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Posts tagged ‘Scriptures’

The ‘Word’ the Inner Vibration

Excerpt from Master Ching Hai Lectures

Since immemorial times, music has been a must to mankind. Even animals feel attracted to music and plants are supposed to grow faster with it. Thus, if the outer melody is so important to all lives, the inner celestial, wondrous Sound is even more enchanting, and full of grace and blessing.

The fetus, while in the mother’s womb eats nothing. Inside there is no air, no sunlight and he doesn’t seem to mind at all. He is in contact with the inner wondrous Sound, the source of all love, bliss and power. The fetus grows at an incredible pace under such conditions, and if it were to continue, he would be as tall as the sky after he is born. But after his birth, he is disconnected from this vibration, and he cries at the first contact with the outer world. No child has ever been born laughing. It is because he feels a great loss as the sound is severed from him.

There are two kinds of sound: the worldly sound, and the supra-worldly sound. The worldly sound is very important to our sensual and mental comfort, but the supra-worldly sound draws us back to God.

The Heavenly Music spoken of in all Holy scriptures of different religions such as the ‘Word’ in Christianity, the ‘Shabd’in Hinduism, the ‘heavenly music’ in Chuang Tse, the ‘Tao’ in the Tao Te Ching, etc. are the only real teachings direct from the Kingdom of God. They are the language of universal love, and great intelligence. All teachings come from the Silent Sound, all languages come from this universal language. That’s why high level initiates on this path speak all languages within the soul sphere. That is the level of the Master, the one who has mastered the language of the Kingdom of God. We all possess this wisdom, the wisdom to understand all things above this shadowy world, to be omnipresent and to function as the most perfect being in the universe, if only we desire to remember again what we truly are.

This Word or divine vibration is mentioned in all religions. We call it Yin, others call it celestial music, Logos, Tao etc. It vibrates within all life and sustains the whole universe. This inner melody can heal all wounds, fulfill all desires and quench all worldly thirst. It is all-powerful and all-love. It is because we are made of this Sound that the contact with it brings peace and contentment to our heart. After listening to this Sound, our whole being changes, our entire outlook on life is greatly altered for the best. The wondrous vibration will cleanse off all undesirable traces of ‘original sin’ or what others call ‘karma’. It is like a mighty river carrying along with its current all ugly garbage.

This inner Sound is the great creative force of the cosmos. It sustains and nourishes all things. Its manifestation in the outer world can be heard in the natural melodies of the wind, the water, birds, etc., which are the lower manifestations. There are however more subtle and higher sounds which are inaudible to our physical ears, because they vibrate at a higher rate than our material world. The way to these higher dimensions lies in the Sound itself, which we follow back to its original source. To hear higher sounds and see higher worlds, we must open and develop our higher senses. And to do this, we need a guide, a Master of the Way, who is like a travel guide who knows what lies ahead. Religious scriptures only describe these worlds, just like a land map. To really know the land, we have to get there in person. When we have a guide, then it is quicker and safer for us.

In the Buddhist scriptures it is mentioned that the Buddha speaks only with one language, but every being can perceive it according to his own understanding. Now this language is not the ordinary verbal language, it is a kind of sound, of inner vibration, that everyone can use to communicate with each other, and the Buddha can use it to communicate with sentient beings. If we think it is the language of our world, then it is impossible. Because no matter how intelligent the Buddha is, He can only speak one language at a time. And it is impossible for all beings to listen to all languages at the same time, including animals and lower beings that also understand it. So this must mean the Word in the Bible. Also in Taoism, in the Tao Te Ching, Lao-tzu mentioned that this name we cannot name, the Tao cannot be explained, we can hear it without our ears, we can see it without our eyes, we can perceive it without our sense organs. Now this Word, sound or vibration, is the creative force of the universe. All the scriptures, if you read carefully, mention this Sound, and this so-called inner music.

