viewers, that people really should not be afraid.

They have nothing to fear. We’re going to make it through and we are going to reach a form of adulthood. And we are in time going out there and taking our rightful place in this infinite universe filled with intelligent life. And I say to people, “Your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren are going to the stars. And they’re going out there, and they’re going to take their rightful place.” Humans have a right to sit at those great conferences, those great tables filled with all the infinite intelligent life forms out there.

The World Calls for Strong Climate Action

Sept. 23, 2014

Joined by government leaders and celebrities, hundreds of thousands of concerned citizens in New York City, USA and across the globe took to the streets in possibly the largest climate demonstration in history on Sunday, September 21. The People’s Climate March movement was held two days before the United Nations Climate Change Summit in New York as a call for world leaders to pledge stronger measures on global warming.

People’s Climate March in New York, City: (from right) French Ecology Minister Ségolène Royal, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, former US Vice President Al Gore (vegan), renowned primatologist Jane Goodall, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius

March for the planet

In New York City, as many as 400,000 people rallied through the streets of Manhattan as part of the People’s Climate March. Prominent participants were United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who presided over the summit, former US Vice President and vegan Al Gore, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, French Ecology Minister Ségolène Royal, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Christiana Figueres, and renowned primatologist and UN Messenger of Peace Jane Goodall.

Hollywood actors Leonardo DiCaprio, Evangeline Lilly, Edward Norton, and Mark Ruffalo, as well as British singer-songwriter Sting, also marched.

The participants showed a remarkable diversity. Among them were indigenous groups, well-known environmentalists and scientists, college students, children and seniors, as well as activists from overseas.

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon told reporters at the march, “This is the planet where our subsequent generations will live. There is no ‘Plan B’ because we do not have ‘Planet B’.”

Actress Evangeline Lilly told the New York Daily News that she was marching for “my child, my family, and for everyone who has the great privilege of living on this beautiful planet of ours.”

The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association was among the hundreds of organizations that participated. Our Association members, joining in from New York, New Jersey, Boston, Houston, Los Angeles, Hawaii and other US states, as well as South Korea, handed out 6,000 vegan sandwiches and vegan cookies along with information about the vegan solution to climate change. This was to raise awareness on the crucial fact that meat production is the primary cause of global warming and that a collective switch to a vegan diet would be the most pragmatic and immediately beneficial action. A study published by the Worldwatch Institute found that the meat industry is the single largest cause of human-induced global warming. According to a Greenpeace report, animal raising also accounts for at least 80% of the Amazon region’s deforestation, itself a major factor in climate change.

Around the globe

Coinciding with the march in New York, a rally was held in London, UK with some 40,000 people, including actress Emma Thompson and musician Peter Gabriel. Some demonstrators were wearing animal costumes to make the important point that not only humans but also animals are suffering due to the effects of climate change.

Ms. Thompson stated, “Every single person on this Earth has the power to change the world. And when we all come together, our power becomes irresistible. Now we must use our power to tackle the biggest threat humanity has ever faced.”

An estimated 30,000 people marched in Melbourne, Australia, citing concerns of facing more bushfires and droughts intensified by global warming.

It has also been reported that 25,000 marched in Paris, France, while 15,000 came together in Berlin, Germany.

These demonstrations were among more than 2,500 events reportedly attended by some 600,000 people in over 150 countries including Italy, Bulgaria, Colombia, Brazil, India, Afghanistan, Turkey, Egypt, Tanzania, Formosa (Taiwan), South Korea, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, and Indonesia.

The largest summit of its kind

Approximately 120 presidents and prime ministers attended the one-day summit on Tuesday to help add momentum for the UN Climate Change Conference scheduled in December. It was the largest number of world leaders to have ever attended a climate conference. US President Barack Obama, British Prime Minister David Cameron, and Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff were speakers at the summit.

Supreme Master Ching Hai, who has always called for protecting the planet, stated the following in a videoconference in Los Angeles, USA on May 29, 2014: “We have to take care of this planet as much as possible. Otherwise, the next generation will have nowhere to go. We have the duty to do that. And I hope all the people, including the government, hurry up with all the programs to save the planet. Time is precious.”

Our salute to all involved around the globe for your powerful display of solidarity through the marches as you further raised awareness about the urgency of climate change. We are grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai for her loving concern for our earth and all her inhabitants. With appreciation for the government leaders at the summit, we pray for your success in quickly carrying out bold and effective solutions to restore our planet for future generations.

The Perfect Beings from Heaven – part 2

Many heavenly beings never want to come here. They don’t have courage.  For example, you are staying in a beautiful place like this, so clean and nice. If you had to go into a filthy place where people put the waste water, garbage and things like that, and lock yourself in there every day, would you like it? A small place, a small confined space with a lot of filth and garbage everyday like this, could you like, would you like? This is what happens to a spiritual being from heaven when they come down and take the confinement of this body.

Some come because they want to develop this planet into a more beautiful place.  Because you remember when you read the history of the planet, the planet was not like this before. It was like a big, dense jungle and no one lived. It was not comfortable and not beautiful.

Because this planet is connected with heavenly plan of existence, therefore we have to work together. Because this planet is connected with heavenly plan of evidence, therefore we have to work together. Because we are also heavenly beings connected with other heavenly beings, so whatever we do here affects them also. A spirit if it’s too high it’s not affected, the lower a little bit affected. Therefore if we do something good,  they are very joyful and very happy.  If we do something damaging to the world and then affects the universe, they are very worried and also very disturbed.

That’s why everyone of us have some so-called “Guardian angels,” who are supposed to help us to do our mission in this world. Depends on what kind of job we do, we will have more angels or less angels, stronger angels or just ordinary angels, etc.

The Indian people have a tradition to respect everyone they meet. Perhaps because in their mythological stories they were told that all the human beings here are spiritual, are great, wise beings, from heaven. Sometimes when we meditate we also can see that. But sometimes we are “covered” so we don’t think too much, so we don’t feel too homesick.  Some of them when they meditate they can visit their Home, at least have a look and come back here to work again. Other people they forget, they don’t miss their Home. They just want to stay here all the time. God gives them enough money, enough instruments to work for this world; but then they use the money, they use the instruments to enjoy. They forget. These people are very difficult to get liberation.

That’s why since ancient times there are always Masters and spiritual friends. They also sacrifice, they come here and wake up the people of the world; but it’s difficult. Once they come here, they forget everything from heaven. Sometimes the Master feels very sorry for these brothers and sisters. Sometimes the Master wants to run day and night just to keep calling them, waking them, and bring them back to their spiritual glory; because they suffer too much.

Due to their ignorance they forget their origin, they forget their noble purpose in this world, and they forget that whatever they are given in this world are only instruments so they can fulfill their task. They forget and then they are entrapped into these beautiful instruments or situation and get bound here. They cannot go Home. Sometimes it takes a long time until they wake up.

Meanwhile all the spiritual beings in heaven are feeling sorry for them, want to help them, want to pull them up; but it’s sometimes difficult. So it’s good that you wake up.  It’s good that you realize that you are not the physical body of this world, that you have a Home in heaven.

Actually we should treat all our mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, like spiritual brothers and sisters; because that’s what we are. Before we came here we made a covenant with each other saying, “Oh! You be my parents, you be my son, you be my sister, you be my teacher, you be my friend, and all that.” Everyone would come together to help each other to achieve the purpose of their mission and also to achieve a higher position in the spiritual world.

It’s not because of a higher position that we come here. Just that we have been courageous, we want to try, we want to take the challenge. Of course, the greater the challenge, the greater our spiritual understanding and growth. Then we become, of course, a higher spiritual being through our knowledge and labor that we have offered to the universe. Heavenly beings, of course, respect us more and then give us more, eve higher responsibilities.

For example, if you were born in a rich family, if you didn’t work, if your parents spoiled you too much and didn’t let you go out and learn and work in different jobs to have experience of your growth, your talents, your intelligence and your physical power, then you just hang around in the house eating, sleeping, doing something, but not having the experience and the capability of a grown up and mature person. Then even your parents cannot entrust you with their great possessions.

So if the parents go away, then maybe you inherit the possessions because you are the only one. But then you don’t know how to manage the business, you let the business fall apart, and then you become poor also. That’s why God let us come here, to study and to strengthen our abilities. The more we work, the more we try to help other people, the more we grow.

Q & A After Lecture

Excerpt from Master Ching Hai’s lecture

Q: Some people say that it is import ant to be a good-hearted person, but it is not necessary to be a vegan. Does this make sense?

M: If one is truly a good-hearted person, then why does he still eat another being’s flesh? Seeing them suffer, he should not be able to bear to eat them! Flesh eating is unmerciful, so how can this be done by a good-hearted person?

Master Lien Chih once said, “Kill its body, and eat its meat. In this world there is no one more cruel, malevolent, atrocious and evil than this person.” How can he ever claim that he himself has a good heart?

Mencius also said, “If you see it alive, you can’t bear to see it die, and if you hear it groaning you cannot bear to eat its meat; so the real gentlemen keep far from the kitchen.”

Human intelligence is higher than  animals, and we can use weapons to make them unable to resist us, so they die with hatred. The kind of person who does this, bullying small and weak creatures, has no right to be called a gentleman. When animals are killed, they are terribly stricken with agony, fear and resentment. This causes the production of toxins that stay in their meat to harm those who eat it. Since the frequency of the vibration of animals is lower than that of humankind, they will influence our vibration, and affect the development of our wisdom.

Q: Some meat-lovers say that they buy meat from the butcher, so it’s not killed by themselves, therefore it is all right to eat it. Do you think this is right?

M: This is a disastrous mistake. You must know that butchers kill living beings because people want to eat. In the Lankavatara Sutra, Buddha said, if there was no one eating meat then, no killing would happen. So eating meat and killing living beings are of the same sin. Because of the killing of too many living beings, we have natural disasters and human-made calamities. Wars are also caused by too much killing.

Q: A long time ago, I heard another Master say, “Buddha ate a pig’s foot and then got diarrhea and died.” Is this true?

M: Absolutely not. It was because of eating a kind of mushroom that Buddha died. If we translate directly from the language of the Brahmans, this kind of mushroom is called the “pig’s foot”. It’s just like when we call a kind of fruit “longan” (in Chinese this literally means the “dragon’s eye”). There are many things that by name are not vegetables but actually are vegetarian foods, such things as the “dragon’s eye.” This mushroom in Brahmanic language is called “pig’s foot” or “pig’s joy.” Both have a connection with pigs. This kind of mushroom was not easy to find in ancient India and was rare delicacy, so people offered it to Buddha in worship. This mushroom cannot be found above the ground. It grows under the ground. If people want to find it they must search with the help of an old pig which likes very much to eat this kind of mushroom. Pigs detect it by their smell, and when they discover one, they use their feet to dig in the mud to find and eat it. That was why this kind of mushroom is called the “pig’s joy” or “pig’s foot.” Actually these two names refer to the same mushroom. Because it was translated carelessly and because people did not truly understand the derivation, the following generations have been caused to misunderstand and mistake Buddha for a flesh devouring man. This is really a regrettable thing.


The King was thinking with his throat center; his Adam’s apple kept coming up and down, and the God saw it. (Master and everyone laugh) When he saw his throat center activated, then he knew. He kept looking with his wisdom eye into the throat center, and he saw the black market going on there, (Master and everyone laugh) Mafia organization going on there, ah, all kinds of criminal records written there. So, God knew what was going on in this King’s mind, but pretended not to know anything. He didn’t say anything. He tried to be even more pleasant, friendlier, and offered more things.

After that, God was just in the front mountain and tried to tell the King, “Okay, I am busy. I have initiation going on in the back mountain, five hundred foreign disciples in the meditation hall, and five or six sites of construction going on. So, would you please excuse me?” (Master and everyone laugh) And “Sayonara.”

The king was very desirous to stay in the Kingdom of God. But then the God made sure that the king knew that he must go. When he tried to stay there longer, many of the guards, god’s guardian angels, with the eyes as big as the sun, shining like atom bombs, stared at him, and said nothing. (Laughter) The God said to him, “Either you go voluntarily and soon, or you go involuntarily and soon.” (Master and everyone laugh) The king saw that he had only a handful of generals, soldiers, and a small chariot; and with all these guardian angels with very big umbrellas, powerful eyes and arms; he had better move. So he had to move. He went back to Earth again.

Since that day, God didn’t favor him anymore. So he began to be ill, suffered a lot, and then started to die. Before he died, he called his ministers and other officers to his deathbed and said that he was very sorry now. Very sorry because he knew why he was dying. He knew God was punishing him. God withdrew eternal happiness or the eternal life-force from him, and now granted him a big favor which was the death sentence. He was very sorry and very repentant. He also said, “After I die, if anyone asks you why I died, you tell them it was because of greed.” And that was it. He closed his eyes and meditated forever in the grave. Good-bye. Finished! (Applause)

See, we could be materialistic practitioners as well. This story serves to remind us that even though we follow a so-called spiritual practicing path, we must check ourselves all the time. We must be sure that we don’t follow materialistic spiritualism. Yes it is called that. Because we follow a path in order to gain more power, then we can control others or we can take things from the universe, from other people without ever knowing. Sometimes you don’t know it, but you do follow materialistic spiritualism. For example, you come here or you go to a Master anywhere expecting that she or he will heal you of your sickness because you don’t want to go see a doctor. You think you have the right to demand such things. You come here with a very grave illness and throw yourself, throw the responsibility onto the ashram, wanting to be healed overnight; or you want to be richer, more powerful in some way and then you expect the Master to fulfill your wish in such a way. This is no good.

Even if you practice the Quan Yin Method, you follow the spiritual discipline and meditate, if your mind is not pure of material need, then it’s no good. Of course, when you are in trouble, you are bound to ask for help. Like I don’t have a job now and I need to pay the rent and all that. Master can you help me to find a job. That is different. When you really need, you may ask.

Also if the people come to initiation, expecting that after that, she will have this and that material gain or more position in the society, etc. This is disgusting. We should not come to any Master expecting such things, because we are bound to feel very disappointed. Or even if we are not disappointed, the Master might grant us our wish. But then, the more we want, the less we are satisfied and then we keep wanting, wanting to no end. And then our attention, our energy is always focused on these material aims and we forget the Almighty Power inside.

After we attain the Almighty Power, anything will come to us when necessary without asking. But we don’t come for that, we don’t come for material fulfillment, or any other magical power. These are astral desires. Also material in other senses, not only that you wish for money, then it materializes, but if you wish for magical power or any kind of control over other people, the weather, or the surroundings, these are also material wishes. These are even worse. Like business people, we go to do business and we want to gain money and all these kinds of things. We should practice for the sake of wisdom alone, for the sake of knowing ourselves, for the sake of knowing the origin of our Home and to be free, loving and happy. That’s all there is. And everything else comes or does not come; it is just by the way.

Everything I told you, don’t forget. But sometimes you know but your practice is different.  So we have to always check up. We are bound to make mistakes, but we have to check and correct it.

Forgive Yourself part 4

So we all come from God, whether Masters or not Masters. The Master is the one who knows God, and the “non-Master” is the one who doesn’t know God yet.

I told you about the story of the cup, the ocean water in the cup. So at the time of initiation, you know already, the “button” is pushed open so that we can get in touch, somewhat, to God, at least for some moments. Then we continue to do that every day, until we completely realize that we are one with God; there is no separation.

There are many things that the initiated persons understand and know, but it’s difficult to put them into words.   If no one demands anything from me, I would not even think of God. Do you know what I mean? He is just kind of always standing around or He is just inside me. So I don’t even think of Him. I don’t talk about Him. I don’t miss Him. I don’t seek Him anymore. Just for other people’s sake I talk about God. I talk about these things. Sometimes it’s difficult for me to talk about God. Maybe that’s the reason why I don’t desire to go for lectures or anything like that, because I am just satisfied wherever I am and whatever I do.

The initiated people are mostly like that. Many of them have this satisfaction right away at the time of initiation and continue forever. Some of them have to wait sometime to realize that they have found the treasure. Why is it so? Some people’s “curtains” are thicker than the others, because we are obstructed by intellectual understanding and by much of the knowledge that we have accumulated during our lifetime, and we are proud of it and cling to that. That’s why we have forgotten that we are greater than this knowledge, greater than the PH.D. certificate greater than the name that we are proud to have, like Doctor so-and-so, or such and such position. We are greater than this, greater than any king on this Earth.

Sometimes we don’t even realize that we have this ego and that we are trapped into this ego – the Maya net. We don’t even realize it until we practice more and more. And the more we practice, the more we realize that we are obstructed by our own habits, by our own collections of garbage, of a lot of nonsense thinking.

Similarly, every day we are busy with our daily work and we busy with our worldly knowledge and we think we know that much, this much, and then we forgot that we are the greatest ones. We know more than that. We know above all these things, including these things. Now, the greatest Power, the greatest wisdom, is so big like that, for example; so great, so pervasive, and then we use that great wisdom just to understand a little bit of that worldly knowledge, for example, the medical knowledge or the lawyer knowledge or anything, and then we cling to that. The whole wisdom we use just to pay attention to this corner of the knowledge.

