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Retired US Army Commander Bob Dean Confirms Interaction with Extraterrestrials – part 1

Expert UFOlogist and former US Army Command Sergeant Major Bob Dean shares his knowledge and experience of interacting with human-like beings from other planets.

p-planetspace“We’ve been to the moon. We’ve been to Mars. And apparently some of our people have been to other star systems, because 40 years ago we developed not only zero point energy, but we developed anti-gravity, and we developed the ability to fly faster than the speed of light.”
Robert Orel Dean (Retired US Army Command Sergeant Major, Expert Ufologist, USA)

One of the simple pleasures in life is gazing in the sky on the clear night to see the beautiful stars—some brighter, some dimmer, some closer, and some farther away. After admiring the firmament and this endless array of potential suns, can anyone truly believe that our Earth could be the only planet populated with intelligent life?

As most of us have never met anyone from other worlds or seen UFOs, it might be hard to believe that human-like beings live on other planets as well. However, some people are lucky to have actually interacted with beings from other planets. One such person is expert UFOlogist Robert Orel Dean of Arizona, USA, also known as Bob Dean. Mr. Dean, who was trained as an intelligence analyst and became a command sergeant major when he served in the US Army, has completed extensive studies in the fields of archaeology, theology, psychology and philosophy, and holds the equivalent of a master’s degree in emergency management. He has also headed a regional chapter of the Mutual UFO Network as well as having been a member of the Center for UFO Studies and a Board member of the Ancient Astronauts Society. Mr. Dean has been honored with three lifetime achievement awards for his contributions to the field of UFOlogy.

In an interview with Supreme Master Television, Bob Dean shared his knowledge and experience about beings from other planets and what he has learned from interacting with them. His experiences confirm that indeed we are not alone in the vast universe, but intelligent life exists on other planets as well. Below are excerpts parts from the interview.

Interviewer: When was your first opening to the whole realm of UFO’s?

Bob Dean UFO inside

Mr. Dean: I was a professional soldier for most of my life. But, I didn’t get exposed to this reality of the so-called extraterrestrial presence until 1963. I applied for and received an assignment in 1963 to Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers in Europe; a place called SHAPE. And it was one of those choice plum assignments. And I arrived at Paris (France) in the summer of 1963 and immediately my top secret clearance was upgraded to a level called “Cosmic Top Secret,” the highest level of security classification in NATO. And immediately with my top secret upgrade to Cosmic I was assigned to a place called SHOC, the Supreme Headquarters Operation Center, which is the war room. And when I worked in the war room, I learned of a study that was under way. It involved UFO’s.

The reason was that a large number of metallic circular disc shaped objects flew from the Soviet Warsaw Pact sector from the East toward the West. And these objects were circular, metallic, disc shaped objects in formation, very obviously under intelligent control. And they flew across Europe, they flew across Germany, France, the southern coast of England and they turned north over the English Channel and they disappeared off NATO radar over the Norwegian Sea, on the morning of the 2nd of February in 1961. And it was all over within about 20 minutes. The Soviets thought those objects belonged to us. We thought they belonged to the Soviets. We were to find later that they didn’t belong to anybody. And the study was initiated immediately after that event.

Mr. Dean also shared how reading a top secret document called “The Assessment: An Evaluation of a Possible Military Threat to NATO Forces in Europe” launched his journey as a UFOlogist. This report, completed in 1964, assessed the potential danger posed by extraterrestrials.

Mr. Dean: That was a spark that kindled my fire in 1964. I couldn’t leave it; I couldn’t walk away from it. The conclusion of the study was quite simple. Apparently there is no threat. Apparently the human race on the planet has been under observation and survey by several advanced extraterrestrial intelligences from the beginning of human history. That was one of the conclusions. They concluded that apparently there was no threat involved because the repeated manifestation of incredibly advanced technology indicated that if they had been malevolent or hostile, it would have been over a long time ago. And that began my journey and I haven’t turned back since.