So now, if we somehow can get in touch with this Word or sound stream, then we can know God’s whereabouts, or we can be in contact with God. But what is the proof that we are in contact with this Word? After we are in contact with this inner vibration, our life changes for the better. We know many things we never knew before. We understand many things we never thought before. We can do, accomplish many things we never dreamed of before. We are getting mightier, and mightier, until we become almighty. Our being becomes more capable and more enlarged until we are everywhere, until we become omnipresent, and then we know that we became one with God.

No one who comes into contact with this Sound or Word will not experience a great change in his or her life. This is what we call an enlightened person. The more we are in contact with this Sound, the wiser we become, the more saint-like we become, and the less vexation, attachment, anger, hatred, and lust we will have. We will have more freedom, more love and peace, more wisdom, and everything we wish to have, including a more comfortable life. We won’t only develop spiritually, but also materially, and in all aspects. We will feel much different than before.

With our poor worldly language, every time I would like to speak about this great treasure within us, I feel so ashamed of doing such a poor job. But I have somehow to try to convey a part of this great wisdom so that you may feel interested, and find it out for yourself, and then you will know it for yourself without any language.

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Why We Need a Living Master – part 3

Excerpt from Master Ching Hai Lectures

Q. So what would you like to say about yourself in relationship to what you can offer people?

M. I myself couldn’t offer much except for my body, speech and mind whenever God wills to use it to offer it to people, to His children who love to be near Him, or to be next to Him. I can only be ready to be used. I cannot offer anything much (laughter) I am only like you. What can a body offer?

Q. Could you perform some miracles so people can increase their faith in your teaching?

M. Miracles, what do you want? I give you some money, yes? And then what do you do with it? What good would that do to you eternally? I advise you to find your own power, your own miraculous power, instead of relying on mine, instead of coming to me only for magical powers, in order to get your own right back, the Kingdom of God, your own wisdom, your own birthright, your own heaven, your own Kingdom. That is the best and the highest ideal of a human life, not miracles. Miracles are very short-lived.

If necessary I will show you miracles, but not for show, not to get your applause. Whenever necessary during your practice, you may encounter some obstacles, some bad influence. At that time you will know I can make miracles. I can, but I do not use them at random just to let you know how great I am. I do not need that. I want you to have very correct attitude, correct thinking, a correct idea in practice and that is to go back to the most high, to gain back our highest wisdom, not to hang on to these children’s games, to these plastic toys. You will have everything, ‘Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all other things will be added unto you.’ Do not ask for small things, ask for great things. It befits you more because we human beings are the greatest in the universe. So ask for the greatest only, that is most befitting to your position, to your dignity and to your birthright.

Q. Master, you travel all around the world and cannot stay here to teach everyone, so in your absence whom will we have to follow?

M. We do not follow a teacher, we only follow the teaching. So we can never go wrong. When the teaching is okay, then we follow the teaching. We have to see if the teaching is correct. You see if my ethics are correct or not, if whatever I teach you I follow or not. For example, I teach you not to eat meat and I also eat vegetarian. I teach you not to steel and I also do not steel. I teach you to give away in charity and I myself give away in charity. I teach you to love people and I do love people and help people. I take no money for teaching I give, I earn my own money, so you have nothing to lose at all. You can only gain.

Now also, every moral standard described in the Buddhist scriptures, and in the Christian Bible, I convey to you again. So, I teach nothing new, nothing immoral, nothing unethical. So you may be safe to know that your teacher won’t teach you anything amoral or unethical, anything outside of the scriptures. I teach you everything from the scriptures. From ancient times, the ethical conduct hasn’t changed. I teach you the same, and I do the same, so you know at least that I am not a bad type! So now the teaching is correct, right?

And the meditation will provide you with wisdom and peace of mind. It doesn’t matter which technique, it will help you somewhat. So there is no exception about our technique. I only tell you that it is the fastest, that is all. You don’t have to believe me. I only tell the truth. If it is fast, I say it is very fast. I am also a nun. I am not allowed to say lies. Even average people don’t say lies, so what would a nun tell lies for? And I have no reason to do this, because I don’t need your money. I don’t need anything, and I do not even live here. I profit nothing from you. I may even leave tomorrow and you may never see me again. Good-bye! So I have profited nothing. So from this standpoint you are safe.