Therefore we forget the whole. Do you understand what I mean? That’s it. And we thought that we are very great already, we are this doctor and that PH.D. I don’t mean to talk about you. I said “we” meaning including myself. Sorry!

So now we think we know that much. We are beautiful. We have this and this certificate, and that. In fact, we’ve lost the whole 99.999 percent of our great wisdom just to pay for that much worldly knowledge. In the end we have nothing because this is ephemeral; this knowledge will change. We know many medical definitions or many medicines have been proved outdated and then replaced by another. Or scientific facts have always been changed, removed and replaced by another idea, and then it would be replaced again and again, as humankind progresses into a higher consciousness.

Therefore, it doesn’t matter how much knowledge we gain from this world or from the brain power of research; we will never have the whole thing, just one little point in the universe. Just like the water in the cup is proud that he is so big and he doesn’t know that he is the whole ocean. When he is connected with the whole ocean, he becomes the ocean. I guess you understand what I say.

The One Who Realize God and the Messiah of God – part 3

If we have already found a path that we think is suitable to our spiritual development, then it is fine, it good, and we should continue. We should try all our best to follow that chosen path. How do we know if that is the right path for us?

How do we know if we have chosen a good Master, or a good method? There has to be two conditions. First, we must be good disciples; second, the Master must be good. It cannot be one way. So, if we are very good disciples, if we have been very faithful, if we have done everything that a disciple is requested to do, and if that path or the Master’s teaching gives us satisfaction, gives us more love, wisdom and peace, that is the right path. Understand? But we must do our best. We cannot get something for nothing. Otherwise no need for a Master even.

If after you have tried so hard and have tried your best on many paths and you could not find complete satisfaction, we invite you to come to this path, because we know this path is very fast, quick and simple. In our times we don’t have so much energy and time to follow a very complicated, long and difficult path. Also, there is another reason why, our life is very unpredictable. We do not know if we will live until tomorrow. So whatever we can get today is the best.

Before I left home to find God-realization, I had only one prayer; “God, if You exist, please help me or through me open the eyes of people, because people cannot open them themselves. How can You demand them to keep Your commandments, to love You, and to worship You when they don’t know You? You must open their eyes for them to see You first.”That was my prayer. Probably the sincerity touched God’s compassion, so I was granted what I wished.

After studying many people’s character and human psychology by my daily contact with different people, I have come to realize that sincerity is difficult to have. This is the only reason why we cannot realize God, who is very close and very near to us in our hearts. It is because most of us are so attached to the physical appearance of this world. On one hand we say we want to know God, but on the other hand we cannot forsake what we have, even if God wants us to do it. That is the only reason why we cannot reach God. Otherwise we could do it just like this.

That is what I have come to understand and I would like to share it with you, because God is not so difficult to reach; it is difficult for us to forsake the material world. It is our deep attachment that prevents us from going near God. This sound very simple, but it is the very original reason. That is why in the Bible it is stated that you cannot worship both God and mammon.

Therefore God has thought of some special method to help us, the attached souls, the encaged spirits. This method is not known to a lot of people, just to some groups. Only in this modern time has the message been spread all over the world. But because of that, whoever brings the message has to suffer a great deal, more than at the time of Buddha and Jesus. In order to bring the message to humankind, there must be someone who will do it. I think you understand what I mean.

Even when the message is spread all over the world, not all people will take it. Therefore you can imagine how difficult it was when Jesus or Buddha were alive, when means of communications were more restricted. Then even fewer people followed them. In the ancient times, people complained that the freedom of religion was restricted; and the people who believed in Jesus or different Masters in those times were very frightened of being persecuted, chased, questioned, jailed, and punished. Even then, people’s faith under such circumstances was very strong, and they appreciated what they received perhaps more than in modern times.

In modern times when we get the message so easily, we probably do not believe the value of the message. When it is more open and more easily available, it is more open to criticism and therefore also has disadvantages. So we cannot do anything. No solution! If it is difficult, then it is difficult to get, to practice, to meet the Master. It is difficult to get together and understand, difficult to get the information from the Master, and difficult to progress and to improve the spiritual movement of the Master.  But when it is easy to access, we will think, ”Oh, how can it be so easy? I think it is no good. I have to think about it, or maybe next time.“ So, there’s no solution.

Still, God always loves humankind, so God always tries and the Masters always try their best to bring the holy message, the best solution, the best method to offer to the brothers and sisters of this Earth.

We always have our fantasy. We imagine the Master must be like this, like that and the God-realization method must be like this, like that, must be very difficult to attain, or must be so-and-so. So many of these preconceived ideas and the outside circumstances sometimes prevent us from knowing the Truth. It is not entirely our fault. It is because the material existence is too difficult for us; it has brainwashed each one of us into such a condition, into a way of thinking in which we could hardly escape. That is what makes the job of the Masters difficult and that is what makes our God-realization difficult.

But even then, it is worthwhile to try. If something is so easy to realize, I guess it is also not very interesting. So we should struggle in our own way to understand what God is or at least to know who we are, why we are here, and where we will go after a few years in this world. Where will we go? Why are we here for only a few years or a few decades? We have fed ourselves with so much beef, pork and vegetables of this world to grow that big, so at least we must know why. If we do not have answers to these questions, we will never be happy. This is the only simple reason why we must realize ourselves, we must realize God for our own satisfaction. We can never be happy, no matter in which position we are placed or how many material possessions we are given, until we realize this very basic fundamental question.

Therefore you will never find a truly happy person in this world, even if he is a king. But Jesus’ disciples were happy and the disciples of our path are happy. They truly have the inner happiness. Not that I give them money, praise them, or do anything to make them happy externally. Why is that? It’s because they have found the answer. They are doing what they are supposed to do as a human duty. They are fulfilling the purpose of human life.

Each one of us is given human life only for the purpose of realizing God. If we forsake this duty, we will never be happy in this life or I any other lives. To tell you the truth, this is the only reason for human suffering, and nothing else. If we realized how we struggled in our mothers’ wombs, how we repented our past lives’ mistakes, and how we promised God to utilize this present life in a very meaningful manner to serve Him, before we were born, then we would never waste one second to think of anything else but to try our best in all our leisure time to realize God!

But as soon as we are born into this world we forget everything, because it is the law of the material world to let people forget. Therefore it is necessary that a Master come and remind us again and again and again, until we remember what we had promised to God inside the wombs of our mothers. We might not remember with our physical brains, but our souls, the ability of our wisdom will remember. Then it could happen that we’ll follow the Master’s teaching, that we’ll go back to the path of God. Then that will be our luckiest day. I wish all of you this lucky day.

Thank you for your attentive, loving attention. Amen!

The One Who Realize God and the Messiah of God – part 2

Actually, not many people have the very high hope of attaining the position of Jesus or Buddha. Therefore people always say Jesus was the only one or Buddha was the only one. In a way it is true, but it is not. Otherwise Jesus would not have told us, Whatever I can do, you can do better. We don’t need to wish to become world-famous like Buddha or Jesus, but we could aspire to be God-realized and to be of help to ourselves and to whomever we are in touch with.

So the purpose of practicing any method or walking on any path at all is to realize ourselves, to realize God; not that we want to be like Jesus or Buddha. When God wants us to be one, we could not even refuse, whether we want to or not. I’m not frightening you. It is the truth I have known by my own experience. Also I may tell you that to be in a position of Jesus or Buddha is no fun either. So it is OK not wanting to become one.

Why is it that the only Son of God, like Jesus, had to suffer, had to bear the cross? Or someone like Buddha, who had all the power, must bear all the misunderstandings, insults and attacks from the people at that time? It is partly because of the ignorance of the mass of people. It is also partly because the body of the Master must bear some of the karma of his disciples. But the Master can do that only when he or she is still in the physical body. Therefore it was necessary that Jesus came to the Earth to suffer for the people at that time, to bear the cross.

When people come to a Master who has kept this power, no doubt they come to worship the Master. They bring fruit, flowers and their love, but they also deposit their debts at the feet of the Master. Even though the ocean of mercy from the Almighty will wash away most of the debris people bring, some of the residue still lingers where it was deposited and the Master’s body must bear this burden.

Jesus was not the only one who suffered such a terrible punishment from people. If you study the lives of many of the Saints in the ancient times or in India, you will know they had similar fates. Some Masters were even burned alive or made to sit on a hot iron pan under the hot sun. Some Masters were even flaked alive, you know, cut to pieces, one piece by one piece, like vivisection. This was even in India, in a holy land, in the land where most people were vegetarians, saintly and know about the Scriptures. So, I have told you that to be in the position of Jesus or Buddha is no fun.

But there are only the physical sufferings that we can see with our eyes. There are mental sufferings that the Masters silently bear, which we don’t know. Therefore, thank God that He hasn’t chosen many; otherwise I don’t think anyone would like to become a Master.

You may ask me, “Then, why should we practice? Why should we meditate on God?” We must, because otherwise we will suffer too much, and the whole race of humankind will suffer. Since the ancient times, our world has undergone a great evolution and it has become more civilized today because of the many people who have followed the teachings of the Masters.

When a Master comes to the Earth, not only the disciples are uplifted and shown the wisdom, but the whole of humankind will also be purified and uplifted to a certain higher level of consciousness. Therefore, after many Masters have graced our Earth, the world has become better, as it is today. But even then, it has not reached the level of the heavenly understanding. It has not reached the same consciousness like many other worlds in the universe. We are, to the other worlds, very, very young, and very backward in spiritual understanding.

In the heavenly worlds, where we can visit sometimes with our meditative merit, we can see that the people who live over there do not need to communicate with language. Even though they still have to learn spiritual lessons, they are very advanced, very intelligent, and the Masters over there do not need to speak. When they want to study with the Master, the Master’s presence is enough for them to understand everything; there are no doubts, no questions, no answers and no complicated thinking. Everything will be absolutely clear in the presence of the Master.

When I see in our world, that even with so many lectures and back and forth arguments, with the fulfillment of so many desires and wishes of people, and with answering so many questions, still we do not understand very well. Therefore, God continues to send different Masters to this world, and any Master who comes to this world must suffer the language problem and the mental retarding ability of its people. Not all Masters are willing to come to this world to teach, even very briefly, like Jesus. Therefore, when any Master comes to this world, the whole universe praise, cheer, and applaud.

But then, someone must come.  Because the whole universe is linked together in a kind of fraternity, in a brotherhood, just like the members in a family. If one world or one planet is backward in spiritual advancement, the other planets will also suffer in some ways. Just as if one member in a family did something wrong, the whole family will also be affected. Sometimes even the whole nation has to bear the consequences of one person. Therefore it would be a great help to our world and to the universe if we catch up with the spiritual lessons and try to improve our understanding in any way we can.

One Can Attain Enlightenment Anywhere – part 4

The ultimate way to reach the Buddha hood is mentioned in the Surangama Sutra, and in many other scriptures of the world religions. After practicing the Quan Yin Method you will understand exactly what I said, without anyone having to teach you so. In the Surangama Sutra, it is said that the ultimate way, the last road is the Quan Yin Method. Quan Yin Method is to listen to your own inner Nature.

There is a kind of Energy, a kind of vibration that can be heard without the ears. These silent Words of God, of Buddha are the source of all wisdom. If whatever I said appeals to you and seems a little wise to you, it is due to the Quan Yin Method that I have practiced, that I have learned directly from the source of all creation. Of course, these are the things that I can express by words. There are many more things that only I can understand and cannot be explained in human languages. But there are some things that you could know without explanation.

For example, at the time of initiation, at the time that you want to learn the method which is called Quan Yin in Surangama Sutra, you will immediately attain what we call enlightenment and have many kinds, or some kinds, or one kind of experience, which is stated in the above mentioned scriptures of the world religions. And you will continue to have this enlightenment, you will develop the enlightenment, and the enlightenment will even get greater, because we are in direct contact with our Buddha Nature or the Kingdom of God. My disciples can testify to my words.

You are always welcomed to write and ask any of them. You can write to American disciples. You can write to English disciples. You can write to European disciples. You can write to Chinese disciples, Vietnamese disciples, disciples in Philippines, disciples in Singapore, disciples in Thailand. Just pick any name and ask them whether what I have said is true. That is how we know whether the Quan Yin Method is truly in accordance with the great religions of the world. At least I mean the five great religions.

Now religion is not merely recitation of the words of the past Masters, like Buddha, like Jesus Christ…but it is the incorporation of their wisdom into our daily lives. It is the sincere upkeep of their precepts, their commandments. And it is the polishing of wisdom daily within a very wise method. If all of this is combined together, we can call it a religion.

A true Buddhist must be able to contact the Buddha inside, knowing what the Buddha is. A true Christian should be able to contact Christ or God, otherwise how do we know if God exists. If Buddha is real, a true Buddhist should be able, at least to have a glimpse of something from the Buddha Land, or some glimpse of the great Light of the Buddha, or be able to hear  Buddha’s teaching directly. This is what Quan Yin Method enables you to do.

The Buddha does not teach with the ordinary English or with ordinary Korean language. But the Buddha’s teaching is with a quiet voice, in the universal language, which is very much like a beautiful melody. That is why in the Buddhist scriptures, it is stated that the Buddha speaks only in one kind of language, but all beings are able to understand in their own languages. It is the true scripture, the true teaching of the Buddha. That is why the more we listen to this inner Sound the wiser we become. The more we see the inner Light of God, of Buddha, the wiser we will be. This is how we become the true followers of Buddha or of Christ.

This is not expressed in the Bible or in the Buddhist Scriptures. It only mentions the Quan Yin Method. It only mentions the experiences of the practitioners of the Quan Yin Method. It does not mention how to practice it. Even it does mention, but without the Power of a realized Master, it is not real.  Because the way of the Buddha cannot be taught by language, or by action. It can only be transmitted from inner wisdom to our own wisdom. It is our wisdom that receives the initiation, the awakening, not our brain or our mind. Therefore, there is a necessity of a so-called “initiation,” to bring down the Buddha’s Power from Nirvana to awaken our own Buddha’s Power.

When I say Nirvana you should also understand it means the Kingdom of God in Christianity. I am also like the Korean people,  I do not discriminate amongst any religion. I think we have the same kind of understanding. That is why I feel so good in Korea, even at the first meeting with the Korean people.

So it is not explained in the Scriptures how to do it, because it has to be transmitted internally. But, because there were so many experiences, the results of the practice have been written in the Scriptures. Therefore, if we now have the same kinds of experiences, we know that we practicing the right method.

Actually, the method is not as important as the transmission of the Power of the wisdom. It is just because in our society we have to offer some kind of a concrete project, otherwise people do not accept. Therefore, we have to say I have a method for you. Therefore, you will understand, yes there is something to learn, something to know, something to develop. Otherwise, even if there is such a method, or even if it is written down in black and white, you have no benefit when reading it, because the Master’s power, the transmission lineage is missing.

Therefore, from ancient times you do not find such a method was written down. That is why most people understood the practicing of the Buddha hood to be a kind of mystery, very difficult to understand, very difficult to obtain. Yes, it is, but no, it is not. Yes, if we do not find someone who knows it, but if we find someone who has already known it, it’s very easy. And we can get immediate enlightenment, provided that we are sincere and the master accepts us.

That is how I learned. So that is how you can learn also. Even though there is nothing material to obtain, but there is something that we will know very well, when we are enlightened.

Are you tired already? (Applause) Should I continue? (Loud applause) Thank you. I appreciate your sincerity. That is what makes Korea become a great country, because of the spirituality that Korean people are after. Even though they are very capable of building a nation.

How to Make Peace on Earth – part 4

My purpose is not to preach Buddhism or Christianity. All these things you can read in books, you can inquire from churches, temples or from many other monks or nuns. All of them can tell you what Buddhism is, what Christianity is, etc. I have no intention to preach about these things, but I have the intention to build some peace in this world because we are all brothers and sisters.

Peace can only be obtained through wisdom and enlightenment, not through any illusionary imagination and money wasting talks at any table or in any nation. Everyone thinks if he becomes a politician, a priest or a monk, he can bring some peace to this Earth, or at least to their nation. But without wisdom, what can we do? The more we do, the more we go wrong. Also, if one person has wisdom and most of the people in the country have no wisdom, what shall we do? Only if we can get in contact with the original wisdom can we ever do things in the right way. Otherwise, even if we want peace and sincerely want to build peace in this world, we make war. That is because some people believe in making peace with force “If you don’t listen to me, if you don’t listen to my country, I will force you to listen.” Only when we have God’s wisdom and enlightenment, we can  then do things in the correct way. Therefore, we see many kings and queens come and go and the world is still at war. Maybe we have not had enough enlightened kings and queens!

In Au Lac and in China also, we call a good king an enlightened king. This is very clear that even if we want to govern a nation, we should also be enlightened. What is meant by enlightened? It means that our wisdom is opened. We are more intelligent, super intelligent, so we see things differently than we did in the ordinary state. Just like when we were babies or children, even though we could speak, eat, and understand, we were not wise enough to take care of our parents’ business, and not wise enough to take care of the household.