Based on that study, that assessment, I was interested in them. Who are they? Where are they from? Why are they here? What’s this all about? Why are they interested in us? I began to find out over the years that it wasn’t about them at all, it’s about us. It really is all about us. Who are we? What are we? How did we come to be here? Why are we here? And is there a purpose? Is there a meaning in our lives? And where are we going? What’s the future?  Where do we go from here? And that’s where I have been for the last 20 years. And I have been speaking out, openly, bluntly, candidly, loudly, about this subject. Over the years I have developed the ability, and I have been fortunate enough to have face-to-face meetings with some of them. I have been aboard their ships. I was even taken to one of their home planets. Apparently I have had an intimate interrelationship with non-human intelligence since I was two years old. My whole life has been involved with them to some degree. It took me many, many years before I began to become aware of my personal involvement. And it took me a long time for me to discard my old world paradigm. And I’ve learned there is a purpose. There is a meaning.

Interviewer: It is very important to share. You have had face-to-face contact with them. What are they like? What was it like to be on their ship? How did you get there? What’s their planet like? Why are we here?

Mr. Dean: The SHAPE military study concluded that we were dealing with four different groups that have been coming and going. They were all humanoid, not all human. But out of those four different groups, one group was totally human, like us. They could sit next to you in a theater or restaurant, or an airplane, or a bus — it doesn’t matter. They could be in your midst and you’d never know. Good God, they could be everywhere. Well, we were to find over the years that they are pretty much everywhere. They are in our midst. When I retired in 1976, we learned that there were at least a dozen more from different places.

And we learned back then, as early as 1976, that yes, some of them were interplanetary. Yes, some of them were interstellar. Yes, some of them are intergalactic. And by God, the thing that really upset the few that knew the story in those days, was [that] some of them apparently were multi-dimensional. They were popping in and out of portals from other dimensions. Now we are having a relationship with interplanetary visitors, interstellar, intergalactic. But the more advanced ones, the more spiritually advanced, apparently are intergalactic. That was a difficult lesson to learn, not only for our military and our intelligence authorities, but for our scientists. You see, we are looking at science that is a thousand… ten thousand years beyond our own! I think Arthur Clarke said it one time that advanced scientific intelligence would appear to us to be magic. Well, it does appear to many others to be magic. But it’s not magic to them. It’s technology to them.

They are not visitors. They are not here as tourists, dropping in for a weekend or something like that. The planet is under quarantine. And the only ones who come and go regularly are the professionals, the anthropologists, the historians, the scientists, from their groups. They come regularly. They are here most of the time. It’s one of the reasons why there is not about to be a disclosure anytime soon, because the story is simply too big.

Among the things we have seen, and the things I have learned first-hand is that, this beautiful, wonderful planet that our ancestors called Gaia; they looked upon her as a goddess and that the planet was alive. I have learned that that’s true. This beautiful little blue-green planet is alive. But this planet apparently is one of the richest and ripest zoological gardens in this quadrant of the galaxy. The life forms, the flora and fauna on this planet are practically infinite. That’s why Earth is such a valuable commodity. There are probably thousands of intelligent species out there, looking upon this little tiny planet, this zoological garden, as an incredibly valuable commodity. And I point out to people, “You know, you’re part of the fauna. It might be difficult for your ego to deal with, you are simply an occupant in this zoological garden.” But now we’re dealing with the custodians. They’re not visitors. They’re not owners. The word that I’ve got from them, they’re custodians. They’re protecting and looking after the life on this planet. And the human race is part of that fauna.

The human race, the whole species is undergoing a transcendent transformation, literally from one level of species, one race, into another. The human race is undergoing a form of what I call “a late adolescence.” And I point out to people that, “If you remember your own adolescence, and you remember how painful it was and how difficult it was, the whole species is undergoing a transition from adolescence into adulthood.” And we’ve got some good friends in high places out there, fortunately, some very good friends, who want to see us make it.

They don’t own us. We are not property, as Charles Fort said one time. But we are not quite finished yet as a race. We are a work in progress. We are an unfinished product. And we’ve got some good friends in high places that are trying to assist us, to help us get through this transition. And it’s an awkward period. But, I believe in the human race. It has a future. We are having some rough and difficult times, but we’re going to make it. And the reason I decided to come with you this afternoon and give you this interview, was hopefully to be able to say to your audience, to the viewers, that people really should not be afraid.

They have nothing to fear. We’re going to make it through and we are going to reach a form of adulthood. And we are in time going out there and taking our rightful place in this infinite universe filled with intelligent life. And I say to people, “Your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren are going to the stars. And they’re going out there, and they’re going to take their rightful place.” Humans have a right to sit at those great conferences, those great tables filled with all the infinite intelligent life forms out there.

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