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Posts tagged ‘path to peace’

Master Duy Tue: For Those Who Wish to Achieve Peace, Success and Happiness in Life – part 3

The second phase is extremely important and essential.  It is a sine-qua-non condition for the third phase, a must condition for love and wisdom to flourish. In the second phase, due to the pay-off in life that most people wish to stay away from life’s pressures and try to envisage a world from which they can runaway.

When it comes to the third phase, which is similar to the first one, there seems to be no need of going anywhere after death: should you talk about Paradise to a baby? The baby is currently in the paradise of his/her own brain and of the surroundings. He/she does not need any notion of paradise.

The nature of the first phase is the transparent naivety of the brain where needs do not come from the thinking mind and it is also the characteristic of a truly grown-up person in terms of spirituality but he/she must reach the third phase to recognize it.

Speaking of happiness or maturity is speaking about the mind’s sublimation but not about knowledge, about political or economic power, much less world power or theological power.  World power does not exist in the domain of happiness or maturity.

In more than 10 years, despite severe misery and all tricks of jealousy from mankind’s selfishness, I kept maintaining my great pledge, enduring my goodwill to help people discover, build up and pave the path to peace of mind. From young fellows to senior people, when implementing the observation technique of respiration outlined in the method of wisdom meditation, the mind as well as emotions are improved greatly. Those people who achieve amazing changes are those who stay close to me listening and practicing what I have shared with them.

In order to reach the third phase of life, practice is essential, not the accumulation of knowledge.  I strongly recommend that the development of knowledge be avoided, since any knowledge will surely keep you drowned deeply in the pay-off phase of life.   Knowledge will not bring about the opposite-direction change to obtain happiness in the third phase.

The only prompt efficiency and most hopeful way is to doubt what you consider as gained knowledge and you should try to find all opportunity to contact and discuss with me.  I will try to create some methods to help you make an approach to the old path.

The following are some implementation methods to help you stay away from the stream of thoughts and emotions.

Let’s look into the details of Wisdom Meditation

What is Wisdom meditation?

It is a simple method to activate the boundless stillness of the brain for the purpose of observing any indication of phenomena in the mind’s operational mechanism such as thoughts, ideas, judgment, reasoning, deduction, greed, past memories, imagined events to come… While doing so, we can rejoin many comfortable peace spaces and wisely react in a natural and successful manner to suit any situation with the mind always being in its unaffected nature.

This meditation technique aims at identifying negative emotions such as anxiety, discomfort, suffering, anger, despair, hopelessness, currently residing in the mind and along with the impact of the meditation, those emotions will disappear and the brain will regain calmness, ease, awareness and transparency in all life situations.

This is a method of training to put an end to the belief or sticker-in-the-thoughts of the brain. A boundless awareness space will then emerge, bringing along required intelligence to come to existence with joy of peace and true happiness. The result of this way of life is that the brain always remains peaceful and a kind of love unaffected by any life condition will come true.  This permanent and everlasting love is the utmost beauty of mankind.   It will bring about unlimited happiness through experiencing a true love, not the kind of love generated from thoughts, judgment or reasoning.  This is the key to open and truly enjoy the happiness inside our mind.

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