So, if we use our brains only 5%, how can we talk about governing the nation and the world? In China they say, “First, be enlightened, then you can take care of your household, then you can govern the nation, and then you can bring peace into the world.” “First be enlightened,” Practice, and your virtues and light will develop. Only then you can take care of your household. Can you imagine? To have a good household, we have to be enlightened? Only when you can take care of your household then you can talk about peace in the world.

Therefore, man like Jesus and Buddha were truly messengers of peace, truly kings of the world. Therefore, in India, they call such a person “the great king,” or “the king of kings.” We must not have any ambition to be “the king of kings”; but we should have ambition to contribute to the peace in this world, to construct a beautiful structure for this world, where our children and grand children will live in prosperity and happiness. So, that is what we call “First be enlightened, then we can take care of the household, then we can govern the nation, and then we can bring peace to the Earth.”

If we only talk about peace and want to bring peace to the Earth, and we ourselves are not peaceful, then it is a joke. If we only build churches and temples, but we do not care for the living temples, then it is a wrong attitude, because in the Bible it says, We are the temple of God and the Holy Spirit lives here. (Master points to her heart) God lives here, God lives in you. Make the temple pure. If we begin with ourselves and let peace begin from here, (Master points to her forehead) and from every person, then we don’t need any church, we don’t even need the Bible or the Buddhist Sutras. We don’t even need any master, we don’t need any organization or the United Nations.

So, I hope that whatever I do, I would bring some inspiration to you so that you might also be inspired to find peace, to find wisdom and God within yourselves. That is why I am here; not for Buddhism, not for Catholicism. I just want to offer you enlightenment so that you might take care of your household better, so that you might take care of your nation better, and so that we might together bring peace on this Earth. Amen!

How to Make Peace on Earth – part 3

December 16, 1989 Argentina

At the moment, we are abusing the natural resources. For example, hydrogen is for us to breathe, also to make the universe stable. If we draw hydrogen into a block and make a bomb out of it, which we call a hydrogen bomb, then our air will become thinner, there will be less hydrogen in it, and the whole universe might be disturbed. Just like when we use bricks and visible materials to build houses, the universe has invisible materials to build the universe. If we disturb this structure in any place, then the universe might not be stable. Similarly when we destroy part of this house, or break one wall, the whole house is affected.

Therefore recently we have seen many UFO’s, or space ships. Someone asked me about extra-terrestrials yesterday, “If they exist why didn’t they come before?” They didn’t have to. “Why do they come now?” Because we are too threatening to them and to ourselves. We are too ignorant  playing with dangerous things.

Do not think I come to preach Buddhism or want your sympathy or any of your properties. I want nothing. I only want the world to have peace so everyone can have time and a chance to develop their own talent, or their own capabilities. Humans should live together as humans, not as beasts. Up to now, most of the things we do are just similar to that animals do, nothing for humans to be proud of. Animals eat, make children, and love each other. We do the same. If we do not know God or the Buddha Nature within us, we are not much different. Is that not so? Please don’t be angry with me, someone must tell the truth sometimes. Otherwise, we all sleep, dream our dream, and feel proud of ourselves. Proud of what? What can we be proud of? All these atomic bombs? All these hydrogen bombs? All the poverty in this world? All these miseries? Hatred? Violence? Over-population? Hungry kids? What have we made out of this Heaven?

You were told that this world was Heaven before. What have we done to make it become like this? A handful of people are worrying about this beautiful planet. Other people sleep, eat, make love, and make money. Even when they go to church, I don’t know if they pray. Even if they go to the temples, I don’t know what they pray to the Buddha. Yes, they do pray! They pray for their own welfare, for their own business and for their own sons and daughters. How about the neighbors? Should we pray for them also? Praying is not a very active thing. We should also do something, but it is very difficult for most people to realize it.

Therefore, you see, when someone goes to a lecture like this, a few hundred, a few thousand people come to listen. But, when you go to the football game, theater or to hear pop singers, you see many tens of thousands watching a ball, watching people fighting over a ball. Isn’t that amazing?! It isn’t even the people on the outside who play, it is the people on the inside who play. If all the people would play, then I can say, “OK. They are exercising; it is good. Everyone is excited, because they are competing in a game.” But no, only a group of people are playing and forty thousand of fifty thousand people outside are excited. I am always amazed to watch the illusion games of this world. I cannot understand it either.

But I do understand why we do not have peace. It’s because everyone just does not care. We can watch football, it is no sin. We can get to the theater; it is good sometimes, to pass time, and to make a change in our life. But, we should also remember who we are and where we will go after this life. We must also give time to prepare for this departure. We prepare for everything – for birth, for death, for old age, but we don’t prepare for the next life. And even if we don’t care for the next life, we should care for this life. We should work together to make our world more beautiful, more peaceful.

The Real Love

Poem by  Master Ching Hai, April 2011
They said: “The world is small”
But it ain’t that small!
There’s plenty room
For you and me and all…

So why this bickering with our neighbor
For a few meters more –
Even a few kilometers,
Or say another mountain and river!
Don’t you feel rather “small”?

At the end of our sojourn
What do we get after all?
One squeezy square meter
If we are lucky!
To lie down forever

Let’s share the splendid Earth
And do everything to make it better
Even the worms don’t rival
With the butterflies or the birds
Why do we humans try so mightily?
Against each other
Make life a real misery
And even shorter!

What will we tell at the Buddha’s gate,
Or to Saint Peter?
All the stuff we did on Earth,
To bring pain and to suffer…
Oh dear man!
 Let me tell you something
Just go hang…
Yourself on the hammock
Between the shadowing coconut
Graceful tall trees!
 Enjoy some cake and tea
Feel the gentle breeze
That cools all folly
There…there! You see!
…Ah!..tons of things
We can do our heart to please
Some small and great pleasure
Let it all be…
Let’s make life more simple
Let our demands be little.
Then you’ll know
Happiness ever more and more!
 Then we don’t have to go on snatching land,
Nor have we to hurry on converting man:
It’s not how many in a belief system
It’s what become of them!
It’s not the name of a religious order
It’s what we make of the name!
It’s not how crowded a religion
It’s how much into world peace their contribution
It’s not our words
It’s rather louder our actions.
What is going to be our legend
In the long history of humans?
Will it be right and just
Will it be noble and benevolent?
Or just a grim picture
Soaked in anguished bloody paint!
Why always boast about our Heavenly root:
Oh! Almighty God’s beloved children!
While our life is tainted with all evils
While our survival
Is the cost of others’ extinction!
 What is the mark of the “chosen”?
Is it just the bloodstain on your hands?
Be it from animals or man’s!
Oh my dear brothers
I wanted to write you a long loving letter
With thousands more questioning words
But I am dumbfounded
Watching the madness
Of it all.
Tell me:
When or will we ever
Represent Heaven on Earth?

The Harmful Effects of Genetically Modified Foods

IMG_1953Today we’ll examine the harmful effects of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in our food supply. GMOs are produced by transferring genes from one species into the genetic code of another. GM foods have not been scientifically proven safe.

Aware of the dangers, some countries have already banned all GMO crops, most notably Switzerland and Bulgaria. Across Europe there is widespread consumer opposition to GMO products. In Japan, genetically modified foods are not grown commercially. In India, the national government prohibited the planting of GM eggplant in 2010 after the environment minister concluded there was insufficient data showing that the crop is safe for human consumption or the environment.

To find out more about the inherently hazardous process of producing GMOs, let’s first hear from Jeffrey M. Smith, an expert on the subject and also founder of the US-based Institute for Responsible Technology which informs policy makers and the public about the perils of genetically modified foods.

You take a gene; let’s say you want to create a corn plant that produces its own pesticide. So you take the gene from a soil bacterium Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) and you make millions of copies of the gene and you put it into a gun and you shoot that gun into a plate of millions of cells, hoping that some of the genes make it into the DNA of some of those cells. Then you clone those cells into a plant.

Now the process of insertion plus cloning causes massive collateral damage in the DNA of the plant. Two to four percent is different; there can be hundreds or thousands of mutations. And there’s also a holistic effect. When you insert a single gene, up to five percent of the natural genes in the plant can change their levels of expression and then produce too much or too little protein.

So, what this does, when you change that much in the DNA, is that the RNAs can change, the proteins can change, and the byproducts of metabolism can change. So you could have increased levels of allergens, increased levels of toxins or carcinogens or completely new allergens and toxins and carcinogens that have never been in the plant before. Now these are not evaluated.

The American Academy of Environmental Medicine has issued a warning urging the public to avoid GM foods and adding, “There is more than a casual association between GM foods and adverse health effects. There is causation.” A growing body of evidence points to disastrous health outcomes from GMOs, such as premature aging, immune dysfunction, cancer, multiple organ damage and reproductive disorders. The respected non-profit environmental group Greenpeace International strongly opposes the cultivation of genetically modified crops as well.

I think, first, it’s wrong to play God. But of course, somebody pointed out all of science is a little bit like that. We appreciate that, we are not anti-science. But in agriculture, the playing of God goes one step further, because you’re releasing those organisms into the environment. They’re not in a laboratory; they’re going to the environment.

They interact with other species. They interact with the ecosystem. So there are potentially irreversible effects. There’re also health effects from consuming genetically modified crops. We don’t need it. There’s enough organic techniques and technologies available to produce food to feed the world.

In 2009, Dr. Don Lotter, who has a doctorate in agroecology, wrote an article published in the International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food entitled “The Genetic Engineering of Food and the Failure of Science.” The paper discusses the hazards, lack of safety testing and deficient consumer protection with respect to GMOs. The author states that the principles underlying research by the GM industry are flawed, giving the example of the cauliflower-mosaic-virus promoter (CaMV 35S), which is used to activate foreign genes inserted into GM plants.

This virus is dangerous because it is not neutralized when it enters the human digestive system, but instead promotes the transfer of genes from the GMO to bacteria in the digestive system that are responsible for 80% of our immune system function. Jeffrey M. Smith is deeply concerned that GMOs will seriously injure human health through the transfer of genetic information from modified foods to intestinal bacteria.

The fact that genes transfer to our gut bacteria gets worse when you think of what can transfer. The corn and cotton that are genetically engineered, there’s varieties that produce their own pesticide, so if the gene that produces the pesticide transfers, it might turn our intestinal bacteria into living pesticide factories.

The pesticide produced in GM corn and cotton, called Bt toxin, has already had damaging effects on those exposed to the spray version of the bacteria as well as those farming Bt-generating GM crops.

When it was used in its natural form as a spray in the Pacific Northwest (USA), hundreds of people got allergic reactions or flu-like symptoms; some had to go to the hospital. So it obviously affects humans and mammals.

Now if you look at the symptoms of the people who were sprayed in Washington State (USA) and you look at the symptoms of he farm workers in India who are picking the cotton that’s genetically engineered to produce the Bt toxin, they’re the same symptoms. They’re getting rashes, upper respiratory reactions, fever; some had to go to the hospital.

Now the BT toxin that’s in the crop, however, is thousands of times more concentrated than the natural spray. It’s designed to be more toxic, and it has properties of a known allergen. And it also cannot be washed off the plant, because it’s produced by little spray bottles in every cell of the plant, in every bite.

So many people believe that the Bt toxin that’s produced by the genetically modified corn and cotton is extremely dangerous. And the idea that we have living pesticide (Yes) factories inside us is totally high in the “yuck” factor I’ll tell you that.

A study of a group of pregnant and non-pregnant women in Canada found that 93% of the pregnant women had Bt toxin in their blood and 80% had it in their umbilical cord blood, while the toxin was detected in 69% of the non-pregnant women’s blood. The scientists believe the source of the Bt toxin was meat, eggs, and milk eaten by study participants that came from livestock who consumed GM corn.

The researchers stated in a paper published in the journal “Reproductive Toxicology,” “This is the first study to highlight the presence of pesticides associated with genetically modified foods in maternal, fetal and non-pregnant women’s blood.”

Bt toxin is a toxin. A Bt toxin crop is not a higher yielding crop. It’s a toxin-producing crop. Herbicide-resistant crops are resistant to herbicides, therefore you can spray them with higher doses of glyphosate. That’s more toxins in our farms, not more food. To date, there is not a single GMO (genetically modified organism) that has produced more food than comparative crops.

During the 1980’s 37 people in the United States died and 5,000 were sickened after taking a dietary supplement that contained GM bacteria. In another case illustrative of why it’s unwise to tamper with nature is that people who were allergic to Brazil nuts were found to have reactions after consuming GM soy which had a Brazil nut gene in it.

Genetic engineering is very crude and very violent technology. One of the biggest lies being told all over the place, especially in the context of the food crisis, is that GMOs can solve the problem of hunger. They cannot because the technology is not designed to increase production. The technology is designed to put more toxics into the crop.

Genetically engineered seeds are not solving hunger. They are not bringing prosperity to our farmers. They are killing our farmers. And agriculture without GMOs is a peaceful agriculture. GMO-free agriculture is a prosperous agriculture. GMO-free agriculture is the only way humanity should move into the future.

The solution of course is sustainable agriculture. Sustainable agriculture in the form, which sustains the land, the livelihoods that depend on it. Millions, literally hundreds of millions of (Indian) people depend on agriculture for their daily living. So an agricultural system that takes care of the land, takes care of the people, does not use chemicals, and is therefore good for the consumers, that’s sustainable agriculture.

So this is the kind of thing that Greenpeace would campaign on. So that’s what we will do for sustainable agriculture.

Supreme Master Ching Hai has spoken on various occasions regarding the harmful effects of GMOs.

“Nowadays, many people try to do this so-called genetically modified food, so sometimes we eat vegetarian food and we don’t even know that there are animal substances in it. Scientifically speaking, meat is being linked to diseases of all kind – with cholesterol, obesity, heart disease and strokes. So, if we put meat or animal substance into vegetables, then we will also have similar effects, more or less. I think we should not mess up with nature and play God. Whatever nature has already offered to us, that is good enough.

There might be more incurable diseases that come from GMO that we don’t even know will happen yet. Right now, even if we just eat the normal meat and we have so many incurable diseases already, if we mix it with vegetables, maybe we will have more incurable diseases and more strange diseases that we don’t even know how to deal with in the future. So, it’s better to have organic vegan farming method.

We as consumers can stop the GMO industry from further ruining our health and planet. First, we can refuse to purchase GM products. When shopping, we can choose to buy organic, locally produced vegetables and fruit instead. Second, we can write to our government officials to voice our opposition to GMOs. Third, we can spread the word about the high risks of genetically modified crops to our friends and family. These steps, along with organic vegan farming, will help ensure we have a GMO-free future for our children.”

For more information on the dangers of GMO foods, please visit the following websites:
Institute for Responsible Technology
Greenpeace International

May paradise soon be realized on our Earth through the organic plant-based diet.


There is a better life, a more perfect life inside. Once we are perfect inside, our outside life will be perfect too. We can use our inside wisdom and Power to make our work more efficient, faster and more beneficial to the world. So, actually if we want to be in any important position or be successful in any field, we must get the proper Power to work for us, not our minds.

There are two levels of power. The first level, the lower level, is the mind, the automatic reaction and action. Yes, that is the mind. The other higher level Power is all grace, love and miracles. By miracles I don’t mean changing the weather or…, but we can do that too.

For example, my disciple just prayed and the airplane had to run backwards to get him, the only one left behind. Formally they didn’t want to have anything to do with him, because they said that his ticket was something wrong, but we paid for the ticket. Something bureaucratically wrong, but we paid for the ticket.. And the airplane had to come back. This is also called a miracle. But, we don’t do it on purpose. We just pray, and the one who is in touch with God can pray for anything, provided we pray with our own Power. Do you understand? If we pray for someone else and that someone else is not in tune with God, then it’s difficult for the prayer to be answered. It is not that we don’t want to help them. Otherwise Jesus would have prayed for at least the Jews, or the Buddha would have prayed for at least the whole of India. Do you understand what I mean? Even though we are enlightened, we cannot change the world. We can only reason and bring them into changing themselves.

Therefore, we have to begin with ourselves. We cannot sit and wait for miracles. No one can change the world, not even thousands of Buddha or millions of Jesus. They would have done it if they could. Miracles do not happen in this way where karma is concerned. We have to clean ourselves. We have to bathe ourselves. Take our medicine in order to cure ourselves. The best doctor can only give us medicine but cannot take it for us. Therefore, it’s a very sad and difficult thing to pray for other people when they are not in tune with the prayer fulfilling source.

The best way is to get in touch with God and then pray. We don’t even have to pray, things will happen. This I know for sure. This I have experienced. And many, many thousands of my disciples have also experienced this. All of them know it is true. I would like to present it to you today should you feel interested, and should you believe that there is a solution to war. By changing ourselves, by having peace within ourselves, we’ll have peace in the world. Each one must do it. Even if we could not influence the whole world, we “light some torches” at least peace would be more and war would be less. This in itself would be a great achievement.

Our world is better now compared to the old times because many Masters have stepped down to Earth and taught us many great laws of civilization. We have improved. That’s why our world has become more civilized, brighter, more comfortable, compared to thousands of years ago. That’s due to many, many great enlightened Masters who have elevated our understanding. Even though they taught just a group of people, but the teachings that they left behind, the vibration and the seeds continue to grow and benefit the whole world on a large scale and have lifted up the whole consciousness of humankind to a higher level. Therefore, our world is getting better and better every day. Due to some great Masters and some of their disciples our world has become better and better.