So, you follow the teaching, don’t follow me. The teaching will always be with you, and you do not need to follow me in person. In case you want some personal advice about your meditation progress, you may write to me or you may telephone to ask me. Nowadays no need to stick with the Master, you can go to Taiwan or wherever I stay. My body is only an appearance, a house, an office so that you may see me. If I were to only use my spiritual body, you couldn’t see me at all, you couldn’t hear me. So how could I convey the message to you? So I have to use my body, right? So, no need to fear that when I go away, you will have no one. You always have someone. You might even see me appear in your house, just like this, if you are sincere and high level enough. You will see the Master come to you, and you will see the Master all the time when you need. No need to cling to the physical body.

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Seeking God

Excerpt from Master Ching Hai Lectures

Q: What is the first step one must take toward reaching God?

M: We must pray that if God exists, please guide me, please help me. And stick to your religion and pray to that religious head that you believe in to help you. If you’re Christian, pray to God, pray to Jesus, Santa Maria. If you’re Buddhist, pray to Buddha, to Bodhisattvas, Quan Yin Bodhisattva, Amitabha Buddha, etc., to help you. That’s the first step.

The second step is, we must live a virtuous life as prescribed in the Bible and in the Buddhist scriptures or in any other religious scriptures. I haven’t seen any major religion which teaches people to do bad things. So follow your own religious ethic, as the second step.

The third step is, we must find someone, and very importantly, who has known God, who has realized God, to show us something, to share with us the wealth that he or she has got. Just like if we want to speak English, what is the first step? Prepare the money for it, then go and find a teacher — one who can speak English. If you find one who speaks Spanish, then no good. It’s very easy.

The Three Types of Master – part 2

Excerpt from Master Ching Hai Lectures

The first type of teacher is easy to recognize because of this erudition.  He can talk and know all the scriptures, and we know he is a man of knowledge. It is easy to know this, because worldly knowledge is easy to understand and to test.  The second type is also easy to recognize by their appearance and the devotional atmosphere around people always absorbed in ecstasy.  The third type of Master is difficult to detect because when a person is not in ecstasy, it is difficult to know if he has ever been in ecstasy or not, because this type of teacher is 24 hours a day in an invisible ‘Samadhi’ or ecstasy.  Samadhi means that you are in ecstasy, in bliss, tranquility and light.

You can be in ecstasy while living in this world.  There are two kinds of Samadhi:  One is after you leave this world, you are forever in ecstasy, in bliss, in the Kingdom of God.  You are one with God or the Ocean of Love and Mercy.  The other type is a smaller ecstasy that you experience every day through meditation, through devotional longing, or any type of ritual in order to reach ecstasy.  So when you are in Samadhi, you forget the whole world.   Sometimes you can hear the people around you, but cannot relate to the world.  When you are in a deeper ecstasy, the whole world disappears, and you only see light and God, and feel peace, bliss and ecstasy.

Because the third type of Masters are in and out  of ecstasy at the same time, like Jesus or Buddha, it is difficult to detect them.  They look like ordinary people.  This is the danger of being a third degree Master.  The first kind of teacher, everybody knows you, reverses you, thousands of people follow you.  The second type of teacher, everyone knows and bows to their feet.  You may know it or not because you are in ecstasy all the time and people can see.  But the third type, like Jesus or Buddha, people may throw stones at them, nail them , scold them and kill them, because many people could not believe that they are the sons of god, that they are the Salvation, the Light and the Way of the world, when they are in the physical body and acting like most ordinary men.

So, those who go around and share their secret of the Kingdom of God to people, like Jesus or Buddha did, are in ecstasy and out of ecstasy.  Because, when you are preaching, your real Self is in Samadhi, but your physical self still suffers, still knows pain and sorrow.  Now, the second type of Masters feel no pain in their bodies, no worry, no anxiety, only bliss, all the misery disappears, and there is no word in this language to describe this state.  If you belong to the first and second category, people will recognize you and follow you.  But the danger in being a Master of the third type is that they look like ordinary people, and people might throw stones at them, even kill them because they don’t believe that they are the way to salvation.


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