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The Root Problem is a Spiritual One

Excerpt from Global Warming Conference
with Master Ching Hai

“Nothing will benefit human health and increase
chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the
evolution to a vegetarian diet”

-Albert Einstein

As I mentioned before, we have to tackle the root of the problem.  The root of the problem is the cause of global warming, and that root is our unkindness to our co-inhabitants.

Every action provokes a reaction, and this is very scientific.

You see, if we sow an apple seed, we will get an apple tree and from that apple tree, after a while it will bear apple fruits for us.  The is a circle of life.  If we kill, we cannot expect life from it.  Every action bears the same fruits afterwards.  It’s not religious speaking, it is scientific.

So, now, the root of our problem is that we have been unkind to our co-inhabitants:  the living, feeling, walking, acting, loving beings, like animals, of all size and shapes.  And we have also been unkind to our environment. So, we have been massacring our co-inhabitant animals, and we have been destroying our environment, like deforesting and destroying the water and destroying the air.  From all this, we cannot expect a better outcome.

These mournful cries, the utter misery and pain of these suffering animals that live in filth, oppressed, in the torturous confines of tight cages, and live in darkness every day, never seeing the sunlight again, and also the extreme agony before and after being killed, have shaken Haven and Earth.

Therefore, the natural disasters, droughts… are to wash away the evil deeds of humankind and serve as a warning, as well as to advise humans to change for the better so that the future would be bright, happy, and there won’t be suffering, similar to that of the animals.

“What you sow, so shall you reap.”  Any holy book teaches us to be like that, so humankind needs to wake up; otherwise, we will have to bear the consequences.

So, in order to solve the problem that we are facing right now, we have to reverse our actions. We have to be kind to our co-inhabitants.  Instead of killing them, massacring them, sacrificing them, we have to take care of them, have to be kind to them, look after them.  And instead of deforestation, we have to plant trees again.  Take care of whatever environment that we have.  And instead of polluting our planet, the air, we have to turn to friendly energy and sustainable energy. Just reverse our actions.

We should be in coordination with the universal energy, the loving law of nature.  If humanity does not respect other forms of life, then the life of humans will also be in peril, because we are all interconnected.

We all depend on each other to survive, down to the little worm that makes our land arable.  But if people turn away from killing, and choose the animal-free lifestyle, they will harvest from the seeds of peace and kindness.

We pray that enough people do so, and quickly, as we are running out of time.

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