You may join them. I am saying that you must come and study with me. It is not so. Study with whomever you like, who you feel is the most enlightened, who will be the most beneficial to you, and who shows the way the most clearly to you; but do something. Get in touch with your won wisdom and Power, and use it to work for you. It is better than just using a brain-computer, fumbling with it every day and feeling headaches, frustration and difficulties. Nothing is so difficult if we use our great wisdom to do the work and not the small intelligence of the habitual computer-brain. Thank you very much.


Now, after these events, people began chasing each other, and physical attraction began to happen. They started to have couples. Other people who looked at this wondered why it had never happened like this before. They wondered why one being did such things to the other being. These people became ashamed of being attracted to each other physically and doing things physically. They were ashamed, so they had to go out of the city of the inhabitants and build their own huts or caves. Consequently, houses began to spring up and separate dormitories began to appear.

That’s how it happened and that’s how we started our history, according to Buddha.  If you want to blame, blame the Buddha! Don’t blame me! I don’t know if this story is true or not. I wasn’t there. I don’t know if I was there or not. It was a long time ago, and I’ve forgotten now. I might have been there, but it has been too long now, billions or trillions of years ago. Who would remember all these things? Who wants to remember, right? We have enough to do now, with the Middle East war, the Au Lac refugees and what-not.

After that, because people started building houses, hoarding things for themselves, and dividing the land, everything began to get worse. Some people who were diligent planted a lot of things and had good crops, and other people who were lazy just came to steal. That’s how wars began, and they continue until now because there are those who have a lot and there are those who have too little. Those who have a lot don’t want to share with those who have too little. Those who have a lot work diligently and look down upon those who don’t have much because of their laziness or, maybe misfortune. So, the Buddha concluded that the cause of war is the lack of sharing between people; it is the greed within us. Those who take too much leave none for the others.

Nowadays in our modern times, the scientists have done a lot of research and they think that the cause of war may be starvation. Many countries are starving and many countries have too much, and things like that. But not really, we don’t really have too much. We are just using it incorrectly and waste it.

They also did other research. For example, someone in Toronto, who has a vegetarian restaurant and a vegetarian magazine, told me that according to the research, if in North America each person would eat a vegetarian meal once a week, then we would have enough food to feed sixteen million people a year. I was startled and said, “How could it be?” But it worked out that way. It is not because of the food, it’s the many things concerned with food. In order to produce this food the land has to be cultivated, but now it’s wasted for the feeding of the cows. All the water, medicine, transportation, etc. used for the cows, pigs and other animals, everything concerned with meat diet had reportedly wasted a lot of human resources, and that is the cause of starvation in many countries. It takes a lot of food protein, medicine, transportation and water to feed a cow and these things come from underdeveloped countries, too. This protein and food could have been distributed in a different way in order to feed the whole world instead of feeding a cow, and then we eat the cow, second-hand stuff anyhow.

So nowadays many people believe that a vegetarian/vegan diet can save the world and minimize a lot of war, and I think I do not oppose this idea. Maybe in the very near future we should try, at least to see how it works, and then we can comment. But I believe it will work provided each of us supports this idea and tries to cooperate. It is understood that not everyone will cooperate. Since the beginning of time, not all of us cooperate, because we all want to be the boss. Somehow, in our own way, in our own environment, we always like to be the boss. Why is it? It’s not bad either. This also stems from the noble root that we have been in power, we have been angels, we have been Saints. We have been in Heaven, where everything is under our command. And now, we have lost our way and stepped down to this physical world and have lost most of our power, so we crave for power. But the thing is, we crave and find power in the wrong way. As a result it harms us more than offers us any power. That’s all.

The way to get back our Power is to purify ourselves, to get in touch with God. I have done it myself and I can say that I have succeeded, to some extent. These are not empty words that I am telling you. They come from my experience. Should you like to try it, it is highly recommended. You may try to find your own way, do it yourself, or you may try to find someone who you think is intelligent enough and experienced enough, to guide you to get in touch with your own real Power. Once we have that real Power, we have everything else. Even if we don’t have everything else, we are satisfied. That’s what it is. It is not that we have the whole world in our hands, but we are satisfied with whatever we have, and we will not crave for our neighbors’ things. We will not be too attached to the things of this world, but we will have plenty. Truly it is like that.

The Bible says: Seek you first the Kingdom of God and all other things shall be added unto you. That I have found to be the truth.   It is the whole truth. And in the Buddhist Sutras, for example in the Surangama Sutra, it also says that, Once you get in touch with this inner Buddha Nature through practicing the Quan Yin Method, the worldly things will go on smoothly too. We can also have other things. And this I have also found to be the truth. Therefore, every Bible says similar things. You can find many other examples in the  Indian Scriptures, Jewish Scriptures and other Scriptures.

That’s why we hear that the rich people are blessed by God. It might be true in some sense, but the richness of this world has not always been the symbol of the blessing of God. It just denotes our virtuous way of life in the last period of our existence, before this existence, and that’s all. The blessings of God come directly, without virtues even, once we are connected with this God Power.


First they looked. It was so beautiful and it smelt so irresistible, so they tasted it. It was so nice. They never ate anything before and they didn’t think they would need it. They never thought there was such a thing, so nice and tasty, so they ate more and more. Eventually, everyone know about this beautiful foam on the sea, which tasted good, smelt nice and looked beautiful, so they all came and ate. The more they ate, the more they became heavy. Their appearance changed. Their power changed and slowly they could not fly very long distances anymore. Slowly their Light, their aura became shorter, and more dull in color. But they didn’t notice that much. Anyway, it was too late to change. The foam was too good. The more they ate, the more they wanted it, so they could not stop eating. After everyone ate, the foam was gone because they ate too much.

Then something else appeared on Earth, a kind of weed that grew all over the place. Anyone could take it and eat it. It was a kind of crawling weed. People liked it also. Because there was no more foam, they tried the weed, and the weed was also tasty, nice, beautiful and fragrant. So they ate, and everyone ate. The more they ate this weed, the coarser their bodies and spirits became. They could hardly fly anymore. Their physical bodies began to change for the worse, not for the better. They were beautiful and glorious before. Now they looked more coarse, and some sounds began to emanate from their mouths. There was no need to speak before, but now they had to make some sound in order for the neighbors to understand them. It was just some babbling, but it was sound. They could not stop eating now. They had become like addicts. Oh! It was so beautiful, so good, so they kept on eating.

After that something else came. The beautiful weed was not there anymore, and they went searching around for something else to eat. The Earth offered something like rice or wheat. The Earth began to offer these kinds of things, and people ate them. But these things grew outside, in the fields. From where they lived, they had to walk some distance and take them home. These things did not grow all over the place like before. So they took them home and ate them, and everyone had enough every day. But slowly people began to be lazy and said, “Why should I go every day to the field and get what I need? I can take enough for two or three days, then I don’t need to go every day.” So they took for three days. Their neighbors saw this and did the same thing. Some people who were more greedy and took for ten days, others took for twenty days.

Slowly the wheat supply disappeared because everyone took much more then they needed. After a while the trouble started, because the ones who had a lot feared that the ones who didn’t have would come to steal, and things like that. So now, a Council was formed by the people to settle all these disputes and to make the laws. That was why the first government of the world was formed, because of eating, nothing more noble. Then they divided the earth into different pieces. This part was for Mr. so-and-so, and that part was for Mrs. so-and-so, and no one was to violate this division.

The more they ate these things, the coarser they became and their bodies began to change. Some changed into a woman’s shape, some changed into a man’s shape, what we call men and women nowadays. Before that, there wasn’t any shape; everyone was exactly the same, living in glory and love together. There was no physical attraction between each other. But after they ate too much of all these things, there was fighting, stealing, and disputing and things began to change so tragically. People began to look at each other with wonder and attraction.

Those who ate less would still be more beautiful, and those who ate more became more ugly. The ugly chased after the beauty. The beauty would be the woman. Yes, probably because we ate less! Therefore, until now women are still being called the beauty. So then, the so-called man began to chase after the woman because they were more beautiful. Everyone loves beauty because of that, because we were born beautiful, we were from the beauty. That’s why up until now, everyone loves beauty, and all the women put on all that beautiful make-up just because they remember deep down in their memory that they had been beautiful, or their real Self is beautiful.

So, whatever their appearances on Earth are, they are not satisfied. The men too, no matter however beautiful his wife is, he still likes to look at another beauty, because he remembers in the old days everyone was beautiful, more beautiful than his wife even. So, he cannot be satisfied with looking at one beauty. That’s the cause of unfaithfulness. It’s not that he is really bad, it’s just that instinctive nature inside us.

Even greed, the hoarding of money and possessions, and the love of beauty came from the noble root that we have been in a more glorious world, where all things were in plenty. We had everything that we needed without even asking, and we were all beautiful and glorious. That’s why we still love all those shining jewels, make-up, beautiful men, beautiful women and like to have a luxurious life. It is because we had them before, and we miss them now. Therefore, we try to get them back as much as we can, as much as our ability here will allow us. Therefore, all those so-called bad habits and instincts in men stem from a very noble root. If we know it, we would feel more sorry rather than blaming ourselves or accusing others for chasing after beauty or money.

So, once we understand this through spiritual practice, we will leave all these things. We will have them, but we will not crave them. Whatever we have, we are satisfied and use them. We will not be slaves to these things, and we will not crave or try all means to get them, or even maybe start a war because of these things.


Before Alexander the Great died, he instructed his subordinates that they should put him in the coffin with both hands stretched out empty, to teach the later generations not to go into war, not to accumulate any possessions because when we die, we have nothing. But it is said that some members, some citizens of our world or some nations didn’t fully understand this lesson. Let us hope they will.

Most of the people who make wars are the ones who are too well protected, who speak from their own chambers, from their own sofas, and who don’t go out into the battlefields to fight in danger. Therefore they bring forth this kind of disaster to other people, including their own citizens, because they do not truly sense what danger in battle is and what suffering means when one is wounded or tormented by the casualties of war.

When Napoleon Bonaparte of France was standing in the battlefield between France and Austria, he was so shocked and so hurt because of the casualties. There were about fifteen thousand of soldiers who died from both sides. He wrote a very desperate letter to the King of Austria at that time, saying: Please let us make peace. Let us stop the war. He wrote to the King that: You have not been in the battle like I have, so you don’t know what it is to stand here along with fifteen thousand corpses around you and to see the daily suffering of the soldiers. And that’s not all. How about those who stay behind? Yes, I think most of you have watched the film “Born on the Fourth of July,” and you know what it is like. There are the after affects also, not only the immediate effects.

I don’t know which radio station it was that interviewed me a few days ago in Texas. He asked me, “Is the war good or not? Should we, as spiritual people, resort to war, like they do now in the Middle East?” I said that we should stop the cause, not the consequence; it’s too late. If we don’t want oranges, we should never plant an orange seed in the ground, or at least we should never water it, we should take it or pluck it out of the ground when it is little. But some people like to nourish war for whatever reason you might know. You know probably better than I do.

Some of the people that I know said to me, “Well, we have to take care of the people of this country. Therefore we have to make wars in order to have the benefit thereof for our country.” That’s very good, very patriotic from this view point, but in the long run and from a spiritual standpoint, it is a loss, because later on the karma will come. Karma is the consequence of what we sown. Like it says in the Bible: As you sow, so shall you reap. When the cause is not good, the consequence cannot be good. If we try to make money, have fame, or nourish a group of people or a nation from the benefits of war, then later that cause will also go back on us and we will become the victims. We cannot sow an orange seed and get an apple; that is the physical law of this world. As long as we are in the physical world, we must obey the physical law. No one can avoid that, even if he is a Buddha or a Jesus Christ, let alone we who are the ordinary beings! Therefore, the people who make wars have not studied the Bhagavad Gita, the Buddhist doctrine of the Law of Karma. And they might not have even glanced at the Bible which says: As you sow, so shall you reap.

A long time ago when the Buddha was alive, He told a very interesting story of how war started. Since ancient times, since people began to appear on this Earth, the cause of war, the seed of war had already been sown. So now what we are having every day is just a consequence of that, a continued consequence or an unavoidable chain reaction.

The story goes like this. In the beginning of time, after this world of ours had been destroyed, there was nothing here. Everyone had gone to different worlds according to the desires and the tendencies they had when they were still in this world. Some were sent to probably a more miserable condition, some would sleep for a long time, and some went to so-called Heaven. Most of the people who were virtuous went to a place called “Quang Yin” planet. Quang Yin has nothing to do with our method, OK? It is just a place called Quang Yin. Now, people stayed there in glory for long, long unimaginable periods of time. After that, this planet came into being. At first it was just nebulous and uninhabitable. After a long, long period of time, you must imagine it was billions and billions of ages, and then this world come into being.

Slowly, the first group of people, those who stayed in this so-called Quang Yin planet appeared in this world. At that time this world had no leader, no beings, nothing. One of the beings from that higher planet saw that this world was empty, the throne was ready, so he came down. That was the first being, whom we called Brahma. Well, according to the story. Don’t say I said so; it’s what Buddha said. OK?

Then suddenly he saw that he was so alone; that wasn’t good, so he said, “I wish some more beings would come to me.” Then they came, all those beautiful people from the Quang Yin planet. They called it Quang (light) Yin (sound) because on that planet people were nourished by Light and Sound only. They were not in need of solid food like we are now.

So, slowly many of them came to this world and settled down. But when they came here, they lived in Light and glory. They could fly anywhere they wanted and be anywhere instantly. There was no need for vehicles or any physical transportation, no need for any language. They could still understand each other perfectly. They could still be very free in their own way, in their glory, and they lived in glory for long, long ages, trillions of years. Then slowly, this world became more solidified, more beautiful, more visible and more glorious. Some of these beings walked around the sea or flew around the seashore, and saw some kind of foam from the sea. This foam looked so beautiful, so shiny and smelt so nice. Many very strange fragrances emanated from this kind of foam, which floated on the sea. Some of them were curious, so they just landed and tasted some of it.

To Love God Is To Keep His Commandments – part 5

In this modern world of ours, we are very fortunate. Whatever faith we choose, whatever name of God we worship, and whatever doctrines we follow are respected and supported by the laws of many nations. It’s not like at the time of Jesus. He was alone and helpless against the multitude of ignorant people, the very cunning, very cruel priesthood, and no law was there to protect Him.

So if we choose to become Godly or Christ-like now, it is very appropriate. I think we should not lose our opportunity. Who knows what the world will be like next year, or next century, and what kind of fate awaits our children then? So we should build up a good foundation for our later generations, for our children, grand children, and grand grand children. I think all good parents desire a good future for their children. Therefore they work very hard and sacrifice all their strength, youth and wisdom in order to provide a comfortable life for their children. But apart from leaving them education and money, I think we should also leave them a peaceful and harmonious world to live in.

Therefore, do not think that I preach the Buddhist doctrine or Christianity, or I try to convert you into my order of religion. No, I just try to contribute a peaceful atmosphere for the future generations and the present generation alike. I never preach the exclusiveness of Buddhism, of Christianity, of Hinduism or any “ism,” as I see the goodness in all of them. Since I also see that most people do not follow their religious faith in detail, and as one of the citizens of this world I have the duty to remind people of the adherence to their doctrines and of being good to their neighbors and loving their enemies. I must remind people of the Law of God and the eternal principle to lessen the suffering of the present generation and bring a harmonious atmosphere to the future.

The eternal principle is that we are from God, the only One Loving and Almighty God, and that we are all brothers and sisters. It doesn’t matter what faith we believe in, we should love each other, respect each other, and help each other in whatever capacity we can, and do not forget to remember God every day because the more we remember Him, the more our lives will become peaceful and smooth. To remember Him also means to keep the commandments: If you love me, keep my commandments.

That’s why I also emphasize that people should follow a vegan diet; it’s the most peaceful, the most loving way of sustaining our lives without sacrificing the lives of others. I know it sounds very new to you, but it isn’t new, because it is said in the Bible. The Old Testament states that God made all the herbs and the fruit trees in the fields and those shall be our food. It says, God makes the animals to be human’s helpers and friends. That means we should rule over them, but should not kill them because the first commandment is: Thou shalt not kill. Everything has life, and when we take it away, it means killing. If we subsist on the meat diet, then other people will continue to kill for our appetite. It means that indirectly we support killing.

I know it may be difficult for you to accept this, and you might oppose my opinion, but it is not my opinion, it is not my law. It is the Law of God and He has stated it very clearly in the Bible as well as in the Buddhist doctrine, in the Hindu doctrine and even in the Muslim doctrine. But most Buddhist people do not care about this Law, and neither do most Christian people or Muslim people. We read the Bible every day, but we do not notice where we should read. The people in authority, like the priests or the monks, do not make a lot of effort to enlighten us in this manner.

Sometimes it’s difficult for me to say such things. I am aware of arousing some displeasure from people. But someone has to say the truth, someone has to be courageous and not always bowing to authority and ignorance. Didn’t God command us to be perfect, as He in Heaven is perfect? God in Heaven is perfect in the sense that He is wise, compassionate, ever-loving and ever-creative. So, if we want to be nearly as perfect as He is, we should seek wisdom and forsake ignorance; we should seek it from the wise, from the holy, and we should be loving, compassionate and creative, not destructive.

That’s why God gives us the right to create things and the right to create children. We create children and so many beautiful things on this planet. God gives us the right to the creative plan in His design. We are the co-workers of God. But we have not yet achieved the wisdom of God, so we should respect His plan and His design because He is the Supreme Boss. He knows what to retain, what to take away, what to repair, and what to destroy. Even if He destroys something, He makes it again; but when we destroy anything, we cannot make it again. That is the problem, because we are not wise enough and not powerful enough. Should we one day reach God-realization, then maybe we can talk about destroying and creating at our own hands.

Therefore, we respect all lives in the creative plan of God. We can see by ourselves that all lives resist suffering and resist death. Therefore, when we kill or see animals being killed, they are suffering and they try to run away. That means God empowered them with the instinct of wanting to live. If we interfere and force their lives away, we interfere with God’s will. We should treat every being in the same way, as we ourselves like to be treated, then our lives will be blessed with grace, with longevity and with wisdom. As you sow, so shall you reap. Then we will never blame God for any misfortune, because we have less misfortune. The more we cultivate, the better we become, in speech, in body and in mind.

This I know from my self-experiences and from the experiences of my so-called students or fellow practitioners, because we are in contact with God daily. After the process of initiation, we have connection with God again and we remember God every day. Every day we are aware that God remembers us. God and we have the same instinct, the same goal and the same direction. That’s how we solve our problems, that’s how we contribute to peace on Earth, and that’s how we abide by the Law of God.

Thank you for your attention.

To Love God Is To Keep His Commandments – part 1


Spoken by Master Ching Hai
Panama, November 29, 1989

 Good evening, my brothers and sisters. Buenas noches! I thank God for the honor of meeting my brothers and sisters tonight, and I thank all of you for your valuable time and loving attention.

Before coming to this holy congregation, I was reading the book about the true life of Jesus of Nazareth. Even though I hadn’t finished the book, His life, His wisdom and His sacrifice had filled my heart with the noblest sentiment. As I came to this noble congregation, my eyes were still moist with tears, the tears which came from the most overwhelming love and reverence for Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

In the history of humankind it is very seldom we can encounter such a noble and precious being as Jesus. What makes Jesus immortal in the hearts of millions of people, from generation to generation, isn’t the miracles that He performed; it was His wisdom and His doctrine of compassion, benevolence and righteousness. The miracles He performed were short-lived, and even though they were great, they couldn’t make much of an impression on our intelligence. So, what make Him beloved and revered by people was His logic, wisdom and compassion.

There are many people who can cure people of their sickness. Some people are endowed with such healing power, just as some people are endowed with more talent for music, for painting or for writing, etc. Even some of the ordinary doctors are more talented than the other doctors. When Jesus cured the sick or healed the blind, people were greatly astonished. But if we consider everything, these things are not impossible. Even Jesus Himself declared that whatever miracle He did, some people before Him also had done, and other people in the future, after Him, would also do.

Now, let us examine the doctrine of Jesus, and let us aspire to follow His principles in order to free ourselves from all kinds of suffering and misunderstanding, and to become nearer to God.

Jesus said to us that there is one great God and this God is ever merciful, ever wise and ever loving, whom He called “my Father” or “our Father.” Well, that God is also my Father and also yours. On this principle that we have the same Father, we are brothers and sisters; it doesn’t matter what your faith, your belief, your understanding or your social status is. People have different faiths and different understanding because of their sometimes limited wisdom or the influence of their surroundings. So by elevating our wisdom and understanding, we will be free; free from our own prejudices, from our own preconceived ideas and from our own ignorance. It is not miracles that can liberate us: it is the principle, which we should understand and follow.

We should try to remember the story of the Samaritan women and Jesus, in order to examine a part of the doctrine that Jesus taught people. When Jesus wanted some water from this woman, she said to Him, “But You are a Jew. I am not allowed to give You any water or to mingle with You.” Jesus told her that even though there were differences in appearances, they were of the same Father, God, and it was the duty of brothers and sisters to look after each other’s need and help each other, and God would be very displeased if He saw a sister refuse to give water to a brother who was thirsty.

Well, His philosophy looks very simple, but it is very deep because it exterminated all the differentiation among the races, the castes, the people of different nations and different faiths. If we always act according to this principle, then we will never go wrong in our lives.

What does this principle offer? The principle of brotherhood of humankind. If we treat everyone as brothers and sisters, then soon every differentiation, every hatred, every misunderstanding will be erased. Then whenever we take any action, we will reflect on how God will think of our action. If what we are doing pleases God, then it is righteous.

What actions will please God? Any action that helps our brothers and sisters to eliminate their suffering, to enlighten their body, speech and mind, and every action that doesn’t harm our brothers and sisters will please God. Well, all of you know this, but sometimes, for the majority of people, it’s difficult to bring their knowledge into practical actions. Therefore we have wars, we have hatred, and we have lots of bloodshed, or many adverse happenings in this world.

I was so inspired when reading the life of Jesus, inspired by His vision of the purity of humankind. Then, of course, I was so sad that His noble idea was terminated so soon. Nevertheless, He has left us some immortal principles which we can follow. The highest and the foremost of these principles is: Seek you first the Kingdom of God, and then all other things shall be added unto you.

I think this is the best morality and the best of the principles. Just as in Buddhism the Buddha also said: Be enlightened first, become Buddha, and then you can serve other people. One of the Chinese philosophers, Confucius, also said, First we should know ourselves, cultivate ourselves, then we can take care of our household management, then we can govern the nation and we can pacify the world. These are similar ideas expressed in different countries and in different languages. So we can see that in the majority of religions the highest principle is: First know ourselves or seek the Kingdom of God within us.

Master Duy Tue: For Those Who Wish to Achieve Peace, Success and Happiness in Life -part 1

Originally in Vietnamese


Every day, we have to perform many tasks, tackle unusual situations and face various problems  for which we cannot find a solution.

For example, your husband or wife says or does something to make you angry; children disobey their parents; your parents-in-law make you confused or upset; or your son or daughter-in-law breaks your heart. Even your sisters and brothers upset you. Eventually your friends or your sweetheart betrays you.

Economic and financial difficulties might cause hardship to you or your business and make you feel like an underdog. All of these circumstances can cause worry, fear, despair, anxiety, and stress, leading to all kinds of diseases such as tuberculosis, liver or kidney dysfunctions, high blood pressure, coronary thrombosis, cerebral vascular accidents, etc.

In other words, life-related circumstances adversely impact your mind, causing its inability to find a sound solution. As a result, negative emotions affect decision making and cause uneasiness, anxiety and suffering. In addition to these environmental events, your mind is constantly disturbed by your thoughts that automatically come up and make you feel uneasy and unable to concentrate on your daily work, resulting low efficiency and even mistakes.  Or there may be other reasons that keep your complexion from being naturally fresh and unaffected. Eventually you have to rely on cosmetics or get help from beauty parlors. In the end, it becomes rather difficult for you to promote sympathy and love from the people around you.

These problems will lead you to a narrow and unfortunate life. Life itself often raises so many questions that are not readily resolvable: you are like a student who is trying to deal with a mathematical exercise but fails to solve the problem because your brain jumps from formula to formula. When you are about to find an answer to a question, your mind suddenly switches to another question!

As a matter of fact, the main issue to deal with is your mind.  In order to tackle life’s constantly changing problems, you must concentrate first on solving problems in your brain, and then the problems themselves may find no grounds to exist.

For more than ten years, in the course of studying and understanding the mind’s mechanism, I have shared different methods with people from various classes in society and most of them have achieved marvelous results both in their physical and spiritual lives. They have found true peace of mind; their physical life has improved and their behavior towards human relationships has been more successful.

I use the term “Wisdom Meditation” to refer to the method used to stabilize the mind and monitor the brain.

However, before introducing some techniques of Wisdom Meditation, I wish to share with you some background information about how I have come up with those techniques. I am not an exceptional case compared with others who have experienced and talked about meditation methods. It just happened that I accidentally fell into the state where enlightenment emerged and I started to clearly understand the mind’s mechanism.

From that big event on, I found myself totally changed. It looks as if I was a newly born person in the present era, but in the meantime I found myself out of history. And due to that miraculous change, I have encountered a boundless happy life, with a brain deprived of combustible supplies for the thinking mind to function.

From that point forward, I have clearly recognized people’s disappointment, despair, anger, puzzlement and even panic without any escape, regardless of whatever role a person occupies in life. Although many people have tried to find different ways to resolve these deadlocks, there has not been a practical and efficient way to enable human beings to achieve peace of mind.

At the same time, I have found a path for everyone to live a happy life, provided that he/she listens without prejudice to what I share! How my enlightenment took place?

The following are some points I would like to share with you. After spending years plunging into the secrets of life, its meaning and the origin of suffering, I accidentally found myself in a state of total happiness when my brain was somehow locked up.

This experience happened over three years. During the first part of this experience, I enjoyed twice the state of wonderful happiness. The second stage occurred many times over subsequent years when I saw the tangible world with my entirely locked thinking ability. And at the third stage, my thinking mind was not locked but all the supplies needed for its operation somehow vanished completely. Each stage revealed to me a clue which I decided to adopt to stabilize my spiritual life.

Dr. Shiv Chopra: Concerned Scientist and Activist for Food Safty

Today, we feature an interview with renowned Indo-Canadian scientist, author and activist Dr. Shiv Chopra, who has worked for decades to promote food safety, public health and human rights around the world.

Dr. Chopra and his colleagues challenged a series of efforts to approve harmful chemicals intended for use in the meat and dairy industries. For example, in the 1990s he testified at Canadian Senate hearings and won court cases against the use of Bovine Growth Hormone (BGH) and other harmful drugs. Through his efforts BGH was banned in Canada in 1999 and subsequently in the European Union.

Dr. Chopra has also opposed the use of antibiotics in intensive animal agriculture, and revealed the true causes of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) or “mad cow disease.” A native of India, Dr. Chopra has lived in Canada since 1960 and is the author of numerous publications on science, society and religion, including his international bestselling book “Corrupt to the Core” on public food safety.

His academic background includes a bachelor’s degree in veterinary medicine from Punjab Veterinary College in India and a Ph.D. in microbiology from McGill University in Montreal. Dr. Chopra has also received numerous academic honors, including a World Health Organization Fellowship.

Now let’s learn about how Dr. Chopra’s interest in effecting change evolved.


I was born in India, I grew up there, I studied there. I became a veterinarian in India. Then I took a postgraduate diploma in vaccine production. I worked there for two, three years, and then I came to Canada to do a Masters and PhD in microbiology. It was on industrial farming of pigs. I worked another year as a post-doctoral fellow. After that I was director of biological research at Miles Laboratories. And that’s where I started to become quite disillusioned with the profession that I had joined.

Dr. Chopra’s disillusionment with traditional ways of doing science grew while he worked in the pharmaceutical field and after he became a government official.

Originally, it was thought going into science was going to do good to society, you’ll have a respectable profession. And that’s how I got into science, but once I joined the pharmaceutical company, I saw the pressures, that they were not really doing research, and I was head of research. So I felt this way I’ll always be a student, I will never be productive, I mean that was my job to be productive, being head of research. So I gave up there and a job came along to work at Health Canada.

While working for Canada’s national health service, he began to realize that many commonly used vaccines were actually harmful to human health.

During your employment at Health Canada, you were asked to study the toxicity of different molecules used in the meat and dairy industry. Can you give us a few examples of the ones you studied and what they are?

Actually there is a period of 20 years before that, at Health Canada. Originally I started as a vaccine expert. A number of vaccines like mumps and rubella I was opposed to, but there was nothing I could do at that time, because I didn’t have any proof that they would do harm or they would be ineffective. Now I’ve been proven to be right.

And it was still in that area I became a fellow of the World Health Organization, traveling, which took me all over the world. I studied the regulatory system of vaccines. And only after coming back from there, some years later I moved over to my original profession, the veterinary side.

Dr. Chopra’s veterinary background then came into play as he began to see the links between the chemicals administered to industrially farmed animals and human diseases.

That’s when I got to be working on the human safety of drugs or products which are given to food-producing animals, in the Bureau of Veterinary Drugs, that’s where those drugs came, and they had to be looked at from the point of view of human safety. In other words, if a drug is given to the animals, then we have to make sure that nothing goes wrong.

First of all, are there any residues left of the product given to food-producing animals, could it be in their milk, could it be in their meat, could it be in the eggs. Alternatively there were other issues; if you are giving products which residue may not be a problem, is there another way that may harm not just individual, but public health, like through antibiotics resistance.

And then later other products will come up which were not even drugs. It became fashionable in Europe and Canada to feed slaughterhouse waste back to producing animals, to chickens and pigs and cows and back to each other and that caused a serious problem. It was also from that same period, the idea of genetic modification of seeds and animals to stimulate extra food production, other drugs like hormones were given to animals for similar purposes.

And whatever issues there are, they have to be studied by the companies wanting to sell those products. And if there were any problems, the companies will be told that we’re not satisfied, because the law says that the company that sells any product in Canada that directly or indirectly gets into the human food chain, or directly into the human body through water, environment, whichever, has to be proven to be safe under the Food and Drugs Act.

However, despite the apparent safety provided by this legislation, hormones and other harmful substances that directly affect human health were approved for use in the meat and dairy industries.

Then as time went they start to take sex hormones, both male and female, make a concoction of them synthetic and natural, and they started to inject them into cows. Actually not just inject, they used to implant them behind the ears, large pellets and they would remain for the rest of the life of the cattle.

And that’s the beef that people eat to this day, so that hormone remains behind there and when the animal is slaughtered, the ear is cut off and that ear is then boiled to make gelatin and that gelatin with concentrated hormones sitting there now goes into making capsules. It goes into gel, into yogurt, into ice cream, candy, and this children are eating on a regular basis.

What hormones do is they cause cancer and endocrine disruption. So puberty is affected and you cannot determine the lowest level or the maximum level of something that causes cancer. One molecule attached to a cell can induce cancer so you cannot determine the maximum residue limit.

The second product that we’re looking at in a very big way is antibiotics. Antibiotics you can determine the residue but the concern there is only allergic reaction in patients who may be allergic, that is not a very big concern. But there’s a bigger concern when you give antibiotics to every animal for life.

Those antibiotics, once it’s passed through the intestinal tract of the animal, which is full of trillions of bacteria of various kinds, and as the antibiotic will kill off the good bacteria it may leave some pathogenic bacteria. Seventy-five percent of the antibiotic use is in farm animals.

Dr. Chopra sees a number of other threats to public health that are a result of a dysfunctional industrialized global food system. Pesticides are one of them.

And they are now beginning to ban many pesticides. Sweden has just banned 80 pesticides, 80. There are hundreds of pesticides. And usually the Scandinavian countries take the lead on this and so they’re doing very well. When you slaughter an animal only half the animal is meat; the rest is discarded. Now what do you do with this? Because there’re such huge slaughterhouses they don’t want to waste anything.

They take the fat and so on, they process that and that goes into soap or cream and then all kind of things. But the rest of the protein they boil it up, they dry it, and then they feed it back to the animals. And that sets up what’s called bovine spongiform disease or mad cow disease, which then is transmitted to people and called CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease) and kills people.

That was another item and we have pesticides, we have hormones, we have antibiotics, we have slaughterhouse waste and of course the genetically modified organisms, GMOs. There was a huge uproar in Spain, 15,000 people demonstrating because Spain is allowing the use of GMOs. So there is now this issue within the countries, in India the GMOs have become a huge issue.

Dr. Chopra believes that informing the younger generation that growing organic foods, free of pesticides and other unnatural substances, is essential to creating a healthy future for our planet.

Agriculture must be introduced in every school as a compulsory subject with all children growing food in the schoolyards, in their villages, and PTAs (Parent Teacher Associations) should be involved. If everybody wants to go green, the municipalities are collecting green garbage. Well, they can make compost, they can deliver it to schools, one or two football fields can be converted to gardens. And parents and children and grandchildren and everybody should be working together.

You have a happier society. You have a healthier society. We’d be spending much less on treating disease because the disease will not occur. I gave up eating meat for various reasons. First of all, it’s healthier to be vegetarian. Secondly, it’s healthier for the environment. It’s good for the climate. Much of the climate change is due to industrial agriculture. All that can be taken care of if you only grow food in our schoolyard and community gardens.

Dr. Shiv Chopra, we thank you for your enlightening comments on food safety and human health. May you have continued success in informing the public and governments around the world about the vital need to end industrial agriculture and the benefits of community grown organic crops.

For more details on Dr. Chopra, please visit
His book “Corrupt to the Core” is available at
DVDs by Dr. Chopra are available at

Los Angeles School District Embraces Meatless Mondays

The Los Angeles Unified School District is hopping on the Meatless Mondays bandwagon by officially eliminating meat every Monday from school cafeterias, the reports.

Last month, all schools within the L.A. Unified district stopped serving meat on Mondays, with only plant-friendly items available.

Yes, students can pack meat at home and bring their own lunches to school, but this is just another way to show students that it’s okay to not eat meat, that it’s okay to eat healthy and that this is another way to show respect to animals.

Reportedly, the entire school district serves 650,000 meals in each K-12 school. Just imagine how much the planet will benefit from cafeteria’s saying no to meat one day a week?

Meatless Mondays is just one more way to expand kids’ appetites and introduce them to delicious fruits and veggies.

Huge props to the second largest school district in the nation!


An Interview with Mr. John Robbins – part 2

Interviewer: So the thing that was so beautiful about “Diet for a New America” is you presented very thorough research on the environmental impact, and the greater community that many don’t think of. Can you speak a little about environmental sustainability relative to food choices because that was a very enlightening thing for me when I first read your book?

John:  Thank you! Many people today want to lead more Earth friendly lives or want to create lifestyles that are in harmony with the planet, that don’t consume egregious levels of resources, that don’t create disastrous levels of pollution. It’s becoming ever more obvious that the way we’ve treated the atmosphere, leading to destabilization of the climate, and in many, many ways our relationship to the Earth as a culture, is completely out of balance. So people are looking for how they can seek to correct that. And it turns out that the food choices that are healthiest for our bodies that lower our cholesterol, that make us the leanest, fittest instruments to operate in, that are kindest to the other animals because they don’t have the kind of cruelty that’s involved in modern meat production, are also the ones that are environmentally most benign. They consume the least resources. They allow the most of these resources to be available to feed other people. Therefore, they are the most honest and effective answer we have to world hunger issues. And they are ecologically the obvious, virtuous thing to do.

I’ll give you an example. It takes sixteen pounds of grain to make the average pound of feed live beef. And virtually all the grain eaten in the United States is feed live beef; and in all modern industrialized countries too. Sixteen pounds of grain to make a pound of beef, that’s the feed conversion ratio. Well it only takes one pound of grain to make a pound of whole wheat bread or to prepare a pound of rice. We’re wasting the other fifteen pounds. It’s just basically going into manure which doesn’t get used as a fertilizer because that’s how the system has gone out of whack; it just becomes a pollutant in the water table. What happens when you eat lower on the food chain, you eat a more plant-based diet, you move in a vegetarian or vegan direction, you are in effect consuming far less resources, and therefore there is less water pollution, there is less air pollution, there is less soil erosion, there are fewer greenhouse gases involved.

Basically you have a lighter footprint on the planet and you are taking a step with that footprint that leads other people. We are such social creatures around our food, and when you take a step that is honoring the Earth, that’s living simply so others may simply live, that’s honoring all of our children’s right and need to have a livable planet in the future, that’s honoring all of our rights and needs to have a stable climate in the future. And you’re doing that with a food choice that’s also healthy for your body and that is also kinder for the animals. You’re in a state of integrity and you’re in a state of clarity about who you are and what you want your statement to the world to be through the way you live. And you want that to be a statement of consciousness, conscience, compassion and care. Or do you want to be like unfortunately most people in the modern world and let it be a statement merely of convenience and unfortunately that translates into indifference to the planet, to the animals and in fact, to your own health needs?

Interviewer: You mentioned the social aspects of food and I think it’s very interesting in families, in modern culture we often do not have time to sit down to have a meal together the way we used to. So could you speak a little bit about your lifestyle choices particularly in terms of bringing together family? I know you live with three generations.

John:   We do! I live with my wife of forty years and our adult son, his wife and their six-year old twins, our grand-twins. We live with three generations in one house and we get along very well. We love each other, our values are deeply compatible. I don’t think this is for everybody, but it works very well in our case. We prepare most of our food. We don’t eat out very much. I suppose I would if restaurants were more compatible to the food choices I want to make. We eat a very simple and healthy diet. It’s totally vegetarian and we do that for the reasons I’ve been talking about and also because it brings us together.

In sharing food, we share time and space, we get to know each other, we’re not passing by each other, we’re actually engaging, connecting, and learning about one another. Therefore, we’re learning about our love for each other, how we can make a difference in each other’s lives and how we can support each other, how we can understand each other more fully. This is the kind of relationship building that in modern society often gets lost in the shuffle when people are so driven, they’re so time-stressed, and they’re so anxious frankly that they don’t really connect with one another. I think we need to connect with each other and food is a wonderful medium for that. So rather than go out and eat fast food which isn’t healthy for the environment, isn’t healthy for us, is full of bad fats and animal ingredients that I don’t want to touch, we prepare our food at home. We grow a lot of our own food in our garden; we shop at local farmer’s markets, where local growers bring their produce; and we are also fortunate enough to have some natural food stores in the area which we also shop at. And we’re making distinctions about what we do and don’t want to put into our bodies, what we do and don’t want to support in the world, in who, we in fact are, the kind of characters we’re going to express by our lifestyle.

Stephen Bassett: Enhancing Awareness of Human-Extraterrestrial Relations

In recent decades, public interest in the existence of extraterrestrial life has grown dramatically, and many people are seeking disclosure about what governments know on the subject. One such individual is activist, lobbyist and commentator Stephen Bassett, Executive Director of the Paradigm Research Group and the Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee (X-PPAC), both of which are based in Bethesda, Maryland USA. Mr. Bassett is a leading advocate for increasing public awareness about the extraterrestrial presence engaging humankind and its potential benefits for our planet and civilization.

Supreme Master Television had the opportunity to speak with Stephen Bassett about his work at the October 2011 Conscious Life Visionary Expo in Los Angeles, California, USA. Today  we’d like to  present excerpts from the fascinating interview.

I am a political activist, and I have been since 1996. And the focus of my activism is the extraterrestrial issue and its resolution. Prior to that I did business consulting. I did get a degree in physics but my life really began when I entered this issue and I’ve been doing it exclusively since then. And the issue regarding ET phenomena had been with me my whole life.

One of the key books I read was John Mack’s “Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens.” Mack was a Harvard (University)-trained psychiatrist. And the fact that he had gotten into the issue, studying contactees, was a milestone for me and told me this thing is definitely moving forward. Then it was easy to conclude: “Well, if the extraterrestrial presence were to become known as an accepted reality, that would be the most profound event in human history.”

So I said, “I’ll engage it politically.” So the first thing I did was to register as a (federal government) lobbyist, thus the name Paradigm Research Group, which is the name of my organization. I was the first person to ever register as a lobbyist in Washington (DC) (USA) on this issue. Then I formed the first political-action committee. Then, of course, the field is getting crowded so we’re now a movement.

Mr. Bassett now discusses the substantial body of evidence for the existence of human-extraterrestrial interaction that has emerged in recent decades.

The evidence is massive and overwhelming. It’s been accumulated for 60 years, 5,000 books and pamphlets, millions of sightings, hundreds of thousands of reports, thousands of pilot sightings, discs (seen) off (of airplane) windows, cockpits, radar reports, and multiple sightings on the ground. Now, you have to go look at it. It’s years to study this evidence. But there is a massive amount of evidence to prove it.

One of the most profound pieces of evidence is in the last 20 years, many hundreds of thousands of people have reported contact with extraterrestrials. They’re reporting contacts which are pretty consistent, the same kind of beings, the same kind of procedures. So that’s incredibly powerful evidence. And then one other; that is, government witnesses coming forward, people like astronaut Edgar Mitchell, and astronaut Gordon Cooper. That’s very powerful. These are very accomplished people.

Mr. Bassett next elaborates on some of the types of extraterrestrials that have been described by contactees, and the need for increased public understanding of their existence and efforts to interact with humans.

There appear to be four or five types that are most commonly reported by contactees, and the most common is the “Greys,” which vary in size and in other ways. And this image of the “Grey” is now ubiquitous in the world, in advertising, on packaging, on television. It’s a very slight, four-foot being, spindly arms, four fingers, very small mouth, vestigial ears, vestigial nose and big, black, slanted eyes. And that wasn’t concocted in the imagination of some ad person. That is in fact the imagery that’s being reported.

“The Art of Close Encounters” is a new book that has a 150 contactee reports with about 200 pieces of art that show the range of this phenomena. There’s a group called the “Nordics” which look very human, almost identical, but beautiful, tall, blonde beings. Those are pretty well established. There are significant benefits that would come if the world’s people know that they are not alone, there’s other extraterrestrial civilizations. I think this opens up a broad range of doors that we could go through to start dealing with the problems we’re creating. There’s potential technological breakthroughs that come from ET technology.

So the benefits would far outweigh any justification that the world’s major governments could put forward to justify keeping this suppressed anymore. Letting them know it’s true, and also letting them know that things are moving forward, helps to acclimate people for this, so that there will be less disruption when it does happen. And also, as awareness raises about the likelihood of disclosure, the likelihood of disclosure goes up. So again, the idea is to get disclosure of the ET presence as soon as possible, so public awareness helps in both those areas.

When humans become more conscious and accepting of extraterrestrials, the door to advancing our planet and civilization in numerous ways will be opened.

We have a number of craft and we’ve been studying them for decades, we know how the craft perform, we know they’re anti-gravitic. So there may be a profound energy source there. There is a lot going on now in human physics that’s pointing towards accessing extraordinary energy sources. It’s called the ground field, zero-point field, quantum field. It turns out the amount of energy that is around us is actually quite extraordinary. If we could tap into that energy, it changes the equations on planet Earth profoundly, so we think there is more information there, we need to have that information out so that we can utilize potential energy sources.

It’s also clear from the contact reports, they’re (ETs) extremely skilled in life sciences, in genetics. So one of the great truths I think we will learn in the post-disclosure world is that DNA from life planets all throughout the galaxy has been swapping out for millions of years, space-bearing beings have been taking DNA and moving it around. And so our DNA, our life structures here are connected very likely to life structures all over the galaxy. This is incredibly profound.

And when you examine the contactee reports, it turns up everywhere, genetic work, DNA, hybrid beings, they are the masters of this, and probably a lot more, which also means that they’re probably more than capable, or have the technology that is capable of solving almost all the disease problems we have, which means that if we had full contact with the extraterrestrials, and if they were willing to provide us with some of this tech, we could cure virtually all of the major diseases that plague us, which would transform the planet. So disclosure is the door to open contact, and open contact may be the door to access that technology.

Mr. Bassett also believes that having a strong spiritual foundation can help us accept the changes brought about by increased contact with our fellow beings from other parts of the galaxy.

I think people who have a spiritual base probably are in a better position to deal with this transition than people who don’t have that kind of a base. Belief systems will shift, there’ll be some new information we’re going to learn about, our ancient history and perhaps some of our religious lore.

In conclusion, Mr. Bassett states that our extraterrestrial friends are here to guide us to a constructive future in a way that has been experienced for millennia by the inhabitants of many other planets around our galaxy.

They understand from previous experience that at this point we have to go from thinking we’re alone in the universe to knowing we are not. We have to go through the disclosure process. And we have a limited amount of time because the weapons that we have are getting more powerful. The environment’s getting more damaged, so we have to make this transition because once a planetary civilization gets to this point, if they don’t come to understand that they are not alone, if they can’t engage these sort of civilizations, they may not be able to get through this time. In other words, they perish. So they are shepherding us through a necessary transition that every sentient species has probably gone through on planets around the galaxy.

Supreme Master Ching Hai has spoken on occasion regarding extraterrestrial beings and their visits to our planet as in this October 2010 videoconference with Supreme Master Television staff in Los Angeles, California, USA.

… Master, have UFOs carried out any other activities on Earth that we don’t know about? What are those activities?

M-Yes. Too many to count, okay? But they’re all good intentions, good intentions. One of it is to help to promote peace, yes, promote peace and stop war. They also stop comets from hitting us, etc., etc. So, you see, many times we heard that the comet almost hit the Earth and then it veered to the other direction into space, harmless space, and so it didn’t harm the Earth.  They also help heal many sick people wherever they can, whenever they happen to have a chance to do that.

And they also soften war-like aggression and trying to induce people into a more peaceful state of mind. So, their activities are so many, so many. We have to thank them immensely. Thank God that they even exist, that God even sent them, that God even allowed them to come and help us, that we even have enough luck to be helped by such highly developed beings.

Thank you Mr. Stephen Bassett for your enlightening discussion on the interactions of extraterrestrials and humans and their potential benefits to our civilization. May the Paradigm Research Group soon succeed in encouraging governments worldwide to inform their respective citizens about our friendly galactic neighbors.

For more information on Stephen Bassett, please visit

May our planet soon elevate, thus enabling us to fully integrate with the universe.

Fighting the Spiritual War – part 3

Share the Responsibility of Cleaning the Planet

Nevertheless our fear is not the real fear. We can conquer it. That’s the difference. We know how to do it. We know how to conquer it. We are made like that, so that we help in cleaning the planet. Every Quan Yin practitioner shares the responsibility of cleaning the planet in some degree or another.

Therefore when you’re sitting here meditating together in a group, it’s not that you do it for yourselves, for your five generations’ liberation, for America or for your family alone; it’s for the whole planet. The more people do that, the better. Unfortunately not everyone realizes that. Their level is only up to thinking of the immediate benefit. Therefore sometimes it’s difficult for them to join us in this noble task force.

It’s not that we don’t care. It’s hard to care sometimes. That’s the karma. So we have to be patient and wait until one day the karma is over and then we can help. We can’t force the issue. We can’t step over the Lord of Karma’s head and then do what we want, because it’s not good for the people. Just like in the family. Our big world here is like a family, and there are some parents who watch over the children – us, like the children. So now whoever is nice, quiet and good will be rewarded, so that they develop more and make a shining example for the others to follow. The children who are repeatedly naughty, the parents have to do something like spanking or no ice cream for one week, for example, like that. Then the children will learn to behave better.

Now, the Lord of Karma is like our parents who represents the highest Almighty to take care of the children here. So he has to do his job. Because people don’t remember the karma of their past lives, they sometimes blame God, saying, “I am doing good this life. I am not doing anything and you still burn my house.” They forgot just thirty years ago, before they were born what they did, something like that; or where they have been. It is very easy to forget what we did last year; never mind last life or many lives.

Do Everything Unconditionally

So when you practice for enlightenment in a spiritual way, you have to know we do it with no conditions. Even if we follow the Quan Yin Method, practice the highest way, we still have to accept some minor or sometimes even major problems or disasters that come to us. Luckily they are fewer than ordinary people who don’t practice.

If you come to me with a kind of contract, then you are in for a disappointment. Some people misunderstand our motive. I never promise you riches. I never promise you a life of ease, a “bed of roses,” I never promise you you’ll get anything you want, even when it’s bad.

So we practice to eliminate the ego. The one that wants everything even when it’s nonsense, when it’s not possible; the one that always wants to push everyone else to work for him, wants things for nothing, wants things when he doesn’t work for them, wants to serve himself first and does not consider in that circumstance whether it’s correct or incorrect, that’s the ego.

Also God doesn’t owe us anything. It’s only for us, for our benefit that we should meditate, that we should become good; because that’s good for us.

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Professor Dr. Ervin László: Global Ethics and Consciousness

Our guest today is a Hungarian scientist, humanitarian and inspirational philosopher.  Apart from being twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, Professor Dr. Ervin László is an expert on systems philosophy and currently serves as the editor of “World Futures: The Journal of General Evolution.”

If we look at the great scientists, they had very great spirituality. They worked with very great insight, very great intuition. Science has a spiritual part, and spirituality has a scientific part. After all, spirituality takes place and happens in this world, too. So we try to harmonize it, as in past societies. In past societies there wasn’t this separation, this dichotomy between rationality and intuition, between spirituality and science. This came into being in the 20th century, already in the 19th century as well, of course, but otherwise it got sharpened more strongly now.

In 1993, Dr. László formed the Club of Budapest, an international non-profit association dedicated to bringing about a planet-wide paradigm shift by fostering global cultural consciousness through such endeavors as building bridges between peoples. The Club and its esteemed members hold dialogues and discussions with the goal to develop effective strategies to promote world peace and an elevated planetary consciousness. Dr. László organizes group meditation for world peace as well.

We all know that meditation is a healthy thing for us. It also starts to turn out that meditation, it has an effect on other people too, and even on our environment. It tunes our own system, it makes us healthier. It harmonizes us with our environment, our society. It has an effect on the whole of humanity. We have to try, I think it is meaningful.

Combining his own theories of self-organizing systems, global consciousness and spirituality, Dr. László’s work is mapping the way for a new scientific age. In his book “WorldShift 2012,” Ervin László introduces profound insights on how a social shift towards global ethics and responsibility can help propel us towards better environmental sustainability and peace.

Dr. László recommends a systems theory approach to deal with the pressing issues the world faces today. He has stated: “We can’t solve our problems with the same kind of thinking that gave rise to them.”

An open system, it does not mean that anything can happen in it, but it means that it continually receives information, energy and material. A closed system is one which has its borders completely shut, so that no one goes either out, or in. But in an open system, a continuous exchange of material, information, and energy happens. This is absolutely necessary to understand today’s problems of energy and ecology, and social problems in general.

Dr. László also authored a timely handbook for everyone on the planet titled, “You Can Change the World: The Global Citizen’s Handbook for Living on Planet Earth: A Report of the Club of Budapest.” His books offer solutions to the challenges we have to overcome in order to transform the planet into a sustainable world for all living beings and nature. It is humanity’s moral responsibility to be good stewards of our Earth, make eco-conscious decisions and take actions to bring about constructive change.

We are at that interesting point, that so-called bifurcation point, where we cannot make foresights, predictions, prophesies, since the future has not been decided yet. What happens depends on us. In my view planetary ethics is the ethics that says we should feel responsibility to all, to the whole circle in which we are involved. We live in an interconnected world. We have to feel responsibility for the well-being of people (everywhere). And planetary ethics is the feeling of responsibility for this, and the acceptance of this responsibility.

The universe and its primary elements were formed with such precise and detailed perfection that it enabled material, energy and life to come into being. Dr. László explains that it is highly improbable that a universe such as ours – with galaxies filled with an unfathomable number of stars and life on Earth – arose by pure chance.

At the center of Dr. Ervin László’s hypothesis is the concept of connectedness, coherence, and oneness. He explains that this is the scientific theorem describing the fundamental nature of reality. He proposes that every entity which exists in the cosmos is interconnected and integrated in more ways than what we can comprehend within the physical realm. According to Dr. László, all “particles and galaxies have consciousness.”

In 2004 Dr. László released his highly acclaimed book “Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything.” In the book Dr. László applies modern science to illustrate the mysteries of the Akashic Field, a storehouse that records the constant and enduring memory of the universe. Spiritual teachers and sages of the all eras have spoken of the existence of an intelligent cosmic field that conserves and conveys past, present and future information, a field known as the Akashic record.

Bridging both science and spirituality, in the book Dr. László describes the existence of the Akashic Field as a conscious ocean of collective and individual memories, from which all things come into being – atoms, particles, stars, planets, and galaxies. He says that it can be regarded as the beginning or the origin of all things that exist in time and space. In his work on the theory of everything, Dr. László emphasizes our God-like nature and that we are one with all creation.

I wrote a few years ago about this universal information field, what is frequently called a Unified Field, or Akashic Field, and a lot of people asked me to explain the essence of this. About six months ago I sat down to try to formulate this, of what is the reality of such a field. How do we know about it? And this was with some physicist friends of mine, with four physicists among others, one of them Hungarian who also demonstrated the physical reality of this field on the basis of mathematical physics.

What I see is that nature is a creation of God. It is in everything. In each of us, in every atom, in every galaxy. And this is all one which I can formulate, as all of these work by information, and this information is in nature, in the cosmos; the basic information, by which matter comes into being, by which the material organs, systems develop, and by which, we could say, consciousness comes into being, self-consciousness comes into being, too. This is a spiritual universe. It cannot be a purely physical universe.

It has a spiritual basis, it is based on a cosmic spirituality, and it is this information that takes it further. I think science goes through big changes. The new quantum physics shows an entirely different world concept, and it shows what I mentioned before, earlier, the role of information. This information is in the universe somewhere, is stored, and the universe functions based on this. This is like software, as if the whole universe would be a huge computer which works using software. When the universe was born, there was information already.

We can also come into being, contribute to the accumulation of information in this universe. Because it is a very special universe, where life can also come into being. And where there is life, there is progress, there is consciousness. It is no accident. It is about a mass of information here, which is the software of this universe, and this is what I call the Akashic Field.

Dr. László believes life should be lived according to the Golden Rule, a precept that is recorded in the sacred texts of all the world’s religions. For example, in Judaism the Golden Rule is expressed in the Talmud as “Do to others as you would have them to you”; and in Islam, “Not one of you truly believes until you wish for others that which you wish for yourself”. To Dr. László, choosing a sustainable diet is part of living in accordance with the Golden Rule.

When I worked for the United Nations in the research institute at the end of the 1970s, I heard about a statistic that says that if everybody in the world would eat that much meat, then about twice as much arable land would be needed on the world as there is on this Earth. So two more planets would be needed, so that we can provide this to everybody. Why? It is not only the meat itself, but we have to produce the feed for the animal.

We have to add the water to it (the feed), a lot of arable land, right, a lot of energy that goes into it, so that we can use all of it, and we can produce it. We should eat in a way, try to exist in a way so that everybody else can live, too. So I tried to live in a way that can be shared by others, and it was then that I started to shift to a vegetarian lifestyle, and since then I feel even much better, actually.

We should wake up. It is very late. We can still change, but if we don’t change, then there will be trouble. However, if we wake up in time, here we have a great opportunity to create a new world.

Dr. Ervin László, we applaud your remarkable scientific works on systems thinking, cosmic consciousness, and oneness. We thank you for reminding us that the physical dimension and spiritual experience are two aspects of the same reality.

May Providence guide all beings on their life’s journey.

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Did you know that each and everyone of us is fueling one of the world’s biggest ecological disasters and acts of primate genocide in history?

Borneo and Sumatra are two of the most bio-diverse regions of the world, yet they have the longest list of endangered species. This list includes the magnificent orangutan. These two South-East Asian islands are extremely rich in life, containing around 20,000 flowering plant species, 3,000 tree species, 300,000 animal species and thousands more being discovered each year. Despite this amazing biodiversity and delicate web of species, an area the size of 300 football fields of rainforest is cleared each hour in Indonesia and Malaysia to make way for the production of one vegetable oil. That’s 6 football fields destroyed each minute. This vegetable oil is called palm oil, and is found in hundreds of the everyday products, from baked goods and confectionery, to cosmetics and cleaning agents.

Due to the massive international demand for palm oil, palm oil plantations are rapidly replacing the rainforest habitat of the critically endangered orangutan; with over 90% of their habitat already destroyed in the last 20 years.

Orangutans are some of our closest relatives, sharing approximately 97% of their DNA with humans. Orangutan means ‘Person of the jungle’ in the Indonesian language. It is estimated that 6 to 12 of these ‘jungle people’ are killed each day for palm oil. These gentle creatures are either killed in the deforestation process, when they wonder into a palm oil plantation looking for food, or in the illegal pet trade after they’ve been captured and kept as pets in extremely poor conditions and provided with extremely poor nutrition.

Orangutans are considered as pests by the palm oil industry. In the deforestation process, workers are told that if wildlife gets in the way, they are to do whatever is necessary in order to dispose them, no matter how inhumane. Often orangutans are run over by logging machinery, beat to death, buried alive or set on fire… all in the name of palm oil.

There is only a 1 chromosome difference between orangutans and humans. They are the largest tree-dwelling mammal on the planet, and also the most intelligent animal after humans. With their amazing intellect, they have the ability to reason and think; along with almost all other human feelings and emotions. They can undo bolts, screws, knots and even pick locks. An orangutan named Chentek, at Atlanta Zoo in the US, was taught American sign language as an infant and has a vocabulary of over 500 words! These bright, fellow-apes also have their own culture.

As the thirst for palm oil grows, wildlife is pushed into competition with people across Indonesia, resulting in the poisoning of elephants and the burning of orangutans.

Orangutans are also a vital part of the rainforest ecosystem in South-East Asia. They are a keystone species. For example, orangutans help spread many tree seeds; many of which can only germinate once they have passed through the gut of an orangutan. These beautiful apes are vital in order to preserve the delicate ecosystems of Borneo and Sumatra and maintain the rich bio-diversity of Fauna and Flora in these dense jungles.
Orangutans cannot live without the rainforest, and the rainforest cannot live without orangutans.

Palm oil is having a shocking impact on our planet. The production of this one vegetable oil is not only responsible for polluting rivers and causing land erosion, but when the plantation workers set fire to the remaining trees, shrubs and debris to make way for the oil palms, it produces immense amount of smoke pollution that is toxic to planet earth. This has been found to be the second biggest contributor to greenhouse gas in the world.

Please don’t buy palm oil.

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Nassim Haramein: We are the Center of Creation

Today we present some excerpts from our interview with pioneering physicist Mr. Nassim Haramein.

Albert Einstein’s unified field theory sought to unify the forces of electromagnetism and gravity, however Einstein was unable to complete the theory during his lifetime. Mr. Haramein has pursued this theory and laid the foundation for its completion. His solutions to Einstein’s Field Equations, which describe the properties of a gravitational field surrounding a given mass, incorporate the concepts of torque, or spin, and the Coriolis effect, the sideways deflection of an object moving across the surface of a rotating body caused by the body’s rotation, to produce his Unified Field Theory.

In 2003, he founded the non-profit organization, The Resonance Project Foundation in Hawaii, USA which is “dedicated to the unification of all sciences and philosophies emerging from a complete and applied view of the physics underlying the wheelworks of nature.” Supreme Master Television had the honor to speak with Mr. Haramein about the Unified Field Theory.

We’ll discuss a wide range of subjects with Mr. Haramein, from space travel to the relationship between geometry and spirituality. Central to Mr. Haramein’s concept of the Universe is the idea of “vacuum” or space, with which we interact and create our reality. In this model, every atom, including those we are composed of, is a black hole that both absorbs information from the vacuum and also radiates information out into it like a white hole, or a black hole operating in reverse.

The vacuum could be called God. It’s everywhere, it knows everything, it can be found at any place, it knows all languages, it self-organizes, and it organizes everything. That is God.

Can the power of the vacuum possibly be applied to address urgent issues such as climate change?

If we start to understand these new physics, if we understand that the atom is a mini black hole that’s fed by the vacuum continuously, that’s why the electron spins for billions of years with no apparent input energy, we start to understand the mechanics of the foundation of creation.

Look at the density of the vacuum, which is 10 to the 93 grams per centimeter cubed.

Let me give you an idea. If I took all the stars in our Universe; there’s 100 billion to 300 billion stars in the galaxy and there’s billions of galaxies and I took them all and I put them all in a centimeter cube of space, the density of that centimeter cube would be 10 to the 55th grams per centimeter cubed.

That is 39 orders of magnitude less than the density of the vacuum. We know it’s there.

So if we were to extract one billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a percent of what’s there, we would have enough energy to run this whole planet. There would be no pollution, there would be no carbon output, and there would be an enormous amount of energy for anybody that needs it, anywhere, anywhere on our planet, anywhere in our Universe.

Mr. Haramein believes that the time is fast approaching when science will fully understand how the Universe operates.

We have to understand this fundamental force of gravity and the structure of the vacuum in order to do this. And we’re very, very close. I believe that this is imminent. This is not in 20 generations from now. I think that we’re going to see that change in our generation. I believe we’re going to see that change in the next 10 years.

Interplanetary travel will no longer be a dream when this new age of science arrives.

I predict that within a very short amount of time, and I’m talking 20 years and so, people will be able to get on a ship and visit Jupiter for the weekend, go to the moon and so on, casually, just because we’ve understood how to use gravitational fields and we’re able to move with the Universe instead of fight it. And I think this is a very important part of our evolution. It’s crucial to human evolution and to transcending the limited resources that we have on our planet.

Sacred geometry is said to be a visual expression of the Universe. For example, the famous “Flower of Life” has been carved or etched in many temples and holy places around the world. Another expression of the Universe is the double torus shape seen in weather patterns on Earth.

Many masters who are able to reach that point of stillness, that point of singularity at the center of their existence, actually witness the fundamental geometric principle of creation. That double torus we were talking about is the function of the space-time manifold, but when it goes to the zero point, where it goes to singularity, where absolute stillness is present, the geometry goes to the minimum amount of vectors for stability, the minimum amount of vectors for absolute equilibrium. It’s looking for absolute equilibrium. And it’s going to where it’s infinitely cold.

So it’s minimizing the vectors. Just like a water droplet cools off and goes to a very specific set of vectors, four-fold geometry, hexagonal geometry and makes the snowflake. In my equation I show that, actually, the double torus is a result of this cube octahedron, this tetrahedral array, torqueing, producing the spin. But at the central part of the spin is stillness. And this tetrahedral array, this tetrahedron, is like a 3D Star of David, a 3D six-pointed star, which you find in the heart of the Buddha, you find it in the Jewish tradition.

Spirituality is the physics that we haven’t yet understood.

Pioneering physicist Mr. Nassim Haramein, who explains our Universe from the perspective of physics. Water is the source of life on Earth and is sacred. A newborn is composed of approximately 75% water. In short, we humans are fundamentally connected to water.

Six-fold geometry or four-fold geometry is fundamental to the structure of space-time. And actually that geometry is matched by the geometry of the water structure. And that’s why all life emerges from water. Because the information is going from the structure of space-time to the water molecule and then the molecule produces the biological organization of our biosphere. And many, many researchers look for the seed of consciousness in the brain.

They keep forgetting that the brain is 90% water, and only 10% grey matter. And they’re looking in the grey matter, but the fact is that if you remove the grey matter, you still can have consciousness. For instance, there’re people that are born with very little grey matter in their heads, mostly water, and that function absolutely normally. However, if you remove the water, you’re done, right?

Meditation brings one in tune with the Universe, and merging with the “Supreme Godhead” or the “One” is spoken of in many spiritual and religious traditions.

Meditation is a way during your awakened state to actually connect with that inner part that’s going towards singularity. That sense of center, it’s like an axis of spin of your body, is represented in the Vedic tradition, in the Buddhist tradition as the vortex entering the crown (chakra), the kundalini spiral going up, and the chakras are octaves at each level.

So the third eye, the throat, the heart, the aura and the sexual chakra and the base are all part of the octaves of these spirals that meet at the heart chakra. So now you can start to actually describe some of the most esoteric knowledge in terms of physics and the physics of creation, not just any physics, the physics of that makes everything occur.

Nassim Haramein believes that when we interact with the vacuum we receive feedback, thus creating our reality. How then does the law of karma fit into this model?

In your view, is there a difference between putting something positive out there versus negative? Let’s say somebody is doing something positive, good for the world, versus somebody is polluting a lake, more on the negative side.

Because of this feedback, it will be fed back to you. The law of karma is actually the description of that fundamental feedback of Creation. So if you send a lot of negative thoughts into the field, then most likely a lot of negative things are going to happen to you and to your environment around you. And so when we look at our environment on our planet, when we look at where we brought this planet to, to basically the brink of destruction, and only 150 years of technological advancement, it’s because the technology we’re developing is mostly based on warfare and on destruction and on competition.

But we have that choice. We can actually start to become harmonious with nature, feedback more positive information to the vacuum. And then the technology that will develop is more positive technology. And the synchronicity that will occur in your life will start to support your path more and more. And it will become more and more apparent as you move forward.

To tap into our true potential we have to turn inward.

I think what’s important for the viewers is to know that they have an infinite potential within them, not in an esoteric way, but even in their material existence; all the atoms they’re made of is an infinite amount of information, an infinite amount of knowledge already present within them. They can access it if they take just a little bit of time, even if it’s five minutes every day to just turn their senses inward and go towards that singularity, go towards that point of stillness within themselves.

Meditation, prayer or any technique that allows them to turn their senses inward instead of being outwardly, take the time to center, then they get closer and closer and closer to that singularity. They connect with the infinite nature of their existence, the infinite nature of the space around them and the infinite wisdom that’s already within them. And then their dharma will just unfold beautifully, because everybody has a dharma. Everybody has a mission. Everybody has something to do here that’s very important.

Our sincere thanks go to Mr. Nassim Haramein for sharing with us his brilliant research on the Unified Field Theory and how physics and spirituality combine in our Universe. May the Resonance Project Foundation have much success in providing the world with more noble solutions and knowledge so as to help lead our civilization into a new, Golden Era.

For more information, please visit:  http://www.The

May your days be filled with love and bliss.


Ed Begley, Jr.

Born Edward James Begley, Jr. on September 16, 1949. He’s an American actor and has appeared in hundreds of films, television shows and stage performances. He received six Emmy Award nominations for his role as Dr. Victor Ehrlich on the television series St. Elsewhere.  He is also an environmentalist and has written Ed Begley, Jr.’s Guide to Sustainable Living  and Living Like Ed: A Guide to the Eco-Friendly Life . With his wife, actress Rachelle Carson-Begley, he stars in a reality show about green living called Living with Ed.

Quotes by Ed Begley, Jr.:

“I became a vegan in 1970, but it was too hard back then, filming on distant locations, etc. I strayed for a while, but never ate red meat, of course. I became a full vegan again in 1992, and haven’t looked back.”
“I believe in the rights of all creatures. If we needed to kill to survive, we have and we would, as do many creatures in the wild. But that need no longer be the way we live. In striking a balance between our needs and the needs of the many other species with whom we share this earth, the balance is way out of whack. We treat many other animals as if they are merely “resources” or “spare parts”. They are living, breathing, feeling creatures that need to be accorded some measure of respect.”
When asked whether he wears leather or visits circuses, he answered:
“No leather. No circuses, except for the best circus ever, Cirque de Soleil, where all participants go into the tent willingly to perform.”
When asked what people can do to live a more sustainable lifestyle, he answered:
“They can Live Simply so that Others Can Simply Live. Less is more. I encourage everyone to slow down and simplify. Start with what you can afford and work your way up the ladder. That’s the way I did it starting back in 1970. You do what you can, save money, and do more. Start with the cheap and easy stuff – energy efficient lighting, weather stripping, recycling, composting, home gardening, bike riding, public transportation etc. A kilowatt SAVED is far cheaper than a kilowatt PRODUCED. I encourage everyone to start with a home energy audit – and work towards a more energy efficient home through insulation, windows, lighting etc.”
When asked about what he considers to be the biggest problem facing our planet these days, he answered:
“Space considerations are crucial as our population climbs over 6 billion. We have to make efficient use of our arable land. A plant-based diet can do that. “
When asked what he thinks it will take to get more people to move to a plant-based diet, he answered:
“Getting a tasty vegan meal.”


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The True Cost of Choosing Animal Products: Depletion of Mother Earth

Dr. Oppenlander is an American environmentalist, wellness advocate and dentist who over the last four decades has studied the effects of food choices on the environment and human health. He is also the president and founder of an organic vegan food production and education business as well as the co-founder of an animal rescue and sanctuary.

His research findings show that animal product production and consumption is severely harming our well-being and decimating our world by causing the substantial global loss of land, freshwater, clean air, food supply, biodiversity and energy resources at a frighteningly rapid pace. As the author of “Comfortably Unaware: Global depletion and food responsibility… What you choose to eat is killing our planet,” he has appeared on radio shows and written articles for newspapers and magazines to raise awareness of conscious eating.

We’re losing our global resources at an unprecedented rate. We are producing 70-billion or more animals each year and it’s growing in exponential fashion. That number is a bit difficult to pin down, because on any given day, there will be, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization, 1.7-trillion chickens in the world and one- to two-trillion fish in the world that are on their way sooner or later to slaughter. So, it’s a massive number and all of our resources are being deployed for this purpose.

So in the other direction, we’re using all these resources and all of our energies to produce essentially food to create animals. It’s really not even food, it’s animals that we’re creating. And then we’re eating those and the end result is we’re eating something that’s unhealthy for us too. So it’s sort of a two-bladed sword that we’re dealing with right now. If we just did away with all that unnecessary loss of resources, it would obviously be better for our health.

Meat production is inherently inefficient compared to growing plants for food. Vast tracts of tropical rainforests are destroyed annually to create space for livestock grazing and cultivating crops for livestock feed.

According to a United Nations Environment Programme report, animal agriculture-related activities take up 38% of our planet’s land. Producing animal products also consumes huge volumes of water. For example a person uses up to 15,000 liters of water per day for a meat-based diet, which is 15-times as much water as a vegan would use.

Water itself is the largest concern of any scientist that is studying where we’re going in our future. We are running out of land, of course, but we’re expected to deplete our water systems by 40% in just the next 19 years. So if we didn’t use the water for all of the aspects of animal agriculture, we certainly could be applying it more frugally to our own use right now. They’re concerned about water scarcity, when in reality, it’s more about water management.

Instead of technologies, we need to start looking at choices. Instead of choosing to eat animal products, which uses massive amounts of water, we could be using water just to sustain ourselves. If you use your acre to grow grass-fed livestock, one acre isn’t normally enough. You would need 5, 10 even up to 20 acres in most land in the world.

And when you do that, after two and a half years, which is what it would take to grow one grass- fed cow, you would essentially end up with about 480 pounds of that type of animal product that people are calling food. In the course of that 2 ½ years, you would create or produce about three to four tons of methane and carbon dioxide. And you would also use minimally 20- to 30,000 gallons of water.

Minimally, that’s what they would drink. But in most cases, they would use about a million to two-million gallons of water because of all the alfalfa or other aspects of water use that they would need to use to even irrigate the land to produce grasses for them to eat.

Whereas if you use that same acre of land to produce something like a kale-and-quinoa combination, you would have the equivalent on average after 2 ½ years of about 15,000 pounds of food produced. If you slithered off 1/8 of an acre, and you threw in some hydroponics, you could grow about 30,000 pounds of tomatoes during that 2 ½-year period of time. And you’d end up with food that’s infinitely healthier for you to eat and for our planet to grow versus animal products.

The value of biodiversity is inestimable. Globally, a wide range of plant species keep nature in balance, feed the world’s population and improve the quality of life for humans and animals. For example, over 70,000 plant species are sources of medicine. Plants also protect water resources, soil and support nutrient storage.

Due to the production and consumption of animal foods and other hugely detrimental human activities, we have entered what is being called “the sixth great extinction event” with the current rate of biodiversity loss of plants and animals 1,000 to 10,000 times higher than the natural background extinction rate.

Most people don’t equate their choice of foods with the loss of a species, like the Javan Tiger, Tasmanian Tiger, or Ridley Sea Turtle. But in fact, the largest component of loss of biodiversity is due to loss of habitat, according to numerous scientific organizations like the World Conservation Union. The documentation that they’ve seen will show very clearly that most of the land is being used by livestock, not agriculture. So 30,000 animal species are going extinct per year. In just one day, there will be another 82 animal species gone forever.

Most of those animal species are affected in one way or another by the food we’re eating, by either unsustainable fishing practices in our oceans, or the animal agriculture that we’re seeing on land. By eating fish, we’re contributing to loss of biodiversity, we’re contributing to global warming, because it’s affecting the amount of oxygen that’s in our oceans right now.

We’re also affecting our own health because fish in fact have cholesterol. They have many other issues that affect us. Obviously, if we’re moving entirely over to a plant-based diet, we’re going to be true stewards of our planet by not creating such loss of habitat and destructions in our oceans. So species will be preserved.

Dr. Oppenlander estimates that meat consumption leads to a minimum of US$150 billion in healthcare costs in the US annually. He now explains how he arrived at his conclusion.

What I usually do is I try to frame it slightly differently. I try to point out that we have a US$2.1- to 2.3- trillion healthcare cost in America. Last year (2010) it was US$2.1- to 2.3-trillion. Now the minimal amount that you can quantify as applied to eating livestock is somewhere around US$150 billion. That’s minimal.

That’s because if you add up the US$88- billion from food-borne illnesses from livestock or the US$180 billion from hypertension, the US$300 billion a year from heart disease or cardiovascular concerns and then there’s diabetes for another US$100-120 billion. And eating livestock or animals is minimally between 20-25-30% risk factor of all those.

So it is at least US$150-billion dollars. I feel that this should be taken into account with our national healthcare plan and insurance. I feel like the title of my next book should be “Why Should We Be Paying for What Everybody else Decides to Eat?”

Livestock raising is the single largest human induced source of methane emissions, a highly potent, heat-retaining greenhouse gas, which has 72-times the warming potential of carbon dioxide over a 20-year period.

Scientists know that we are in an escalated global warming period with more greenhouse gases in our atmosphere than at any other time. So we have to do something to solve it. We can’t continue on with what we’re doing. The United Nations 2006 report called Livestock’s Long Shadow stated it was 20% of all of our greenhouse-gas emissions, which is more than all of our transportation sector, all our airplanes, cars, trucks and trains that we drive and fly every day.

Some researchers that were also looking at it on the side very carefully since then have demonstrated that livestock is responsible for 51% of all greenhouse-gas emissions found in our atmosphere. It’s an issue of raising animals to eat. And that’s not going to change unless we get off of eating animals entirely.

Vegan organic farming improves the quality of our planet’s soil, water and air and thus enhances biodiversity. The practice can also tackle climate change by absorbing and storing carbon dioxide. The Rodale Institute’s farming trial in the US verifies that organic agriculture, if practiced on our planet’s 3.5 billion tillable acres, could sequester nearly 40% of current CO2 emissions.

There are many food movements, as you know. There’s slow food, real food, organic food, and being a localvore. There are so many food movements right now. The issue is that they all are like a barge going down the river, and they’re carrying behind it this long line that is attached to animals, all of them are. So they’re not getting anywhere. In fact, they’re dragging more resources with it.

So we need to clip the line, essentially, get the animals out of the equation. So real food, slow food, organic food and buying local food are all extremely healthy without the animals. So you can say that whether it’s organic or not organic, it doesn’t matter if it applies to animals, because it’s not going to be healthy for our environment, our planet or ourselves. Now, if you’re talking about organic or non-organic or inorganic, vegetable sources and plant sources, sure.

Our respectful salute, Dr. Richard Oppenlander for your dedicated efforts to study the tremendously harmful impacts of the livestock industry, and convey the message about the virtues of the organic plant-based diet. May your benevolent work touch many more lives in the future.

For more information on Dr. Richard Oppenlander, please visit
His book “Comfortably Unaware” is available at the same website

Please Wake Up

Poem written by Master Ching Hai in 2009

For a world still marked with conflict, where once lush rivers, seas, forests and mountains lie desolate and polluted, Supreme Master Ching Hai has written the following verses of compassion and sympathy from the depth of Her heart. Like a loving mother and a best friend, Master calls upon humanity to return to the noble, caring way of life before it’s too late, so that the Earth will blossom into a blissful Paradise in accordance with God’s will.

 O world, wake up and behold
Rivers and mountains are in tumult
Burnt forests, eroded hills, desiccated streams
Whither do the poor souls go in the end?

O great Earth, lessened be your agony
For these tears to wane with the persistent night.
O seas and lakes, cease not your melodies
Allowing hope for a morrow among humanity.

O sentient beings, have respite in the realm beyond
Though you departed without any utterance.
Let the throbbing of my heart abate
While I await Earthlings’ timely repentance.

O deep forests, preserve your true selves
Protect the human race in their moments of erring.
Please accept my heartfelt thousand teardrops
To nurture your majestic trees, leaves and roots.

O heart, relent your sobbing
For my soul to rest in long nights.
Tears dried up and I’m wordless
Weeping in sympathy for the tormented!

O night, please kindle your source of light
Shine the way for those human souls in darkness
Be serene for my mind to still
And enter emptiness with the miraculous celestial melody.

O day, stir not sudden unrests
For peace to repose in our very hearts
For humankind’s struggles to subside
For the true Self to gloriously shine!

O heart of mine, lament no longer
Like an insect writhing in the chilling winter.
Calmly wait for a perfect tomorrow
And the day the world turns into Paradise.

O, I cry, I plead, I pray, I beg!
O, infinite Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, angels
Deliver souls straying from the True Path.
Wandering in the endless cycle of suffering migration.

O brother, wake up at once!
Proudly walk on great seas and rivers
Look straight at the flaming sun
And vow sacrifice to save all beings.

O sister, wake up this instant!
Arise from places of devastation

Together let’s renew our planet
For all to sing joyous songs of oneness.
For all to sing joyous songs of oneness.

The Truth behind Your Food

By  Hui-Ming Toh, Auckland, New Zealand (Originally in English)
The author is a 17-year-old student in her final year of secondary school. The article was an internal assessment for which she was awarded the top grade of excellence. It is available in 30 languages…

Would you ever open your fridge, pull out twenty plates of pasta and chuck them into the bin, and then, eat only one plate of food? How about leveling fifty-five square feet of rainforest for one lunch or dumping two-thousand-five-hundred gallons of water down the drain? Of course you wouldn’t. However, just eating half a kilo of meat will cause this. Eating meat will cause inefficient use and destruction to our resources and environment, cause immense animal suffering, and have detrimental effects on our health. So, if roasting a dog to complement your mashed potato disturbs you, then why roast any other gentle animal?
Waste Lagoon:
Circle Four Farms, a Utah-based pork producer, hosts a three-million gallon waste lagoon. When lagoons like this spill into rivers and lakes as happened in North Carolina in 1995, the result can be environmentally catastrophic.

A UN report has identified that “cows not cars, are the top threat to our environment.” It gives evidence that the world’s rapidly growing herds of cattle is the greatest threat to the climate, forests and wildlife. Farmed animals produce one-hundred-and-thirty times more excrement than the entire human population of the United States and this concentrated slop ends up polluting water, destroying top soil and contaminating our air. Furthermore, their bodily gas and manure emit more than one third of methane, which warms the world twenty times faster than carbon dioxide. Meat-eaters are responsible for the production of one hundred percent of these wastes which is about eighty-six-thousand pounds per second. But, by giving up animal products, you will be responsible for none of these.

Moreover, our taste for meat is taking a toll on our supply of non-renewable resources. A staggering two-thousand-five-hundred gallons of water is needed for the production of each pound of beef, but, in contrast, it takes only twenty-nine gallons to produce a pound of tomatoes and a hundred-and-thirty-nine gallons for a pound of whole wheat bread. Half the water, eighty percent of agricultural land in the United States, almost all the soy bean harvest and over half of the world’s grain is used to raise animals for food. While we are doing this, one billion people are suffering from hunger and malnutrition and twenty-four-thousand children die every day alongside fields of grain destined for the West’s livestock. However, world starvation would be eliminated if our scarce resources were utilized efficiently by converting land to raising crops for feeding people.

Somali Famine Victims:
Somalian famine victims line up for food handouts. Producing a pound of beef requires 4.8 pounds of grain, and critics of our modern agricultural system say that the spread of meat-based diets aggravates world hunger.


Are you aware that one-hundred-and-thirty million animals are murdered annually in New Zealand? Most animals are raised on factory farms, the system which strives to maximize output at minimum costs. As a result, the animals suffer immense pain mentally and physically every second of their lives. They are crammed into filthy windowless confinement systems and will never raise their families, rummage in the soil or do anything that is natural to them. They won’t even feel the sun on their backs or breathe fresh air until the day they are loaded onto trucks, destined for slaughter. Over ninety million animals in New Zealand suffer these conditions and many remain conscious as their throats are cut, then, left to bleed to death.

Another cruel practice farmers often carry out is the deprivation of food from birds for fourteen days in order to shock their bodies into laying more eggs for human consumption. And, because male chicks are useless in the meat industry, each year a hundred million of them are ground up alive or tossed into bags to suffocate. What’s more, at the slaughter house, the chickens throats are cut, and they are immersed in scalding hot water to remove their feathers while many are still alive.

Even nowadays, to mark cows for identification, ranchers push hot fire irons into their flesh as they bellow in pain. Consequently, third degree burns occur and male calves’ testicles are ripped from their scrotums all without pain relief. To add to their suffering, the land which cattle graze on has air saturated with chemicals and these fumes cause chronic respiratory problems, therefore making breathing painful.

Cows used for their milk are repeatedly impregnated and their babies taken away so that humans can drink the milk intended for the calves. They are hooked up to machines several times daily and using genetic manipulation, powerful hormones, and intensive milking, they are forced to produce ten times more milk as they naturally would. This contributes to the immensely painful inflammation of their udder which up to fifty percent of dairy cows suffer from.

Animals on today’s factory farms have no legal protection from cruelty that would be illegal if it were inflicted on household pets: neglect, mutilation, genetic manipulation, and drug programs that cause chronic pain and crippling and, violent slaughter. Robert Louis Stevenson, a novelist and poet said, “We consume the carcasses of creatures of like appetites, passions and organs with our own.” Yet, farmed animals are no less intelligent or capable of feeling pain than are the dogs and cats we cherish as companions.

This is demonstrated by the frequent reports of cows leaping over a six-foot fence to escape a slaughterhouse, walking seven miles to be reunited with a calf and swimming across a river to freedom. Pigs, too, are insightful animals as discovered by Dr. Donald Broom, scientific advisor to the British government – “[Pigs] have the cognitive ability to be quite sophisticated. Even more so than dogs and certainly three-year-olds.”

The most important step you can take to save our planet and diminish both human and animal suffering is to go vegetarian. A meat free diet rich in complex carbohydrates, protein, fiber, omega-three, vitamins and minerals provides optimal nutrition, forming the foundation for dietary habits that support a lifetime of good health. Compelling evidence can be found in the book “The China Study” by Professor T. Colin Campbell which says, “in the next ten years, one of the things you’re bound to hear is that animal protein is one of the most toxic nutrients of all…risk for disease goes up dramatically when even a little animal protein is added to the diet.” Studies have shown that vegetarian kids have higher IQs than their classmates and vegetarians live, on average, six to ten years longer than meat-eaters. In addition to this, they are fifty percent less likely to develop heart disease and cancer, plus, meat eaters are nine times more likely to be obese than vegans are. Vegetarian foods provide us with all the nutrients we need, minus the saturated fat, cholesterol, and contaminants.

Conversely, many argue that plants are alive too. This is true, but plants have only ten percent consciousness while animals have consciousness equivalent to humans. Since plants cannot locomote, the sensation of experiencing pain would be superfluous. Thus, plants differ completely physiologically from mammals. If you cut a branch or leaves off a tree, it will flourish and grow more. On the other hand, animals do not desire regular pruning. Can you cut off a leg from a cow and expect it to grow four more legs?

Raising animals for food is wreaking havoc on Earth. The environment, resources and our health are deteriorating and although most of us do not actively condone killing, humans have developed the habit, supported by society, of eating meat without any real awareness of what is being done to the animals we eat. It is said that, “one visit to a slaughterhouse will make you a vegetarian for life. Because it is us who created their screams of pain and fear.” So, if you ever decide to roast a gentle animal again…remember you are consuming the flesh of one equivalent to your much loved pets. But, the only difference is that this animal was tortured.

There are many shocking pictures on the following website:

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